Fatima burped very loud, earning a chiding look of disapproval from Ahmad whom she shrugged her narrow shoulders to. The man should be grateful his food is amazing and she is full, he would've gotten a few choices of words to mull over while sleeping. Her stomach is filled to the brim but if she gets dessert right now, she won't stop until she is vomiting out all she's eaten. Her weakest spot is good, whenever something edible is related, Fatima Musa Babagana is ahead and at the front.
She sat up straighter when she felt something rolling from her private part, it's something she is very much used to for years. Her period has arrived but it's never come with such ease and painless which showed on her face, it contorted into a look of surprise. How can something like that be possible? She's batting with endometriosis since she is sixteen and the pain keeps increasing with each cycle but this time around, there is nothing but a little discomfort below her waist, other than that, nothing else like the excruciating pain she's endured. Is this for real? Does having sex help with such pains or is it just miracle?
"What's wrong?" At Ahmad's question, Fatima bolted from her sitting position and rushed upstairs in a record time. Ahmad had to run to follow her thinking something awful has happened or is about to happen, she runs extremely fast for a lady her height.
Upon arriving at her room, she rushed to the bathroom and locked herself only to groan in annoyance when she found out there isn't any sanitary pad in the bathroom but the walk in closet and she's removed every single bit of article closing her. What is she to do now? Walk out of the bathroom naked and search for it in the walk in closet and risk the blood dropping on rouge carpet in her room? Who would clean it if that happens, Ahmad clearly won't do it neither would she allow him to do so. It'd be so embarrassing permitting him or his guards to do such a work and she cannot do it.
She jumped a bit when she heard a knock on the bathroom door, she sighed in relief. Ahmad is there in the room with her and she can ask him to get it for her to avoid further problems. "Are you okay in there?"
She opened the door a bit, poked her head outside to locate where he is. He is standing close to the door, his expression pinched with worry that surprised her. "I'm fine but not too fine. Can you get me a sanitary pad and underwear in the walk-in closet? I'm kind of naked here."
Ahmad furrowed his brows then it clicked to him what she's just requested. He is not the type of man or guy that shy away from a lady's need because it's personal, he was fully engaged in this with his past wife. Why shouldn't they help their wives because they find blood and menstruation dirty? He'd like to be there in every step of the way for them and if possible, help with that massage they've always requested and fulfill all their craving, he doesn't mind. Oh, if the world knew how much she's doted over his ex-wife.
"Where exactly is it located?" He asked, moving back so the door can shield her some more. He cannot afford to see something he cannot unsee, he's seen enough to have sleepless night already. The last thing he wants now is distraction and Fatima is every bit that.
She pushed the door a bit more open and started giving out directions. "If you enter the closet, by your right, you will see a huge suitcase that was packed, inside you will find boxes of the pads. Bring them out and search some more into the suitcase for my underwear. Off you go."
Ahmad's mouth dropped at the last sentence, this girl will make the person with the softest heart rebel. Just when he is about to be sympathetic, she had to threw in her own ungrateful words and tick him off. He didn't wait for more command, he made his way to her closet where the smell of vanilla and lavender hit his nostril. It's so pleasant and enough to get his blood moving to unnecessary places, he just remembered the same smell on her when they were together that night.
Ahmad groaned out loud, gnashed his teeth to stop the unhealthy images from visiting again before hunting for suitcase and sanitary pads. When he reached the underwear, his hand stopped on the red Victoria secret thong.
Balling the filthy piece of material in a ball, he rushed out of the closet and pass her her items. Fatima hastily arranged herself before slipping back the gown she's removed earlier in the morning, she can't exactly walk out naked even though she isn't wearing any bra. Her breast are always sensitive during this time of the month and she never wears bra no matter what, it gets worst and the tenderness there is sometimes verging to pain. She looked at herself in the mirror and gave a small smile, happiness bubbling within her in boundless sheaf.
She rushed out of the bathroom still not believing her endometriosis is coming to end. When she saw Ahmad standing outside patiently waiting for her, she jumped into his arms taking him by surprise but she is surprise with herself too. She clung to him, jumping in his arms like she's found her new entertainment but it's just the joy of not feeling pain when a month ago at this moment, she is lying down on a hospital bed writhing in pain. Or was it the day when they got married? If she remembers clearly, the day she started bleeding was the day her father called to tell her he got her married to ACP Al-hafiz.
