Fifty Six.


Ruwaidha took a deep breath and release it through her mouth. What Zainab Babagana just said actually hit her where it's not supposed to and she badly wants to retort but the words won't just come up in a sentence. Her eyes fell on her son again, he is just blankly staring and waiting patiently for her to talk. But like Zainab Babagana had said, there is no lying this time around because both figures are here and one lie from her will make her a liar for the rest of her life in Ahmad's eyes and she doesn't want that. Such a nightmare.

She leaned forward and took his right hand in hers, gave a bittersweet smile before she started. "I've lied to you about that fact because I was so jealous of her. She's got your father's love while I couldn't even get him to smile, she's got you when I have no hope for a baby. I was very stupid to say all those things about her but I was hurt too. I didn't know which root to take or how to vent out my wrath on your father so I settled on you. I'm so sorry what I did made a great impact in your life. I never knew it would come to this. I'm sorry."

Ahmad didn't say anything for a long while and only examined her with dull eyes, he didn't give anything away. She's waiting for him to talk and say anything, should stop staring at her like this but Ahmad didn't. It felt like he himself is out of words and is conjuring what to tell her, nothing came to his head. After a while, he turned his head away from her and close his eyes as if he is suddenly too tired of the drama taking place in his life. His mother had betrayed him just like his father which left on Fatima Babagana now to do the same. That would've been his undoing, Fatima betraying him and hurting him like this because she is the only one he cares about now and same thing from her he will lose faith in humanity.

"Can you leave me alone? I want to be alone because I need to think. You are just like father, you've betrayed me in the worst possible way. I could've had two mothers, without any fright that my biological one loves me just as much as my father's wife but you ruined that. Maybe father's betrayal is caused by you." He saw her flinch but that's the truth and she knew it too. She's been nothing but pain to his father, there was never love or affection between them and he's always wondered why.

Ruwaidha's eyes filled up with tears, she couldn't believe what he son is saying. The truth hurts so much and all he's said is true, every single thing that left his mouth. Maybe that was why she didn't feel the pain he's felt when he found out about what his father had done. "You are hurt and angry, I understand but please don't cut me off from your life now that you know the truth. I cannot bear it, I only have you. Please."

Ahmad swallowed thickly, he still loves her because she was the one who cleared his tears when he got bullied first day in school, clean his nose and took care of him when he was sick and was incapable. Things are not going to be the same anymore but it doesn't mean he will cut her off, he cannot do that to her. People have different mindset and this is her own foolishness that was made in fit of jealousy and immaturity. He will forgive her for this just like he's forgiven his father, he is borne to forgive anyway.

A dua for our mothers; may every year that has ever fallen from their eyes on our behalf become a river for them in Jannah, Amin.

He let go of her hand and threw her a reassuring smile that answered her questions. Silently, Ruwaidha stood up, glanced at Fatima who's busy with the her phone to notice her sudden departure then left the room. She's prayed that their marriage shouldn't work out but she is seeing the exact opposite of her dua. Fatima and Ahmad are getting ridiculously closer to one another which further confirmed that she is not his mother neither had she been a great stepmother.

Fatima stood up after she's left, a small smile on her face as she examined him. Ahmad raised a brow in question as to why she is smiling and why does she look suddenly so chatty. He could see the smile shivering on her lips which is something he's come to learn that she does whenever she wants to talk. How much he's come to learn about Fatima in just a few days is beyond him. That is how some things are, you get to know someone in matter of few days while others it took years and you'd still never understand a shilling about them.

"You have a story to tell in your future. Your life was never boring like mine was." She entertained herself, pouring the bottle of wine Raheeb had brought so they can toast to whatever it is he's said that she didn't understands, in a cup.

Ahmad snorted in amusement then tap the space beside him for her to come sit which she did graciously, the straight gown already disturbing her when she is sued to talking in jeans with so much comfort. Maybe this is the reason why she never liked traditional wears, she finds them uncomfortable no matter how pretty. She took not to never wear it if it's not compulsory for her, when Betsy or Raheeb agree to get married. She is not the wedding goer, hardly have friends to attend their marriage so she won't have to worry much about wearing it.

