

"Ruuu!" Adeelah Muneer ran to embrace her older sister upon their arrival into the Babagana compound.

"Adi!" Ruwaidha hugged her back with the same enthusiasm if not more. The duo stay glued for a whole minute as if reminiscing good old memories with just the hug. They have tears leaking from the edges of their eyes making Ahmad wonder why the sudden tears.

"I missed you so much, Ru." Adeelah is the first to move, she stared at her sister from head to toe as if amazed that she is really there with her. It's been twelve years since they've last seen one another face to face. That was when Adeelah's husband agreed that they should go to Texas for a visit.

"I missed you too, Adi. Like so so much you have no idea." Ruwaidha beamed before directing her eyes to the two children standing behind Adeelah quietly accessing everything from behind. The kids have grown so much from the last time she's seen them!

"Oh my, don't tell me this is Aalia and Ziyaam!" Ruwaidha's beam brightened even more, it glimmered with sheer astonishment of what she is seeing in front of her. There is no doubt, children grow up so fast when you don't want them to.

"Yes, that's Aalia and Ziyaam in front of you. All grown up huh?" She smiled adoringly at her children standing so politely like guards. They were so excited to meet their cousins and Aunt just hours ago but look at them, all polite and quite. She chuckled, those kids are more mischievous than ten year old kid.

"Wow, they sure grew up into beautiful and handsome fellows. How many hearts have you both broken so far?" She winked but the kids blushed at her question, she move ahead to hug them while chuckling. They are so cute looking like twins when they aren't.

Aalia is the oldest being eighteen years old while Ziyaam currently rocked seventeen but they are like twins at each other's throat everyday. Ziyaam grew taller than Aalia and started to think he is older than her too which isn't the case. That is his prospect at this age though, it is going to change pretty soon after reinventing himself from highschool.

"Good afternoon, Aunt." They greeted in unison after pulling away from the hug. They only get to talk to her through calls and face time but never knew her after they grew up. They were just kids when they last saw her, her memory faded along with her with time so they are being meticulous now.

"Ma Sha 'Allah, so beautiful." She smiled and move aside to introduce a stoic looking Ahmad that totally forgot his manners to greet his Aunt and have a friendly conversation with his cousins like he's seen people do. He's never talked to them during those phonecalls, he evaded them like a plague and rather wallow in his room researching.

"Ahmad, why are you standing there on guard? Come over and say hi to your Aunt and cousins." She beckoned him with her hand, yawing her attention to Zafar who is hiding behind Ahmad's strong long sturdy legs. The little guy isn't comfortable with stranger, she get why.

"Good afternoon, Aunt." He bit his lips hoping he's said the words right and didn't make any mistake. His eyes are down casted, that is a sign to show he respects someone. He never worries about greeting anyone since they don't have much relatives there in Texas. Even his father's relatives live in California, they don't see them often.

"Ahmad, you have grown taller! I haven't seen you in how many years now and look how you grew so handsome. Ah, Ma Sha Allah. Is there any woman now?" She wiggled her brows, he could only slip off a ghost smile and shake his head. Any woman? Ha, what a joke!

"This one is now allergic to women I'm telling you. Maybe we should just merge him with Aalia so we can brag." Ruwaidha jeered from behind, taking Zafar up in her arms so he can stop being afraid of the people he is going to stay with for awhile.

"Ah, what a nice idea." They laughed together at the inside joke, their own anecdote, not knowing the reactions they are getting from the people in question.

Ahmad didn't bother giving any attention to what they are saying, he merely rose his head to smile at his cousins which they reply with a greeting. He could say, they are respectful and polite from just one glance which means him staying there won't be any problem not that he wants to stay there for long, definitely not.

Yes, his mother managed to cajole him into staying there with them for a few weeks and he agreed for he has no choice. He can't stay away from his mother and brother for long, they need each other a times. But if the time comes, he'd rather live in the police quarters than stay there for more than a few weeks. His principles and pride will be bruised.

The matter about a woman should better be dematerialized from their heads because he hates women! He's been with one, stayed with one and loved one, but what happens next? She didn't only ruin his entire life and view, she's ruined his whole world, family, work and anything he's ever loved. That is enough lesson for him to take to his grave! Women are such deceitful creatures, always filled with venom to spit out and destroy you.

