"Look how pretty she looks." Fatima murmured to Ahmad as they sat on one of the well seasoned chairs facing the couple standing at the front facing one another.
Ahmad looked down at Fatima and kissed her forehead then yaw his attention back to what's in front of them. "You are beautiful."
Fatima raise her head with a grimace and glare at him. She pointed at her large belly before her then eyed him some more, he knew her mood swings so he chuckled. "You're still beautiful whether you accept it or not." He muttered with utter veracity, hoping she sees that.
Fatima snickered beneath her breath, earning scolding eyes from the older woman beside her but she couldn't stop herself from saying. "Even if you will keep saying that in my ear each morning, I won't agree. Thank God there is no blotted nose and mouth, I would've killed you long ago. Be glad I only gained weight."
Ahmad shook his head. Fatima is nine months pregnant and will give birth today or tomorrow but she had to wobble her way to Betsy's wedding. Betsy wanted to add some more time because of her pregnancy but Fatima wasn't having it, she wants Betsy to marry the right man as soon as possible and not waste time when she is not handicapped. They were all reluctant but with Fatima in the picture, you know to never put in mind that you will win against her. She'd fulminate them all and she was moody too when it happened.
Few months ago Betsy came to her rambling about a man she's met on social media and thought he was only there for cruise but with more time spent chatting with him, she realized that he is the one for her whether she sounds foolhardy or histrionic, she doesn't care. At her request, they agreed to meet at a cafe, a public one at Fatima's insistence in case he is a ritualist or kidnapper since you just never know with those social media people.
"I don't want my son to grow up without a godmother. He should come running to you whenever I decide to banish him away from my home." Fatima had said, rubbing circles around her six months old belly unconsciously. Betsy had stared at her with a large loving smile, her magnanimous friend.
And now they are sitting on rows of chairs watching Betsy dance with her husband, Travis Markers. A man in his late thirties, standing really tall, taller than Ahmad and all other men she's met. He is handsome too with his long droopy nose, Asian eyes, straight concrete jawline and lean body. Half Aussie and half Nigerian and his mother didn't like the wedding at first before she's met Fatima who decided to back up her friend in the best possible way and the woman reluctantly agreed to the marriage. It was not easy, Betsy was depressed then but everything is fine now.
Fatima suspects that Betsy is actually pregnant, she's seen similar signs but she didn't say a word to her, she'll tell her when the time is right but for now, she should enjoy each moment of her wedding. She's dancing amidst smoke bombs, her smile so wide that it warmed Fatima heart. Betsy deserves this and more. None of her family is present except for Francis who walked her down the alter and stood beside her the whole time, Fatima is extremely happy for her friend.
Three months after they've met and they are now married. She didn't want a church marriage since she is not a practicing Christian so she settled on public one in a large event hall with a pastor to fill up. They've said their vows, I dos and exchanged rings and they are currently dancing, their first dance as a couple. She can see the felicity and tranquil in Betsy's eyes, she's found the right man for her and the world is going to be all kaleidoscopic and glittery. Fatima's eyes teared up again, those goddamn emotions bubbling up everywhere and anywhere, they are just ubiquitous.
At first Fatima suspected that Raheeb and Betsy were having an affair but they proved her wrong when they confessed that they've tried something but it just wouldn't work out so they settled on friendship which blossomed beautifully because he flew out from Minnesota with his mother to come attend her wedding. She's seen his eyes though, he wanted to be there dancing with Betsy instead of Travis but knew it wouldn't have worked out for them for some reasons Fatima don't want to find out. It's way better that they tried the relationship and ended it before telling her.
They can both find their happiness elsewhere. Betsy found hers, remaining Raheeb too-
Ahmad tsked above her, yanking her off her train of thoughts. "I never knew you were self conscious."
"I'm not but with large belly? Breasts twice their normal size? Legs huge like an elephants? Not even able to carry my whole weight with it's largeness. No thank you." She complained for the nth time albeit her eyes and hands will fondly caress the bump in front of her showing beneath the nude pink evening glittery gown she is wearing.
