Fifty Five.
I was in school with baddddd network but hereeeee....
Fatima stood by the other end of the room discretely trying to adjust her cloth and retouch her head tie alongside her veil. The cops outside gently walked in when Ahmad saw that she is decent enough to entertain his concerned colleagues. His heart is still thumping loudly inside his chest and he won't lie that the interruption really disarmed him. Why do they have to come so early in the morning and that too without concrete notice? Don't they know that mornings are for family along with nights? Why didn't they offer to come in the afternoon?
Schooling his expression, he gave them a smile and shook each of their hands. Two young female police officers sauntered in, one holding a bouquet of flowers and the other with a basket filled with fruits. Ahmad thanked them as they gently place the items on the bedside table beside him. Fatima is staring from afar by the door to the bathroom, she didn't utter a word to them and watch as they all exchange hearty pleasantries with him. There is no doubt they have uttermost respect for Ahmad from the way they regard him and how they talk to him. Something she lacks, this one is enough to burst his head anyway.
There is no pretending that she couldn't see how they are all giving the two of them questioning glances as if asking why Fatima Musa Babagana is in the same room as him all disheveled and lips swollen. She's sat down on the couch and crossed her legs with her phone in hand like they aren't there. Most of the men there are giving her appreciative glances trying to be as discreet as possible but failing miserably from the way Ahmad had tended with jealousy. It's taking all his strength not to demand that they leave the room immediately.
But seeing Fatima Musa Babagana is native attire did them bad. It's a sight no one has ever seen and paparazzi would pay damn well for such picture. A dazzling queen, that's how she looks all unbothered and beautiful on the couch. She always looks perfect and today is no less maybe even greater than perfect. What they don't understand is her relationship with their boss. ACP Ahmad acted weird few days ago at the station when a car almost hit her and now she is in his hospital room all comfortable and cozy. Crazy things are happening, and they are all curious about the situationship.
Fatima raise her head when the stares got too much, a smile broke from her lips seeing as the attention she's dressed to seek is all on her. The men thought she did it for another purpose because chorus of greetings hit her ears, their teeth showing all around as they reply her smile with large gargantuan grins. She can't help answering them warily, she is never nice and acting all polite for the sake of Ahmad is making her wary. What the hell! Is that how well mannered people do it? Oh no, manners and etiquettes is definitely not for her, it's official.
"How are you, Ma'am?"
"Hope you're having a great day so far?"
"You look great, Ma."
And so many more, she stopped answering along the way and faked a phone call to Betsy after raising a single finger to shush them, Ahmad had to bite back a smile because he knew all her tactics. She is overwhelmed and this sort of scene is not for her so she needs a break from it. She wouldn't stand up because those two ladies didn't say anything to her, they are sitting their like tyrants as if they are mates. She wants to see where they will go with their flirty giggles to her husband. How far do they think they can go with such pathetic moves? She is not moved at all because they are not pretty!
"Seems like you are recovering pretty quickly, Sir." One of them is saying to Ahmad, her smile gentle and innocent that made Fatima want to gag. Seriously? Is that how girls nowadays flirt to get attention? She longed to tell her all she is doing is pathetic and she should stop making moves on her husband but she kept quiet, a little more push will be her undoing.
"Yeah, seems like the bullet is not too dangerous." He replied after clearing his throat, he's taken a discreet look at Fatima and sure enough, she is watching with keen interest. This should be far more interesting, a jealous Fatima should be a view.
The other female officer stood up and went to cut orange for him in a plate which he accepted gratefully with a smile but made no attempt to take it. Constable Ashiru took the attention off of him when he started talking passionately about the kidnappers they've caught and what the government said should be done about them. They are going to be hanged and some are going to be shoot, twenty four of them were caught and more than half are young men. There are few women two ranging from thirty six to forty five, Ahmad was really shocked since they all look so responsible like mothers.
Ahmad had noticed that the Constable didn't talk to Fatima and it irked him. It doesn't before, he never cared to ask why he didn't like Fatima but now, he wants to know. What had she done to him to deserve indifference from him? Each and every of the other officers were so eager to pass her compliment and greet her that even with his jealousy, he tampered it down and let her handle it. But he can't take that one of his colleagues is so against Fatima, he has the right to know what is going on. That will happen after he recover.
Emily, the new transferred female officer stood up and went to the door to answer a call then came back, sashaying and swaying her hips a bit too much. The men in the room stared openly but Ahmad is glancing at Fatima to see whether she is seeing what is going on and sure enough, their eyes clashed. She scowled at him as if telling him to send the little bitches away before she get batshit crazy and knock some senses into the desperate wench. Ahmad is enjoying the show too much to pay attention so he just let out an innocent smile the turn back to listen to his men rant about the kidnappers some more.
