Thirty Eight.
Fatima raised her puffy eyes up to look at Ahmad, surprised with both herself and him. How did they get to have a reasonable conversation for the first time in their lives? He just asked what she wants him to do, what does she want him to do for real though? Now that she's even slipped the murder out, what else does she need to say? She's glad he didn't ask about what murder she is talking about, she is not sure she is ready to disclose that part of her life to anyone because it still hurts like a bitch. She's tried consulting so many therapists in the past but none of them could extract two sessions with her. After the first one, she is out of it.
Now as she stared at Ahmad, she's decided something that might not be good for her but what else? He is the only person she has now even though it's going to be temporary. She's going to have him teach her everything about Islam, right from performing ablution to reading the holy Quran. There was no sign of sympathy in his eyes, only wonder and curiosity and she is glad. Anyone that pities her condition is no friend of hers, not that Ahmad is one but at least.
"I want you to-" She paused, she could see her pride and ego trying to take over. Shaytan is about to make her do something stupid so she whispered underneath her breath and licked her lips. "I want you to teach me everything about Islam. Every single thing that is compulsory to a Muslim."
Ahmad nodded then stood up, offered her his hand which she gratefully took and rise also, her other hand holding tight onto the single article covering her nakedness. Ahmad's thought started running helter-skelter, remembering all that had happened the night before, the softness of her lush body and the beauty of her dark skin on his white bed. Groaning mentally at his deranged thoughts, he released her hand the minute she stood up and cleared his throat. Where is he to begin now? They've just had intercourses which means they are to perform ghusl before they pray. Shoot, he's almost forgotten in his shrouded wrath.
"We are supposed to perform ghusl -ritual bath- first before we can perform ablution and pray. Do you know how to do that one?" Fatima shyly bit her lower lip and shook her head in no, he gave a reassuring ghost smile that visibly relaxed her tensed embarrassed shoulders.
Ahmad is trying to sheaf the words he is supposed to use for this Fatima. Had it been the other one, words would've been hauled against one another without any of them biting it down to see how it tastes but right now, he doesn't want to hurt her feelings when she clearly wants to mend her ways. She wants to be closer to her Lord, which is something she should be immensely grateful for, Allah adores her like He does every other but turning back to Him is not something everyone is lucky to go through. Most people tend to meander off the right lane and nothing could bring them back but Fatima, her own difficulties are tiring that she wants to share the burden.
"If we are going to do this, then there shouldn't be any shyness or embarrassment. When it comes to learning, those things are irrelevant." As soon as he closed his mouth, Fatima stood straighter, squared her shoulders and glare at him. Ahmad thought she was going to harangue him again but she surprised him.
"You've got that covered, Sir. Do tell me, what I'm I supposed to do now?" Her face is serious, like the other courageous Fatima he knows except for the traces of tears and the puffiness of her eyes.
"Where is your phone?" He asked instead.
She went to her bedside drawer and took it then handed it back to him. He browsed how to perform ghusl, sat her down on the bed and explained each of the steps for her. After making sure she inculcated everything, he handed her the phone and ask her to go inside the bathroom and use it to bath while he is away to do the same then he will come back for the ablution and prayer. She did like he's showed her, her smile widening with each drop of water that fell on her body because it is as though all her sins are getting washed away with the water and she feels as good as new.
Soon as is out of the bathroom and is changing into new set of clothes. She wore a biscotti long line shirt with regular sleeves and crow skinny jeans, close her head with a small dark veil and waited patiently on her bed for Ahmad to come. She didn't have to wait long because five minutes later, there was a knock on the door before the doorknob turned and Ahmad trudged inside looking clean and drop dead gorgeous. He is wearing a western coffee shirt and straight cut denim jeans. She's never seen him in native wears, she never wears them too.
When he walked in, Fatima was torn in what to do. Should she smile? He is still not her friend, he is only her teacher but what else if not smile so she gave a small fake one that no doubt he noticed it wasn't genuine. "How was your trip?" She asked awkwardly, her smile siding to a grimace.
Ahmad's face contorted to a look of confusion thinking maybe Fatima has lost her memory from her trip to his room and to the bathroom. Maybe this is not the Fatima he's been with yesterday night and earlier this morning in his room. He asked right back nonetheless. "What trip?"
"To your room obviously." She let out an awkward laugh before standing and gesturing to the toilet for the ablution.
He shook his head. If she is not causing drama, she is weird.
Luckily, the bathroom have twin sinks which permits both of them to stand on their own in front of each. Ahmad will start first before Fatima will watch and mimic while asking questions here and there. Ahmad was glad she asked all the necessary questions and he provided her with all the answer he knew and even more sometimes. Along the way, they shared a few stories of the past and then they were done. Fatima again lead the way to her room, get two praying mats from her closet and spray them on the floor but Ahmad stopped her and changed the direction.
"This is where the Ka'abah faces." He explained at her perplexed expression then she remembered, that was the side they faced with Betsy and she always face it, how did she forget about that information today?
She took a hijab from her closet too and wear it, it touched the floor and Ahmad remarked on it. A woman should never pray with her legs out in the open, they should always remain closed either with socks, longer hijabs or longer clothing. He also didn't tell her something but she looked staggeringly becoming, the mocha color blending with her skin and giving it a different tone. She's seen how he'd stared at her longer than necessary though, she didn't remark even with her tongue ladened with sarcasm.
The duo prayed in utter peacefulness, Fatima letting go of all her worries and embracing the fact that she is standing in front of Allah.
