Forty Eight.
Lesser comments o... my light go off soon🥲
Fatima grinned at Raheeb who gave her a look that says you are going to have us both killed. She is going to play a prank on Ahmad right after their breakfast. Adda mama suggested that everyone should stroll at the backyard and Fatima was surprised to say the least, she's never seen the backyard. The place is beautiful, large and lovely in all its green glory. She managed to get one of the guards to bring her a ball, they are going to play soccer. Ahmad just declined her offer and sat down with Adda mama -the last thing he wanted to do- on the single bench that is there.
He watched as Fatima played heartily with Raheeb and it annoyed him how close they seem to be. His eyes watched keenly waiting for any body contact between them so he can snap but Raheeb seems to be taking cautious steps when he saw the look he is featuring. Fatima didn't care like always, she is just recklessly moving around and throwing ball with her sneakers clad feet. She is good at it too, Ahmad noticed. She won't let Raheeb get the ball from her but when he did snatch away, she also goes through hell before she discharge it from his grasp.
Adda mama cleared her throat beside him, he wanted to ask her to keep quiet before she even opened her mouth but he was too late. "Why are you glowering like that? They are just playing ball and nothing else."
She's been watching how possessively he's been watching Fatima, his eyes trying to mark all around her that she is his territory. Seeing that reaction from Ahmad is really refreshing, it makes her plans grow stronger and sturdier than ever. She is going to make them see that they are meant for each other and whatever comes and goes, they can fight it only when they are together. They are going to make a strong couple even with their odds and peculiarities. Both of them together are unyielding in their own senses but merged in another power that comes with conjugation, she can't begin to imagine just how strong they will rise.
They can fight against anything and anyone. They can fight against the corruption in Nigeria -as impossible as that sounds- fight against any disease that could cause the other harm and fight against any mental illness that is going to take Fatima down the minute she walks out of this marriage. Adda mama doesn't want that. She wants Fatima to stay married to Ahmad and if possible, produce thousands of heirs in future. With the pace their relationship is moving with, she knew Fatima will be the main problem there and not Ahmad. She then thought, Ahmad is also battling his own evil so he might even be the problem after all.
"I have the right to glower. You can prevent it if you will ask your son to stop being too close to my wife. I don't like it." He blatantly stated, his eyes still fixated on Fatima as she jumped with the ball in her hand and as if he knew what she was going to do, he stood up and caught the ball with two hands when it came prowling at him.
Fatima frowned, she wanted to throw it on his head but the damn man saw that coming. Maybe he should be a psychologist too? "Such a boring man. You should've allowed it to hit your face for the sake of fun." She hollered from her position and gestured to him to throw it back at her which he did with a shrug of nonchalance.
Adda mama wasn't done though, she continue to watch Ahmad with keenest eyes. "I've noticed that you have more feelings for Maah than you'd like to show. You can make it work out, you know?"
Ahmad turned around this time to look at her, his own eyes shining from the sun rays. She could see the tinge of Aegean beneath the lens since she knew about the real eyes that sat right underneath. More guilt tightened her stomach and her throat in tight knot, she couldn't swallow a nervous gob down her parched throat.
"I don't need you or anyone to interfere in my life. What you see or understand between us should remain your own knowledge and no one else's. Thank you very much." He faced Fatima again, his eyes burning with slowly rising anger. This woman beside him does not have the right to sit next to him and suddenly act like she could lay her life for him.
Uneasily, Adda mama tried shutting her mouth up but she can't help her next words. "I just want to see the both of you happy. You two have been through a lot. You deserve the happiness and felicity you could get from one another and I can see that whenever Fatima is concerned, you are a different person. You care about her. Maybe not love and maybe you are not even capable of loving her but it could still work with attraction and care. Think about it because if Fatima walks away from this marriage, there is no chance of her coming back. Please, make it work before that happens. She can be easily persuaded in this matter because she clearly likes you even though she hates you just the same."
Ahmad gritted his teeth knowing each word that left her mouth is true but he hates that she is right. He wants her to be wrong like she's always been the whole time he's known her, she shouldn't suddenly be righteous. What is she trying to prove by pestering herself in his life? It was just a coincidence, nothing more! Raheeb watched them from the middle of the field, he knew Ahmad is seconds away from blowing up so he shook his head at his mother. She shouldn't utter anything to Ahmad again or all hell would break loose. He's had enough of her, that is already written broadly on his face and she should for once take the hint that not everyone enjoys listening to her truth.
