"You better make me look fantastic, Peggy," Lafayette said with a laugh. He was currently sitting on Peggy's bedroom floor as she tried out some new makeup on him.
"Don't worry, I've been getting a lot better," Peggy replied, "look up."
Lafayette did as he was told, staring up at the ceiling as Peggy put mascara on his eyelashes. "Why can't you get one of your sisters to do this again?" Laf asked.
"Because Angelica's busy with—stop blinking god dammit—with those online university courses she takes, not to mention all the extra homework she gets from AP. And Eliza just straight out refused after the eyeliner incident..." Peggy stated, "and I honestly don't trust myself enough to do it on me because of the lipstick incident." Peggy was referring to the time when she'd somehow managed to get lipstick in her eye. Peggy herself didn't even know how she'd done it.
Lafayette looked back down as Peggy finished. "Right... why do I trust you around my eyes?" Peggy shrugged. "Anyway, are you done?" She nodded. "Thank god."
"You look great," she stated, holding up a mirror. Laf had to admit that Peggy had definitely been getting better. She'd gone for a very subtle look, with simple nude eyeshadow, subtle contouring and nude lipstick. It was all in all pretty well done. Lafayette was heading out soon, so he reached for the makeup wipes.
"Wait!" Peggy cried, "I've never done this good of a job before... you're going on a date with Hercules, right?" Lafayette nodded, "why don't you keep it on? You look great, and I think Herc would like it too..."
Lafayette smiled, sighing. He wasn't normally the type to wear makeup, especially not in public, but at the same time, he did look fantastic and it'd be a shame to let Peggy's hard work go to waste. "Alright..." he grumbled.
"Yay!" She cried, hugging Laf excitedly. "Thank you so much!"
Laf hugged her back, laughing. "Okay, but I need to go now... I'll let you know how it goes," He stated.
"Lemme fix your hair first," Peggy said, "it's falling out." She got up and sat on the bed, pulling four hair ties out of Lafayette's hair. She pulled it back, leaving a single piece loose in the front.
"Thank you, mes amie," he said as she finished.
They stood up, walking down the stairs of the Schuyler's two story penthouse apartment. Eliza was sitting in the living room, painting her nails as she watched a movie. "You look good, Laf," she stated.
"Merci, Peggy did a very good job," Laf replied, "but I must be going now," he added, throwing on a jacket.
"Have fun!" Peggy exclaimed, waving.
"See you later Laf," Eliza said, turning her attention back to her nails.
Lafayette took the subway to the mall, about twenty minutes early. He bought a book from chapters, then went over to the Starbucks, buying a drink and sitting down. He'd only gotten about five pages into The Hunchback of Notre Dame when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked up to see his boyfriend standing over him. "How's the book?" He asked.
"Victor Hugo didn't know how to get to the point," Lafayette replied, "But it is still interesting. A bit difficult to understand at times though."
Herc laughed. "Not surprising... where do you want to go?" He asked.
Lafayette shrugged. "I was thinking we could just stay here for a bit... I wanted to look at buying some other books, but I wanted your opinion on some of them," he stated...
"Alright. By the way, are you wearing makeup?" He asked.
"Umm, yes... Peggy insisted that I wear it, and I just couldn't say no to her," Lafayette replied nervously.
"You look good," Herc stated.
"Merci, mon amour," Laf replied, hiding his face behind his book. He was blushing so much he was sure you could see it through the foundation.
They sat there for a bit, before eventually, Herc got restless and they decided to walk around. They'd gone into a few stores without buying anything, and Lafayette was considering just going back to his house when something caught his eye. He ran over to a jewelry store where a set of rings were displayed. Carved on one was the word yours, the other had the French translation; le tiens. "They're beautiful, non?" He asked.
"Yeah... you want them?" Herc asked.
Laf went red. "I-I-I was not saying that I- they're probably a few hundred dollars, and I know you're not- I wouldn't want you to go through trouble... I don't need them..." he stammered.
"But you want them?" He asked again.
"I- Um-" he stammered. Herc put his arm around him, kissing the top of his head. Laf sighed. "Oui. I do want them... but they're very expensive, I am sure..."