When Emily stood a foot beside the bed, she took one slice of the orange and nibbled on it. "Why aren't you taking the orange, Sir? It's juicy and sweet."
That seem to have being Fatima's last stage because she stood up, went to the mirror above the washing hand basin and looked at herself, a sullen expression intact on her face. Her lips are pursed to the side, still looking swollen after their kiss but she's reapplied lip gloss over it, she is muttering something like a chant underneath her breath. Others won't notice but since he is paying keen attention on her, he notices even a slight change in her breathing.
The burning sensation in Fatima chest and stomach seems to heighten with each passing second as Emily's scratchy voice reach her ears. Her stomach hardened, breaths coming out coarser and faster than ever before, her delicate jaw clenched in an awful way. Fatima is about to put this girl in her rightful position, she should know to never think of coming closer to her husband. Why are women so shameless now and desperate? Thank God she's never went to a man and hopelessly as for his love, she consider that way below her class. She's never been into any man but Ahmad which she is convinced is because of great sex and nothing more. Physical urges and attraction she calls it.
She cleared her throat, move closer to Ahmad's bed and stood on the other side Emily and the other lady, Islam are standing. The room is now pin-drop silent, the cops noticing something is amiss because why else will Fatima Babagana walk with her expensive heels clicking on the tiled floor and stand on their boss's bed? Hovering over him like a mother hen? Something is definitely going on and with their luck, they might find out what it is.
She leaned towards the plate on Ahmad thigh and took it off of him, place it on the bedside table before rearranging the covers to his chest. He is shirtless, those girls don't deserve to see her husband half naked while they blush and giggle to their hearts content, that part of him is reserved for her. After making sure he is closed, Fatima stand back and watch them one after the other, even the male officers. A slow dazzling smile took over her lips as she regarded them with an air of authority. "Gentlemen and ladies, I think it's time you all take your leave. Thank you so much for the visit but my husband here is tired and shouldn't be receiving guests at this early hour. It was a great pleasure meeting y'all."
Gasps, exclamations, hanged jaws, wide eyes, confused faces, murmurs filled the room the minute she closed her mouth. She watched with satisfaction as the two ladies blanched and yaw pale. Her lips twisted when they started surveying her from head to toe, when they reach her face again, she raise a mocking brow as if to say 'do you need more oppression' and they flushed angrily which satisfied her further. They even think they have the right to be furious that he is taken? What a world they live in! How can you be jealous of your boss's wife? That's disrespectful and utterly unprofessional.
Ahmad watched with a ghost smile at his possessive jealous wife. The way she talked, smiled and mocked them actually satisfied him more than he did her because it proves that Fatima feels something for him. It proves that he is working slowly on breaking the walls around her, he is helping her build another one that is far more stronger but it's laced with feelings and humanity. He is surely going to make sure she knows what she feels for him, she shouldn't be delusional for long and this is just the starting point. There are more to come in the near future Fatima Musa Babagana.
His eyes met with Constable Ashiru's whose eyes are filled with questions, curiosity and astonishment. No one would've expected the great Texan police officer ACP Ahmad Hakim Al-hafiz is married to the only heir of Musa Babagana, Fatima. Oh, it was shocking to him too when it happened so imagine what other people would feel. Constable Ashiru saw something in his eyes that made him smile, look at Fatima and gave a curt nod. Isn't he against Fatima? Why giving his consent now? This man is complicated.
One of the men couldn't help asking. "Ma'am, you just called ACP Al-hafiz your husband. Does that mean you both are married?"
Fatima wanted to badly give him one of her many sassy and sarcastic replies but she forced a smile on her face, draw her eyes away from the two ladies that provoked her and said. "We got married few months ago actually, a private affair."
Burst of congratulations shoot through the walls in manly voices, smiles so broad and genuine that shook Fatima's insides. How could people be so positively happy for others? She cannot even fake being happy with herself talk less of being this joyous for any other person's sake. Wow, there is another world she doesn't know existed outside her little bubble of loneliness and bitterness. There are nice people out there, she just happen to grow up with the wrong and wicked ones. She might step out a little.
"Sir you didn't tell us about your marriage, we would've thrown a party to celebrate it." A young officer that looks about twenty five to twenty six exclaimed, his eyes bright and vibrant like he hasn't seen so many deaths and peril that comes with his career.
