Seventy Three.
One more chapter to go. Are you ready to be shocked? More importantly, my review should be ready🤌🏿😂 comment on each paragraph and we can finish todayyyyy
Adeelah paced around the living room, her whole body shaking with unknown emotions. She is sure something is terribly wrong or something is about to go wrong and she won't like it at all. Her blood pressure just risen but there is no way she is going to the hospital now when there are a lot that needs to be done. First she needs to call one of her allies to make sure there is nothing wrong from his side like she's feeling.
Before she could remove her phone from her ankara pocket, her older sister walked into the room looking at disheveled and tired. She's been like that since the truth about Ahmad's real mother got unsheathed, she couldn't blame the woman. She's been lonely her whole life without a child and when she found one, she imposed herself into his life in a toxic way that is now biting her. But she's enjoyed it while it lasted huh? Bringing him up and nurturing him into the handsome man he's now become. A handsome man that is supposed to be her son-in-law.
"Why are you pacing back and forth looking distressed? What's the matter?" Ruwaidha asked, sitting down on one of the one seater chairs in the family living room. They've been on and off in the house and haven't seen one another in days. Both of them trying to face their problems without sharing it and distressing the other.
Adeelah sat down worriedly close to her older sister and regarded her with sharp eyes filled with look of disapproval. How could she allow such thing to happen to her? Yes it's true that Adda mama is very intimidating and all but that doesn't mean she should just sit back and watch the woman take away her son. She's brought him up and wasted so many nights not able to sleep, all for nothing? This is not done and Ahmad is also an ungrateful ogre for doing what he is doing. She doesn't know what they are going through from the other side but that doesn't mean she is not keeping an eye on them.
She's seen Fatima's convocation and how Aalia had rushed to her with her iPad to show her what's going on live at AUN few days ago. Aalia was watching along with her mother after connecting it to the television, Ruwaidha didn't join them even with their invitation but that doesn't mean she didn't see it too. It went viral that even if you don't wish to take part of it, you will have no choice but succumb to the matter still being the talk of the town. The whole Nigeria and even foreign countries are shaking with the new. They are all over Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and all those things you can name.
Adeelah watched her daughter instead of the television while gauging her reaction and she was shocked to find out that Aalia is rooting for Fatima and Ahmad now. She was smiling the whole time while watching with keen as they confess their love for each other. She even clapped both her hands when Ahmad held Fatima in his arms and gave her a discreet kiss on her forehead that people maybe didn't see then, busy praising Fatima and her achievements. Aalia's lack of interest in Ahmad started maybe few days ago, she was composing the whole week about her marriage with him so Adeelah questioned her.
"Why are you cheering like that? That is Ahmad and his wife, Maah." She gave her daughter an incredulous stare which Aalia looked at for a few seconds then went back to watching the television.
Aalia gave a shrug seeing as her mother is still waiting for her reply. "What else should I do? I'm clearly not his type and I'm glad I didn't marry him. All these he is doing for Fatima, he wouldn't have done the same for me because I'm his cousin and I'm just like a younger sister to him. They are the perfect match so I'm alright being by the sidewalk cheering for them. Don't Fatima deserve such happiness?" She questioned back with utter innocence because she's seen a broken Fatima once, she even helped her but Fatima seems to have erased that memory from her head so as to not look weak.
Adeelah looks appalled by the love her daughter is showing for Fatima. She's been indifferent about the girl ever since she grew up and found out that Fatima is not really a friend or sister but housemate that hates no disturbance from other tenants. And she is suddenly happy after she's married the man she's dreamt about being with? Seeing them all mushy in public while she watched in awe? No, just what the hell is going on around her now? Everything is falling out so rapidly starting with her older sister then her daughter. Who else?
"Aren't you supposed to be... envious? No one will judge you for that." Adeelah grumbled, looking back at the news channel to see Ahmad guiding Fatima back to the sport car where her teeth gritted again. That should've been my daughter, she thought bitterly.
When she found out that Fatima was the owner and founder of RFM Development Foundation, her heart stopped beating. She doesn't hate Fatima but she likes her not. The girl is the sole reason she's brought to the Babagana mansion but that didn't change the fact that Fatima could also be the reason she's thrown out. After all she's done to get where she is, Fatima is her main hindrance. She should be glad she's left the mansion but she is not, more trouble will lurk and await her.
