Twenty Nine.



Ahmad decided to choose three best men from the station as guards in his home as the commissioner had asked him to. There is no need having guards when the gates won't open for anyone but him. With Fatima in the house though, he can never be too sure of her smartness as it tends to risen every second. Even with her craziness, he will have to give her the credit of having a very good smart ass brain. Mostly with drama and fury like hers, they tend to lost one thing or the other but she gathered them all.

He pivoted to make his way back to his office when he heard a female voice calling out to him in short breaths. He knew when his attention is needed and when it is meant for someone behind or close to him. Yawing around, he found Fatima's friend, Betsy standing few feet away from him while panting. With furrowed brows deepened in concentration, he moved back to where she is and pass her the bottle of water in his hand which she took gratefully and gulped down a huge quaff.

She wiped her mouth, close the bottle and stood straighter as if she's just gained strength from the water. "This will have to be blunt, there is no time for pleasantries." She licked her pink lips. "Fatima just called me now and said she needed me right there with her. She's never sounded so vulnerable like she did minutes ago when she called me so please allow me there. She said something about the gates not going to open up for me so I thought I should come directly to ask for this huge favor. She's never asked to see me when she is in trouble, please don't make this first time be a disappointment. I don't want her to not rely on me anymore. Please." She folded her two hands in pleading gesture while Ahmad focused on what she's said.

Fatima in trouble? He left her perfectly alright in the car, she was actually ready to insult his head off had he not left her in the car to another one of his. Is this another scheme Fatima is plotting for her own entertainment, because he is not about to join this fun of hers. She might be trying to run away for all he knows but that is the last thing he will allow Fatima to do, run away. Her father wouldn't like that and he won't have his wife running off to another place without his knowledge whether he likes her or not. She is now under his care and he'd be damned before he got proved wrong. He will make sure she knows whom she's dealing with.

He settled his strength on his left foot and surveyed her from head to toe. She does seem in a hurry to reach out to Fatima but it doesn't mean he would believe this charade. With Fatima, he tends to forget that he is a police officer that could read out people's offenses by just looking at them. She has her way of outsmarting him all the time which is unacceptable. At this point though, he neither trusts this woman in front of him nor Fatima.

"How could I trust what you're saying is true? It might be another drama." His voice is smooth, carrying the air of a respectable man with mature brain.

Betsy visibly gulped and blushed remembering what has happened and what his mind is webbing in his head. That forsaken incidence back in the Babagana mansion when she agreed to go through a stupid plot Fatima made. How could she even go through such low standard? What was Fatima thinking when they did that few days ago? On God, she knew Fatima is also regretting what has happened because it is not the sort of game they like to play. They play for more dirty than that which just brought them lower off their standard.

Deciding that that is not important at the moment and knew Fatima is really in trouble, she beseeched. "You don't have to trust me. Just send someone with me or you can come with if you're not busy."

Ahmad gave a thoughtful nod at her suggestion even though he's thought about it before she said anything. "You're right. But unfortunately or rather fortunately, I'm quiet busy right now but I'll send some officers with you."

Even if he were not busy, Ahmad wouldn't go back to that house to watch another round of drama from Fatima. He is done with her for good. Certainly, he is going to take care of her and do his duties as a husband but not stay there while her dramatic head activates. He's been through them to last him this lifetime and more others to come -he'd wish to never see her in another lifetime though. This is punishment enough he is enduring, fate handling him to such ruthless woman. Thank goodness he's stopped trusting and liking that gender long ago.

The sting from the scratch she's inflicted on him itched at that time, reminding him just what he's been through the first time he met her after they got married. She knew he was her husband but that was how she welcomed him, imagine what will happen in the next few days. He has locked his door before he slept yesterday just in case she decided to go on with her rough play. He won't be a victim. Fatima's anger usually blind her from seeing the right thing so the judge might just let her go while he is dead and turning in his grave.

Betsy nodded gratefully and waited with baited breath as he flew around orders to the few police officers around them. The way all the people he's called bowed to him and showers myriad amount of respect really disarmed her. She was not joking when she told Fatima he is a respectable police officer and they will not rest until Fatima and her are proven wrong. They would've packed their dirty smelly shit in their hands had they played such dirty trick with him. Thank God she thought to stop the game before it goes further.