"It's our one month anniversary." She whispered excitedly in his ear, not leaving the confines of his sturdy safe arms wrapped around her like a warm cloak. He is so warm, his chest hard and wide enough for her size to fit like a missing piece then his arms, that slowly wrapped around her to keep her falling toppling over head first.
Ahmad grinned atop her head, smelling the faint scent of vanilla and lavender. "If I don't know any better, I'd think you played this game with your father to get married to me."
Fatima moved back to look at his face, her famous glare intact on her face. "I'll have you know that I never intend to marry. I'm just happy that there is no pain this time around." At his perplexed expressions, she rolled her eyes and cleared it. "My cycle, period. It looks like Dr. Mujida was right after all."
Holding her, breathing against her temple, Ahmad became aware of an elusive scent, a faint flowery overture that he had vaguely registered in her walk-in closet. Hunting for it, he found a stronger concentration of the fragrance on her throat, where it was blood-heated and intoxicating. His mouth watered. Suddenly he wanted to touch his tongue to her tender white skin, wanted to rip her dress down the front and drag his mouth from her throat down to her toes. She made a little sound that seem to encourage him at the back of her throat, her toes curling underneath her.
"Don't start what you cannot stop." He murmured, his nose still searching for more of that tantalizing smell that is making him do irrationalthinhs and the fact that Fatima is permitting it, is punishable.
She wiggled around his arms, her stomach heating with fire. "That is for you to worry about."
Ahmad was distracted by the sight of her mouth... the plush, silky, rose-tinted lips that seemed to promise unspeakable sweetness. The scent of her invaded his nose repeatedly, in luxurious drifts that roused a fresh wave of fantastically lurid urges within his body. He hardened, his groin heating rapidly, while his heart thumped with unrivaled force. He couldn't think clearly. The effort to keep from groping her caused his hands to shake. Closing his eyes, he turned his face from hers, only to find himself nuzzling hungrily at her throat. She pushed at him a little, her sharp whisper at his ear. "I can't go any far than a kiss."
He didn't seem to hear what she said and instead, brought her lips to his in a searching kiss. His arm tightened around Lillian's narrow frame, and his free hand compulsively sought her hips, exerting gentle but steady pressure to bring her closer against him.
Oh yes. She was the perfect height, unlike his ex wife's taller frame that he needn't have to bow down much. He likes the power of having to steady Fatima in his arms, tilt her head to the side he likes while she flexed with her flexible limbs. Albeit her height, she stand short in front of Ahmad and it didn't sit well with her. She is tall for a woman but just look at her like a midget before this man.
How in God's name could she feel this way about a man she had always despised? She had considered him to be the most unpleasant companion imaginable. And now...and now...
Ahmad moved away because he is second away from losing control and if that happens, there is no one around to save Fatima from him, he wouldn't want that. He took a deep breath to calm his raging heartbeat, his head is starting o throb with unfulfilled desire. Why is he doing this? It's happened once when they were under the influence of something but he wants to do it again? When did he get so attracted to Fatima Musa Babagana to not think rationally when she is close? This has to stop as soon as possible, he can't afford getting more attached.
"Stop breathing like a horse." Fatima scolded even though she is doing the same thing, she thought she is doing it in a cute way than he is.
Ahmad smiled but didn't stop catching his breath, when that is settled, he stood straighter and regarded her with suspicious eyes. "What were you saying?"
"That I can't go further than a kiss. You know, we are not allowed to have sex during our period." She beamed at his crestfallen expression because he was holding onto the hope that they'd go a bit further but this shattered all the hope that was about to bubble into surface and he mentally scolded himself. When did he become a nymph? He's been celibate for more than five years and suddenly he can't hold it in after having a taste? An amazing taste it was.
"Oh." He licked his lips, looked anywhere but at Fatima.
Fatima started laughing out of nowhere, the sound rising from her chest out to the open creating echo like a witch's. No, the sound is actually lovely and beautiful but seeing the genuineness behind it makes it more superfluous. He stared, mesmerized and enchanted -not even curious about what had resulted to the dulcet sound flowing, he wants to keep listening to it for hours and that is a first. He's never been this mesmerized by something as mundane as the sound of someone laughing, no matter how angelic it may sound.
