Hercules💕: Hey

LeBaguette🥖: hello, mom amour.

HamIam: mom?

LeBaguette: mon**** curse this stupid American phone!!!

Turtleboi🐢: lololol

LeBaguette🥖: all of you shush!

Hercules💕: lol Alex John and I were thinking we go on a double date Saturday at two, that ice cream place down the road from Alex's place?

LeBaguette🥖: works for me.

Hercules💕: yus

HamIam: cool

Turtleboi🐢: yay!

Lafayette put his phone down, his smile fading. He hadn't been very talkative since James had come over, and he'd found that he only smiled genuinely when he was talking to Hercules or Peggy. The two of them just helped him forget about the things swirling around in his head for a while.

Saturday came around, and Hercules showed up at Laf's door, blushing slightly. Lafayette had pulled on the hoodie he'd stolen from Hercules and he smiled brightly when he saw Hercules at the door. "Ready to go?" He asked, offering his arm to Laf. Lafayette hooked his arm around Herc's, nodding politely. "Then let's go."

The walk took about 20 minutes, and they saw Alex and John sitting at a booth in by the window. They waved before ordering their ice cream, a single scoop of mint chocolate chip for Herc, and a fudge sundae for Laf.

"Isn't it a little cold for ice cream?" Asked the woman at the counter. She was an older Italian woman, with round cheeks and dark eyes that sparkled mischievously. She struck Laf as oddly familiar, though he couldn't tell why.

"It's never too cold for ice cream," Hercules replied with a laugh.

"Fair point," the woman replied. Her voice sounded familiar too. She went back behind the counter to assist another customer. "Claudia, would you mind getting the family at table four some more napkins?" She called. Another woman rushed out from behind the counter with a refill for the napkin holder, handing one to a very frazzled and exhausted looking woman who was sitting with three young kids.

Hercules tapped on Lafayette's shoulder. "The lady at the counter!" He exclaimed.

"I know, she looks familiar, doesn't she?" Laf replied, narrowing his eyes at her. After a moment of staring, it suddenly dawned on him who she was. "The lady from the jewelry store!" He cried.

"Okay, I'm lost..." John stated. Alex nodded his agreement.

"When we went to the mall and that old lady bought us our rings!" Hercules started.

"It was that lady right there!" Laf finished excitedly, pointing to the woman who was currently politely telling a customer that they didn't have a certain flavour of ice cream.

"Miss, I'm sorry, but we just ran out of mint chocolate chip," she explained calmly, "but we have sixteen other flavours that I'm sure your daughter would love."

At that, the little girl who had been tugging on the woman's arm excitedly started to cry. "But it's my birthday..." She said dejectedly.

Hercules looked down at his untouched ice cream, his brows furrowed. He stood up, going over to the little girl. She hid behind her mom as he approached. Hercules kneeled down, smiling. "Hey, I heard it's your birthday today. How old are you?" He asked.

"F-four," the little girl replied shyly.

"I heard that they're out of mint chocolate chip. Is that your favourite flavour?" He asked. She nodded in response. "Well, I actually changed my mind about what kind of flavour I want, but I've got this scoop here... I dunno what to do with it..."

The little girl's eyes lit up. "I could eat it, mister! I like mint chocolate-y chip a lot!" She exclaimed. Her mother laughed.

"Well, alright. But only if your mom says it's okay," he said, looking up at the woman, who nodded. He handed the ice cream to the girl, who started jumping up and down.

"What do you say, Katherine?" Asked her mother.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" She screamed happily, hugging Hercules. He laughed, letting go of her.

"Happy birthday, kiddo," he said, watching the pair walk back out.

He sat back down. "And I thought you didn't like kids," Alex stated.

"I don't," Herc replied, "I'm good with them, that doesn't mean I like them."

"That was adorable!" Lafayette said, leaning against Hercules, "you can share my ice cream."

The woman at the counter came over to the table. "Hi," she said.

"Hello!" Exclaimed Laf, "I have a question. Are you the same lady who-"

"Bought you your promise rings?" The lady finished, "yes. I'm Rosa. I don't think I ever got to properly introduce myself," she said.

"I am Lafayette, this is Hercules," Laf replied, "we still can't thank you enough for buying these for us..." he touched the ring that rested against his chest.

