I dare you to comment on each paragraph❤ I'm back!
Ahmad got to his office earlier than the given time because he couldn't wait to escape the dining table where his Aunt won't stop rambling other things he didn't bother listening to. And he also couldn't wait to be in his office and season it to his heart's content and make it look like the one in Texas.
It wasn't much, just his oak table made from finest American wood cleared and few expensive penholders given to him by his mother and a few gifts from his former coworkers to get his new office a more suave look like himself.
It was time for lunch and he didn't do anything active which made him feel useless. He was just reading through some problems Nigerian police force is going through. All he could say is that, the system is thoroughly bad and rotten.
Back in Texas, they are usually on patrol, no matter your rank and echelon so he feels slagged inside his office blown with full air conditioner. With determination to change the system like he's vowed before, he stood up from the swivel onyx chair and place his jet black police cap on his head, adjust his GSR granite gun on his trousers and left.
"Sir!" Constable Ashiru stood up and saluted as soon as he closed the door of his office behind him.
He is the one serving him just outside his office and so far, he has nothing to complain about the guy. He is a man in his mid thirties with a small family back at home. His features albeit soft, he gets glacier whenever it comes to work and that is enough for Ahmad to know he's got a good assistant.
He gave him a small smile then gestured that he answers the telephone in front of him which started ringing and he did just that. His professionalism dripped even with the way he held the phone. Ahmad would like to know more about this guy.
His eyes were focused on what the other person is saying so Ahmad also concentrated, meaning this is some work they need to search through and he is more than willing to take it as his first mission. He actually came out to go search for work but seems like the work is just looking for him too just in time. Finally, something to do.
"Where is this place?" Constable Ashiru asked in a serious voice, alerting Ahmad further. The guy has been humorous since the beginning of their time yesterday but super serious when it comes to work. After a pause, he said, "We will be there in a few."
Curious beyond words, Ahmad leaned against the desk and inquired. "What is it?"
The Constable sighed in annoyance, as if whatever he is going to say is taking a toll on him and he hates the mere mention of it. Damn right, he hates it because it has to do with rape! How dare men do this to women and still think they are free to live life to the fullest after ruining a girls life? Is it because they are mostly from influential families and can get out of every damn situation with few checks and alerts?
Not on his watch!
"It is a rape case, Sir. At the American University we have here for those rich folks." The Constable answered with this acerbic spit in his tone that shook somewhere in Ahmad. That is where Fatima is, obviously the spoiled rich folks will be there.
Instead of thinking about the boorish step cousin of his, he decided to sprang into action. "How about we make a move and get to the scene as soon as possible. This is not a quibble case."
"I'll just go get back up, Sir. You go ahead to the jeep, the driver should be there." Constable Ashiru rushed back into the main building of the station where lower ranked officers are and the prisons are located to get the said back up.
Ahmad made it to the car in that majestic confidence of his, eyes shielded by Louis Vuitton shield sunglasses. He sat down on the passenger's side of the new jeep after greeting the driver and waited impatiently for the back up. In the meantime, he fed his eyes with the interior of the car which contains neon traffic jacket, a communications radio, extra handcuff and other necessities like winter outfits. It smells coffee and fast food in there too like someone had recently ate food.
The backup arrive just in time his patience started slipping off. They made it to where they are in a few minutes -the back up consists of seven more officers excluding Constable Ashiru- and the drivers started the cars. Only Constable Ashiru and Ahmad are in the first car, the other filed in the other one and they zoomed out.
His face ever so serious and stoic, they made it to the American University and directly to the hostel building where the crime took place. With them are coroners, detectives and a few officers to investigate further. When they made it to the hostel, they dismounted their rides and started making their way inside with Ahmad leading the group. His head up in the air, chest unconsciously puffed out with shoulders squared behind him, strides filled with mission and utter seriousness that no one would dare interrupt.
But at that moment, Fatima is sitting under a tree on a mattress after bunking yet another class with her friends. She saw him coming to their direction albeit sure he is not there for her, she still went ahead and did what she regretted second later. On God, that man surely brings out the worst in her.
She took the cigarette Hayaat is taking -leaving her flabbergasted since she's never interested in it- and took one drag only to cough hysterically and threw the stick on the dry grass but none of their attention was there, busy trying to calm Fatima with water and few back hits to keep off the vigorous ferocious coughs.
