Sixty Four.


Adda mama is about to leave the house, in just a few minutes. She's packed everything along with Raheeb, finally going to give the couple space. She's tried all she could to get close to Ahmad but she is not sure whether it's worked or not, he is still indifferent. Maybe she should think about forcing herself into his life through another way but not this one. The couple clearly need space and Fatima won't hesitate to tell them about it.

Adda mama sighed ruefully, she is going to miss cooking food for them and wonder how they are going to work things through now without her help. Who will cook the food since Ahmad hasn't recovered fully? She smiled, a ghost one because that is enough for Ahmad to keep remembering her for so many days to come and might even call her back to stay in the house, she wouldn't though. Fatima is now her daughter in law, some things can just never be the same. They won't be able to share those moments, gossiping about her husband knowing he is her son.

Maybe after everything is settled back in place and their lives are no more shaking like a jelly in a plate. When things are better, pasts settled and emotions in check, they can revive that relationship with vigor. The space she is about to give them is more related to her brother and his wife, she's talked to them just yesterday on phone. She's been contemplating whether to talk to Fatima about them or not then decided against it, she doesn't want to ruin the girls mood when she is now happy for the first time.

Musa called her yesterday to tell her about how things are going there in France with his wife Zaituna. "We are going to a therapist and so far, things are working out perfectly. Remaining two more sessions for us."

Adda mama stopped folding the ankara skirt in her hand and smiled. They are making effort to make things right with Fatima, she just hope it works out for the better. The worst case scenario is that, Fatima might not agree to what they are saying even if they will swear on it with the holy book in their hands. She is that stubborn and Adda mama is already sympathizing with them. She's been through the same thing and knows how it hurts to be rejected by your own child when it was never your fault to begin with. It's just their pasts mingling to create so much drama and rifts.

"You both should keep up the good work. I know things are going to be alright even though they won't be easy." She's advised, picking on the lint that's appeared out of the blue on her lace.

Musa whispered something to his wife before replying to her. "It won't be easy and we are hoping Ahmad will be able to help us with it. Do you think there is something he can do to aid us in the situation? Maybe try talking to her about our return and maybe she should just listen to what we have to say if we try explaining? I don't know but we are seriously in dire need of assistance from anyone. You can try what you can too, it's never pointless."

Adda mama mulled over the words and thought, Ahmad will be able to talk to Fatima but she might hate him or a fight can break out between them then her graduation won't be memorable again. Whenever Fatima fights with someone, it takes her a very long time to calm down and sort through things. The last thing Adda mama wants is for Fatima to not enjoy her graduation after all she's been doing to make it memorable and the best day of her life. They should approach the matter somehow and not cause rift between the duo.

She told them just that and hope to God he will listen to what she's said. She knows her brother when he thinks he is right, nothing will stop him. But for both their sakes, he should not trying doing so when Fatima is concerned like he's done and got her married to Ahmad though that should be the best decision he's ever made his entire life.

Fatima leisurely walked into the room with a gloomy face, a Nutella and huge spoon in hand. "I'm going to miss you so much, Adda mams. Can't you just stay a little bit longer? Maybe till after my graduation?"

Adda mama smiled and continue packing her things, she's left them out in the open for today and now that she is all ready and set to go, they should be locked inside the suitcase too. "I cannot stay here any longer than this, it's not proper. You both got married recently and it's clear that you want space to get to know each other some more. My house is just ten minutes drive, no qualms."

Fatima pouted, hold the spoon hanging from her lips before mutinously saying. "We don't need to know each other, it's irrelevant. Your food is way better than anything else in the world, even my husband and I'm not sugarcoating anything."

The older woman stopped folding her nightgown to give Fatima a chiding glance. "That your husband you are talking about is my son, have you forgotten?"

She made a face. "How could I? You are always hovering over him like a mother hen... no offense, you were not cute at all." Fatima giggled when a toothbrush is thrown her way from Adda mamas luggage.

"You this girl! You are supposed to start respecting me as your mother-in-law but see the way you are disrespecting me. Can't you see how they do it? Always ready to impress their mothers in-law? You should try something like that, it'd be nice." Adda mama rambled, closing her suitcase and then sitting on the bed beside Fatima.

She grimaced at what her aunt just finished saying then laughed out loud as if that is the funniest thing she's ever heard. "I'm sure you'll run away if you see me acting like all those meek daughters in law. What the heck! I never watched movies or read books that have those malleable daughters in-law, god forbid bad thing. They annoy me. They cannot fight back when the mother in-law does something bad because they don't want to be in their husband's bad books. Imagine mother-in-law flaunting the girl she wants your husband to marry and you sit there calmly taking it in? Me? Hehehe, she won't be recognizable by the time my husband comes back."