So no, there is no woman and won't be any woman again in his life.

While Aalia on the other hand could only blush and feel those tingles inside of her. She is obsessed with this man even before she saw him face to face. Their Aunt sends his pictures to their mother from time to time and those pictures are enough to make her have a colossal crush on him. He is a successful police officer, well respected one back in Texas. Everyone loves him, he is devoted to his work and loves his family like his life.

He is so handsome, the exact definition of the man she has always dreamt of. Ahmad Hakim Al-Hafiz is her dream guy! So tall, not too bulky with arms that can envelope her chubby self safely in them, she can lie her head on his wide chest. That bronze skin that never felt the heat of Nigeria, beautiful!

Hearing their mothers joking about getting them married gave her hope, it blossomed into a tremendous tree inside of her. It means, she can easily ask them to get them married and they will agree. She will have to wait for at least a year, to get closer to him so they won't think her decision is rash and childish. If they always see them together, talking and going out on small siblings date, they might agree without preamble. Perfect, she will make him hers no matter what.

She smiled inwardly at her idea, her friends will give her a hats off.

All of them are patiently waiting for this so called perfect man to arrive. They'd see a handsome man and swoon but she will only roll her eyes and say she's seen better. They have been anticipating his arrival since she heard about it and told them. She refuse to show them his photo, saying it is better that they see him with their naked eyes to judge well. She can't wait for them to see him, they won't only swoon, they'd fall flat on their faces.

And not to forget, the whole country is waiting for the 'American Police Officer that is going to join their force' patiently. If she tells them he is the one, they won't allow her to rest.

"Oops, let's go inside now." Adeelah took Zafar away from her older sister even as he wiggled, not wanting to be with a stranger. Kids are so cute, she missed having one herself for some reasons nonnegotiable.

The group of six made their way inside the sumptuous mansion that is way too gargantuan for few people. But the house is no doubt the most exquisite one they've seen since their arrival to Nigeria. Then again, what do they expect from a rich man mentioned in Forbes?

"Oh my, so much to feast on, Adi. We are not guests, why so much trouble?" Ruwaidha chuckled seeing the varieties of food on the dining table waiting for them. So many Nigerian dishes on the table like she's dreamt of coming to see. She is tired of those continental ones, she wants to try the one from her homeland.

"You are not but I know how much you love Nigerian dishes, I hope Ahmad does too. We spent the whole day in kitchen." Adeelah giggled, ushering the maids to open all the casseroles so they can chose which to start from.

She's made semovita, wheat, rice and cassava tuwo for them and for the soup, she cannot count the ones Aalia keep suggesting. There is Otong, Afang, Banga and a lot more traditional ones. Those are the kinds of soup their mother will always cook for them when they were younger, she decided to take her down the lane again. Also because she's asked the helpers to slaughter a while cow for them just for this.

"I do, thank you." That's true, he loves Nigerian food especially the ones made by his mother. From the looks of the ones in front of him, he sure is going to enjoy and thank God there is no jet lag for all the trio of them. His mother usually never gets jet lagged, Zafar has already slept and he on the other hand, is hungry.

After their meal and countless of talks about so many subjects, they transfer themselves to the family living room to have good nonalcoholic wine. The parents are filling each other on their lives as if they are not always on phone calls while Ziyaam is just bored and surfing through his social media. Aalia on the other hand is staring at Ahmad discretely so no one will suspect her tremendous crush on him so soon. Ahmad is playing with Zafar and the little guy is about to fall asleep already.

A man, more like a guard looking heavily armed in all jet black walked inside the room after announcing his presence through the intercom. The matriarch of the house have her brows furrowed knowing the man has never walked inside for there is nothing in there for him to do. He is assigned to guard outside the house along with his colleagues not inside. Ahmad's instinct were suddenly heightened, ready to save lives if needed.

"Sorry to interrupt, Ma'am. Madam Fatima's chauffeur won't be able to get her from college because his leg is badly injured and the other chauffeurs were given off by you. It's almost time for her to come back and there is no one to bring her home now." He bowed his head, explaining further but he held back. He is actually keeping himself away from making her panic.