Both male and female respect and adore him, answering his commands with eagerness. Not even in movies had she seen this sort of respect given to a man of few ranks higher than them.

After a few words exchanged with a Constable named Ashiru, three police officers ushered her out of the station while she threw a grateful smile behind her at Ahmad. She knew he was going to allow her there but never thought he wouldn't waste her time before doing so. Fatima had treated him badly the very first day they met so there is no reason for him to do her any good but here he is caring about his wife. Well, maybe not caring but he isn't doing what she thought he would. Dump her in the outside world and forget that she exists.

She drove her Peugeot 206 in front of the police car behind her. The address Fatima sent her is thirty minutes away from the police station but she drove roughly that shorten the time to twenty minutes. She didn't care that the officers where honking behind that she slows down, she wouldn't listen to them which forced them to drive as fast as she did for she is the one who knew the address and not them. When they finally arrived at the estate, one of the officers pressed the remote and the enormous black gates opened wide to a long driveway.

Betsy sighed and drove down the three minutes drive before the main building where she got awestruck by the sight in front of her. It is a freaking huge log cabin! Her eyes widened in amazement as she stared at the magnificent exquisite building before her. What? She's never seen anything like this with her eyes and why not take it in? Albeit Babagana mansion is beautiful and gargantuan, it is nowhere close to this. Talking of Babagana... Shit! She is here to see Fatima Musa Babagana and not the house she is living in.

Hastily leaving the car, she rushed to the front door where she found open with the same remote by the police officers behind her, she accelerated inside without stopping to glance at her surrounding and survey the posh interiors. Her voice loud and echoing, she yelled out Fatima's name with urgency until she heard her muffled answer from upstairs where she rushed to without stopping. The second she reached the room Fatima is, she saw her curled on the bed like she's suffering from some sort of unknown illness.

As she moved closer to where her friend is, Betsy stopped to see that her friends face is pale and lips are a bit too light in color than normal pitch. Fear and panic gripped her guts but she didn't dare show it on her face in fear that Fatima would freak out too and then nothing could be done.

What has happened to Fatima from yesterday to today? She was perfectly alright when she left her there yesterday in the hospital.

"What's wrong? Why are you shivering and pale?" She placed the back of her hand on Fatima's forehead but flinch back at the low temperature.

Fatima shivered hysterically, her teeth chattering uneasily. Fatima had never caught cold in her life but she did yesterday when she wouldn't leave the car due to her stubbornness. Her eyes blinked several time at Betsy, half expecting her to know what is wrong albeit looking and sounding stupid.

"I think i-it's col-d." She shivered some more, drawing the duvet to her head to cover her up against the Arctic bite of winter. She shouldn't have stayed back in that car when she knew very well that harmattan is in its depth and won't be absent because of her mutinous ways. The cold got her to the core yesterday as she could remember shivering due to it in the car.

Betsy started thinking on what to do. The room is cold which means it will only worsen Fatima's condition. She stared at the walls in the room but didn't find any air conditioner but at the far end of the walls, she saw it. Bronze 5tons smart inverter gencool floor standing air conditioner and she trudged there like her only solution at the moment. She watched the thing with keen eyes before pushing on the button that has a red dot beside it and hot air gush out. She suspire before standing back on her feet to close the windows, adjust the curtains to block out sun rays.

She went to the bathroom in search of first aid kit. She knew surfeit about medicines, especially when it comes to cold because she's been a victim of that tough illness. She found the medium sized first aid kit in one of the cabinets below, opened it to check whether there is procold and other medicines. A grin broke off from her face when she found what she is looking for, took the medicines and left for the room. Fatima is now sleeping but she's shivering here and there, Betsy sat down beside her on the bed and waited for her to wake up. Sleep with cold is almost an impossible thing, she knew she would wake up soon.

Smoothing the hair flying off from it's tight bound, Betsy stared at her ruefully. Fatima has been through so much that it makes her heart ache a little too much when she thinks of it. She has cried for Fatima yesterday when she remembered how she's reacted to the news of her marriage with Ahmad, too many emotions that no human is allowed to handle all by himself. She's seen her crumble down in something Fatima would never wish to become, too emotional and helpless. If there was a way, she would've definitely helped Fatima like she did her but there is no way! She cannot help her.

When Fatima woke up much later into the day, Betsy fed her the medicine the cajoled her to sleep so she can make a soup for her. She made it sure the pepper will help her with the flu.