"There's no need. I should thank you, Hercules. It's never good when someone leaves the store crying... so, to thank you..." she held up a double scoop of ice cream. "On the house."

"Oh no I-I couldn't..." Hercules stammered, "you really don't have to-"

"But I want to," Rosa replied, a mischievous glint in her eye. She pressed the cone into his hand, before turning and walking back to help another customer.

"Sweet old lady," stated Alex, "you think she'll give you free ice cream every time you come?"

"Alex!" John cried, smacking his boyfriend on the shoulder.

"What I'm just saying!" Alex replied.

Their conversation faded away as Laf and Herc turned to face each other. "Giving your ice cream to that girl was so sweet of you... pun not intended..." he stated.

Hercules smiled. "Well, not doing anything to cheer her up woulda been just cold," he replied with a smirk.

"I'm disowning you," Lafayette stated.

"No you're not," Hercules answered, pecking Laf on the cheeks, "you're stuck with me forever."

Lafayette giggled. "Dammit," he said.

"You two are gross," Alex stated.

John chuckled. "Like we're any different?"

"Touché," Alex replied, stealing a bit of John's ice cream. They continued on like that for a while, laughing and talking and just having fun. When they'd all finished their ice cream, they got up and went their separate ways. Lafayette and Hercules walked back to Laf's house. They headed up to his room, sitting on his bed. Hercules was leaning against the headboard, arms wrapped around Lafayette. Laf was sitting in front of him reading The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

"Read to me," Hercules asked.

"Alright," Lafayette said, "you probably won't like it though..."

Hercules shrugged. "I like just about everything that you say," he stated.

Lafayette took a breath, marking his page and starting from the beginning. "Three hundred and forty-eight years, six months, and nineteen days ago to-day, the Parisians awoke to the sound of all the bells in the triple circuit of the city, the university, and the town ringing a full peal." Oh god, it's gonna be boring Hercules thought, zoning out. A few hours later Lafayette stopped. "And we're caught up to me, want to continue?" He asked.

Hercules didn't respond, he was staring blankly at the ceiling. "Hello?" Lafayette asked, waving his hand in front of his face. "Earth to Hercules!" He shouted. Hercules started out of his daze.

"Uh-um where were we?" He stammered.

Lafayette rolled his eyes, sighing exasperatedly. "Page twenty-seven," Lafayette replied. He closed the book. "You know what? Let's just be done with this for tonight," he said shortly, tossing the book onto the nightstand. It missed and hit the floor, but Laf didn't react.

"Laf are you alright?" Herc asked, pulling him closer. Laf pushed his arms away.

"I'm fine," he grumbled, crossing his arms and curling up into a ball.

"You're clearly not fine. You just threw a book halfway across the room," Hercules stated, "you've always been the type to make sure they stay in mint condition..."

"I'm just tired," Lafayette replied, "I'll pick it up in the morning..."

"Alright... but if something—or someone—is bothering you, you can talk to me," he said.

"I said I'm fine, Hercules!" Lafayette snapped. Hercules flinched; Lafayette had never raised his voice like that before. His shoulders slumped. "I'm sorry... can we just go to sleep?"

"Alright..." Hercules said, laying down. Laf moved so he was next to him, but he kept his back turned and he stayed at the far side of the bed.

Lafayette hadn't wanted to snap at Hercules. He didn't even know why he'd done it. While he was reading, he'd started thinking about James and Thomas again, and it had started stressing him out. Not to mention he had a gymnastics competition coming up that both of his parents were too busy to attend. He'd taken it out on Hercules, and that had been wrong, but right now he just wanted to be alone...

The next day, Lafayette woke up at six AM, rushing back to his house to pack his things for his competition. He threw the door back open, ready to hop on his bike and go, but Hercules was standing in the door. "Hercules, I have to be somewhere," he said, trying to duck past him.

"Your gymnastics competition, right? Let me give you a ride, I'll stay to watch the competition," he replied. He put a hand on Lafayette's back, guiding him toward his dad's car.

Lafayette smiled, relaxing slightly as he got in. "Merci, mon amour," he said. They drove to the gymnastics building, and Lafayette went to the locker room to change. Hercules went out to the bleachers, sitting in the front row. There weren't very many people, and most of them were younger kids; mainly girls. It must have been a different age group that was starting. The lack of boys was most likely just from kids not being interested or parents thinking it was too 'feminine' Hercules rolled his eyes at the thought.

