Fifty Three.


Fatima kept grumbling all the way home. Betsy was dropped at her dinky apartment leaving her and Raheeb who didn't utter a word and from his expression, she knew he is also going through what his mother had told them earlier. Fatima feels like she doesn't have much energy in her and she cannot continue thinking about the fact that Ahmad is Adda mama's son. The whole past thing is making her head ache, she wants to forget about everything that has happened today and just bury her nose in Ahmad's neck for the night. God, she is going to miss him so damn much.

When they arrived at the house, they went their separate ways with Raheeb moving to the kitchen while she opted for the stairs because even if she is hungry, she cannot eat anything anymore. Now that her thoughts have drifted to Ahmad, there would be a hell to pay for the night. She's already pictured herself not getting a good sleep and waking up with bags or in this case suitcases underneath her eyes. Her whole night will be spent reminiscing how their nights were and how this would've been.

She stripped off her clothes in his room and decided to wear the shirt he'd worn the night before, maybe surrounded by his smell and warmth will help her with the days sleep. It's just a polo shirt but it's closed her upper thigh, adding a coral legging underneath for more comfort and shield against the Arctic bite of winter. She slipped under the covers with sigh, imagining Ahmad drawing her to his body and whispering wicked things to her. On God, this is going to be a long fucking night that she is not looking forward to at all. She felt lonely, more so than she's ever felt those years ago that she was all alone.

She's gotten too comfortable with Ahmad, more than she should and now it's coming to bite her ass with it's sharp claws. Her gaze became longing as she stared at Leo sleeping comfortably on the carpet. Betsy had brought the cat for her and fortunately, it wasn't starved in her absent which she's sure is due to Asabe or her witch of a stepmother wouldn't mind killing her only source of comfort. Ahmad didn't like it at first but Leo became excessively obsessed with Ahmad that he had no choice but to befriend the cat. And they share a nice ass relationship now.

A thickness placed itself in her throat, signaling the onset of tears. She's just realized that she's stopped hating Ahmad and if possible, she's started liking him and she despise that she is going to like him some more if she spends more time with him. She cannot help it though, she is not yet bored of him and wants to spend many more nights in his arms. She cannot forestall what the future has in store for them but catching feelings? That is something she thought is far beneath her, but the jerk managed to web his way through her life like a damn spider.

A longing so intense filled her insides, manifesting itself to the point of pain. She wanted to go to him this very second, have him bear her to the ground with rough whole-mouthed kisses and impatient caresses. A smile took over her lips, a bitter one filled with longing and loneliness. It's surprising, why can't she just deal with a day of his absence? What will happen if she leaves him or he decided that this accident has brought him back to his senses and he wants to leave her? Her heart fell to her stomach in a wicked thud that jolted her to a seating position. She massaged her forehead gently, something is wrong with her.

She decided that thinking about the worst case scenario won't help her with the night, she lie back down, curled herself into a ball and closed her eyes. What he did to her few days ago after she's read the Quran to him.

It was as though he couldn't wait for her to place the Quran beside her on the bedside table because as soon as that was done, he yanked her to his body and nuzzled his nose to her neck. A confused smile took over her face and she watched his dark hair from her higher position. His arms are circled around her narrow waist, her cotton sweatpants probably heating from sitting for a long time on the bed. He didn't say anything, she took the liberty of strolling her fingernails into his hair. It is soft and growing longer almost everyday, she envied his sable luscious locks.

"Why are you always all over me like a cat?" She'd asked when he wouldn't stop nuzzling and nibbling her neck, she shuddered when he found the spot he's put eye on.

His reply was muffled in her neck but she heard him right. "Because your body is meant for sin and I'm the devil which means... we must work together."

Fatima had laughed out loud, her head thrown back on the headboard. That is the most cheekiest line she's ever heard from Ahmad and it sound totally out of line. He looked up, sat straighter but his arms are still tight around her waist, his thumb riding her shirt up so he touch her skin there. His eyes are so bright in the well lit room and every time Ahmad glanced at her, touched her, smiled at her, it provoked a feeling that she had never known before. A painful feeling of yearning that made her want impossible things.

He licked his lips when his eyes fell on hers, his inspection starting from her eyes down to her neck. "I never knew I would like a dark skinned woman when I'm used to seeing too many fair ones."