Adda mama giggled but then glared at Fatima, chuckled some more then her comment emerged. "You mean you can do that to me if I try so? Such a disrespectful girl you are, Maah."

Fatima shrugged then he expression became sober. "You haven't talked to him huh?"

"I'm going to talk to him now but I'm kind of nervous. I don't know what to expect and if he hurts me with his words again, I don't know if I can take it." Adda mama yawed her face away so Fatima won't see the sheer emotions in her eyes ready to be shredded into pieces to see a broken woman lying beneath their depths.

Ahmad watched in anticipation as the door to their room was yanked open, he thought Fatima would emerge from behind but Adda mama did. Ahmad's face went back to its stern austere, his eyes blank as he regarded her with quelling indifference. She didn't falter her steps though, she trudged in and sat down on the couch beside him. He's just finished typing a long ass presentation for their meeting with the president coming in a few days, after Fatima's graduation of course. He wants everything to be done after so he is calm and ready to deal with Nigeria.

She didn't say anything for a while, just took the paper and pen he's finished using and read briskly with a smile filled with pride as she surveyed the paper some more. Her grin kept etching, reaching her ears with each line she's read. Ahmad can't help patting himself and goading, he's done a great job to elicit such smile from Adda mama. "This is amazing! I'm more than sure you can change the whole system with your confidence if you go through with this."

Ahmad didn't smile, even with the pride and joy bubbling within him, he replied coolly. "I hope so."

"Just that your bosses might not permit you to say such things in front of the president because then he'd think they are not doing their job well. If you manage to evade them and do so, you will probably get enemies in the process but there is no doubt Mr. president will change his mind after this meeting." Adda mama added, for a minute there looking like a politician. She should've joined that aspect, she is doing great at it.

When Ahmad didn't say anything at her comment, she looked up from her lashes before heaving a sigh. Why is he still bitter even after finding out the truth about her? There's nothing to hate anymore. She's thought he was getting used to the idea that his mother really didn't do anything to begin with but it seems like that is not at all the fact. He is taking his sweet time while torturing and tormenting her in process, she hates such silence. Any other one but the one from her son.

"I'm leaving." She whispered, her voice trembling a little bit then she forced a smile. "I don't want to go when things are still strained between us. I don't know why you're still so bitter to me even after finding out I really wasn't that evil mother you've always thought of me. I've always loved you, Ahmad and no doubt even more than I do Raheeb because we were not together. While Raheeb had everything he's ever wished from his mother, you didn't and that's why I feel you more than I do him. I've had sleepless nights because of you, wishing and hoping and praying to meet you someday.

"I'm not emotionally blackmailing you, I just want you to know how I feel. It doesn't mean I wouldn't have blackmailed you emotionally had I thought that would work on you." She gave a shrug when he finally frowned at her statement, she sounded like Fatima because those were words Fatima would've used.

He mulled over his thoughts and sort through them. What is he supposed to say to his biological mother after harboring such ill feelings towards her his whole life? He doesn't know a thing about her except that she is his wife's aunt. What on earth! He just realized that Fatima is actually his freaking cousin! Okay what the serious hell? He didn't bother going through the family root and how they've managed to come under one family thinking it has to do with the marriage but... damn, it's been weeks and that has never occurred to him.

A smile graced his lips, Fatima Musa Babagana is his cousin, who would've thought. He bent his head to hide away the smile from his mother so she won't get any hope that it's meant for her. One way or the other, they would've meet in the most weirdest away. But their union has brought the family together again which is another sign that their marriage would've happened one way or the other but the way Allah has written it actually turns out to be the best. Oh, his hatred for Fatima then. Or was it obsession and will to get her in the right way? Or was it just a challenge he couldn't just let go? Either way, his feelings towards Fatima has changed thoroughly.

Back on track, his mother is here and is expecting something from him. "I'm still trying to get used to the fact that you are my mother and didn't leave us for another man. It's not as easy as it looks. I've never liked you since childhood, grew up resentful and pained with the idea that my mother is not like other people's. It's also not my fault that you took your damn time to come to me." Though he's started in a soft voice, it ended up with one filled with malice.

That's the thought that's been bugging his head ever since she's told him the truth. She didn't come looking for him after he's left her home in Minnesota, didn't ask about his whereabouts or anything of that sort. He's watched from afar how she's loved her husband and son so dearly while he is there fighting for the country and then going back home to face his wife's contempt, watch his mother irritate his father until he can't keep his mouth shut and haul his choices of words at her. Where was she when he needed her most? When he needed a shoulder to cry on and listening ears to talk off? She might have another excuse for this but it doesn't mean his feelings are going to change overnight, they won't.