He smiled, touched her belly and felt the kick of their fetus inside, his smile gargantuan. "You won't believe me but trust me, you look prettier. With pregnancy glow and all that shiny and rosy skin. You don't see what I see." He kissed her two eyes close then her nose before pulling away to drape his arm around her shoulder.
Fatima blushed when the older woman beside them cleared her throat and faced her front. She is not shy but the woman close to her happens to be Travis Markers mother, Mrs. Kimberly Markers. The woman is trying to keep her mouth shut and it's definitely taking her whole energy since she loves talking even about the most pettifog and frivolous things on earth. She definitely can't wait for the ceremony to be over so she can ramble to her group of Aussie friends.
"Whatever you say." She snuggled into his arms, she doesn't like being pregnant at all and can't wait to give birth since she won't be pregnant again. No, she's done.
"Let's go dance." Ahmad stood up and drape his arm around her waist, together they sauntered to the dance floor where other couples are gliding from one side to another.
As soon as they stood facing each other, the song changed to Perfect by Ed Sheeran. Fatima's face splitter because she's started loving the song just recently after listening to it once by mistake and got obsessed. Ahmad's eyes found hers immediately too, fully understanding why her face splitter into two at the slow song. They were supposed to dance like responsible before Nigerian songs start hitting the walls and then everyone will get lost in themselves.
"... but you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight
Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own..."
Fatima lie her head on his chest and permit him to continue waltzing them around the tiled floor. She just realized that they've never danced together to a song, always too busy with one drama or the other especially after she's conceived. Except the one time when he came into the kitchen and found her making cereal angrily because she was damned hungry and there was no food in the house. Normally, her mother will send food for her or she orders but she didn't feel like doing so that particular day.
When she felt arms snaking around her waist, her hands stilled on the spoon she is using to turn the cereal then wrathfully swatted his arms from around her and turned to face his with eyes narrowed and filled with fury. Ahmad was so confused since that was the beginning of her pregnancy and he wasn't used to her mood swings just yet. If he thought her mood swings before she fell pregnant were annoying, then this is felony.
"Don't touch me." She'd swatted his hands again when he reached out to touch her for the second time, her eyes not faltering from his face.
Ahmad was confused as hell. "What's wrong with you? I didn't do anything-"
"Don't talk to me!" She screamed and left the kitchen hurriedly up to their room. Ahmad stood rooted in the kitchen and watched after her then it dawned on him that she must be hungry. He face palmed before quickly cooking something for her and called the Babagana mansion to send Asabe to their home immediately so she can help.
Fatima squirmed when she felt her lower abdomen tightening, something similar to the pain she's endured her whole life till recent. A sharp jab like menstrual cramps, her stomach tightening in a painful way. She gasped, her hands clamping hard fists on Ahmad's suit clad shoulders then she bit his suit to keep from screaming and alerting everyone. Ahmad noticed instantly that something is wrong, he quietly aided her out of the hall and picked her up in his arms straight to his car without asking what's wrong with her.
"It hurts. Just like... ugh, endometriosis pain." She gasped after he's gently placed her inside the car, rounded it and sat down on the driver's side.
"Don't worry, it'll be okay." He didn't notice the glare she's sent his way since he is more focused on getting them to the hospital to care about anything else.
Something similar to strong menstrual cramps, stomach upset or lower abdominal pressure mixed up together and she let out an outcry that panicked Ahmad but he gained control and soothed her with few words. It's happening too quick. The doctor had said it takes time for the first contractions then the rest to come but it seems like something different is going to happen now. Another pain shoot from her lower back and to her legs, she tried changing position but nothing is helping. Her vision started blurring but she forced herself to stay awake.
Before they arrive at the hospital, her water broke and the contractions became regular and strong and she kept screaming then biting on Ahmad's hand which he's placed on her cheek. Though the way she is biting it feels like she wants to remove the skin, Ahmad didn't feel any pain since nothing mattered at that time other than taking her to see the doctor. The nurses were already there waiting for him when he arrived, he lied her down and they pushed her to the delivery room, Ahmad followed.
