Forty Six.

Are you doing or not? Better comment o😌


Ahmad awoke to the sight of Fatima in front of him, his brows furrowed deeply at the sight before he breathed out a chuckle. She is all over him and if she is going to wake up right now, she might accuse him of drawing her closer to him while he was sleeping. Her arm is wounded around his shoulder along with her leg, her head gently placed in the middle of his chest, her ear right where his heart lies. He touched her hair with his hand, fingers gliding through it's silkiness. Their conversation about the hair floated through his mind as he stared at it.

"Don't you dare laugh at it, it would've been longer than this had it not being for that useless endometriosis." She puffed her cheeks in a bratty way, her fingers tugging on her hair as she tried staring at it from her forehead.

Ahmad had laughed at the futile attempt, the hair wouldn't even come close to her brows, how is she supposed to see it with her eyes. "I'm not laughing at your hair, I'm laughing at the way you arrange it."

She's used gel to smoothen the left and right side of the hair leaving everything in the middle like a hen, she said she saw a celebrity with the same look. She actually looks like those animations, her outfit fulfilling how cute she looks. She was wearing a hot pink armless peplum shirt and wine mom fit jeans, her flip flops right beside his bed. He just added some supplication to her then and was about to leave her room when she stopped him so he could see her new hairstyle. He likes her haircut, he thought she did it herself at first then she went ahead to explain how some endometriosis never allow hair to grow.

"It's not fine? Never mind, I'm not snapping the pictures anymore. But you know what? I'm going to style your hair right now." She approached him with a comb in one hand and gel in the other, his mouth dropped. His hair has grown and if she does that, it won't be back to the way it is for a very long time.

"Can you not do that? I'm just about to leave for office." He stood up from the bed and rounded it so he can evade her but she stood by the door knowing whether he likes it or not, he must pass through the door to get to where he wants to go to.

She thought, she shouldn't ruin his hair now but she needs to blackmail him with something. She will try one last time for her hair and if it doesn't grow, she will forever hate being a woman. Why not? She doesn't have the hair they tend to not keep quiet about and the other thing they have the same is bleeding and her own wouldn't come without causing her surfeit trouble. What else could she be thankful for as a lady? Ooops, she's got the good body a lot would die to have but it doesn't matter right? She is pear shaped, not large boobs but it flared from her waist to behind. Maybe that is enough?

She grunted, she is being ungrateful now and she needs to pray against that or rot in hell. She gulped, she is thankful! But she is obsessed with a long hair.

"Where is the hair cream you use for your hair? Or does it naturally grow this long all the time because you are American?" Her weapons are still intact and clasped in both hands, she raised it a bit higher when he started brushing through what he would say to her that won't get her mood skyrocketing.

Ahmad thought hard then remembered about the one Alexa had talked about, one of her little conversations he'd decided to pay attention to. Maybe he should ask her about it and get it for Fatima? Alexa's hair did grow a bit longer before he left and with more patience that she possessed and Fatima doesn't, it must've grown longer by now. He didn't tell them about his marriage because he doesn't know where to start from and how he will get them not to overreact. He will just have to be untrue or burst the bubble when the time is right?

"There is this one I used to use in Texas, I will order it for you. I'm sure it'll help your hair grow." That answer seemed to satisfy her because she put her hands down and gesture with exaggerated clumsy curtsy that he can pass through the door and she won't harm him.

Ahmad moved Fatima's head from his shoulder and decided to go and pray, she still doesn't pray so he will go to the mosque nearby. He made it to the bathroom and performed ablution, still thinking about the sleeping beauty he's left on bed. Hearing the adhaan, he hurried out of the house and made it in time for the Imam to start praying. After prayers, Ahmad stayed at the mosque for a few more minutes before he stood up and leave when almost everywhere is quiet and empty. It is not safe for him to be staying at the mosque but what could a man do when he needs time with his Lord?

When he stepped outside, he found to figure talking animatedly about something he wouldn't pay attention to had one of them didn't give a striking familiarity and waved his hand at him. Ahmad frowned but moved forward only to shift back and raise a brow at the joke the world is throwing on his face. Okay, he's promised not to be surprised with whatever is in the future for him but he just made the promise less than twenty four hours ago, he should be given at least a week to digest it before another galvanizing episode is thrown on his face. Just what the hell is wrong?

"Long time no see, bruh." The guy greeted showing his complete white teeth that gave a good contrast to the graphite background around them.

