
(Y/n) P.O.V

I rushed out of the fansign with a tight grip on Eunwoos's hand. Tears were streaming down my face and i was a mess. Literally. I unlocked my car and quickly drove home. Eunwoo didn't speak at all. I knew he was worried and wanted to ask but held it back.

We arrived home and I unlocked the door. Eunwoo ran up to me and hugged my legs with tears in his eyes.

"Eomma! Don't cry! If you cry then i cry.."he sniffled and I burst into tears. I grabbed my son and hugged him tight. He wrapped his small arms around me and I repeated over and over again.

"I'm so sorry! You don't deserve to go through this! I-it's all my fault! I'm sorry..!" Eunwoo parted from me and wiped away my tears.

"It's not your fault Eomma.." i smiled abit and caressed his hair. Even if he doesn't know what's going on, he doesn't deserve this. He's a sweet and innocent child.

I laughed abit and nodded. "Thank you baby.." I kissed his forehead and told him to go play. He nodded and ran to his room. I slowly got up and headed up to my room. I closed the door and sunk down with my back against the door.

Jungkook..he's became an idol. He reached his dream. I smiled and laughed before going to my drawer and pulling out an album filled with pictures. I leaned against the door again and looked through the book.

'He changed so much. He matured..I...I wonder if he moved on..? If he has a girlfriend?' The last question hit me hard. My heart ached and tears welled up again.

I sighed and saw a picture that made me stop. It was the ultrasound of when I found out i was pregnant. I was meant to give him the picture as a surprise. I leaned back and closed my eyes.

'He's part of a famous boy band. Gosh...now he knows about Eunwoo. We're even still married.'

I got up from the floor and put every thing away. A knock was then heard on my door and it opened.

"Eomma? I'm hungry.." Eunwoo said and looked at his stomach. I giggled and picked him up. "What do you want to eat?" We headed downstairs and he shouted.

"(F/f)!" (Favourite food)

I placed him down and I nodded and tied my hair in a ponytail. "Alright! (F/f) it is!"

Then I started to make the food and Eunwoo kept me company. An hour later we laid the table and sat down to eat. After that we headed to the lounge to watch abit of tv. Eventually Eunwoo's head fell on my lap and fell off to sleep. I giggled softly and ran my hand through his hair.

I sighed and thought about Jungkook. 'I wonder what he's doing now?'

I picked up Eunwoo and turned off the tv and placed the child on his bed.

"Goodnight Eunwoo." I kissed his forehead and headed to my room. I quickly had a shower and put my pyjamas on and a laid on my bed.

I opened my social media and a certain post caught my attention,

Mysterious women and little boy rushed out of BTS fansign after seeing Jeon Jungkook and he called out for her! What are their relationship?!

There was a picture of me and eunwoo but our backs were turned and Jungkook was standing up. Lucky our faces can't be seen.


-Oh my gosh!! What if their dating? I hate her already!

-Who is that women?? How dare she steal my bias! Such a sl*t!

-That bit*h! Who does she think she is? And what if that boy is related to Jungkook?!

There were some hate comments but also some really nice comments that made me smile.

-Leave them alone! You all should be happy that Jungkook found someone that he loves! Back off. I support them!

-I support them too. All you jealous fans are annoying. Leave them be!

-Don't hate that innocent women and child! They did nothing wrong. If Jungkook loves them then i support them than rather be jealous.

I sighed and closed the app. This is gonna be a problem. I didn't want the attention. Why did that idiot call out for me?! I put my phone on charge and turned off my bedroom lights and laid in bed and eventually fell asleep.

(Next Morning)

*Knock Knock Knock!*

I opened my eyes slowly and sat up wondering if I heard someone knocking on my front door. I looked to the side and saw Eunwoo snuggled up in my blankets. I smiled tiredly and laid back down to sleep.

*Knock Knock Knock!!*

This time the knocking was more harder. I got up annoyed and grumbled under my breath. The knocking happened again and I shouted getting angry.


I unlocked the door and swung it open and asked. "What?!" I glared at who ever was in front of my door but my glare faltered. In front of my door was 7 really famaliar men.

"Hello (Y/n)." Namjoon said with a smile.

"W-what are you all doing here?! Especially you!" I said pointing my finger at Jungkook. "L-let me explain (Y/n)!" He said and i glared. "Explain what? That you left me to become an idol? I got that part already clear." I was mad. I wanted to slam the door in their faces but that would be rude.

"We only want to talk about something important." Jin said and I looked at him. I sighed and moved aside for them to come in. I closed the door and they all sat in the living room. I stood in the door way of the living room and their attention turned to me.

"What do you want to talk about?" I leaned on the door frame not used to having 7 handsome men in my house. Let alone all idols.

"It's about..you and jungkook. As you know it's going to cause a probelm with fans and with our job. Especially if a child is brought into this matter." Namjoon said looking at Jungkook then at me. I nodded put my hair properly as I only realised that it was a mess.

"I know that.."

