Sixty Seven.


Fatima still stared with her mouth hanging low at the sport car in front of them. Right in front of her is Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300+! That is not a joke. She's not too into cars now but she's seen this particular Bugatti while she was scrolling through her feed. But how did Ahmad get it to Nigeria is a mystery and that too in their home without her knowledge. The orange and black car gazed right back at her with roaring impatience, as if it could feel how impatient she is to sit inside it.

"Is this the surprise?" She didn't turn around to look at him but surveyed the car by rounding it from right to left then a complete circle.

Ahmad came forward and opened the car with a remote, gestured that she settle in the passengers wide which she did excitedly, almost clapping her hands. "This is not part of the surprise actually." He threw her a sideways glance before roaring the car out of the garage in the house. She's never visited the place since her car is now parked outside without those bodyguards. She didn't notice when they stopped following her but they did.

"Oh? I wonder what this surprise is." She gave inquiring eyes at him but he didn't acknowledge it so she scoffed and decided to engage herself with her phone just then it rang, Betsy is calling.

Unknowingly, a smile took over her face because she just realized how much she's missed the girl for the past two days. "It's our graduation!" Fatima hollered as soon as she answered the call but the other side was quiet, so unlike Betsy to be so quiet in such joyous occasion.

"What's wrong, Bets?" Ahmad glanced at her for a few seconds then settle his eyes back on the road, the sport car won't drive itself and with the attention they are getting from people, it's likely they'll cause an accident with those awestruck drivers so he is being careful not to overspeed.

Betsy swallowed thickly at what she's about to say. "I feel like a fool being emotional at this moment knowing we are both going through the same but I can't help it..." she trailed off, her eyes glaring directly at the high heels she's gotten from Fatima, she is supposed to be getting ready but she's low and not in the mood for anything other than her bed and covers. "There won't be anyone there for me, I'll stand all alone while families gather around and cheer but during mine, it's going to be quiet as a graveyard, no one to cheer for me. I'm afraid I'm not as strong as I thought I was, I can't handle it. It's going to harry me for a long time."

Fatima frowned in compassion and sympathy at what Betsy is going through. Had it not been for Ahmad, she would've been in the same situation as her because she won't call anyone to come for her graduation and not even Adda mama or Raheeb, she would've gone through it alone. There are a lot of things Ahmad had changed in her life without knowing so. Few months back, Fatima wouldn't have gone to her graduation but send someone to get her degree or ask them to deliver it to her home but after she's met him, their relationship started with the teacher-student facade, everything had changed.

But Betsy is all alone after the death of her parents a few months ago. She went to Osun State at that time then came back more broken than before. Her uncles took over her father's farms, house and everything. They didn't give a penny to Betsy and she didn't say anything, she vowed to let them do what they want with her father's wealth and depended on her older brother who stays abroad after getting a job as a cook in Dubai. He is the only person left for her in the entire world and she cannot ask him to come back for her graduation and spend a fortune just to fly here and celebrate her graduation. She's actually being selfish, she thought ruefully.

Something Betsy is not aware of is, Fatima settled that long ago after she's thought about how to galvanize everyone on her graduation day and came up with the perfect plan of surprising whole Nigeria, her husband, aunt, cousin and friends too. But since Betsy is a part of her plan and knows about everything she is going to do later in the day, she did something on her own for Betsy too and that was flying her brother Francis to Nigeria for her graduation and a vacation for them both back in Dubai again after.

She cannot wait to see Betsy's face after she tells her about the vacation she's paid for her in Dubai. She smiled to herself then gather up a sober face, smoothen her voice with empathy.

"I do understand how you feel, Bets but we just have to put on a face and don't forget, you are my friend which means the whole of AUN will cheer for you. Have you forgotten what we've planned? You are also a part of it, greater part of it too so don't panic because you might even get a louder applaud than me." She encouraged, grimacing because that is not how they console an emotional person but she is trying right? This is not her field, she will understand.

Ahmad smiled at how Fatima is trying her best to calm Betsy down and goad her. It is so cute seeing her searching for words and talking slowly to sheaf them together so as to not sound awkward but she does. That's not how Fatima Musa Babagana is and Betsy is one lucky woman since she's got that side of Fatima kicking. Their friendship is weird but it is just growing now, they weren't as close as they are now few months ago.

Betsy chuckled, that's so like Fatima to talk and then make it sound like she's asking you a question. "On God, you will be the worst therapist possible. You should be a couple's therapist, I'd like to see you watching them rant then ask them to kiss and keep quiet." Both of them laughed at that because that is something Fatima will do.

"Well, I can't stress myself. Now get up and get ready, I'm almost there and I don't want you to miss the scene. You are the chief here now, you know that right? Leave that dinky place ASAP and arrive before us. Don't stroll, take your car!" She ordered knowing Betsy, she'd better stroll to the school since it's at a walking distance than take her car.

Betsy stood up from her bed and started getting dressed in her lilac tea length dress, sleeveless with sweetheart neckline. "You are acting like the police officer now." She commented, grinning widely because that's true.