After watching everything from nine-year-olds to seventeen-year-old girls, it was finally Laf's turn. He came out and went over to the parallel bars, getting chalk on his hands before jumping up to the bars, suspended above a pit filled with foam.

He did his routine to perfection, and when he jumped down, there was applause and cheering. Hercules stood up, clapping loudly. "That's my boy!" He yelled as Lafayette walked over. Herc leaned down to give Laf a hug. "You did great out there," he said.

Lafayette was wearing the biggest grin Hercules had ever seen, and he kissed him happily. "Thank you," he said. He joined Hercules in the bleachers, watching the other boys go. "Spencer has been here since he was a year old, and he thinks he's better than everyone," Lafayette whispered, referring to the boy who was currently going. "Even the coach won't tell him how sloppy his technique is."

Hercules laughed quietly, putting an arm around Lafayette. After the competition, they announced the winners for each of the events.

"For parallel bars ages sixteen to seventeen, bronze goes to Spencer Marcus." scattered applause as the boy took his medal. "Silver goes to Daniel Riviera." There were cheers from his family, and applause throughout the room. "And the gold medal winner of this year's regional championship is..." he paused to read the name. Laf squeezed his hand nervously. "Umm... apologizing in advance for how badly I'm about to butcher your name and I genuinely can't tell first name from middle names from last name so I'm going to say it all, Marie Joseph Paul Y-Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette." There was some laughter mixed in with the applause; he'd butchered his name terribly.

Laf jumped up, Hercules shaking his shoulder excitedly. He ran over to take his medal before charging back to Hercules excitedly. Hercules had never seen Laf's eyes so bright. Hercules pulled him in for a kiss, not caring who was watching. Lafayette went to go get changed and then they left hand in hand, driving back to Hercules' house.

They went up to his room, flopping down on the bed. Lafayette started kissing Hercules roughly, holding himself over him. Hercules wrapped his arms around Lafayette, slipping a hand under his shirt. He was a bit startled at Lafayette's sudden boldness, but he wasn't complaining. Lafayette started kissing down Hercules' neck, tugging at his shirt. "take this off," he growled. Hercules complied, flipping them so he was on top.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" he asked tentatively.

"Oui, I am sure," he replied, kissing Hercules again.

"If you say so," Hercules stated, leaning down to kiss Lafayette. The night went pretty well from there. (That's code for I'm fifteen and ace af so I ain't writing this shit)


The next morning, Lafayette was awoken by the sound of Hercules rushing around the room. "Hercules, it is five in the morning, what are you doing?" He asked drowsily.

"Dad wants me to help out at the store a bit before school," he explained, "I can give you a ride if you wanna come," he offered.

Lafayette got up, putting his clothes back on. The two went downstairs to where Herc's dad was already waiting. They drove the short way to the tailor shop Herc' dad ran. Lafayette sat with Hercules behind the counter, chatting.

There weren't many customers this early in the morning, so Hercules pulled out some designs to work on. Lafayette pulled his book out, grazing a hand over the pages that had gotten bent when he'd thrown it across the room; it broke his heart to see it.

He'd been reading for a little while when he heard the bell ring signalling that someone had come in. Laf smiled politely, but it faded when he saw who the customer was. Thomas Jefferson stood in the middle of the tailor shop with a man Lafayette assumed was his father.

Thomas wasn't wearing his usual cocky smirk. His posture, which was usually aggravatingly aloof, was tense, shoulders drawn up and hands in his pockets. It looked like he was trying to make himself too small to be noticed. Every time his father moved Thomas flinched slightly. Lafayette could see where Thomas was wearing makeup; he wasn't very good at blending it smoothly and it didn't quite match his skin tone. It covered a concerning majority of his face.

Thomas made eye contact with Lafayette, fear filling his eyes for the first time since Laf had met him. Hercules pulled Laf closer, glowering at Thomas. Thomas looked down at the ground as his father stared at Herc and Laf in disbelief. Hercules' father approached cheerfully. "Hello! I'm Hugh, what can I help you with?"

"I need a suit made for my son," Thomas' father replied.

"Not a problem. We'll do measurements today and have it done as soon as possible!" Hugh said, "Hercules! Take his measurements please?" Hercules grabbed a roll of measuring tape, heading over to where Thomas was standing.