Betsy wanted to leave as the sun began to set but Fatima told her to stay back for the rest of the day and she can go back home tomorrow. Betsy agreed and went downstairs to wait for Ahmad -after making sure Fatima is comfortable and warm- so she could tell him about her staying with Fatima, it is his house after all. They shouldn't take him by surprise when he sees her tomorrow morning making breakfast for Fatima or if she walks in the night to check on her.

When Ahmad came back home, he wasn't at all surprised to see Betsy mainly because he saw her car outside. He saw her sitting quietly in the living room with the television on but her attention wasn't on what's going on or she would've ran away in fright, horror movie. He didn't want to make no sound to not alert her but then what? How would he know what has happened in his absent and what the hell is she still doing in his home deep into the night? He has the right to know so he intentionally removed his shoe with a clack sound on the wood beneath him.

She yawed around to look at him, her eyes blank but her face is ladened with concern and lines that shows just how worried she is for her friend. Maybe this is not a charade after all.

Betsy stood up from the sofa and made her way to him while wringing her fingers in one another. When she stood before him with merely four feet between them, she opened her mouth to talk. "Welcome." He nodded curtly at that, patiently waiting for her to go on because from the look on her face, she has a lot to say but don't know where to start from or if she is supposed to talk at all.

"Can we sit down?" She gestured to the L-shaped sofa with her long fingers, his eyes followed where she's pointing at and gave a quizzical expression. Why do they need to sit down now? "I have quiet a lot to tell you." She explained at his reluctance.

Still perplexed, he gave a brisk nod and went ahead to sit down at the edge of the L while she sat in the middle. She was quiet for a little while before she burst out as if she's been meaning to say all that but never got the chance to.

"First, I want you to know that whatever I'm going to talk to you about has nothing to do with drama or charade. This is all me and what I want to talk about." She took a deep breath and release it. "I honestly don't know where to start from but let me tell you something you don't know and won't ever know if it's from Fatima, she has never been loved. You definitely think that is not an excuse for someone to become so rebellious but that is because you are not in her shoes. Fatima never knew the meaning of love her entire life. All she does is devote over her father only for him to push her away and rule over her life while ruining it at the same time. I don't like her father, I despise him because of what he's done to her.

"If given the chance, Fatima is the best person out there but no one ever considered giving her that chance until it was too late. And do you know the worst thing Musa Babagana and his first wife did to shatter the previous little girl?" Ahmad wanted to stay neutral and unbothered but he found his head shaking in no, he has no idea but wants to know what exactly happened to that family. He's searched throughout his feed but there is nothing about their past.

Betsy took a shallow shaky breath again, shaking her head as if she cannot believe what she is about to say and the hatred for Musa Babagana keep on developing in her heart. He could see it in her face. "I hope I don't regret telling you this." She murmured underneath her breath, cross her arms over her chest and lean her head supine on the headrest of the sofa. "They declare her a murderer when she was just a little girl. An incident happened that she wouldn't tell me about, I happen to be with her when she had this nightmare that they should stop calling her a murderer that she didn't kill him. She kept whispering pleads while crying for her father and mother then she fell into a restless sleep while I couldn't go back to sleep for the rest of the night. She never talked about it with me but it's been bothering her and eating her up her whole life. I'll see her scratching words on desks or notes and they are related to murder. Something is not right with Fatima, mentally.

"Yes, I'm telling you this because I want you to help her. Maybe not as husband duty but as a police officer, your work is to help people which I hope you will do to my dear friend. I cannot help her. I know how stubborn she is but please, don't pay heed to her craziness and just try to help her. Just help her please. I'm begging you, help Fatima. I don't want to lose her. She's become more than a sister to me, I'd do anything for her, trust me. You need to help her before it's too late."

Ahmad is galvanized. No, that is an understatement. He couldn't move from his sit even when Betsy knelt down to beg him to help her friend or when she started sobbing with her shoulders racking. His mind is jumbled and meddled in mud. He's expected to hear many things from the Babagana's past but not anything like murder. Or Fatima being accused of the murder itself just when she saw a little girl. How did she cope growing with her parents accusing her of murdering someone?

She surely needs help but at the same time, he is going to investigate what this murder is all about and what more secret are those family hiding from the world. It's his job as a police officer and also husband.

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