Standing in front of him is none other than Raheeb Yunus Dhul-kifl, Adda mama's one and only son. Ahmad's frown almost yawed to a scowl but he composed his expression for the sake of the other man beside him who happens to be his neighbor for he's seen him time and time around. He forced a smile on his face and move forward to clasp the other man's hand first then Raheeb's where he exacted more pressure to send his message across that he is not welcomed and if he knows what is good for him, he should pack up whatever he's brought along with him and leave. Maybe pack up with his mother.

"Finally got introduced to ACP Al-hafiz." The other man smiled, his facial expression surely agreeing with his words because he seem to be glowing at the knowledge that he is standing beside Ahmad.

"Nice meeting you..." He trailed off to get the man's name with style, he wants to leave the place as soon as possible so he can lock his gates and not allow Raheeb in his home out of courtesy.

"Aliyu." The guy offered, eyes soft like a lady's.

"Aliyu. It's a bit too chilly out here, I'm going to head back home. Have a nice day." He started making his escape only to hear Raheeb offering quick excuse and followed him and fast strides. Ahmad grunted beneath his breath but didn't stop walking until he reached his gates where he abruptly stopped and halted Raheeb's quick agile strides.

"Common man, don't be like this. I came here from Minnesota to come see my sister only to find out you are her husband but that's better right? We can catch up from where we've stopped after you disappeared all those years ago. I just woke up in the morning and puff, our great cop is not on his dying bed anymore and mom told me you left. Without any goodbye? Seriously, dude?" Raheeb ranted, standing in front of Ahmad so he cannot enter without him on his tail. He is going to follow in tow and see where all the grumpiness ends.

Ahmad let out a breath through his mouth and regarded Raheeb with narrowed eyes. "If you are done ranting, go inside and take your mother then go back where you came from. You are not welcomed." Ahmad made a move to push Raheeb away from his way but the guy is now muscular and not that lanky one he's made an acquaintance of.

"I'm going to enter this house along with you to go see my sister. It's up to you whether you want to act civilized about the past or make a fuse of it like a kid. Now let's enter your maze. My friend, Aliyu said everyone is talking about this your house so I cannot wait to see what they are talking about. Hurry." Raheeb added the last word when Ahmad didn't move but instead stood rooted on his spot as he stared at him in open astonishment.

When Ahmad confirmed that Raheeb is really here to see Fatima and won't leave until that wish is fulfilled, he scowled and entered inside. The guards greeted them both at the gates where Raheeb stopped to talk to one of them.

"Here is my car key, bring it inside please." With a cheeky smile thrown to John, he whistled his way to Ahmad and together they walked inside the chilled house. Ahmad gritted his teeth, it's so cold in there and he's forgotten that an electric fireplace has been installed earlier so he went to turn it on before coming back to Raheeb.

"I hope you are not staying here like your mother?" Ahmad sat down opposite Raheeb on the couch closer to the fireplace. He's least been sensitive to cold so he is trying his best not to catch it or he won't be able to make it to work for the next few days.

Raheeb activated his jeering personality and regarded the house with open appreciation. "You have such beautiful home for a cold hearted man like you. Or did Fatima yaw it this beautiful?" He wiggled his brow but Ahmad's face is focused on facts that he won't be lured with such tricks.

Raheeb Yunus Dhul-kifl has always been a funny guy. Raheeb was urbane and handsome, with an irreverent grin that beguiled all who saw it. His features were agreeably weathered with subtle signs that life, despite its bounty of material riches, had not always been easy for him. Whatever difficulties came his way, he handled them with grace and wit. When his father had died years ago, he took everything with easy matured mind that had frightened Ahmad so. He couldn't take his father's death as easily as Raheeb had done which is why he regarded the guy highly even though he's a year old than Raheeb's twenty nine.

Maybe his good natured behavior helped him cope with the death or because he knew he has his mother by his side? Ahmad was always jealous of Raheeb and the attention she's gotten from his mother because unlike him, their family are open to their affection and he longed for that as a boy before he decided that that life is not meant for him. He toughened himself and brace the fact that he is meant to become a police officer and help the nation and not be a sentimental fool. Since then, Ahmad never tried longing for anything that does not belong to him and if he does then it is from a distant where he knew things won't get convoluted.

"I'm going to stay with my mother for as long as she wishes. I hope you are not going to bring back the last and complicate things with Maah. Mom has already told me what I want to know and by God, I don't want to find out more of my uncle's brutality." Ahmad's resolve started breaking because no matter what's happened in the past, Raheeb is not at fault. His only fault there is that he is Adda mama's son.