Fatima realized something yet again. There is nothing more beautiful than growing at your own pace. Sway with the song and dance with wind, you will keep blooming over and over. When they finished praying, Ahmad took her phone again and typed a few prayers for her that she should be saying whenever she finishes prayer until she get them all in her head. Fatima read them out loud, he corrected her Arabic in few places and she was grateful when he complimented that she did great for a first timer. Again, Fatima knew she is guru by nature and with Allah's grace, she will know everything in a matter of days and go back to making his life hell.
What? She needs to set him straight even after they've finished.
Fatima raised both her palms up like he did and thought of the prayers she first need to do. Why not start with her bitterness?
Ya Allah, I ask you to allow my happiness for people to be pure and genuine. Ya Raheem, I ask you to remove all pride, arrogance, bitterness, envy and resentment from within me. Ya Jabbar, I ask you to make whole my broken heart and dreams. Ya Wali, I ask you to release my tainted intentions and jealousy that destroy good deeds. Ya Quddus, I ask you to protect and purify my heart and soul.
After she's finished, her heart felt at ease that she started to cry silently. This is what she's been missing her whole life, a connection between her and her Creator. Ahmad heard her sniff but didn't turn around to see what is going on, this is her moment and he won't ruin it for her instead he prayed that after this, she won't make his head ache again. You can never be too sure with Fatima, she might stand up right now and strangle him then send him out because she now knows how to do everything or say she can use her phone. Ahmad smiled a little, this lady behind him is a nightmare for real.
Ahmad left the house much later after he made them breakfast. Fatima's mouth dropped to the floor when he passed her a plate in the kitchen as she struggled to make cereal. She couldn't believe her luck because he made roasted chicken, fried Irish potatoes, sausages and eggs. She was eying the whole process as she opened the cereal can, her saliva dropping beside her cheek. Is this man a chef or is he just reheating it after his men have brought it for him?
"Why are you giving me this?" She asked after she's dug in just in case he tries collecting it back for her rude question. What, she can control everything but she cannot control her sharp sass and sarcasm.
Ahmad chewed lazily on his chicken before he replied. "Because you acted like your senses is back in you for once so I'm congratulating you. Congratulations and cheers to many more senses in future."
Her jaw dropped at his own sarcasm. What had this man become? Had she changed him or has he always been this rude too once in a while? Maybe his nonchalance and no-nonsense is just a facade? Aha, you just never know sometimes with people. They tend to borrow someone's behavior for the sake of their profession.
"I never knew you were so rude until this morning." She shook her head chidingly, pushed more than ten Irish inside her mouth with the aid of a fork. Ahmad watched and shook his head.
Ahmad shrugged at her choices of words. "I'm not rude, just my way of answering questions that are laced with sarcasm and stupidity. No offense."
"I don't know whether to find this funny or offensive. It's good to know I'm getting you off your high mighty horse. You are still not my friend, just my teacher for the time being." She used her fork to make circle on his face from where she is.
"I'd rather be your teacher than be your friend too. Being your friend doesn't promise good things so I'm okay with the teacher and student relationship."
Fatima called Betsy later in the afternoon when she got tired of roaming aimlessly around the house. She doesn't feel like going to school after what's happened the day before, she still feels sour all over. It's a great wonder that she wasn't acting all shy in front of Ahmad, she thought she would bury herself when they meet again but that didn't happen. Maybe because they exchanged few choices of words before they departed and hurt one another? Or because she got too emotional for her own mind to focus on that an instant story merged and blurred the other one? Whatever it is, she is grateful for it.
"Hey, girlie. Why aren't you in school today? Don't tell me you've ran away again." Fatima rolled her eyes at her friend's dramatic words. Almost everyone around her expects the worst from her all the time, it's stopped bothering her since it's part of her personality. She caused and brought it upon herself.
"Unfortunately, I'm still here in the tower. Care to come down for some coffee? A lot has happened from yesterday to today." She is going to tell her every single thing that has happened and see whether she will still looking greatly at Ahmad. The way he'd insulted her in the morning, she will even add a few lies.
Betsy arrived thirty minutes later with ice cream, pop corn, extra large burgers and sausage rolls. They sat down on the floor and eat while watching fast and furious nine, that's what they bounced upon. Betsy told her about what has happened today in school with one of their professors who was caught with a student in his office. Fatima never liked the man, he stared at women too much and it's better that they fired him.
Betsy used tissue to clean her mouth before crossing her legs Indian style and faced Fatima squarely. "Now tell me what has happened that got you glowing. Are you pregnant?" She jeered with a laugh but when Fatima didn't share the joke, her face stilled and jaw dropped to the floor. "Don't tell me you're serious." Betsy eyed Fatima, she didn't do anything but sigh.
There is a change in this Fatima, not the other one she knew.
"You know Dr. Mujida suggested marriage because there is something that happens blah blah blah when couple get together and all that shit?" Betsy nodded readily, too eager to remember when that was said. "Well, she came over yesterday and brought shawarma for us. After she's left, we'd eaten it, I actually ate two but he ate only one. Around eight in the evening, things started changing in a weird way and..." She told her everything to how she broke down and how he is going to start teaching her Quran and so on.
Betsy's mouth hung open, she doesn't know what to say to the news and honestly, she wants to digest the whole matter. Fatima Musa Babagana is no more a virgin and she had sex willingly with ACP Ahmad Hakim Al-hafiz.
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