"Oh God, this is bad. What are we going to do now?" She dismissed the guard knowing he won't be able to help, he does not drive. And Alhaji Musa Babagana likes it when his employees work at their assigned jobs and she's gave the chauffeurs off because both her children and her won't be going anywhere that day, why not allow then to rest?

"What's wrong?" Ruwaidha questioned in a calm voice, her eyes looking around her sister's face.

She knew about the stepdaughter her husband has, she is all grown and older than Aalia. And she also knows that her sister loves that stepdaughter of hers a lot, she loves her almost more than she does her children. Everything she does is to please Fatima but she's never seen Fatima around or heard her voice when they are on phone. She doubts if they are on good terms, the girl looked to be trouble since she was young.

"You know Fatima right? Musa's first daughter. She's stuck in school without anyone to bring her back 'cause she injur-" she cut herself off, she don't want to say anything bad about Fatima in front of them. She don't want them portraying her as a bad person.

"Ohh, Ahmad can go pick her up if you want?" It seems like that is the only solution, Ziyaam is underage and Aalia cannot drive a car to save her life. She refused to learn how to drive.

"Uh, yes sure. I'll send the address to you, pick any car you want in the garage. Ziyaam, show him the garage please." Adeelah was a bit hesitant but she can't do anything, that is the only solution.

Even she cannot drive, thought it was useless with so many chauffeurs assigned for each one of them. She is not sure what is going to happen if Fatima sees that Ahmad is the one to drive her home, Adeelah felt shiver run down her spine. There is no doubt there would be lots of drama if he goes there, he looks short tempered too. She has no choice, she don't want to anger the girl further by not sending someone to pick her up. The trouble is too much, her stomach churned thinking about the outcome.

Ahmad stood up and left with Ziyaam leading the way to the garage. His phone pinged with a message, there is no doubt his Aunt just messaged him the address. He didn't mind picking anyone from school when there is no one to do so for them, he is happy about it too. He can at least leave the sight of those two women that won't stop talking about things he never want to hear.

Frost Mazda CX-30 2020 is the one Ahmad chose, that is the exact car he used to drive back in Texas before he gave it to Oliver, he's always admired the car. He didn't have it in him to sell it to the man, he's done more than he could ever do to him so he gave him. Besides, he is not poor to think about selling a car to his only close friend.

The drive to the university is quick, he reached there in no time with the help of GPS. He can only admit to one thing, Adamawa State is one pretty place and looks quite peaceful too. There are so many pretty people going on with their day but most of the streets are empty except for beautiful colossal houses with equally gargantuan trees surrounding them.

The college is filled with so many students, he cannot see where or who he is looking for neither had he asked for her photo. He only knows her name which is Fatima and then glued it to his Aunt's husband name to Fatima Musa Babagana, he hopes that is going to help him point her out. Besides, her father is quite influential in the country which means a lot of people will know about her and lead him to her. His eyes keep darting, as if she is going to pop out of nowhere with her name on her forehead.

There are so many students, his eyes bled at the sight of them. From tall to average back to short, dark, fair and chocolate even the colour of sand. He chuckled at his own inner joke, it's good making fun of people without knowing who or what their story is. His lips thinned seeing some men groping a lady but it seems that she liked what is going on so his eyes shift to another location. He won't ruin his mood with useless girls.

Being there for ten minutes and roaming around the school without any sign of progress, he dismounted the car to search for her on foot. There are too many girls instead of guys, it would be easy to ask a boy instead of a girl. He's had so many experience with white ladies, he is afraid the dark ones are worse than those whites. His onyx tinted Dior wayfarer sunglasses shield his eyes from the bite of sun but is getting too much attention from the women there.

"Hello, I'm looking for someone." He stopped an innocent looking lady to ask. The rest all look like they are ready to take him down if he jumps.

"Sure, I hope I know this person." She smiled kindly, her eyes darting here and there but not staring straight at him. Is she married or something?

"Do you know Fatima Musa Babagana?"

"Yes, I know her." She has a smile of holiness on her face as she answered making him wonder if she looks up to that woman or not. Seems like she loves her!

"Good, where is she please?" A bit hope that he can finally leave this sun back to the cocoon of air conditioner in the car.

"I don't know where she is right now, Sir. But her department is that way." Her hand point at another road in front of them, "Take first left and you'll land there."

"Thank you." He left to go get this so called Fatima Musa Babagana.

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