He was given one of those blue hospital gown to wear and he entered the room. Fatima's mouth is glued, she won't talk or scream but he can see it written all over her face that she wants to tear down the whole hospital. He collected his phone from the nurse that's given him the gown and texted his mother, Adda mama, Fatima's parents, Raheeb and Betsy at the same time in case if one of them isn't with his phone, the other is.
And four hours later with Fatima's screams -which he is still sure she won't make it because of the way she's yelling in pain and saying things until she is not able to open her mouth and all energy is drained away from her white paled face, her lips chapped and parched, forehead drenched with sweat- she gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. Ahmad feels emotionally drained, weighted with myriads of feelings, his heartbeat slower than usual and his throat aches and he is not even in Fatima's position. What is she going through?
The doctors reassured Ahmad of her well-being and then he went aside and erased the few tears that slipped from his eyes without his knowledge. Is that how painful and heart wrenching giving birth is? Tormenting and filled with anguish? If he had known, he wouldn't have wasted so long to reunite with his mother and should've forgiven her and went in search of her ages ago. He shook his head in amazement. It is not easy bringing a human to this world, if only those disrespectful children know what their parents had gone through to bring them to the world. Their mothers, those precious creatures.
He's lost appetite already, couldn't even feel saliva sliding down his throat. His mouth dry, her cleared his eyes again before yawing around to take his son wrapped in cute sky blue towel -something they removed from a huge suitcase Fatima made so they can go to the hospital with it, Adda mama brought it. He smiled at the sight of his son then went to his wife who lied there boneless and awfully weary.
Fatima raise her head to look at them as if feeling his eyes on her then she let out a brilliant radiant smile that melted his heart. Her eyes are clearly tired and exhausted but she managed to smile and even roll her eyes at the sight of his glossy eyes, it earned a chuckle from Ahmad causing the baby in his arms to squirm. Fatima will forever be Fatima anyway. He trudged forward, his eyes fixed back on the baby then sat down beside Fatima as the doctors continue to check and look over her like mother hens.
"What do you think?" He asked, leisurely placing the baby in her powerless arms so she can hold him before she sleeps, her eyes are droopy and he can only imagine how badly she needed that sleep.
Fatima smiled at the white ivory baby in her arms all red and bloody. She placed her forefinger against his mouth and he opened ready to suck it but she removed it immediately while chortling. She cannot believe she gave birth to this beautiful creature in front of her. Her eyes teared up, welling with tears she didn't permit to drop during her childbirth. Her heartbeat quickened and thudded rapidly in her ears, her nerves all tingly and heart expanding beneath her chest. All the pain she's endured dematerialized almost instantly.
Dried mouth and thicker throat, Fatima brought the baby to her face and kissed his forehead. She is already fantasizing over him. A sense of protectiveness weighed over her, stopping her fatigued eyes from closing, instead they shine bright and glossy as she stare at her baby. A radiant glow augmented all over her face, her lids not blinking, her attention rapt and posture very still. Her lips are parted as she stroked and brushed her baby's black hairs with her fingers, still amazed at the creature she's brought into the world.
With large pupils, she murmured in a voice that cracked with emotions. "I'm so in love. I'm in love, Ahmad. I love him. He is perfect! Oh... he is so cute and adorable." She babbled, tears sliding down her cheeks.
Ahmad nodded absentmindedly, wrapping his arms around the two of them. His perfect family. "Zayd Ahmad Hakim Al-hafiz."
Burst of congratulation and felicity popped from each angle in the hospital because everyone present in that hospital knows that Fatima Musa Babagana just gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. Adda mama shared one thousand naira note to everyone both young and old, nurses and doctors, even dying patients. Musa Babagana on the other hand promised to give each person inside that hospital a bag of basmati rice and her mother took it upon herself to share more one thousand naira notes since she cannot wait to do something too.