Her eyes were filled with tears, clouding her vision but when she finally regained her vision, she saw Ahmad watching with amused gaze and it made her angrier. She wanted him to act all law and rules on her and stop her from taking it but he didn't. Instead, he started making his way to where they are and almost admonished her personal bubble, only for him to match the cigarette they forgot about on the dry grass and it was starting to cause fire.
The girls around stopped, the ones passing by have their breaths hitched because there is no way they didn't recognise the man that dragged Fatima Babagana off the school grounds and the man shown all around the television the whole of yesterday and day before it. He is the police officer that joined the force and is already working around the country like he was used to it while others with his rank are there under air conditioner and doing nothing.
Clearly loving his confidence to approach Fatima like that, they halted to watch more drama but it never came. So instead of waiting for more, they all formed it in their heads to go ask for an autograph as soon as he stands up. They clearly are related in some way with Fatima, he came for her even before he got the title. They can't wait to find out more, they seem connected and have this intriguing chemistry.
Not to forget, he is one of the most handsome men they've ever seen. The ones they know are mostly celebrities on the television, they focus solely on the duo. From a distance, you'd see just what a great couple they'd make in future. If only Fatima Musa Babagana have anything for her future with a man, they'd look great.
He squatted down in front of her, in that way that always look smoking hot in movies but at that time, she feels defeated with that awful cough and there is no way he didn't caught her act. The way she hastily took the cigarette from Hayaat showed just how much she is trying to look like a headstrong woman. She didn't like that one bit.
It still makes her look inferior and like a brat seeking attention from the police man living under her father's roof.
He gave a small smile that blew her off for a second, she didn't expect that. He is up close, she could count the hairs on his face and sideboards. "Smoking is bad for your health. Being boorish is more unladylike but pink colour suits."
Fatima don't know whether to take his last words as compliment or an insult. He's called her boorish which is totally an insult and then unladylike because he's got such high stand for ladies that permit men all over them. She huffed, she almost wanted to forgive him for what he did but with that insult, she definitely will make him pay tonight. That attitude of his need to tune down a notch.
He stood up to his full height and left without turning back, inside the hostel with the other officers. His foul mood of work back with force because if there is anything he strongly believes should never exist in crimes, then that should be rape. He despise the mere mention of that word, it makes his body shiver with this avalanche of anger. Oftentimes, he finds himself inundated with myriad emotions whenever it is brought up.
How could they violate a woman like that? Don't they have mothers, wives, sisters or even daughters? They think if they are elect scot free by the law, they'd evade Allah's wrath with their mightiness? Then he will definitely start changing it himself before Allah drops His own punishment upon those nefarious people. Since they don't understand what no means, they'd definitely get the drill in jail.
There are student all around the place but none of them are laughing or jeering like normal university dormitories, they are quiet and gloomy and the atmosphere is also depressed. Ahmad's mood darkened further so did his expression, it said it all that he is now in a very very bad mood that everyone should stir clear. His eyes are still closed so they are not seeing the fire of murderousness in them. He wants to go for the kill.
Out side the room, there are a few of the campus securities, janitorial staff by the other end, students kept far away from the room and some maintenance workers. He does not know what most of them are doing there but he didn't question. That is beside the point, they just need to bring out this criminal and punish him. He better not try taking turns because he thinks his family is better off, he won't have that.
One of the campus securities came forward and motioned that they can enter inside the room which they did.
The room is small but cozy for one person, the walls lined with posters of Angelina Jolie and Will Smith. There are a few cans of energy drink on the small window ledge, the linen is a bit dramatic and colorful for Ahmad's taste. The small desk is pushed to the other end of the room where chargers, laptop, textbooks, pen and pencils are seasoned. She also manage to squeeze small microwave and fridge.
The side table has a digital alarm clock on it, a brand new Samsung on top of it that seems to be broken and hair clips. The rooms smells hairspray, perfume, dirty sneakers or loafers and popcorn.
They found the lady hunched by the further end of the room, her shoulders shaking hysterically as she flinched with every sound made. Thank God they brought a female police officer, they asked her to handle the lady while they deal with the culprit but they didn't find any other person in the room. Ahmad scrunched his brows in annoyance. They called them without having the criminal?
"Where is the criminal?" An officer asked before he could open his own mouth to ask the same question.