Ahmad smiled at the young man, seemingly liking something about him. "Oh there was no need. We wanted it private and that was what happened."
"But why did you insult her and jerked her few days ago at the station? It didn't show that there was anything between you both talk less of marriage. With due respect, Sir, I'm just curious." It was Islam who's asked the question then casted her eyes down when she heard the brutal wrath in her voice.
Ahmad was happy to give a befitting answer knowing the next thing Fatima will do to one of his female colleagues is strangle or punch them, he doesn't want that. Though it'd be a sight to behold. Fatima listened to his answer intently because she wants to know why he'd insulted her too and handled her with pure male strength that would've broke her had he added few more seconds holding her in that bruising clasp. She didn't talk to him about it, forgot about it actually since they were indulged in a passionate affair that night to calm each of their blazing and raging anger.
"I was dead afraid of something happening to her that I can't help acknowledging her carelessness. It was a possessive and protective move, Sergeant Islam. My wife is precious to me, I couldn't think properly and had something happened to her that afternoon, by God I don't know what I would've done. It was fear. By the way, my relationship with my wife is a bit weird. Insults like that are casual and a normality between us." Though he was answering Islam, his eyes are fixated on Fatima.
Fatima gulped seeing the sincerity in his eyes and hearing it in his voice. He was afraid of something bad happening to her? She licked her lower lips, afraid that another movement from her other limbs will be throwing herself on him. He is doing it again, firing emotions that she cannot name and has never felt nor had she read in any of the books she is usually indulged in. She felt her heart in her throat, one wrong move and it will come tumbling down and dancing in front of them. Her knees wobbled, she leaned a bit over the bed, eyes still on him.
They've totally forgotten about the other audience in the room whom are currently staring at both Fatima and Ahmad like they've grown two heads. It's obvious that the two are in love but that's such an odd pairing. Ahmad is not a noisy and dramatic person, he is the total opposite of Fatima's attention seeking, bratty and troublesome attitude. Indeed Allah has created us in pairs and wherever your other partner is, he shall come to you no matter how many oceans and mountain he shall cross to find you. Fatima and Ahmad? Okay what the actual hell?!
They've been married for a few months which means they've been married since Ahmad came to Nigeria! They have their underground issue, from the looks of it. It's not all that meets the eye but that is not their business, they are finally led out of the darkness.
Ruwaidha came much later with Adeelah. She was fussing all over Ahmad while Adda mama stepped out to go get him the coffee he requested. "Have they feed you anything? Why do you look so pale? Let me ring the nurse to confirm whether anything is wrong with you or not. You are not yourself." Her hand went to the nurse button beside Ahmad's bed but he stopped her midway.
His eyes settled on his aunt's who is looking at anywhere but at him, Fatima is sitting by the far end on the couch without a care of the world. She didn't even raise her head to acknowledge both women when they walked in too busy in editing the photos she took earlier in the morning to care. It's better that way anyway, she doesn't want to look at the woman's face. She's ruined her aunts life and her husband's, she won't be able to stop herself from going combative all over her.
"Aunt, can you give us privacy please? I want to talk to her privately." Adeelah gave a shaky smile, looked at the location Fatima is in silent question but turned around and leave with quiet I'll be outside to her older sister.
Ruwaidha felt something going down, her son is detached which means he's found out the truth. She paled, she didn't expect that to happen so soon but what does she expect from a lonely mother? "I've heard another part of the story from... from..." he doesn't know what title to give his birth mother. "Mrs. Yunus, care to explain why she is denying all you've told me about her?"
If possible, she blanched some more, her eyes wide with nothing but anger and hurt. Ahmad almost massaged his head, he is tired of this little facade and acts everyone is putting all around him. That is why he finds Fatima refreshing, she never lies neither does she fake her way through life. If she wants something, she goes right ahead with it and if she did something, she will admit to doing it without charade but not the older women. They are too dramatic.
A voice cut through the room, it happens to belong to Adda mama who's walked in just when his question was asked. She placed the coffee beside him, glower at Ruwaidha with nothing but contempt, hatred and loathe. Ahmad knew instantly who is right and who is wrong. Who the liar is and who the victim is. Ruwaidha couldn't bring herself to glower back, she only cast her head down.
"I hope you tel him the truth this time around for all our sakes. You are old enough to know that lying won't help you out of this situation. I'm going to leave you two to it because staying here will mean more danger to you, Mrs. Hakim." Adda mama moseyed out of the room without a second glance, her anger and fury flaunting at her wake.
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