Aalia is sitting outside waiting in a baited breath, she is the first to stand up when the doctor came out and heard the news first. Adda mama, Rashid, Nayla, Betsy, Travis, Raheeb, Ziyaam, Aalia, Zaitun, Ruwaidha, Zafaar, Musa and Asabe rushed to the hospital after Aalia received Ahmad's message from Raheeb's phone which he's thrown somewhere and she found it. She didn't mean to snoop but when she saw brother, she had to read the sos message and gathered them all to come to the hospital immediately.
She jumped up and down, hugged her aunt Ruwaidha, Ziyaam, Zafaar and then she went to Raheeb unknowingly and hugged him tight. Her eyes widened when she realized what she's done and the whole family watched with weird expressions on their faces. Blushing hard, Aalia went back to the corner and sat down, afraid to look up at anyone but the continue what they were doing like nothing has happened. When she finally gathered her energy, she raise her head to search for Raheeb and found him sitting right opposite her with a disturbed expression and she gulped.
He probably found her repulsive, she thought bitterly before closing her eyes to keep away those thoughts and think about the baby she is going to disturb for the next few years. A smile took over her face at the thought.
Months ago, her relationship with Fatima was strained but she forced herself into her life like annoying younger sisters and Fatima reluctantly opened up to her. After seeing a glimpse of magnanimous Fatima, Aalia wished she'd done that long ago but is glad things are thriving. Ziyaam and Fatima are almost not separable, always together sharing memes online and joking secretly in a room filled with people and only the two of them understand what they are laughing about.
Ahmad is also like an older brother. They tend to spend a few days in Fatima's home for sleepover but mostly enjoy being with Zaitun and Musa because they became parents to them. Having no one to look after, Musa and Zaitun devoted themselves in the two growing kids hoping to replace the time they've lost in their own children's lives. With Rashid living with his wife, Fatima with her husband, they have no one but Aalia, Zafaar and Ziyaam. Ruwaidha is back in Texas with Al-hafiz but returned for the birth giving even with the strained relationship between Fatima and her.
Ahmad walked out of the room with a large smile, his eyes instantly falling on Adda mama's and he went there directly to give her a bone crushing hug, not caring whether he looks unmanly or sentimental. Adda mama was galvanized but she raise her arms to hug him back, her eyes watery since he's never done that. They are still working on their bumpy relationship but suddenly this? What's changed his mind? Then it clicked, he's seen childbirth!
"I'm so sorry for taking this long to realize that there is no one out there other than you..." he swallowed then continued. "After seeing what Fatima did and all she's gone through, I feel so guilty. You've gone through the same thing but i-"
Adda mama tightened her lids to stop tears, what she's been waiting for is finally here, to find Ahmad in her arms confessing his love for her. She's softened him. "Don't. I don't care whether it's too late or anything, all I want now is for you to say you love me."
Ahmad chuckled, just look how amazing mother's are. "I love you so much."
He's left the doctors to inspect Fatima's vaginal and perineum area for lacerations or tears. If they find any significant tear, they will stitch her. She will be given some local anesthesia so that she won't feel it -it may feel like a light pressure. He was appalled when he heard of the stitches and even stopped them but they reassured him that the local anesthesia will help dull the ache and they are not sure whether there is any tear or laceration.
It hadn't been easy for Ahmad to leave Fatima's side. He had discovered that while the events of childbirth and infancy were perfectly ordinary when they happened to other people, they were monumentally important when his own wife and child were involved. Everything about his son fascinated him: his pattern of sleeping and waking, his first bath, the way he wiggled his toes, his giggles and smiles with deep dimples, the sight of him at Fatima's breast.
With baby comes sleepless nights though. Fatima is groggy and always tired due to lack of sleep but surprisingly, she's never kvetched which surprised Ahmad. She loves Zayd more than anyone does, the power of mothers love.
"Go and sleep, I'll watch over her." He pushed Fatima out of the nursery and went to sit down on the rocking chair. Zayd is already eight months old and is teething which means lesser sleep for all of them.