After that has been dropped aside, Ahmad opened up and they had a hearty conversation with one another like long lost friends. There are matters Ahmad could never discuss with Oliver but when it comes to Raheeb, he makes everything easy because he's always been open minded, honest and straightforward no matter the situation. Ahmad wants the honesty. He hates when anyone side with him when he is wrong and the way Raheeb will shake his head in disappointment in some things he's said, Ahmad knew he's got a best friend. Maybe he will be able to confide in him about Fatima later on? Time will tell.

"As much as I want to finish this heartfelt conversation with you, I'm tired and sleepy." Raheeb yawned without closing his mouth with his hands, Ahmad regarded him with skeptical frustration.

"Let me show you to a room. I hope you won't stay here for more than a few days. I don't like guests." Ahmad can't help taunting as he showed him a room at the further end of the hallway where he won't bump into anyone except if he wants to look for trouble.

Raheeb beheld his comment until the door to the room is opened and he sighted a humongous king sized bed and the softest mattress he's ever seen on it before replying. "Be glad your home is truly stupendous, I wouldn't have stayed for a nap."

Ahmad didn't bother replying before he made his way downstairs and made two cups of coffee knowing Fatima would like one when she wakes up. He wanted to make one but to avoid her spoiling his coffee maker, he will make hundreds for her. He made sure to add more sugar lumps and cream to her own before baking his way back to the his room. Fatima is still sleeping soundly, both her legs widely open like a woman about to give birth. He gave a small chuckle at his own though before placing both cups on his bedside table. He climbed back on the bed and tuck her in.

As Ahmad idly sip on his tea while reading through a feed he's just been sent, he felt her stir beside him before a loud yawn reached his ears. He checked the time in his tablet and found out it's been an hour since he walked into the room and her coffee is probably cold now. She sat up and rubbed her eyes with her small fists then puckered her lips as the sun glared harshly on her features. She regarded Ahmad with sleepy eyes, he thought she was going to ask what she is doing in his room but she didn't. She grumbled something underneath her breath before placing her head on the headboard.

"What time is it?" She asked after she's regained her morning strength. She's yawned four time already in just three minutes, she is very tired.

"It's seven in the morning." Fatima nodded then let her eyes settle on the cup beside him, he followed her gaze then flattened his mouth but took it and passed it to her. Fatima is grateful she won't pray because she's seen traces of blood yesterday when she bathed, maybe she will perform another ghusl later.

"I made it earlier thinking you'd wake up. It's cold now." Fatima didn't stop the cup from reaching her mouth even after his warning. She closed her eyes and finished the whole content of the cup before passing it back to him. "You've said your morning prayer?" He raised a brow when she made an innocent cute face of a bairn that's done something wrong and is caught.

He saw her mouth moving as she prayed with both palms cupped, he hid a smile behind his own cold black coffee. Fatima really wants to change and seems like Allah is helping her thoroughly in this process.

"Can you take it as your job? Making coffee for me every morning." She blinked her eyelashes in an exaggerated cute way, he shook his head at her tactics. Fatima can never beg anyone for anything because so far, he's never heard her pleaded.

"I'll see what I can do." He went back to scrolling through his feed but Fatima wasn't ready to be ignored just like that.

She moved closer to him and boldly raise his white cotton shirt. She got distracted by the sight of his muscular body that she wants to make a thorough investigation like she's never done. Slowly her hands coasted over hard planes of muscle, some places ropy and delineated, others smooth and solid. Sensual creature that he was, Ahmad made no effort to conceal his pleasure, watching her lazily through half-closed eyes. His breath quickened, though it was still measured, and his muscles turned iron-hard at the stroke of her fingertips. He could only stare at her, his hands letting go of the tablet he was holding and it fell with a thump on the carpeted floor beside him.

Ahmad's attention got diverted by the sight of her mouth... the plush, silky, rose-tinted lips that seemed to promise unspeakable sweetness. The scent of her invaded his nose repeatedly, in luxurious drifts that roused a fresh wave of fantastically lurid urges within his body and then he hauled her body on his, seizing the movement of her fingers even though that's the last thing he wanted to do. His arm tightened around her narrow frame, and his free hand compulsively sought her hips, exerting gentle but steady pressure to bring her closer against him.

His hands adjusted the angle of her head, and he kissed her with gentle and lazy bites and nibbles, as if her mouth were an exotic delicacy to savor. His palm braced the side of her face as he kissed her with erotic tender kisses that weakened any resolve and any doubt she has within her. She allowed him to complete them again, stripped every inch of clothing from her body and have his wicked way with her that left her writhing and lightheaded in pleasure.

Betsy is right, he's ruined her for any other man and she hopes to God she gets bored of him so she can leave him without another look back.

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