The Diagnosis That Changed Everything

"She seemed fine. She was just really thirsty and more cranky than usual. I put her down for a nap and then everything just changed. She started throwing up and breathing heavily. Then she just became very unresponsive and," Marisol cried out as she tried to recall what happened.

"Wait, slow down. Is she okay?" Cassie asked as she tried her best to stay calm despite how terrified she was right now."We're at the hospital. They're still running tests right now," Marisol told Cassie who just closed her eyes and tried to keep her breathing steady.

"I'll be right there!" Cassie quickly told her mom as she ended the call and then ran back inside. "Nora, can you cover for me? I have to go now!" Cassie cried out as she continued to try and catch her breath. "Yeah of course. Is everything okay?" Nora asked Cassie who just started crying as she shook her head.

"I don't know," Cassie told Nora as she just kept crying. "What happened?" Nora asked their friend who just shook her head again and grabbed all her stuff. "Somethings wrong with Mal. She's in the hospital and I have to go," Cassie told her friend who just pulled her close as they hugged her.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Nora asked Cassie worriedly as Nora was basically like another parent when it came to the kids. "I don't know! I just... I have to go!" Cassie exclaimed as she let go of the hug and quickly rushed out. Cassie was in such a big hurry and so involved in her own feelings of both fear and guilt that she wasn't paying attention to where she was going. Cassie had known something was wrong earlier but she had convinced herself that she was just being a paranoid mother.

"Watch it! Would you!" Luke called out as Cassie accidentally ran into him while she was rushing out the door. "Ugh not this again. Move I have to go," Cassie told Luke as she continued to try and keep calm despite how much she was panicking on the inside. She didn't know what she would do if something really bad happened to her baby.

"Seriously so you're just leaving early now?" Luke asked Cassie who just shook her head as she knew what he was getting at. "I'm not just leaving early. I have a personal issue that I have to deal with. Why don't you try minding your own business," Cassie told Luke as she tried to get past him.

"Oh really and what could that possibly be?" Luke asked Cassie who just closed her eyes as she tried to keep herself calm. The last thing she needed was to break down in front of all these marines. "Again none of your business now move!" Cassie exclaimed as she just moved past him and quickly made a run to her car.

"I'm here! How is she?" Cassie cried out as she quickly made it to the hospital and ran straight over to where her mom and the twins were waiting. As soon as the boys saw Cassie they immediately rushed over to her as they just hugged her close.

"Mommy it was so scary!" The twins both cried out at the same time as they just hugged onto her. "I know but it's okay. I'm here now and she's gonna be okay. I just know she will be. Now can someone please just tell me what happened from the beginning," Cassie exclaimed as she just pulled the twins closer to her.

"Okay well I guess it all started from when you left after dropping the kids off," Marisol told Cassie who slowly nodded as she listened.

*What Happened Earlier*

"How come she gets another popsicle?" Luke cried out as he watched his grandma give Mal another strawberry popsicle when she had already had one. "Yeah that's not fair! You said we can only have one before dinner," Carlos told Marisol who just sighed as she looked at the boys.

"I know but Mal isn't feeling well and the popsicles seem to be helping," Marisol told the twins who just sighed also. "Can we have another popsicle after dinner?" Luke asked his grandma who just slowly nodded. "Fine, yes you can have another one after dinner but you need to actually eat your dinner or no second popsicle," Marisol told the boys who just nodded as they ran off to play.

While the boys were playing the small toddler just continued to stay on the couch and eat her popsicle as she still wasn't feeling well.
When Mal had finally finished her popsicle she just looked over at her grandma as she held the stick up. "Mow!" Mal screamed out as she was feeling thirsty and wanted another popsicle.

"Mal you just had a second popsicle. I'm not giving you a third one," Marisol told the small girl who just started crying as she continued to hold the stick up. "Mow! Mow! Mow!" Mal continued to scream out as she just wanted the uncomfortable feeling that she was feeling to go away.

"Mal you can't have a third popsicle. If you're still thirsty I can get you some water," Marisol told her granddaughter who just cried and shook her head. "No! No! No!" Mal yelled out as she continued to cry for another popsicle to fill her thirst.

Marisol just closed her eyes and sighed again as she picked Mal up. "Okay I think it's time for someone to take a nap. You've been very cranky today. Oh and I think you also need another change. I could have sworn I just changed you though. It's probably from all those popsicles," Marisol told the young toddler as she picked her up.

*Back to the present*

Cassie froze as she took in everything that her mom was telling her about earlier as she started putting everything together. Cassie had also been noticing these signs in Mal lately, but she had been so busy that she had barely even thought anything of it.

Mal wasn't even two yet tantrums were normal at this age and toddlers have small bladders. "This is all my fault!" Cassie cried out as she continued to go over all the signs in her head. "Cassie, what are you talking about? This isn't your fault," Marisol told Cassie who just shook her head as she started crying.

"It is my fault! It was right in front of me and I missed it! How did I miss it! I should have known! I..." Cassie rambled out as she just started crying more as she started to feel guilty. Cassie has diabetes she should have noticed the signs, but she didn't and now here they were.

Cassie didn't even need confirmation she knew exactly what this was now that she had finally put it all together. "Mommy what's going on?" The twins both asked her as they were starting to get worried about Cassie's reactions.

Cassie just shook her head as she kept crying. "Cassie, what are you talking about?" Marisol asked her daughter who just shook her head again as she got up. "I'm a horrible mother! That's what I'm talking about!" Cassie cried out.

"Cassie don't say that," Marisol told her daughter who just shook her head again. "No you don't get it! I am! I should have been paying more attention to her! I should have taken her to the doctor earlier. None of this would have happened if I did," Cassie exclaimed as she paced back and forth.

"Cassie, she's gonna be okay. It's flu season. She probably just has the flu," Marisol told Cassie who closed her eyes as she kept pacing. "Mom, this isn't just the flu. Think about it. She's been cranky lately, more tired, always thirsty and hungry, wet all the time and she's been losing weight.

I just thought she was going through a phase or something but it all makes sense now! She clearly has diabetes!" Cassie cried out as she couldn't stop thinking about all the signs she had missed.

"Cassie, you don't know that," Marisol told Cassie who shook her head. "I do know that! I had a lot of the same symptoms when I was first diagnosed. Ugh what is wrong with me! How did I not notice it was right in front of me!" Cassie burst out.

Before Marisol could really say anything more the doctor came out as she went over to them. "Is she okay? Can we see her?" Cassie asked as soon as she saw the doctor come over. "She's gonna be fine however," the doctor began but didn't get to finish as Cassie already knew exactly what the doctor was going to say.

"It's diabetes isn't it?" Cassie asked the doctor who just sighed as she slowly nodded. "It appears to be yes. She seems to be in a state of diabetic ketoacidosis but she should be fine," The doctor told the family.

"Dka?" Cassie asked as she tried to stay calm despite how much she was still freaking out inside. Mal was her baby; this wasn't supposed to happen. The doctor just slowly nodded again. "Yes it appears to be," the doctor told the family again. Cassie just tried to stay as strong as she could but before she could stop it she just sat down and put her hands over her face and started crying again.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know what you thought so far as I can always use the feedback and I also just really enjoy getting to interact and talk with other fans. 💜💜

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