Aalia gave her mother a rueful smile. The woman doesn't understand where she is coming from but she knows she is on the right track. She is going to find her own husband, her own man that will worship the floor she walks across like Ahmad is doing Fatima. She is still young, eighteen and still meandering through her teenage, she shouldn't hurry. Ahmad is not meant for her and she's glad she found out before the knot was tied, she would've regretted it for the rest of her life. She's thanked God and is still thanking Him immensely for that.
"I don't like him. I was merely attracted to him physically and all those childish shenanigans. I'm alright and I'll wait for my own man. I don't wish to call another woman's man my own." Aalia didn't mean her words that way but her mother was offended. "I'm not talking about you, mom, you're alone here aren't you?" She gave her a side hug and continue to watch the news as Fatima was praised from everyone that was interviewed during the convocation.
Adeelah pursed her lips at her older sister now, wondering whether the woman is also suddenly pious and ready to leave everything in the hands of fate. "Something wrong is about to happen and I need to call Ghali to confirm whether things are alright with him. I've been restless the whole week but today, it's deteriorated."
Ruwaidha frowned at herself then regarded her sister with scrutiny. "What's wrong, Adeelah? Your face is wrinkling and you've aged since the past three days. What on earth happened to you and what is this something going wrong you are talking about?
Adeelah brushed off the comment of her face wrinkling, her whole body is doing so with worry and hair greeting with anxiety. Why didn't she decide to work on it the minute she started feeling off and waited until now? "You know about Ghali right?" At her older sister's nod, she went on. "Well, I need to make sure things are not demolishing and also talk to him about you and Ahmad, he will know what to do without a doubt to bring back your son to you."
Ruwaidha's eyes depleted and instead of hope to blossom within her, dread filled her up from head to bottom. What is there to do with Ahmad? He's proven time and time again that nothing in world could stir him away from what he believes and she has hope that he will come back to her. He didn't exactly abandoned her since he called her just two days ago to tell her he's left Nigeria with his wife and his grandfather requested to meet them. He's told her the relationship they share now and about his new wife Birrah. Isn't that enough for her?
Ahmad won't abandon her just like that, not when she has Zafaar with her. No matter what she's done, he will always come back to her even though he's got two mothers now. He won't forget how much trouble she's gone through raising him albeit half heartedly. Ahmad is anything but an ungrateful person, he knows who's loved him and will do anything for him. She is that person.
So she shook her head negatively in answer to Adeelah's advise. "I don't need anything to be done on Ahmad, he is alright. But first tell me, what is it you are afraid will go wrong?"
Adeelah gave her a doubtful glance but shrugged it off and went on with her own problem. At least she's offered a piece of advise and she rejected, she could tell her that when things don't turn out the way she expects them to. "I don't want the trouble casted on the Babagana family to be broken. Once that happens, I'm going to be thrown out of this house and I won't allow that, not after coming this far. I won't allow Musa to use me like he's always done. I'm going back to make sure the knot is tighter and more constricted." Her eyes glazed over wickedly making her look older than her age.
Ruwaidha blanched, she's forgotten about this piece of information. She's told her about it years ago while she was in Texas and thought nothing of it because she was also going through her own trial of her husband's death. She's narrated how she stumbled upon a sorcerer who offered to help her because he knows what she was going through. He told her about someone who's hated the Babagana's more than anyone in the entire world and how much trouble she's casted upon them.
He further explained that if she wants that to go on, he can do the work for her but with a price that must be paid, to sleep with her.
"There was a woman named Maimuna, she hates Musa Babagana with her whole life after he's flirted with her and dumped her for a richer girl. She came to me and gave me her virginity just so I could ruin his life and his little family. I did her work perfectly but she's died few years ago and the spell is shaky which means we need someone else's contribution to further make it work. Are you willing to do that or do you want them to reunite and ounce you out of the house without a shilling? Your choice. You didn't stumble upon me, I came to find you."
Adeelah accepted his request and slept with him to renew the spell. Coincidentally, she feels like if anything is going to happen then it's going to be from his side. She is afraid of that powerful family getting united again, they will make sure she is ruined and her family will have no shelter again. She's trying to get as much mullah from Musa himself so when the time comes, she will be ready to leave but her efforts are flailing. She hardly gets to talk to him after he leaves, she is all alone again.
"Addi, aren't you afraid of what will happen? What if Ghali is dead or something? You know those people don't even use a cellphone! Blasted, I'm frightened on your behalf, seriously." Ruwaidha shook her head, her eyes wide in fear. She never liked the names of those evil spirits, spells and sorcerers but how her sister depended on the man makes her want to throw up.