"Your son, I assume?" Thomas' father asked in a disdainful tone.

Hugh narrowed his eyes, but tried his best to ignore it. "Yes," he replied.

"And the other gentleman behind the counter?" He asked, turning his piercing gaze on Lafayette. Laf buried his nose in his book, hoping to be forgotten by the imposing man.

"My boyfriend," Hercules snarled.

"Hercules! Be polite!" Hugh scolded.

"No need. I've decided I don't particularly enjoy your staff's lifestyle choices. We'll simply find a business that better aligns with our beliefs. Come on Thomas," said his father, turning around. Lafayette shot Thomas an apologetic look, trying his best to give a polite smile. Thomas furrowed his brows in confusion. "Thomas!" His father shouted. He flinched, rushing to catch up.

"Well he was rather rude," Hugh stated.

"It's okay to say he was a massive asshole, dad," Hercules added, curling a lip at where they'd just left. "He raised his kid to be the same way."

"Hercules!" Hugh cried indignantly, "watch your language! But, do you know that boy?"

"He goes to our school," Laf interjected.

"More like controls the school with an iron fist," Hercules added, "he's a jerk."

"He didn't seem like a bad person... he seemed really nervous, honestly," Hugh stated.

Hercules shrugged. "We've gotta get going if we wanna walk to school," He stated. Lafayette jumped up, tucking his book back in his bag.

They walked to school together. Lafayette didn't say much. "You okay Laf?" Hercules asked.

"I'm okay... I just have a lot on my mind..." he explained.

"Like what?" Herc asked, squeezing Laf's hand.

Lafayette took a deep breath. He didn't want to tell Hercules anything for certain, but he could pretend he was speculating. See how Hercules would react. "Like... the incident back there. Did you see Thomas? I've never seen him like that..."

"He was probably just taken by surprise is all..." Herc dismissed with a shrug.

"Hercules, he had makeup on his face," Lafayette stayed.

"So? You've worn makeup before," Herc replied.

"But it wasn't for aesthetic reasons," Lafayette argued, "it wasn't on all of his face. I think he was trying to cover something up..."

"Like what?" Hercules asked, stopping and facing Laf.

"Bruises maybe? He flinched every time his dad moved. Hercules, I think something is going on!" Lafayette replied, getting emotional.

"Are you worried about Thomas Jefferson? I'm sure that's not what's happening. Whatever he's trying to cover up is probably from someone getting fed up with his bullshit and giving him a taste of his own medicine," Hercules reassured him.

Lafayette looked down, a troubled look on his face. "Maybe you're right..." he mumbled, letting go of Herc's hand and continuing to walk. Hercules had refused to admit what he saw. He wasn't concerned, why should he be?


As Lafayette grabbed his things from his locker, Hercules ran up to him. "Wanna walk home together?" He asked.

"I'm sorry Hercules, but I was going to study in the library for a bit. The science midterm on Friday..." Lafayette lied.

"No problem, good luck," Herc replied, giving Lafayette a quick kiss.

"PDA is strictly forbidden you two, this is a catholic school," came a voice from behind. The two turned to find Mister Washington scolding Maria Lewis and James Reynolds, who had been passionately making out at the water fountain. Lafayette stifled a giggle, and Hercules snorted. Mister Washington gave them a smirk.

"I gotta go, Laf. I'll see you later," Herc said, planting a kiss on his cheek before running off down the hall.

"That goes for you too, Mister Mulligan!" Washington called down the hall with a laugh.

Lafayette walked out a side entrance to where James had parked his car on the street. He hopped in. "I thought you weren't coming," James said.

"Got held up," Lafayette replied, "let's go."

They drove in silence, pulling up to Thomas' house, a large white Victorian style home. James got out, and after a few seconds of hesitation, Lafayette followed. They walked up the steps to Thomas' house, ringing the doorbell.

Thomas answered the door, eyes widening when he saw Lafayette standing on his porch. His breathing was laboured, his face was drenched with sweat, and he was leaning heavily on the doorframe. Suddenly, his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed, revealing a large open wound in his side. "Thomas!" James cried. Suddenly, Lafayette saw a silhouette move inside the house.