Fatima chortled, gazed at her husband before replying. "Whatever, police officer." Ahmad was quick to look up at her, almost getting a whiplash thinking she was talking to him, she is actually but he's ignoring her so he won't tell her the surprise. "Get dressed." She looked away at the window then muttered to Betsy, Ahmad glared at her and focus on driving them safely.

They arrive at the American University Nigeria, Yola State at exactly eleven AM. Ahmad stayed inside the car and viewed the crowd that stopped walking to watch the sport car rolling inside their campus. His eyes settled on Fatima who watched in appreciation, he did that for her. Got the car knowing it's going to earn so much attention and that is exactly what Fatima likes, he can't help chuckling at her pleased expression. What is with her and people's attention, he will never know but he shall support her with it till the end of time. Though a private person, he can breach that for his wife.

Fatima beamed at him when the car got surrounded by curious people which is more than half population of the people inside the college right then. "I love this!" She told him, squinting her eyes to the tinted windshield to see whether there is anyone she knows out there but sadly, no familiar faces but all her course mates her there.

Ahmad called the police officers he came with, four police cars behind them and ask them to clear the crowd for him, he is about to dismount the car. In no time, the crowd were pushed far away from the car and Ahmad opened the door to get down only to stop when Fatima hold his wrist with eyes narrowed into slits. He raised a brow waiting patiently for her to see what her demand or order is and he'll have that fulfilled in no time. She pursed her lips, look outside again before huffing and letting go of his wrist.

"I hope you are going to open my door for me? I'm not into those cheeky gentlemanly behaviors but with this crowd, I want them to have something to talk about for the whole day or perhaps, years. And..." she surveyed the crowd again with narrowed eyes then gave him a devilish grin, showing her whole white teeth. "...the media is here too, they should know whom you got married to. Those little crushes of yours should be ready to have their hearts broken into pieces. I intend to take full advantage of the media and paparazzi today. Now go make a show for me."

Ahmad didn't know whether to smile, laugh or huff. God, Fatima is just viewing more and more sides of her he's never seen before. Her excitement for attention, possessive nature, coldheartedness, everything is there in her aforementioned words. He leaned down and gave her a quick smothering kiss that rendered her speechless, eyes wide open staring at him in wonder and astonished fondness. But the minute they settled on his lips, her face morphed into a scowl at what she's seen there.

"My lipstick." Her scowl still intact, she started browsing through her purse for the lipstick and God saved him, she found it inside or his blood would've been used as lipstick.

Ahmad shook his head, Fatima is something else but he won't change her for anything. He wants her just the way she is, filled with imperfections and flaws. She made him realize that no one is perfect and his facade of flawless nature is irrelevant in the world we live in. She does everything to please herself and never lower herself to the standards of everyone. She cares not whether you like her or not as long as what she is doing makes her happy. Change is not for her for she won't do it for anyone's sake.

"Can I go now?" He questioned after she's perfected her lips and smacked them together. She pursed her lips at him then gave him a peck across his cheek, took a wet hand towel from the cars compartment and cleaned his lips.

She beamed, adjusting his neck tie. "You can but don't look at those girls looking like clowns. Maintain that your nonchalant attitude, I don't like rough play."

Ahmad grinned, laughed then sobered up with an eye roll. "You are so demanding but I'll make sure there's a penalty later." With that, he yawed around and look at the people watching them, they keep augmenting and proliferating by the second and with his door hanging up while opened, curious eyes are peeping to have a glimpse. He sighed, this is not his scene but he will have to endure it for today for the sake of Fatima.

He placed his foot first outside then his entire body slipped out of the car, adjusted the button of his wide notch suit. Gasps, yelps, squeals, giddy gushes, a rise in vocal pitch as some of the audience halt their words were heard all around. Most of them have their mouths slackened, some are staring with incredulous eyes trying to point out where they know someone with that face. Some of them are hugging their friends as they gush at the handsome police officer. It took them a great amount of time to place a name to the face. No one has ever seen him in anything other than his uniform so their surprised and shocked faces is justified.

Ahmad rounded the car and opened the door for Fatima who took her sweet time before placing her hand on his offered one, came out with her head held up high while disregarding more gasps in her wake. Ahmad took her graduation gown, bag and hold it for her before placing his other arm loosely around her waist in a possessive ownership gesture. Fatima didn't smile, her face daring and bold as she stood beside Ahmad so people can see who the person is well. She wanted to wear her sunglasses but then, she wants to see the expressions of people and she is satisfied with it.

Some of them look like they want to faint in shock, she almost laughed but the officers in front of them guided them through the pathway they managed to create. So many people!

Fatima and Ahmad were shown to the graduation field, it's decorated with few VIP tables, a makeshift wide stage where some of their professors and deans will sit. Tiered exposed spectator seatings are made for the graduates then farther end in front of them some people will get to sit down while some will have to stand because she is very sure the people coming are much and these seats won't do anything against the myriad of them. From the population she's seen outside their car, they are already coming back to the field and sitting down while discussing what they'd seen. Fatima hid a smile, take that.