She took a deep breath to stop herself from taking another round of guffaw, use both palms to close her mouth. The breathless gasps of giggles keep escaping though. "You have a little not so small business to take care of. It looks painful."
Brows furrowed to clear his head so he can understand the language she is speaking. She didn't stop letting out little giggles from behind her palm as if whatever it is she just talked about seem to keep exciting her to no end while he didn't share the joke at all. They just shared a heart shattering kiss right now but she is laughing like a lunatic albeit he knew to never expect anything sensible from his cuckoo wife but still. Whatever this is that she find humorous is related to him and he'd be damned if he doesn't get into her little joke.
"What looks painful?" He grimaced after the words left his mouth because that is when he saw her eyes moving south, using her eyes instead of mouth to answer. He grinned, he should've known apart from being sassy and sarcastic, Fatima is bold and daring.
Eager to show her how funny his situation is -which is one percent of hundred- he snaked his arms around her waist and draw her close. With startling suddenness, Ahmad snatched her against him. He buried his face in the tangled skein of her short soft hair, that smell still lingering and if possible it got stronger than it had minutes ago. His voice came out in an anguished growl in her ear sending uneasy shivers down her spine. "You caused this and you don't want to pay the consequences? Is that how wives are supposed to do or I'm I just too special to get that treatment?"
Fatima frisson, her words getting choked behind her throat. Just when she was about to surrender that she couldn't say anything, her mouth open and the parched lips began to move uneasily. "What do wives do in this situation? Even though, I'm not supposed to act like a wife but I'm willing to get this off you since I participated in waking it up."
Ahmad was stunned to say the least, he grinned at her ear and tugged at the tender lobe there. "I don't know what they do but I'm very sure they know how to tackle it. But... don't worry, I have it covered."
With that, Ahmad pulled away and leisurely left the room with same self assured strides he didn't came in with. Fatima stood rooted on the spot, her eyes following him till he is out of sight before she fell on the bed and let out a muffled scream of what is supposed to be joy and fun. It's been long since she felt something relatively close to this, the need to let out a loud squeal of laughter or the real guffaw bubbling in her stomach with no aperture to have it out than her lips. Oh God, what is ACP Ahmad Hakim Al-hafiz doing to her now? Why is she so giddy and restless when he is around? What has happened after yesterday's rendezvous?
Maybe Dr. Mujida added something more into the shawarma than the pill that will get them in the mood.
She brought out her phone and dialed the doctor's number with her face set. She can't believe she wanted to let this slip when clearly no one has ever crossed her like the woman did. Yes, she is now healthy and there was no pain but it doesn't mean Dr. Mujida have the right to get her to be intimate with someone she despised just twenty four hours ago. It's not like she likes him now, but she doesn't exactly hate him as she does before. And she wants to fully believe that Dr. Mujida put something inside their meal that evening that got them acting like bunch of teenagers. around each other. They both wouldn't have been able to face one another few days ago, all ready on the others throat like wolves but now? Oh no, this is terrible.
She wants to go back to hating ACP Al-hafiz!
"Hello, dear." Dr. Mujida's cool cheerful voice rang from the other end of the line, Fatima had to raise a brow at the innocence in the woman's voice. No one would believe she is capable of such.
"Don't dear me, doctor. After drugging us with aphrodisiacs, you have the right to dear me? I don't think so. Well done, you did a great job in helping me sacrifice my virginity like second hand outfit in the market. No, scratch second hand, let's use rag. Hands down are bought with money but what about me? I gave it to him in a silver platter with a knife all thanks to you." She ranted, her eyes sizing up a small movement she saw on her wall only to find out that it's her eyes doing it again.
She heard a sigh from the other end. "Are you fine right now? Is there any discomfort anywhere?"
"No,no,no, answer why you had to result to pills first. Don't even think I will let you drop that topic, Dr. Mujida."
"You have no choice but to drop it, Fatima. What is done is done and I promise you, if you go with the process a few more times, you will never have to go through that pain ever again. Endometriosis will remain history in your life and that is all we want isn't it? That was what we've been fighting for for years!" The reassurance and carefulness in her words caused Fatima to halt her next words, she couldn't harangue her even if she wants to. This woman did all she could for her well-being, for her safety and health.
"What if I get pregnant?" She whispered her fears, apprehensiveness and what's been bothering her.
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