"Get in the car, we need to get him to the nearest hospital," Lafayette said, watching as Thomas' father started charging towards him. Lafayette helped to pick Thomas up, laying him down across the back seat. James was still freaking out, Thomas's head in his lap as he pressed a jacket against the wound. Laf got into the driver's seat, starting the car and pulling out. He could see Thomas's dad in the rear view mirror.

They arrived at the hospital, helping to carry Thomas in. "Help!" James screamed. Doctors rushed over to Thomas, getting him onto a stretcher before rushing him away. James and Laf were both covered in blood, and James was hyperventilating. "Oh god why didn't I do something sooner? He's going to die because of me," James cried, rocking back and fourth.

Lafayette kneeled down in front of him. "James, look at me, Thomas is not going to die. This isn't your fault," he stated, looking him straight in the eyes. James' breathing slowed marginally and Lafayette moved to sit next to him. "That's it... deep breaths..."

After he'd made sure James was calm, he phoned his parents, saying that he was at the hospital. His mother then proceeded to freak out. "Mama, je vais bein," he assured her, explaining the rest of the situation.

After that, he called Hercules. "Hello?" Asked Herc. Lafayette explained what had happened and where he was. There was silence on the other side. "Hercules?"

"I'm on my way," he said, hanging up the phone.

"Hercu- and he's gone..." Lafayette sighed, setting his phone down.

"Nice boyfriend you've got there," James remarked in an attempt to lighten the mood.

Lafayette smiled. Suddenly Hercules came rushing in. "Is he alright?" He asked.

James shrugged. "We don't know yet..."

"Are you two alright? You look like hell," he asked.

"I'm fine, James is freaking out a little bit..." Lafayette replied. Suddenly a young nurse came over to them.

"You're the ones who came in with Thomas Jefferson?" She asked.

James stood up. "Yeah, that's us."

"You can go see him now..." she said, guiding them to his room.

Thomas was hooked up to an IV, and barely moved his head as they came in.

"You look like death itself," Hercules remarked.

Thomas chuckled weakly, flinching and clutching his side. "I feel like it," he stated.

James sat down in the chair next to Thomas. "I'm so sorry..." he mumbled, his voice breaking.

"Hey, don't be... you saved my life..." Thomas replied, taking James' hand. He turned to look at Laf. "And I guess I should thank you, too. You wanted to help me out after everything we-" Thomas looked at James, "I," he corrected, "did to you."

Lafayette shrugged. "I can understand why..."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and a man in a police uniform came in. "Hi, I'm here to ask you a few questions..." he said, "I'm gonna have to ask you three to leave for a bit, I'll get your statements in a moment."

Thomas tried to sit up, groaning. James put a hand on his shoulder, shaking his head. "Yeah, ask away," Thomas stated. The others cleared out, sitting in the hall outside.

The police officer pulled up a chair. "Can you tell me who did this to you?" He asked.

Thomas looked nervously at James, who squeezed his hand gently. "It... it was my dad..." he stated.

The man nodded, writing it down. "And, it says here that you have a lot of other scars and bruises that are older than the injury you came in to have treated. Did your father do that too?"

"Yeah... he's been doing that kind of thing since I was nine that was when my mom passed away..." he explained.

"I see..." the officer asked some other questions before talking to the others. He started with James. "You were one of the two who brought him in, right?"

James nodded. "I'm a friend of his... I didn't know Thomas' dad very well. He was a very cold person from what I could tell, and he had a lot of hate in him... that was probably one of the triggers for doing that to Thomas... Peter was very homophobic, to say the least..." he explained.

"Did you have a relationship with Thomas that went beyond platonic feelings?" He asked.

James blushed. "It's... complicated... I had feelings for him, and I think he has feelings for me... but we don't exactly act on them... I mean, one time, but we got caught and that's what some of those more fresh scars on his back are from I think..." he explained.

The officer moved on to Hercules and Lafayette. "And what part do you have to play in all this?" He asked.

"Laf knows more about it than me... I just found out today," Hercules replied.

"Thomas was never exactly kind to us, but we assumed that he was just your average homophobe," Lafayette added, "after James found out, he came to me. Thomas had been going after us for a while, and he wanted to try to get Thomas to talk with us and try to work through our issues..." Laf stated.

The police officer nodded. "And what happened today?"