He's been hurt, beyond words and understanding. Some might think because he is a man, he shouldn't harbor such ill feelings within him but he is human too right? There is an organ called heart which every single human in the world has, and it also beats inside his chest in his rib cage. He has feelings too and they were hurt, bruised and awfully wounded. It is not his doing, the heart does everything on it's own without waiting for command. It reigns.

Adda mama closed her eyes tightly because even though she's waited for this accusation from Ahmad, she can't help feelings hopeless and guilty. He is right. She was dead afraid he would turn her down or even rub it to her face that he is better off with Ruwaidha than with him. She was a coward back then, unable to stand her ground or hurtful words from someone she loves. Even this toughness is just a facade, she is still that bubbly seventeen year old that feel in love and lived her life recklessly. She will do that again and again if she were to go back to that life again but no one will understand that.

She licked her lips, eyes glossy with unshed tears illuminating it. "I don't have any excuse and even if I do, it's going to be irrelevant. I was a coward, I still am. Had it not been for Fatima, I wouldn't have met you but it doesn't mean I wasn't planning on looking for you. I was going to comb through the continents until I find you but I was collecting more courage and binding them in a sheaf but I guess it would've been too late." She sighed, a breathy one that left shaky shiver throughout her body.

Standing up from her seat, she bent down and give him a hug, she cannot stop herself. She stayed like that for a few seconds before she felt Ahmad's arms moving unceremoniously around her then it fell after a brief pat that brought a gargantuan smile to her lips. They are going to work out their differences and that too very soon, she vowed ruefully. He needs time and space which is what she is going to give him.

"I'm going to miss you both. Your banter on the dining table with Fatima, cute smiles after curse exchange, narrowed eyes filled with challenge against one another... I'm going to miss all that. Don't forget to take care of my baby girl, she is all I have." She leaned back, a beam stretching and diving her face into two.

Ahmad is not looking at her, he is staring at his fingers on his laps. "I will."

"And yourself as well. A lot of things are going to change and won't be as they are, buckle up for that. I hope you will be able to handle Fatima too during these tough times, it's not going to be easy." Taking another liberty, she curved again and give him a kiss on his forehead which startled Ahmad from the way his eyes widened and he sat motionless for a few seconds.

She made her way to the door with more bounces to her steps. It's not only her brother who will get his daughter back -though theirs is more hard- she will also get her son back. Musa and Zaitun are going to have to tighten their belts while hers is supposed to be loose, he is moving towards the track.

"Have fun making grand babies for me, I'm eager." Ahmad heard her call from the door before she disappeared long enough to not see him flushing. There is no way his mother doesn't know how much time they spend in bed and what they are doing. Well, they are married right?

Folded inside his arms, compressed against the hard surface of his chest, she felt her breathing escalate into deep, uneven surges. Her lashes fell, the room warm against the frail shelter of her lids. There was the slow penetration of his tongue, a melting intimacy that sent a hard shiver through her body. Feeling the movement, he sought to soothe her with long strokes of his palm over her back, even as his mouth played with hers. He searched more intensely, and the thrust of his tongue met with a bashful retreat that drew a low sound of amusement from his chest. Instantly offended, Fatima drew back, and he cupped his hand around the back of her head.

"Not yet." He murmured. "Don't pull away. Open for me. Open..." His mouth was on hers again, coaxing, cajoling and firm.

Gradually understanding what he wanted of her, she let her tongue touch his. She felt the strength of his response, the urgency that flooded him, but he remained gentle as he explored her with drifting kisses. With her hands free, she could not stop herself from touching him, one hand flattening against the conditioned muscles of his back, the other rising to his naked scorching neck.

"I have a surprise for you and everyone during our graduation." Fatima whispered against his lips as he slowly lower her down to the bed. She was wrapped around his, her back aligned closely to the door, the impatient insatiable man.

Ahmad drew back to look at her, watching keenly to see any sort of mischief in her eyes but they were filled with excitement. A slow sensual smile lengthened on his face, he kissed her cheek briefly. "I have a better surprise for you, sweetheart. I hope you love it though."

Fatima sat up, all aphrodisiac feelings vanishing for the time being. "What is it?" She pursed her lips when he raised a brow and she knew what he meant 'I said surprise, didn't you hear that?' She huffed and slid back down, yanking his lips down to her own in frustration. He won't ever tell her what it is just like she won't do the same. One one.

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