Fatima stubbornly refused to leave. "You won't know how to calm him down, let me just stay here."
Ahmad patted his thigh for her to sit but she refused, she is not slender anymore. She's been to gym with Ahmad a lot but she only managed to flatten her stomach, reduce the size of her legs and arms but nothing happened with her breasts and ass with flaring hips she's never had nor liked. Betsy seemed to think this is another Fatima altogether because most of her clothes don't fit anymore and her mother -who's opened a new clothing brand of R&F in Nigeria- always adjusts them for her and sew many more maternity gowns for her.
Seeing as she's still thinking about her added weight, Ahmad cursed and stood up. He's been doing this for the past eight months and the first day he's approached her, she turned him down and left the room to stay with her son. Ahmad was shocked, never believing this is Fatima. She was depressed and always exhausted the first five months but Ahmad was patient knowing the change is taking a toll on her but this is the last straw. Why is she still conscious of her body?! For god's sake she gave birth to their baby, someone they've created together!
Snatching her to his arms, he made her look at him before he started. "You are not like this, you are never conscious neither are you a coward. What changed? A few stretch marks and added curves? There is no single thing I want to change about you, not a single strand of your hair. I don't care whether you gain hundred pounds after this, it won't matter to me. You are my wife and you gave birth to our baby! Goddamnit, I don't know what to say anymore. I've said everything, every single thing I could think of that will make those insecurities disappear but you are not listening! What should I do? I don't like this Fatima, I don't like her." He let her go with a gentle push then shook his head negatively.
Fatima stared at him, her eyes glassing over with new tears. She's been too emotional after she's given birth to Zayd but it doesn't mean it's touched their relationship, they still bicker and argue about little things like who's supposed to change Zayd's diaper. She cannot help feeling ugly. She is not slender anymore and she's never expected such drastic change. Stretch marks around her hips, bottom and even thighs!
The only good thing about her pregnancy that merged with her appearance is her neck length hair. She is able to pack her volume and bouncy black hair in a ponytail and it resembles a thick orange and whenever she stretches it, it goes beneath her neck. Her joy knew no bound then, always combing it and then stretching it then making braids. Ahmad still complained that her short hair was way better than this longer one but also compliments her when she packs it in a high ponytail and look all cute in short shorts and crop top.
"You think I want to be conscious? I don't and I hate the person I'm becoming. I just cannot help it, okay? Dr. Mujida said it changes with time but I'm still not okay." She meandered to look at her son in his cot soundly sleeping, Ahmad shouldn't see the emotions in her eyes and the way her lips trembles.
Ahmad is tired of talking already. "God damn it!" He pulled her into his arms and didn't give her time to understand what's happening when his lips pressured hers in a hard punishing kiss. Fatima started wriggling to free herself but he held her tight, pushed her against the wall behind him, changing their positions in process. Few seconds later, Fatima stopped resisting and the pressure of the kiss lessened and she held onto him desperately. Ahmad sighed into the kiss, bringing her closer to him.
Straining against him, Fatima searched blindly for his hot, teasing mouth, the silken stroke of his tongue. He gave it to her, his kiss gentle but sure. She curled her free arm around his neck to keep from toppling, while he kept the other wrist pressed firmly against the wall, their pulses throbbing hard together beneath. Another deep kiss, somehow raw and soothing at the same time, he ate at her mouth, tasted and licked inside her...the pleasure of it threatened to blot out her consciousness. She needed that, something strong and intoxicating, something she's been avoiding.
And with that, he made passionate love to her in the room next door.
"Maybe I should keep punishing you like that whenever you decide to go astray?" He whispered into the soot room, his palm moving up and down her naked arm.
Fatima rolled her eyes, so like Ahmad to say something like that after lovemaking instead of sweet romantic words. She is not better. "Whatever, police officer!"
Done and dusted! Masha Allah...
Just finished typing so errors dey everywhere🌚 and I'm still waiting for review. Oh yeah, authors note coming up next. Happy reading.
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