"After school, James and I drove over to Thomas' house... he answered the door and passed out, and we drove him here. That's about all I know..." Lafayette replied.

The officer stood up. "Thank you very much," he said. Suddenly, someone came charging in through the doors.

"Sir! Please! Wait!" Cried a nurse.

The man, Peter Jefferson, shoved her off. "I'm seeing my son, get off me you bitch," he snarled.

The police officer stood up. "No you're not," he stated, grabbing him and putting him in cuffs. He explained the charges and read him his rights, escorting him out of the building.

James went back in the room, sitting next to Thomas. He'd fallen asleep. James took his hand. "They arrested him..." he whispered, "he can't hurt you anymore,"

Meanwhile, Laf and Herc were standing in the doorway. "You look exhausted, Laf," he began, "and you also look like you just killed someone. Let's get you home so you can get cleaned up."

Laf nodded and Hercules guided him out of the building. He sat down in the passenger seat, falling asleep almost instantly. Hercules had a lot to think about. How had he not noticed the signs? They'd been right in front of him the whole time, especially this morning... he shook his head, pulling into his driveway. He shook Lafayette awake, helping him out of the car and guiding him over to Laf's house.

Lafayette's parents were waiting on the porch, and his mother rushed over to them. "Are you alright? Oh god, you're covered in blood, what were you thinking?" She cried.

"Maman, I'm okay. It's not my blood," he replied calmly. His mother breathed a sigh of relief.

She turned to Herc. "Thank you for getting him home safely..." she said.

"It's really not an issue. But, I should probably get going. My dad must be worried sick," he replied.

She nodded, putting an arm around her son and guiding him inside. Hercules smiled, heading back to his house.

"Dad?" He called, looking around the house. His father was sitting on the couch, and he jumped up when Herc came in.

"Hercules Mulligan what were you doing out past curfew?" His father asked angrily, "stealing the car, leaving without a word, you had me worried- oh my god, is that blood on your shirt? What happened?"

"Relax dad, it's not my blood. Lafayette-"

"Oh my God, is he okay? Is that why you ran out?" Hugh cut him off.

"It's not his either. Lemme finish, dad..." he explained what was happening.

"That man from the shop this morning... he tried to kill his own son?" Hugh asked disbelievingly. Hercules nodded.

"Look, dad, I'm exhausted... I honestly just wanna go to bed..." He said.

"Of course! I'm sorry, go ahead, son..." Hugh replied.

Hercules took a shower, cleaning off the blood. He got changed, flopping down on his bed and sinking into a deep sleep.


"Oh my god, Chloe, Brooke, did you hear about Thomas Jefferson?" Said a girl to her friends.

"Nah, what happened, Jenna?" Replied the other girl.

"Apparently his dad tried to kill him, and now he's getting put in the foster system..." Jenna explained.

"Oh my god, do you think he's okay?" Asked a third girl.

"I dunno, Brooke. I mean, he's alive so I guess he could be worse?" Said Chloe.

James walked away. It had been a week, and rumours were started to spread. He'd visited Thomas every day in the hospital, and Thomas had told him he was going into foster care. Hopefully things would turn out alright for him...

He flopped down on a couch next to Lafayette, stealing a piece of pizza.

"Word's getting around..." he said, not looking up from his book.

James sighed. "Yeah... I'm just glad he's out of there."

"But...?" Lafayette started.

"But... I know I'm probably not gonna see him very much anymore, and I don't know how the foster system is gonna treat him..." he finished.

Lafayette set down his book. "Look at me, he's going to be alright. He'll graduate in a few months, and then he'll be off to some fancy college. Thomas is a smart person, he'll be fine," he stated.

Alex laughed. "Smart? He was more than smart. As much as I hate to admit it, the guy was a fucking genius. He was, and you're never gonna hear me say this again so savour it, an equal match with me."

Everyone gasped dramatically, bursting into laughter. James smiled. They were right. Thomas would be okay, and things were looking up for all of them.

A/N I'm sorry this is the final chapter aside from the prologue it's terrible it leaves things unanswered I'm sorry I did my best and sweet Jesus is it long... like almost double the length of the last one wtf? I tried my best, so I'm sorry if you guys aren't happy with it... Thanks for sticking with me through this piece of crap... also, I have no clue how gymnastics or police thingies work so I'm kinda flying blind.

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