"I don't have no story to tell. My life has been fucked up right from the very beginning." She gave him an amused glance as if she doesn't believe him. "I'll tell you all about it someday but now, I want us to continue from where we stopped."

She is already sitting close to him on the large hospital bed, her heels long gone from her feet so she place the wine glass beside her, smoothen her hand around his stomach being careful not to touch his wound. Her other hand is around his waist, his own right hand draped across her shoulders. Fatima lie her head gently on his chest, all she wants to do is sleep in his arms because her lids are heavy which means she didn't get much sleep the night before.

Straining against him, she searched blindly for his hot, teasing mouth, the silken stroke of his tongue. He gave it to her, his kiss gentle but sure. She curled her free arm around his neck to keep from falling, while he kept the other wrist pressed against around his stomach, their pulses throbbing hard together in a rhyme. Another deep kiss, somehow raw and soothing at the same time... he ate at her mouth, tasted and licked inside her, the pleasure of it threatened to blot out her consciousness. She's unsteady, her head swimming with so many wicked things she wants to do with him.

Fatima felt her pulse begin to thunder, her breath mingling in rapid puffs with his. She remembered the hard planes of his body brushing lightly over hers as they had made love, the consummate fit between them, the sliding flex of muscle and sinew beneath her hands. Her skin tingled with the memory of his touch, and the clever explorations of his mouth and fingers that had reduced her to shivering need. No wonder he was so cool and cerebral during the day - he saved all his sensuality for bedtime. But now they cannot do anything till he recovers, almost two damn weeks! She groaned inwardly, she cannot be that celibate after having a taste of him.

She gently moved her lips from his and whispered tiredly. "You need to recover soon, I'm aching. But now, all I want you to do is hold me while I sleep." The minute she closed her mouth, her eyes followed and all Ahmad could hear is light snores from her. She must've been so tired yesterday after what's happened, her breath tickling his unshaven sideboard.

Few minutes later, Dr. Mujida Raheeb and Adda mama walked into the room and sighted the couple on bed both sleeping in each other's arms. Raheeb cleared his throat with a large grin while Adda mama is trying to fight her own by swallowing needlessly. Dr. Mujida could only grin widely, remove her phone from her lab coat and snapped the duo, evidence. You never know, maybe it happened after she fed them that aphrodisiac and all their differences were kept aside. She's always known that they would picture a spectacular but queer couple and look at them all cuddly and cute.

It was likely that no one had been surprised, however, as it was clear that Ahmad and Fatima belonged together. There was something invisible and yet irrefutable that made them a couple. Perhaps it was the way both of them stole quick glances at each other when one thought the other wasn't looking... glances of wonder and hunger. They've seen it all since Fatima's arrival in the hospital, that arrested stare that spoke volumes. Raheeb was surprised by the intensity of Ahmad's gaze on his wife, he never thought something like that was possible even with the tons of romantic movies he's watched.

Or the way Ahmad's voice changed subtly when he spoke to Fatima, his tone deepening, softening. No matter how circumspectly they behaved, anyone could tell that Ahmad and Fatima were drawn together by a force more powerful than either of them. They seemed to want to breathe the same air. Their need for each other was painfully obvious. And Dr. Mujida was convinced that Ahmad worshipped her Fatima. Perhaps it was wrong, but Adda mama couldn't help but wish that Fatima could find the courage to trust Ahmad with the truth about her past. They should share each other's pasts for more closure.

"Now this is what I call picture perfect! What a couple." Dr. Mujida commented, tucking her phone back in her lab coat and watch as Raheeb removed his brand new iPhone to snap them too along with short video.

"I never knew I would see such a thing. They were like Tom and jerry, never sitting in the same place without fighting. How did this happen?" Dr. Mujida further added, her palms pressed against her cheeks to exaggerate her point.

