Sixty Nine.


Still standing on the stage, Fatima faced Ahmad and hugged him because she is about to fall, her knees are wobbly. Ahmad steadied her, watching the crowd below them settling down with murmurs. Eyes watching them keenly some with awe while others in confusion as if they can't believe what they are seeing in front of them, they best better believe.

"It's time for my surprise." He murmured in her ears and she lift her head from his chest. Is that why he didn't escort her down the stage instead of holding her in front of all these people?

She gave a perplexed smile thinking he was going to talk and address the people in front of them then confess his love for her but then he point up at the sky where everyone's attention went to at the sound of three choppers hovering above them. Fatima blinked at Ahmad seeing the choppers coming down slowly but then stopped many inches before they could reach people's heads but just low enough that they could hear the sound of it and the fan sending artificial breeze.

The first chopper then release a white banner that spread out wide for everyone to see what is written. "Congratulations!" In pink glitters that illuminate and brighten some more with the help of sunlight. Fatima beamed at that then watch as the second chopper stopped right where the other one did and release it's own banner in same everything but "we are proud of you" is written on this one. Her smile is making her face ache, she's been doing a lot of that lately especially today, she could feel her facial muscles begging to relax. They are not used to so much work she is pouring on them ruthlessly that comes with her happiness.

The last one flashed in another font reading "I love you, my wife" and then chorus of aww took over the whole field, Fatima leaned closer to Ahmad with her palm closing her mouth. Her eyes brimmed with yet new set of tears but she held them back with a hard gulp, she won't agree to such thing, she won't cry. Ahmad whispered the words again directly in her ear, Fatima would've melted right there in a puddle had she been anything but human. So much emotions at the same time, she's clueless about which one to sort out.

And then there are fireworks. Her head throbbed and she whispered to him. "Take me out of here before I fall off." She's clinging onto him, not standing with her own strength but she is talking about falling. Confetti followed them at their wake and she gave a perplexed smile at Ahmad, he went overboard to please her and damn right, she is pleased. Her words are choked behind her throat, nothing could get them out but her actions and they are far away from their bed and home, she would've shown him just how much he's made her day.

What would Fatima have done without Ahmad in her life?

As they walk down the stage, swarm of people came forward to congratulate them both but immediately police officers were keeping them at bay while giving them an aperture to leave the field as soon as possible before the media arrive but that didn't happen since the media are already standing by his car talking about God knows what. He knew that Fatima herself is tired of all the attention they are getting, she's no more interested but these people won't leave that easily, not after the rapid bombs they've let out and bursted their brains.

"Mrs. Fatima, how do you feel now that you've uncovered your secret?"

"Mr. and Mrs. Al-hafiz, when did you both got married?"

Fatima's head throbbed some more with more question, she is seconds away from glaring at them and telling them to leave her sight. They should thank God Ahmad is still holding her, she could feel her madness rising slowly but surely. One wrong move and they won't ever want to praise her name again, she hates nonsense. They can clearly see that Fatima is not feeling well but that didn't falter their move, they want them to talk and entertain them. For what reason?

Ahmad stepped forward, shielding Fatima away from the camera. "We'll make sure to arrange an interview later, if you will excuse us."

Successfully getting Fatima inside the car, he also settled inside and sighed, eventful. She looks tired but the minute he closed the door and glance at her, she is beaming with happiness. Ahmad gave another perplexed smile, he never understands this girl. She was about to fall off just few minutes ago but she's now alright and smiling at him with eyes filled with abundant gratitude. He shook his head, she is not only weird and unpredictable, she is a bit more crazy than he thought.

"That was... fucking amazing!" She crossed the compartment between them and gave him a bone crushing hug, her arms suffocating him around his neck.

Ahmad hugged her back, his palms moving up and down her back with a smile. He didn't expect her to pull such stunt of confessing her love for him as that's what he's planned. He knew about RFM Development Foundation a few days ago and to say he was shocked would've been an understatement, he was thoroughly galvanized as he stared at his MacBook. His own wife, that crazy colleen that focus on nothing but looking good and spending daddy's money unnecessarily, have her own non-governmental organization and no one knows about it.

It was hard finding out about it but he knows his way through internet especially when it comes to finding information crucial to him. He was trying to see what surprise Fatima has in store for everyone like she's said, he shouldn't be left out in her affairs but he doesn't know how to tell her he knows everything about the foundation. Is she going to be mad at him or scold him for breaching her personal bubble? That is something he is not yet sure and won't take chances, he will keep his mouth shut for now and see how it goes and what mood she is in.

"I'm glad you liked it." He pecked her forehead before pulling away from her, surveying her whole face to make sure she is alright.