Adeelah gave her a secretive smile then look down at her phone in her hand. She knows what she is doing and she is very sure Ghali will answer her call, he is not dead. He's told her he is the most powerful of his kind, his death depends on another man and that man would rather have himself killed than kill him. He's won over the man's trust which means he won't ever suspect him. And he answered the call after the fourth ring, she grinned and show her older sister then spoke with familiarity.
"Constable Ashiru."
Ahmad sighed, finally breathing the air of Nigeria at three in the afternoon. He cannot wait to go back home and fall face first on his bed, shrouded between the folds of sheets filled with familiar scents of himself and his wife. Fatima is grumbling about not wanting to leave Big Sur and his grandfather because she liked his company along with his young wife that didn't permit him to tour the state with his wife and took her to spa, shopping, getting their nails and hairs done even adding more hair creams for her that they've worked for her in Saudi Arabia when she's barbed her hair due to some illness.
Fatima wouldn't touch anything after she came back from that spa, she won't even look at him as if he will dirty her. Ahmad laughed at her reaction. She was picky, tiptoeing and not touching stuff like she'll be infected with some deadly disease. And that's just spa. In Jannah she won't even want to move her neck for anything.
"Do you like Nigeria? Because I don't!" She grumbled sitting behind the car that's come to pick them up courtesy of his guards. Those damned men that didn't allow her to escape those months ago. That felt like ages ago already, wow.
Ahmad slammed the door shut gently and suspire tiredly, jet lag biting his ass. "I'm not too into Nigeria but I don't hate it. I want to make sure I change the police system first then make some decisions."
She huffed, closing her eyes. Her parents are there waiting for her in their home, she is not sure whether she is ready to face them still but she's chatted with Rashid through her Instagram.
"It's me, Rashid. I don't have your number neither does anyone, you've changed it. I have a huge favor to ask and hope you will be able to do it." She read, she didn't want to check who it is but seeing Rashid and the weird username Rashishi, she laughed and replied.
"What is this favor, dearest brother? You know there is nothing I won't be able to do for you and that's why you are blackmailing me. Shoot your shot let's see."
His reply was instantaneous. "I just want you to listen to mom and dad. It's up to you what you take out of it because I'm going to support you no matter what you decide but listening to them is very important to you. You think your husband would've allowed them inside your home without thinking whatever they have is worth it? Don't you want to hear why our lives were ruined? Why we got separated in the most brutal way? How I'm still alive or how I ended up in a orphanage in France? You have so many questions, don't keep them in, listen please. That's all I want to ask. Safe journey, I love you and misssss you."
Fatima decided to listen to them after that. Ahmad also told her she needs this closure to move on or she will keep tripping on her feet time and time again which is something he can't afford. Having so many people suddenly giving a damn about her feelings overwhelmed her. Her brother, her husband, Adda mama, Raheeb and Betsy... too many people in her own book. She was used to herself only because even Betsy couldn't show her openly that she cares for her until recently.
Arriving at their home, she squinted her eyes seeing as something is definitely not alright inside the house but she got down the car and waited for Ahmad to come down with her. Her rounded the car and together they walked further inside the quiet house, removed their shoes outside and hang their coats by the door where a hanger was positioned after their departure. That's the only that's changed but the atmosphere in the air, there's something there.
Entering the house, Fatima's mouth dropped at the sight of different shades of pink balloons scattered all over. Above her, happy birthday Maah is written in fuscia pink balloons hanging from the ceiling. She's forgotten!!!
Ahmad beamed at her when she meandered her perplexed face to him. "Happy birthday, sweetheart." He kissed her cheek knowing somewhere around the house her parents are watching, he cannot kiss her.
She bit her lip to keep from smiling but she gave a small one then hugged him tightly even though she knows he's not the one that did it but he knew about it. Her parents did this, she thought wryly. Aren't they too late? She's never celebrated her birthday, never gave the day any importance but suddenly they are back in her life throwing her a surprise birthday. That's why Ahmad insisted that they must come back today.
"I'm afraid of facing them. Will you be there with me?" She questioned in a muffled voice, her face buried in his chest afraid to turn around and find her parents standing behind her. Especially her mother, she's forgotten so much about the woman.
"I'm going to be there and if you feel like you've had enough, just say the word and I'll whisk you away."
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