Ahmad looked down at her then place a gentle kiss on her forehead not for the show but an encouragement since they are going to part ways now. He will be at the VIP table and she will be by the other side of the field, he will miss her. Fatima's eyes dilated as she stared up at him, her smile pretty and adorable. "Make sure to cheer and shout at the top of your voice after I'm done with my speech."

He gave her a crooked lopsided smile. "That can be arrange with a loud speaker, worry not. I'll make sure I do more than shouting and cheering, wait for it." Fatima frowned on confusion, he is talking about his surprise and she is getting curious by the minute.

They are standing right in front of the field and beside them, a dj and his arrangements settled so she hopes he won't be too disrespectful to play any song while they are standing g close by. Everyone's attention is still on them, the paparazzi, media and videographer are all hovering around them instead of covering the graduation tapes. Fatima has forgotten about them for a minute there, totally at the mercy of her feelings and fastidiousness. This man in front of her is going to do something that won't just shock her alone, the whole crowd and she cannot wait. She is going to do the same anyway.

"Do whatever it is, I'm ready for your surprise because by then, you're in shock with mine." She dared, her nose raising in defiance which he found cute.

"We shall see." Fatima can't help giving him a quick hug then pull away at the sight of Betsy coming forward from behind Ahmad, she blushed a little.

Not wanting her to comment on what she's just seen as if she didn't just hug him and he kissed her in front of hundreds or even thousands of people, she commented. "You are late, the show is over. You should've seen the faces of those girls, I'd kill to see it again. I hope the media manage to get that tape in." She beamed at Betsy, her smile stretching miles away.

Betsy grumbled, she's seen everything unfolding. "I was there, squashed in between to smelly armpits." Fatima laughed so hard at that earning a smile of adoration from Ahmad, he cannot just stop staring at her that blessed morning. Every smile, laugh and expression on her face is registered in his head already. "It's not funny please. How can someone be smelling so early in the morning? The day hasn't started yet!"

Fatima doubled over, holding her stomach in process, oblivious to the people watching in sheer astonishment at Fatima Musa Babagana laughing so hard and happy. What the actual hell! She's shocked them coming here in a sport car with her handsome drop dead husband, transferred Texan police officer. Plethora of questions are already circulating their heads and now she is happy and filled with felicity? What has happened to her? She's suddenly a changed person when they are passing out, on their graduation day. Most of them won't see her again for the rest of their lives. They'd love to be in this Fatima's presence.

"Stop making me laugh so hard. Gosh, I can't believe you endured all that. You didn't talk to them?" Fatima dabbed her forefinger across the edge of her right eye where a single tear is about to slip from and ruin her makeup.

Betsy pursed her lips even with the amusement bubbling inside her and shining in her eyes. "I gave them my bottle of rose perfume, of course. They'd ruin other people's day with such odor. I hope they use it wisely."

Ahmad was quick to round them and hold Fatima in his arms because the sudden guffaw she's discharged almost knocked her off her balance. Betsy smiled at the sight, so adorable. But it doesn't mean those two men didn't ruin her morning, she almost vomited for real. How could they?! Her expensive rose perfume.

"Bets, please stop talking. I'll gift you many more perfumes, it's alright." Fatima leaned back supine against Ahmad, a large grin etched on her lips as she breath through her nose and suspire with her mouth.

Betsy shrugged then her attention went to Ahmad who's adjusting the edge of Fatima's turban back in place. The minute she gets a man like Ahmad Hakim Al-hafiz, there is nothing that will stop her from getting married to him no matter what she has to do. "Good morning, ACP." They exchanged pleasantries with familiarity before a voice chirped into the conversation.

"Who's that holding my sister? Don't you know her husband is ACP Al-hafiz? If you don't want your fingers chopped, let her go right now." It was Raheeb's mocking voice that came from behind Betsy.

Fastened in charcoal button up shirt and neck tie , porcelain suit and matching pants, Italian leather shoes is Raheeb Yunus Dhulkifl. If Ahmad and Fatima together aren't getting needless attention, then the sight of Raheeb will take the rest of the unnecessary ones. His hands are pushed deep into his pants as he stand like a model, relaxed and calm with lopsided smile as he detailed his cousin and half brother.

"Or a bullet will pass through his heart or maybe his skull?" Came Adda mama's voice from behind him in her businesslike outfit that got Fatima's eyes widening. She looks pretty and younger.

"Adda mams, are you here to hunt for a divorcee or widow? See as you hot like this." Fatima grinned at the woman's galvanized, scolding eyes. She's dressed in frost cigarette pants, white button up shirt underneath a soot blazer and a veil wrapped in classical-wrap. Her feet are clasped in the recently launched white Jimmy Choo D'orsay heels, killer!

"You can compliment me without insulting me you know." Adda mama gave her a tight lipped smile but that didn't stop Fatima from talking.

"Boo bear could totally pass up as your husband, just imagine how fascinating you look with my statement. I don't know how to compliment people, unfortunately." She made a face of fake self-pity.

Raheeb narrowed his eyes at his cousin. "You mean I look older than your husband?"

Fatima shrugged with a fake smile, anyone from miles away could see that Fatima is extremely happy with the way things are going in her life.

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