She rolled her eyes then settled back on her seat with a large grin. "I'm fine. I was just overwhelmed with so much emotions back there and didn't know how to handle it without embarrassing myself. I wanted to yell at them to stop shouting my praises that I'm not the nice person they think I suddenly am but then, that would've looked stupid even for my senseless head." She sighed, her head lied supine on the headrest inside the car, eyes closed and lips stretching to accommodate her smile. "I'm glad you stood there behind me, I was losing it."

"You did fantastic up there. I was puffing and huffing in pride. You should've seen me when those men around were raining praises on you. I was a bit jealous when the younger men chirped in. I mean seriously, she is taken." Ahmad is not kidding because he was close to asking them to keep their damned mouths shut so they won't pass up the information that he is married to Fatima and he is her husband.

He pressed his lips flat, clenched his teeth at the look of admiration some of the rich folks were giving Fatima. He was sitting with two sons of the governor of Adamawa State with their rich ass friends from Lagos and they were not appropriate with their comments, Ahmad wish not to recall anything they've said. He was muttering unkind words and threats underneath his breath. The desire to go through those threats was almost overpowering, he's never felt anything relatively close to that. He wants nothing but pure violence, to spill out their blood all over the white tablecloth.

One of them said something along the line. "I've always admired her stubbornness, daring and ferocious sassiness. I approached once but regretted it, she wouldn't even look at me. My ego was bruised, bruh. Not bruised only actually, injured in the most brutal way possible." He shook his head with a grimace as he remembered the encounter.

Raheeb is also sitting close to him on the table, he gave a mocking glance to Ahmad as if saying 'See what your wife has been doing while waiting for the right man' and all he could do was glare at him. There is nothing funny here at all when his whole body is shaking with myriad desire for blood spill. They should stop talking about his wife, it makes him angry and annoyed.

And when she announced that she is married to ACP Ahmad Hakim Al-hafiz, his chest unknowingly thrust out, his head cocking to the side as attention was yanked to him. He was so smug, Raheeb was chuckling beneath his breath because it's so obvious Ahmad is happy with what she's said. His whole look radiates superiority, his nonchalant expression taking place as his eyes focus on nothing but Fatima speaking at the stage. Warmth radiated throughout his body, flutters.

Fatima laughed at his expression, he was not only a bit jealous, he was totally out for blood. "Don't say a little bit, dearest, that's obviously a lie."

Ahmad smiled, not wanting to go deep into jealous matter. "And then the time when that man mistakenly called another Fatima instead of you."

Fatima scowled, here eyes shooting daggers. "I was surprised and angry. I mean how could they choose another person as the valedictorian when it's obvious my grade point average is better than anyone else's."

"Hold your horses, we are going home. You have penalties to pay before the dinner later with Raheeb." And then he accelerated out of the school listening to Fatima's babble about him being insatiable. Not after everything that has happened with those damned man, he needs to feel her against him before things get brutal. And after their confession, there is nothing better than filling it up with unrealistic lovemaking.

Ahmad pulled her into his arms, her back placed firmly against the entrance door, he has no patience left to wait till he reaches the room. He couldn't think clearly. The effort to keep from groping her caused his hands to shake. Closing his eyes, he turned his face from hers, only to find himself nuzzling hungrily at her throat. She pushed at him a little, her shaky whisper at his ear. "Let's go to the room."

He took her in his arms and rushed all the way to the stairs and up to their room. Again, he placed her firmly against the door and probed her mouth with his. Straining against him, she instinctively rose on her toes until their bodies were perfectly aligned, the aching place between her thighs cradling the rigidness between them in wonder. Suddenly realizing what she had done, she flushed and tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let her. His hand clenched firmly over her bottom, holding her there while his mouth devoured hers with burning, feverish sensuality. Nibbling deeply, exploring the damp silk of her inner cheeks. She couldn't seem to catch her breath, she's never being kissed like that by him.

She gasped as she felt his free hand search the front of her dress, she should be careful before he demolish her expensive designer new dress. Taking his hands in hers, she snaked them behind her so he could feel the zipper and he zipped it down.

"I want to feel you," He muttered against her trembling lips, tugging in at the unrelenting obstruction of her new bra. "I want to kiss you everywhere..."

Fatima yawned and pouted at the hand disturbing her nap. She opened her eyes to peer at Ahmad from beneath her lashes, they are growing longer but her hair isn't. "What time is it?"

"Past seven which means our phones are already filled wi to missed calls and any moment from now we'll get ambushed." He stood up from the bed adjusting his shorts then rounded it, offer his hand so she could sit up but she continue to stretch before finally accepting his hand after a whole minute of him patiently waiting.

