Thirty One.


"No. I won't divorce you."

Fatima clutched the revolver hard in her hand watching him stand as gracefully as he's always been. She gnashes her teeth, knowing the revolver in her hand will shoot any moment as she's not in her right state of mind. It's cylindrical chamber is supposed to hold the bullets and the minute one goes, it circles itself and bring forth the next. This man knew damn well she knows how to handle a gun but there is something about his smugness that irked her, she hates when he has the upper hand which is almost all the time now. She doesn't play games like this, she needs to be at the top.

Raising the gun up, she pulled the trigger but didn't direct the gun at him, it's on the rock wall and when nothing happened, she looked at the gun in confusion then open the gun to search for bullets but found none. She let out an angry outcry and threw the gun on his chest then rushed out of the room wrathfully. Ahmad stared after her in amusement. He wasn't stupid to allow a gun loaded with bullets in the house when he knew about the psycho in his house. There is no way in hell he would commit such suicide even with his life going in such an unpleasant manner.

Fatima went to her closet and pack so many clothes inside a huge suitcase then rush down stairs with her mind set on leaving the goddamn beautiful house. Once she reached outside the threshold and found police officers guarding the gate, her fury knew no bound. She rushed back inside, went to the kitchen and get kerosene then gas match. The next thing she saw was the clothes she's packed ready to leave burning down to ashes faster than she's lit the fire. She breathed heavily, watching in sheer myriad anger before she felt something prickling behind her neck and instantly she is aware of Ahmad watching from the stairs.

She raised her head to stare right through him with the smoke going upwards between them. She's forgotten that the floor is wooden and the fire might caught the whole house. Just when she thought she would leave the house for it to burn down with it's owner, two police officers rushed in with fire extinguisher. Glaring at the duo, she stomped back up the stairs while bumping Ahmad on her way who did little to acknowledge her little tantrum. He shook his head in annoyance and left for his room to change into his uniform and go meet his mother. He'd rather face his mother's drama than Fatima's, it is draining his energy.

He left the house few minutes after the commotion -which was cleared before he finished dressing by the officers. The drive to Babagana mansion is filled with so many things that none could stay rooted in his head. All he could think is what his mother wants to talk about that is so urgent and serious. Whenever she wants to talk to him, she would just ask him to come but never mind telling him whether it's serious or not. This time around, she was austere about the seriousness in the matter they are to discuss.

He arrived at the mansion and greeted the familiar guards outside then parked his car just few feet away from the main house. He doesn't want to encounter more people than necessary and parking his car in the parking lot will mean greeting all the guards around the house and he is not up for that exercise. He knew that whatever it is he is going to discuss with his mother is catastrophic so there won't be time for pleasantries. Silently, he didn't know when he started supplicating as he made his way inside the main house while dialing her number. She didn't answer like he's expected but she knew why he's called anyway.

The main parlor is empty except for the maids polishing the consoles and mirrors. He continued down the hallway where the receiving room is and found his mother there all alone. More perplexed since he expected to see her with his aunt Adeelah, he stopped at the door for a little while then entered. She knew about his presence in the room the minute he arrived because her spine straightened in defense but she didn't turn around to acknowledge his presence. It's going to be a big ass lie if he said it didn't annoy him that she is giving him a cold shoulder. She's never done this before.

"Good afternoon." He greeted as he sat down on the midcentury couch opposite where she is so they can look at one another. At least, she won't be able to avoid him this way.

She took her time before replying then raising her head to look at him. She made a look of distaste because whatever it is that she is seeing on his face or appearance didn't sit well with her. "See the way you've thinned and aged in the matter or two days. I knew this marriage would bring nothing but bad luck." She shook her head in dislike before schooling her expression again as if she's not supposed to be concerned about how he looks.

Ahmad will never begin to answer why the need to defend his marriage in front of his mother is so strong that he couldn't stop the words from slipping off his lips. He just knew that he had to defend this conjugal in front of his mother. "It has nothing to do with the marriage. I got too busy with work, that's why."

She didn't believe him, it is written all over her face but she decided to drop the matter yet again. Whatever she is planning to tell him seems more important than matters related to Fatima Musa Babagana. She's gathered her wits and all defensive words against her son and won't let this slip without her getting her way.

"Whether it is the marriage or work, that is more of your business." She kept quiet contemplating on what to say next. She's thinking whether to be blunt or beat around the bush but then remembered her son wouldn't like that and beating around the bush has never been their style. "I want you to marry Aalia."

Ahmad was quite and still like he wasn't sitting there but he is. Her words were merely a whisper that brushed past his ears but didn't both stopping to register what it means. He stared hard at her, waiting for her to turn and look at him so he could read what she's said in her eyes but she didn't. Instead, she stared at the coffee table in the middle of the room as if counting the lines of wood there. Ahmad refused to talk until she pivots to look at him. He will act like he didn't hear what she's said so she can repeat herself all over again.

When she finally did turn to look at him, her eyes were stern and unforgiving. She's mulled over this idea for a long time and there is no amount of argument from his side that could protect him from such liaison. What had his mother been thinking about now? She wants him married to his cousin after he just got married to her half sister? Don't they know that it is islamically not permissible for a man to marry two sisters at the same time except if the other is dead or he's divorced her? And he is not going to divorce Fatima and the last time he's checked, Fatima is not dead.

"It is impossible." He answered, leaning back supine on the couch while spreading his palms downwards on his powerful thighs.

"Oh it's possible. There is something you don't know but I'm about to reveal it to you now." She leaned forward, opposite what he just did which proves that she has the upper hand.