Fatima decided not to talk about the liking part as she raise a mocking brow up. "And what are your thoughts about them so far?"

He gripped her so she is fixed in his arms, her legs rounding around his waist. She was shocked by the glowing warmth that scalded from her waist to her toes then diffused through her entire body. It was like being intoxicated on sunlight, heat spilling in streams of sensation, and along with the pleasure came the sudden, alarming pressure behind her eyes that heralded tears. She lie her head on his shoulder, his hands leaving her waist to smoothen the lines of her shirt.

"So far, they are the most dangerous, fascinating, captivating and foxy and set of women I've ever met. The one I've met is immensely talented beautiful and a girl with big dreams who isn't interested in relation with anyone but herself. She is intensely independent, good with curse words, dramatic and boring." He'd narrated, touching a lock of her hair that fell on her forehead.

There were infinite ways she could have replied, but at the moment she could summon no subtlety, wit, or any manner of verbal agility.

She scowled at him, her mouth puckered in a bratty way. "The fact that all you've said is true is making me hate you this very moment." She mimped.

"I'm done talking, time to sin." With that, his lips descended on hers in a gentle caress, cajoling her softer moist ones to accommodate his. When her breath became shallow and ragged, he trailed his lips to her jaw. Compulsively, she exerted shaky pressure behind his neck, urging him back down to her, and when his mouth took hers in another penetrating kiss, she nearly moaned aloud. Before the sound could escape her dilated throat, she tore her mouth away and buried her face against his shoulder.

Fatima gripped herself tighter, her eyes filling up with tears again that she use both her hands and tighten her hair in two fists. Her head is aching, something is happening and she doesn't know what the fuck it is. This is more than loneliness, there is something she doesn't know that is occurring and she hates when she is powerless in situations, especially ones related to her. She swallowed against the thickness in her throat, forced her eyes open and stare blankly at the darkness surrounding her. Even the moon decided to be absent today and leave her to her dark thoughts.

It wasn't clear though, even after she's opened her eyes and took deep breaths, she didn't feel okay. It took her a few minutes to realize that it's her irrational and disabling fears also known as phobia. She blinked again then close her eyes tightly as the door to the room opened and the lights from the corridor flooded into the room before she saw Raheeb's tall figure coming inside and closing the door behind him. He took her in his arms and whispered reassurance to her, she was so into her own mental spirit to know what he's said in the beginning but when she began to calm down, she listened intently.

"...he will be back in no time and you can face your future together. Don't fight it, little devil. You are meant to be his wife, that's what is written for you both and the sooner you realize that you are better with one another, the greater it'd be for you. Just for once, do what you want and let the world think what it should, hm?" He is holding her skull, his arms protective but not like Ahmad's. This one is brotherly, the possessiveness that's been in him since young age but with Ahmad, there is fierceness and under-laced power that can't place a finger on.

But why is he talking about their marriage? Is it obvious that she misses her husband? She buried her face deeper into his shoulder in embarrassment, she cannot believe she is the only one left in the dark about her feelings for ACP Al-hafiz.

"I don't want to talk about it. Can you hold me till I fall asleep? I've gotten way too comfortable and attached to sleeping in his arms." It was a shameless request but what? There is nothing she can do and she needs sleep more than anybody. Facing tomorrow seems like a battle she must face and without much strength in her system, the war is going to be baseless.

"Your wish is my command." And he started talking animatedly about their childhood which slowly lulled her to a dreamless sleep. She felt him move to place her down on the bed then whispered or is that just what she heard? "The girl is finally tackling feelings, who would've thought." She smiled at that because no one would've really thought about the impossible.

Adda mama squirmed then woke up from her short slumber, the couch is not comfortable at all. Slowly sitting up, she regarded the room with speculative gaze to see what is amiss. The room has been quiet ever since the departure of Fatima so listening to the rustles and susurrus in the room means two things, Ahmad is awake or a doctor came to check up on him. She found him sitting down, eyes blankly on the door as if expecting someone to barge in.

The room is still a little bit dark which means it's not even time for fajr yet, she is tired of sleeping anyway. She stood from the couch and ambled to where he is in leisure steps, took the water from beside him and gave it to him, he didn't accept it though. He only sat motionless on the bed like he's been drawn or placed there. Licking her lower lips, she placed the cup back to where it is but continue standing like a newbie bodyguard trying to impress their master. He didn't acknowledge her which means he knew she was the one staying with him.