I didn't look at anyone in the eyes as I felt weird having 14 pairs of eyes looking at me. Taehyung cleared his throat and spoke.

"We also want to know who's the father?" I blinked and asked abit taken back.


"Who is Eunwoo's father?" Jungkook stood up and I took a step back. "Why do you want to know?" I scowled at him.

"Because I want to know! I know that you wouldn't love someone else other than me..I know you. Besides, he looks exactly like me." He tried to hold me but I slapped his hands away.

"And it's about our career. This is serious (Y/n)..please help us." Jimin said and my eyes shifted to him then to jungkook.

I gulped and looked down to my feet. Tears were pooling in my eyes and I sniffled abit. I looked to the side and softly said.

"He's your son..."


"He's your son, Jungkook. I found out the day before that you left. I so badly wanted to scream out to you at the airport that I'm pregnant but it was too late...you were already on the plane. Eunwoo always asks about you.  I don't even know what to tell him anymore! I-I I always tell him that you're on an important business trip but I think he doesn't believe me anymore! I don't w-want to lie to him anymore! He doesn't deserve this! He's an innocent child t-that had to be brought into this mess!! I c-can't anymo-" I got cut off by being suddenly hugged by Jungkook.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I gripped his shirt. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you suffer all this time. I...I was scared of how you would react. I was stupid at that time and I regreted it and I regret it even more now that i- no we have a child. Please...let me help you. L-let me be in yours and eunwoos's life! Please...I love you both so much.." he cupped my face and i had tears streaming down my face. Did I want him back in my life? What will Eunwoo think? Do I...do I still love him? I think that answer is quite obvious.

"J-Jungkook I...I have to think about it.  I'll let you know what my answer is when I'm ready." He nodded and smiled at me. I weakly smiled back and suddenly an arm was around Jungkooks neck.

"Aww that was so sweet! Our baby is growing up!" Hobi cooed and grinned at me. The rest of the boys smirked and teased him.

'Oh my god! I totally forgot that all of them were in the room!' My face was flushed and I coughed awkwardly. Jungkook was the same and lightly glared at hobi.

Then small footsteps were heard and our attention turned to the stairs. "Eomma? Where are you?" Eunwoo entered the living room and once he saw the seven men infront of him, his eyes widened and ran behind my legs. I laughed lighly and spoke softly.

"Good Morning baby..what's wrong?" I asked already knowing the answer. I just wanted to tease him a little. He hid his face into my legs and mumbled something.

"I can't understand you Eunwoo..."

"Why are BTS here?? In our house?!" He whispered and jungkook crouched down and smiled at Eunwoo.

"Hey there buddy. We didn't get to meet properly at the fansign. I'm Jeon Jungkook. I'm a friend of your Eomma, well we all are." He pointed behind him to all the boys behind him.

"Really? Eomma you didn't tell me!" He said excitedly looking up at me. I laughed nervously and patted his head. "Y-yeah...they are..even if I didn't know..." I whispered the last part so that nobody can hear, lucky nobody did.

"You're name is Eunwoo right?" Jungkook asked and the little boy nodded shyly.

'What is he doing? Please don't reveal himself to Eunwoo!' I thought nervously.

"You look like your appa." He said and eunwoo's eyes widened.

"You know Appa?! Please tell me about him! I wanna know! Please!!" He begged making BTS laugh.

"Well...you're alot like him. Except you have your mother's personality. You have his smile and bunny teeth," Eunwoo went towards him and jungkook carried him and sat inbetween Jin and Suga and put Eunwoo on his lap.

"What else? What's appa like?"

"He's smart, amazing, talented and he really loves your Eomma very much." He looked up at me and I blushed. I looked away to the side awkwardly and huffed.

Eunwoo giggled and asked. "What does appa do??"

Jungkook chuckled and looked at me. "He's a business man. He's on a really long business trip."

Eunwoo's face fell suddenly and all the boys noticed. "What's wrong Eunwoo?" Jimin asked worried.

"But...why doesn't appa phone or even message us? Does he not care about us anymore?" He asked Jungkook with sad eyes that made my heart ache. Jungkook frowned.

"He does care about you. He's just...really busy but I'm sure he'll phone and maybe even visit one day. I'll tell him to phone you when he has time. You love appa right?" Eunwoo nodded slowly and jungkook smiled.

"That's a good boy." He tickled eunwoo and he laughed. "S-stop!" He tried to get out of jungkook's grasp but couldn't. The others joined into.

I heard my phone ringing upstairs and quickly ran up the stairs before it stops ringing. I answered it with out looking at the ID.


"Hello my baby. How are you and Eunwoo?" My mother's voice asked.

"Eomma, we're both good. And how are you and appa?" I asked sitting on my bed.

"We're both good dear. I just phoned to let you know that your father and I are 5 minutes away from your house."

"Okay-wait what!?"

"Oh! I need to go. See you in a few!"

"Wait! NO!!"

《 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 》

Ooh no! (Y/n)'s mom and dad are gonna meet BTS!!! How are they gonna react?! See you next time!


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