Same campus security -a man around early thirties- that invited them into the room answered. "We came here when her friend called us and told us about what has happened, Sir. And when we came in, there was no man but the lady confirmed that someone raped her but she couldn't see who it was."
Ahmad swallowed thickly in anger then turn around to look at the lady, she looks haunted. She won't permit the officer to touch or talk to her, she kept on backing into the wall to evade any contact. It makes his heart ache further, totally hating the fact that the criminal managed to escape before anyone could get there and she didn't see him too. This could be a set up made with great strategy.
"Where is the woman that alarmed you?" Ahmad inquired, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his pants.
"She is here, Sir." The campus security officer called a girl by the name Jamie to the room and she walked in featuring ebony skinny jeans and merlot button up shirt with a backpack hurled beside her.
"G-Good morning, Sir." Jamie greeted Ahmad, the stutter in her voice totally not equivocal to her appearance. She looks to be like those tough girls and she is but Ahmad's darkened expression did her bad.
"Morning, Ms. Jamie." He wanted to give a smile to calm her nerves but he couldn't, he is ferociously furious to do so. "You will have to come with us to the station for your statement. Is that okay?"
Her eyes widened in fear, no doubt she's never been to a station before. "S-Sure, Sir."
His eyes settled on another officer standing close by, his name settled around Salis or Saleh, he cannot remember so he gave the order without wording out his name. "Secure the crime scene for the detectives, they might find something we can use to identify the criminal."
The officer saluted with a nod and hastily left to collect something outside the room to get it secured.
The bed is in disarray so is the side drawer on the left hand side, the small daffodil fur carpet in the middle of the room is facing entirely different direction but this is not time for Ahmad to investigate, there are more things he needs to do before time slips off their fingers. Like taking the girl to the hospital -sexual assault examiners unit for preventative treatment for possible exposure to sexually transmitted infection or pregnancy.
He pinched the bridge of his nose and yawed around to look for Ashiru amongst the throngs of people in the room, the officers. "Constable Ashiru, let's head to the station with the victim and other witnesses. The detectives should stay here to investigate further."
"Yes, Sir!" Constable Ashiru saluted then instructed the policewoman to try her best to take the victim off that wall which was a struggle on it's own but they made it happen.
"How are we going to do this?" Betsy asked, sitting down on Fatima's bed in her room. They came back from school and instead of going back to her own apartment she shares with the other girls, Fatima wants her to make an excuse and come with her.
She don't want to include the other girls in her little plan, it is not that serious and she thinks too much of people won't bring anything fruitful so she only ask of Betsy. Hayaat will go overboard and the others will just ruin everything without doing anything. Ahmad should really be lucky he will get into trouble today. He won't want to ever play those games with her again or, rise it up higher.
Fatima shrugged, taking off her shoes and answered while walking to her closet. "As we planned. You are going to stay here for awhile."
She's changed into a nightdress and threw another piece of clothing to Betsy who laughed and shook her head. Fatima is one wicked fellow when touched, not even when not touched but blows nefarious and stood beside. This Ahmad guy will have to pay a lot for making that trash moves yesterday.
If only she could advice him to next time not step into Fatima's bubble, she would. It won't be easy since she never gives up, she makes it happen whether she will make it out or not. Fatima is determined to ruin everyone's happiness so they can all be like her with eeriness and emptiness like she is. She hates when anyone is happy but she is not a sadist, just levels of depression.
"And what would the ladies want to have?" Uwani trudged into the room without knocking, she does not need to do so since she's got a place in Fatima's life.
"Anything will do, Uwani." Fatima threw herself on her bed too, took her phone and replied something before endorsing to reality. "Come here, Leo!" She called out for her black tom as soon as he walked in.
"That cat of yours is scary. It has yellow freaking eyes! How do you sleep with him in the same room at night?" Betsy grimaced at the sight of Leo, Fatima loves that cat more than anyone on earth and it is not debatable.
Fatima raised a brow in mockery as if what she is about to say should be known to any specie living around her. "And who said I'm ever scared of anything?"
Betsy shook her head, the grimace still lingering and added more succor to Fatima. "I hail you ehn, I cannot even take that thing under my wing."
"Focus on the plan, Betsy."
Hi guys, I know its been long, sorry. School has been hectic and stuff, wish me luck.
You also don't comment o, that is enough setback to not inspire me to write.
Shaaaaa, kill me with comments and updates will come soon.
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