After what seems like decades, he opened his mouth. "Why are you here?"

Blown by the accusation and anger in his voice, she widened her eyes for a few seconds before enshrouding whatever emotion that is on her face with blankness too. She won't let him match all over her this time around. She will show him that she gave birth to him and he needs to respect that. "Who else do you want here with you? Fatima? She cannot do what I can since she hasn't given birth yet neither does she know what goes on in the hospitals and what needs to be done to a patient. I took the liberty of staying here with you for the night."

Ahmad wanted to ask her to call Fatima there that he needs her but he kept quiet seeing as the woman has finally grown a backbone. Why is she talking to him like this? Did something happen after he was shoot or his memory is dangling on precipice? Something is amiss but he won't find out till he is out of the damn cast and off the fucking bed. The wound will take approximately ten to fifteen days to heal and more days for completion, he cannot stay long in one place.

"I don't want you here. I'll ring for a maid whenever I need assistance, you may take your leave now." He heard the faint intake of breath from her and that filled him with a little guilt. She is the woman that gave birth to him no matter how much he wants that to be untrue.

In the next minute, she is sitting in front of him with a frown settled between her brows creating a slight dent there. She looks like a lost child, an angry bitter teenager then a hurt mother. "I want to know why you hate me so much. I've been living with it for years! It's going to come to an end because whatever it is that pathetic woman had told you about me, is untrue and I want to know what it is. She doesn't know me, I don't know her. One person connected us and I stopped been in contact with him the day he took you away from me. What right does she have to say something about me? Tell me right now what she's said, I want to know." It was a command, her eyes unyielding and determined.

Ahmad frowned, she's met Ruwaidha and he is not sure whether he will like what's happened between them. He stared at her again, she is not about to let this matter slip and this time around she wants to face anything to make sure their past is out of the way. Has she told Fatima bout their past too? She is not looking at him with pained expression but with the eyes a mother would look at her son when she is not about to let him escape from a crime. It's almost like a mockery to him.

"She didn't say anything about you. And I told you I don't want to talk about it." He dismissed the topic, lying back with a wince of the pillow, his head jerked to the side to not see how hurt she looks by his dismissal.

"You have no choice. If you want to make your own mother angry and face God's wrath, you are free to do so but you must tell me what she's told you. I just want to know." She is not someone to use emotional blackmail on anyone since she could intimidate anything out of someone but her son,he's got same trait as her.

Ahmad scoffed, his mother just told him that his biological mother left him but what is there to tell when it's true? His father denied it but he confirmed that the woman that gave birth to him is alive and living somewhere. After that bank robbery that he met her, he never wished to do so again but he did because he had to take the corpse of her husband to her after he's met with an accident. When they met, she was too disoriented to notice him but he watched from afar and sympathized with his half brother.

"She told me you left me for another man, nothing more. She didn't lie, did she? You left, remarried and gave birth to another son. End of the story." His smile is mocking, daring but also ladened with the pain he's endured throughout his life.

Enraged, Adda mama stood up and paced the room to calm herself down, Ahmad watched with a huff. This is all an act, he knows one when he sees it and he won't be moved by her sudden yearn for her oldest son. He is now a man, he doesn't need no one's comfort or embrace to tell him everything will be good. He's got his Lord by his side, everything can fade away if need be.

When she finished pacing and looked visibly calm, she came to his bed and hovered over him. Her eyes are glistening with tears, marred with pain and onslaught of torment she's endured. That is the same type of emotions he's been surfing through his whole life, the same one Fatima has battled with and now his biological mother? This time, she is not acting but he doesn't want to believe that it was all a lie what he's grown believing is all a blatant lie.

"I swear to God I never left you. You were taken away from me few days after I gave birth to you..." She went on narrating all that has happened and transpired between Hakim and her thirty years ago.

Ahmad absorbed and gulped everything she is saying, frowning and scowling in some places he felt that he is inclined to believe. "I want to be alone." He closed his eyes, turned away from her and decided that his mother had lied to him his whole life. The truth is there in Adda mama's eyes and remembering some things and behaviors of his mother years ago with his father, he concluded that this is the story of his life.

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