Adda mama shrugged since she doesn't know what has happened during their first weeks of marriage but when she came to Nigeria, she's seen the chemistry and attraction between the duo and thought this long overdue. Seeing them now together was still strange though. Fatima never allowed anyone in her circle but Ahmad manage to squeeze his way there without as much as using too much energy. It just happened because it's meant to. There was no cheekiness in their love story, no cliche moments to tell their kids about. It's filled with tension, wide eyes, choices of words, wrath, pride and a show of power.

There is no love story like this and if there is, a change is still yet to be seen. Fatima and Ahmad are peculiar and odd in every sense, even in appearance. Oh, when God says so and so will happen, not even the universe could stand against those words. What is meant for you will reach you even if it is beneath two mountains. And what isn't meant for you won't reach you even it if is between you two lips.

"It's true that Allah has already written the characters, script, length and ending of our films. You just have to put a performance worthy of Jannatul firdaus." Adda mama remarked, trudging inside the room to place Fatima's items accordingly. She will never stop throwing her things around and making a mess.

Raheeb snuck out of the room and bumped into someone, Betsy. He stared at her short form in front of him, trying to point out why she looks so familiar to him since yesterday. He's never met Fatima's friends neither does she post their pictures, she moves around her circle alone but why does she look familiar? Her hair, her eyes, there is something about her that he's seen somewhere and even make acquaintance with. But where?

Her innocent filled eyes gaze right back at him before she cleared her throat in discomfort. "Good afternoon. I'm here to see Fatima and ACP if I'm permitted?"

Her voice too damn it! Knowing he might never see her again, he didn't allow her inside the room and decided that it's now or never, he must find out where he's seen her or someone like her. It should be her, there is no other person he's seen with so much vulnerability and secrets hidden behind facade. Why does Fatima mingle with friends that have secrets too like she does? Shouldn't she have browsed and combed through Adamawa and find local girls with no care in the world? Why settle for this girl here that consume more than enough in her plate to carry over Fatima's trouble.

"Do I know you somewhere?" He gave her outfit a once over. She's wearing skinny fit jeans and army green corset top, unlike the way she's dressed yesterday.

Seeing as she is not ready to give an answer, he decided to take tour on her appearance starting from her hair. She has a long hair and he knows one when he sees it, she is not wearing on any wig. Her hair is the darkest shade of black natural hair he's ever seen, it's so dark and oily parked in high ponytail that formed a thick ball. She's managed to tame the edges of her hair with gel like they do nowadays but she did it in a childish way that makes her look hundred times younger than whatever age she is. Her delicate ear have several piercing, four on each ear ranging from plug, tragus, industrial and rook.

So much piercings but it looks good on her. Her upturned almond eyes that is exhibiting slept in eyeliner promise to convey the emotions of the heart if the mouth won't mutter them, they are that expressive seasoned with dark brown eyeballs. Her upturned nose held high and had she being an aristocrat, that nose would've fitted perfectly with her status. Her brows are high arched helping her upturned eyes to give this vibe of wickedness, as if she could turn the world around with her hands if she had magic. Entirely, her face could express everything about her with each turn of emotion.

Her thicker upper lips immediately got him in a mood he's never found himself in. Those lips are meant for sin and he could see it from her eyes that when it comes to the matters of trysts and liaisons.

"I don't know you anywhere. Can you get out of the way?" She is getting impatient even with the nervousness in her moves and the way she is fiddling the chains of her Yves Saint Laurent shopper denim bag.

Raheeb frowned, she looks nervous which means there is something about her that he knows. "Stop fiddling and tell me where I know you from. I've clearly seen you somewhere, just tell me."

Betsy stared at him for a few seconds as if trying to comprehend if this is really happening and when she confirmed that, she pushed her way through the doorway and squeezed her smaller figure through the aperture. Raheeb moved away reluctantly seeing how adamant she is to escape him but as long as she is Fatima's friend, he will make sure he finds out everything about her. Maybe she is a celebrity like Fatima.

So guys, I want to post something (sneak peek) on Instagram and I need your cooperation. I've been a sweetheart throughout this book huh🌚 updates kachakacha. Toh do something small for me. Just tell me the part you find yourself awing at our couple, the exact moment or chapter or anything... okay bye❤️

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