Ahmad stood up, he cannot be in her presence anymore. Few more minutes with her and he might explode like a nuclear bomb. "I hope you enjoy the rest of the afternoon." With that, he left the backyard and the house all together without telling any of them about it.
Adda mama sighed as she watched his figure thin and dematerialized. What had she done wrong now? She is just advising him on something she is more than sure about. Why can't he see that she is not his enemy? She was never his enemy from the start. Seems like it's going to take the entire lifetime to get him to understand that, she won't mind doing so.
Fatima caused an accident with her car, in the middle of a busy road. Raheeb got down from the car and watched the damage. She's ruined the other car and discover it's just a scratch. He made a face himself, he caused this when he started fighting her over an argument that has taken place years ago and Fatima easily lost concentration. His mother will make sure he gets an earful and the person they've just hit his car is about to explode from what his expression is saying. His eyes are red as he stared at the scratch, watching for a long time as if his glare will get the dent to disappear or bring itself together. Raheeb closed his eyes for a minute forgetting he is in Nigeria and their trouble pass the size of Mount Everest.
The man stepped forward just as Fatima got down from the driver's side, her one pair rimless rectangle sunglasses perched on her straight nose and her makeup on point. They were supposed to go get Domino's pizza for their lunch but now, he is sure they won't have dinner too. This man won't forgive easily, his nose flaring like an animal. Raheeb shook his head knowing he is doomed both mentally and physically for the next few hours. He never liked coming to Nigeria and if not for Fatima, there is no reason why he will ever come to the country.
"Don't you know how to fucking drive a car? This is not the first time I'm seeing this damn pink car causing accidents and trouble. Who do you think you are to keep breaking the traffic rules?" The man is standing in front of Fatima and Raheeb could swore he didn't see the man moving from beside his dented new Corolla 2019.
Fatima stared at him from beneath her nose as though she is about to deal with an ant passing by her expensive Christian Dior high heels. "I'm not going to apologize, move away your stinky mouth from my face." She said in all seriousness, viewing him from her sunglasses.
The man looks shocked to say the least but he recovered with a male pride Raheeb knew very much how it works. "I always knew rich pompous girls like you are not worth being married no wonder only narcissistic men in your circle marry you. How dare you talk to me like that? Do you know who I am?"
His last statement didn't only get Fatima to falter but Raheeb too. So people still use that useless line to scare away people? Didn't he see the big ass g-wagon she is driving? Why is he asking whether she knows who he is or not? Does he know who she is? There are only three pink G-wagons in Nigeria and only Fatima Musa Babagana drives one in whole of Adamawa state. Maybe he hasn't heard about her yet or he is from another state? He clearly doesn't look like someone she'd encounter on her day to day activities. He looks like those people from east, he better not be from Adamawa or she will squash his entire generation.
"I don't give a damn about who you are. Do you want the money for your damaged car or do you want a new one? Name your price before I change my mind and leave here and no one can make me pay for the damage. Not even you!" She chimed the last part because she's clearly galvanized him the minute she talked about getting him a new car. And he thought he is someone else? Well, she is Fatima Babagana and can buy twenty of that car without breaking a sweat with her own money.
The man couldn't say anything, Raheeb gave Fatima a thumbs up from the back -her confidant. They've attracted attention but the people listening maintained their distance as though Fatima is a ticking bomb that will explode on their faces if they come relatively close to where she is, they should be scared.
Before the man could open his mouth to talk, a police officer pushed through the circle and assessed the condition of the two cars then declared that the best solution is to go to the police station which the man instantly agreed to because he doesn't want his pride to be anymore bruised that it is. He should've just collected the money for a new car and save himself further humiliation. Now Fatima won't pay for the damage even with the world on her head so she entered her car with Raheeb and followed them to the station in a slower leisure speed.
"That man is a fool. He should've just accepted the money and be done with. Now we won't eat food for hours and I'm seriously very hungry." Raheeb whined from the passengers side, Fatima refuse to give him the keys even after he insisted on driving them there.
"We are not going to stay for long but I'm not paying for the damage, you won't either."
Arriving at the police station, Fatima followed the officer and the man inside with her sure confident strides. Her steps halted when she saw Ahmad standing on a desk talking to another police officer sitting behind it. She felt his presence so palpably that the fifteen yards or so between them might not have existed. Troubled by her own gauzy sensual awareness of the man standing across the room, she let out a small breath then trudged forward. The police officer Ahmad is talking to was the first to see her and stared with open curiosity that soared Ahmad's who pivoted slowly to see what got the Constable's attention.