Confused and afraid that what she is about to say will make it possible for him to marry his cousin. What the hell did they take him for? A marriage asset or what? First he is married to Fatima and now they want him married to her half sister? Maybe he should wake up from this nightmare and fly to Texas before it comes true.

"What is it?" He asked briskly and impatiently, traits he's not knows for but they are pushing him to the edge. There is little a man in his position can take and he is at the brink of snapping at everyone.

"Aalia is not Musa Babagana's biological daughter. Which means Fatima is not her half sister but stepsister which makes it more than permissible for you to marry her." She dropped the bomb as if that is the most simplest thing on earth to understand but Ahmad didn't comprehend much. How could they play such trick on him? What is going on?

Tired, he closed his eyes. "I can't get married to her. I told you I'm never going to marry again but got married by chance and you still think I'm up for another marriage? Don't you have any compassion towards what I'm feeling and what I want? Fatima enough is a huge discomfort to my life and you want to add more?"

Ruwaidha is not having it though, she is not going to let him slip off this one easily. "Just like you value your promise, I also value mine. Ive promised Adeelah to get you both married the minute Aalia finishes high school but circumstances have it that you will have to marry her earlier than said. Your past shall be left there, Ahmad. You are going to marry Aalia."

He stared at her, his emotions out and open for her to see the vulnerability and pains he's hidden for years. She knew about what has happened because it has affected her just as much as it did him and the fact that the result of that horrendous past is bounded to them didn't make life any easier. Her pain was real but she knew his was more deeper and scorcher than hers could ever be. If she goes through with this wedding, Ahmad will forever hold a grudge against her for she is becoming another source of his pain albeit knowing all he's been through.

Her face crumbled under his eyes and she move to where he is sitting, held his head to her bosom in maternal embrace. It's been long since he allowed himself to get this pampered by his mother. She brushed her fingers through his hair and whispered how everything is going to be alright in his ears. "You won't have to marry her but I've promised to make you court her and see where it goes. I'm sorry I didn't think things through when I made my own stupid promise. I hope it doesn't work so you won't have to go through another round of pain. I was such a fool."

Ahmad didn't say anything. What could he say when words are out of his head and thoughts are merely fragments of imaginations? They share the same grief few years ago and anything that will remind him of that is not welcomed but what could they do? Some things are meant to never be forgotten.

Just then, Zafaar came bounding into the room with Ziyaam following closely behind as they play. A smile widened Ahmad's lips as the little guy let out a squeal and came running into his arms. Ahmad's smile widened as he kissed his little brother's forehead and place him gently on his lap where Zafaar keep bouncing and asking countless questions about his absence. Ahmad didn't know what to answer but his mother made up excuse like always.

"He was away with work. He is back now, isn't he?" She tickled him and he giggled very loudly.

Ziyaam greeted him awkwardly before leaving the family to their thing.

"How have you been, little champ?" He ruffled his sable hair so soft and silky underneath his palm. He's always adored his little brother's hair that is so unlike his which is the reason he's never tried allowing his hair to grow longer than necessary.

"I've been good. My school is the best school in whole Nigeria and everyone likes me there. Some say it is my accent while others will keep touching my hair. I don't like it when they touch my hair." He pouted, touching his hair with his hands. His English is not perfect since he doesn't know how to speak completely but sure enough, he has accent.

Ahmad grinned and ruffled his hair some more to annoy the little guy and it worked, he scowled at his older brother but then giggled when he tickled his stomach. Ahmad's expression sobered. "Is there bullying going on around your school or any sort of beating between student and student?"

Zafar kept quite and thought deeply before answering with a shake of his head. "No. No one beats anyone in my school and our teacher asked us to tell her when anyone beats us or eats our food."

Ahmad grinned, that's very good. He's heard about the goddamn bullying that takes place now in schools and since he's seen one himself and is living with a bully, he needs to be more careful. Fatima is proving to be more than he's thought every day and to be honest, he is tired of viewing more sides of her than necessary.

He spent more time there before he thought about leaving just when Aunt Adeelah walked in with Aalia trailing behind her. He didn't say anything to Aalia apart from answering her greetings then greeted her mother too. He gave his mother a meaningful glance before bidding them adieu, Zafar clutched to his shoulder that he wants to go with his brother. Ahmad gave him a chewing from his car and promised to come take him very soon to his new home so he can meet his wife. Zafar was startled at the word wife but then jumped with excitement. Ahmad didn't want to tell him about Fatima but he doesn't want to boy to think him a liar that always goes on fake business trips. It's better to tell him he truth albeit he won't understand it much.

Ahmad made it to the police station just a little before Zuhr and thank God to find out all those he's thought were not working really did a great job in handling some thieves caught few streets away from the station.

"Those boys are shameless. How could they think of stealing in the neighborhood with police station around?" Constable Ashiru shook his head, staring at the three young men locked behind the bars. They all look haggard and jobless.

"I know one of them. He's tried causing trouble just outside the station few weeks ago. I warned him but look at him there puffing like an angry wolf." Another Constable chirped in, glaring at one of the boys that looks particularly more angry and vengeful than the others. He has a scar running from his lower jaw to his chest, an ugly scar.

When Ahmad walked in, they all stood up and saluted. "Good afternoon, Sir." They greeted in unison, their hands making its way back to their sides.

"Afternoon. Hope there is no problem?"

"None, Sir." Constable Ashiru answered, his eyes fixated on the boys again. Then he remembered something. "The commissioner wants to see you, Sir."

Ahmad nodded and left to see whether he's gotten another work or not.

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