She made a face, she is not ready to leave the bed and go for some dinner but Adda mama said this is going to be her gift and she sincerely wants to make the woman happy by taking Ahmad there to see her and they can talk some more. Still holding Ahmad's hand, she stood up with his support and lean her silk robe body against him, she heard his sharp intake of breath and huff in disbelieve. This man will be the death of her, no doubt. He didn't say anything, only scoop her in his arms, earning a squeal from her since it was unexpected. She reflexly wrap her hands around his neck and gave him a chiding glance.

"What if I fall?" She narrowed her eyes but shove herself into his chest and even bury her face on his chest.

Ahmad chuckled above her. "I won't ever let you fall, my love." He kissed her hair and that seem to remind her that her hair is still short because the second he place her down on the tiled floor inside the bathroom, she crossed her arms over her chest.

"What have you noticed about my head? Is there any change?" She asked, her face blank and eyes depleted, he hates when her eyes are that empty, it frightens him.

He gave her a sheepish smile and began removing the knot of the robe around her. "Just give it more time, it'll work great. You don't expect it to start working it's magic in just fourteen days. Have patience."

Fatima grumbled, stopped him from removing her robe and ask him to leave the bathroom. They've never bathed together and she is suddenly appalled with the idea of the intimacy that'll come with them bathing together. What do couples do in the bathroom together under water? Bath each other or just stare at one another before lust overwhelm them and then bam... they are making love in the bathroom. That is awkward and weird!

"I would never have expected such cowardliness from you." He grinned, kissed her and briskly left the bathroom before the hair wash she's gotten ahold of to haul at him got thrown.

Dressed in blush fitted pencil dress, currant princess coat over it that reached her ankles, blush pink lita high heels and matching crinkled veil wrapped around her in haute. She applied her eyeliner in double mod, blush pink lipstick and she is done with her makeup. Lastly, she place her Dior currant waist bag around her waist and left the closet to go see what Ahmad is doing downstairs. He's gotten ready few minutes ago and left her to do the same even though she bathed first.

He is sitting there in the kitchen taking cereal, another bowl in front of him that's no doubt for her but he looks lost. She's never seen him looking so out of place and worried, something is definitely bothering him and Fatima is not one to prove about other people's matters but with Ahmad, she wants to know what's going on with him. That's what wives do right? Be so concerned about matters until it's shared with you. But what if that's not what he wants, you never know with such sensitive things that are so unlike her.

She sat down opposite him and took the bowl, ate the first spoon before snapping her fingers in front of his face. Wow, he really is lost somewhere and it seems like she won't be allowed into this bubble of his. He is so serious and stern, his expression in the police station visiting their home.

"Are you okay?" She asked instead.

Ahmad nodded, ate his own cereal slowly while trying his best to engage her in a conversation, something is terribly wrong, she thought. She will have to ask him about it after they are back from the dinner so she can console him if need be. He might tell her something that will keep swimming in her head till they get back.

"Okay, damnation! I never knew my little devil is such a devil indeed. Or are you now an angel?" Raheeb grinned, throwing chips on her.

Her glare got hotter if that is possible. "I swear if this oily thing ruin my limited edition coat hmm? I'm going to make sure no one is willing to marry you."

Raheeb widened his eyes, glanced at his mother and half brother talking quietly to one another while they are left with their rant. "I can just abduct you and go get married to you in a foreign country. Don't underestimate me."

She rolled her eyes and continue eating, the guy is stupid as always.

"My stomach is so full." Fatima remarked, unbuttoning her coat inside Ahmad's car then showed him a food belly. Ahmad laughed softly at how huge it looks, she really is full from the way she's been pushing everything inside her mouth. Suddenly an image appeared in his head and it filled him with thrill. The image of Fatima pregnant with his baby. Oh damn, oh fuck! That's never crossed his mind and now that she's filled his head with it, he will make sure they accomplish that image but first, he'll have to ask whether she is ready for that step or not.

Damnation, he wants to see how she will look with a baby inside her, his baby, their baby.

Arriving at the log cabin, Ahmad shut down the engine and breathed for a little because what they are going to see inside that house is going to ruin or make Fatima and he is afraid. What if they frighten her and something bad happens? What if Fatima feels betrayed and leave him for supporting them? No, he won't be able to bear that so he will take safety measures.

"You've enjoyed your graduation, huh?" Fatima nodded readily allowing him to remove her coat and hang it across his shoulder as they strutted into their home.

As soon as the lights were switched on with a remote by Ahmad, Fatima sighted the faces of the two people she despised in the whole world. Shocked, overwhelmed with everything that's happened that day, Fatima started feeling dizzy. "Mom? Dad?" And she fell back, fortunately in Ahmad's arms since he was standing behind her.

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