He frowned at the sight of them together with Raheeb then listened to what the police officer that asked them to come with him is saying. He towered over all the officers there and also very much handsomer than all of them combined. Something jeered Fatima into not walking inside to meet his disappointed gaze so she turn around immediately and walked out in a hurry. What a stupid move because a car rushed inside the station at a full speed that it almost knocked her over and with her high heels, she wouldn't have been able to save herself from getting hit or crushed beneath the Helux police car had it not being for a strong hand that yanked her to the side with a force that unarmed her.
Fatima blinked against the haziness and dizziness that filled her vision for a moment there. She whipped her head up to see who caught her and met with Ahmad's scary eyes. She felt breathless, sudden coldness that gripped her core and render her motionless, she felt more than disoriented. His eyes are high on alert, vigilant and fearful making her wonder why he looks so afraid and dangerously angry at the same time. She gulped, there is no way this Ahmad doesn't scare the shit out of her. She is sure it's showing in her eyes, she is not used to this side of him and it's making her shaky and a little bit too dizzy.
"Release me." She croaked in a voice that didn't quite sound like her own, she had to talk because his hold on her arm is bruising.
Ahmad didn't do as she demanded and instead tighten his hold on her. "I never knew you were stupid enough to endanger your life so. Couldn't you have looked at where you are going to before making a mad dash? Have you always been this irrational and stupid?" He snapped, eyes watching her face still with that alertness.
Fatima flushed with anger, all fear and apprehensiveness flying out the window like it's never resided in her. "I will have you know that I won't allow you to insult me because one of your colleagues couldn't have driven a car at a fucking normal speed! He could've hit anyone! Don't stand here and insult me, go lecture your incompetent officers." She hissed, tried yanking her hand again from his laborious hold.
But his painful grasp did not ease, and his breathing deepened to aggressive surges, as if he longed to do her violence. As her defiant gaze was imprisoned by his, she felt a searing charge of energy pass between them, an undirected physical impulse that made her want to strike him, hurt him, sink to the ground and roll with him in an outright brawl. No man had ever maddened her so. As they stood there glaring at each other, bristling with hostility, the heat between them increased until they were both flushed and quickened. Neither of them was aware of the congregation of dumbfounded onlookers in the near distance - they were too enmeshed in mutual antagonism.
He seemed to undergo a brief but savage battle with his self-discipline before he managed to school his features into impassivity. He jerked his head in the direction of her car in a silent command for Raheeb -who stood close by watching the whole scenario- to remove Fatima from the scene before he lost it again.
He was fed with instant worry when he saw the car rushing towards Fatima who didn't notice it at first, he didn't know when he rushed there to save her but he did with speed that could've been worth seeing in Olympics. She couldn't have watched where she was going to and save him trouble of being worried whenever she is absent and out of his sight? He breathed through his nose, his heart still beating insanely in his chest. He surveyed the area, saw the astonished faces of his fellow colleagues then nonchalantly matched to the station to deal with Fatima's case.
Why is she always causing trouble? He just left her for a few hours to come see why Constable Ashiru needs him urgently but she's stirred another trouble.
"Who is she?" One of the female constables asked, her voice low in a whisper filled with curiosity.
The officer close to her shrugged his shoulders. "She is Fatima Musa Babagana of course. She gets away with everything she wants, even murder."
"I've never seen her around and ACP Al-hafiz looks like he fancied her. Are they familiar with one another?" Her voice thinned with jealousy. She is the youngest officer there that was transferred few weeks ago and she is beautiful or considers herself so because all the men in the station were all over her. That is because there are no younger female officers and she is the only one but she took it to heart.
"He doesn't fancy her, they hate each other actually."
No one has heard that they are married and Ahmad would like to keep it that way. The fewer people that know about it the better.
Ahmad listened intently to the man whose car Fatima scratched. "What do you want now, Mr. Thomas?"
The man frowned, what does he want? Is that even a question? He wants his car repaired like he's bought it few days ago. "I want my car repaired but you sent the woman away. She even offered to give money for a new car before your officer showed up."
Ahmad shook his head, that is something Fatima would do. "I will have one of the officers send your car to a workshop and you can come pick it up tomorrow morning. Is that okay by you?"
Mr. Thomas is still frowning before he asked the question that has been eating him up since the drama he saw earlier at the parking lot. "Who is that woman, Sir?"
"Fatima Musa Babagana, a devil in disguise."
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