Herc shrugged. "It's not the end of the world... I'll just have to do some extra work around the shop," he stated.
"I couldn't help but overhear," came a voice from behind. The two jumped, seeing a little old lady standing behind them.
"Uh-um... I-" Herc stammered, holding Lafayette close to him. Laf could feel his frenzied heart rate, knew that he was expecting a cruel comment to follow.
"You two are so young, I remember when I was your age," the lady said wistfully, "I've been married to my Claudia for six years now, but we've been together for almost fourty," she stated.
Lafayette felt Hercules breathe a sigh of relief. "You wanted those promise rings?" She asked, pulling a credit card out of her purse.
Lafayette gasped, realizing was this lady was offering. "Oh, no, Madame it's alright, you don't have-"
"But I want to," the lady said, cutting Laf off. Then, before they could stop her, she went up to the counter, asking the girl there about the rings. A few minutes later, she came back to them with two boxes in hand.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know what sizes you were, so I bought some chains for you to wear them on instead," she said sweetly, pressing the boxes into Lafayette's hands.
Lafayette took them, getting choked up. "Merci beaucoup, thank you so much," he cried, smiling as a tear rolled down his cheek.
The lady then turned to Hercules, taking his hands. "Never lose this courage, young man. I wish I could have had it back then," she said. She looked at both of them, "and never let anyone tell you that what you feel is wrong. Because love is never wrong." With that, she smiled once more and left.
They sat down, opening the boxes. Lafayette gasped. They really were gorgeous. Above the intricate and elegant engraved words were tiny opals, white but glinting with almost pastel colours as the light it the smooth surface.
Lafayette picked up the delicate gold chain, slipping one ring on it. Hercules did the same with the other. "Turn around," Herc said. Laf turned away from him, feeling the cool metal as the ring fell against his chest. He picked it up. Yours.
He did the same to Hercules, struggling slightly with the clasp. When he succeeded, Hercules turned around, a grin on his face. He wrapped his arms around Lafayette, pulling him into a kiss. People were staring at them as they passed, but neither of them cared to notice. All that mattered in that moment was them.
James knocked on his friend's door, waiting for him to answer. Thomas came out, looking exhausted. His eyes lit up when he saw James. "Glad you could make it," he said.
"What's this about?" James asked.
"I need a favour," Thomas replied, "I have a plan, and I need your help."
"Oh no," James groaned. Thomas' plans rarely ended with nobody getting hurt. "What is it?"
"I'm gonna ruin Hercules and Lafayette. Come tomorrow, they won't even look at each other, much less care about each other," Thomas replied with a smirk.
"And what is your genius plan? Our best piece of leverage was outing them, and they did that themselves," stated James, in an attempt to stop this from happening. They'd done nothing to provoke his and Thomas' wrath aside from fall in love.
Thomas smiled maliciously. "Doppelgängers."
James' brows furrowed, confusion etched on his face. "What?"
"Watch this," Thomas stated, pulling three hair ties from his pocket. "Now I'm Thomas Jefferson..." He yanked his curly hair back, tying it tightly. He cleared his throat. "Now I'm Marie Joseph... something... something... De La Fayette. Whatever, you get the point."
James crossed his arms, disbelief written all over his face. "Is that your whole plan? Pretend to be Lafayette and then dump Hercules? You really dug deep for that one didn't you? What do you even need me for?"
"I need you to be a distraction. I can't trust that while I'm with Hercules the real Lafayette won't text or call him. That's where you come in..." he pulled a grey beanie from his pocket.
"You want me to pretend to be Hercules so that you can dump the real Hercules without worrying about the real Lafayette giving you away?"
"That's the plan yes."
"I'm not doing it," James stated.
"What?" Thomas asked.
"There's no way you're making me do this. You've gone too far. You took it too far when you first put a target on their back, and I'm putting my foot down," James snarled, turning to leave.
Thomas smiled. "I wouldn't be so sure about that."
"What do you mean?" James asked.
"That little incident from the other day. I don't know about you, but I really wouldn't want the rest of the school to find out about your little secret. But you know me, I might just let something slip... accidentally," Thomas purred. James glared up at him. Without a word, he took the hat from him.
That is all, Herc and Laf are cute, Tommy and Jemmy are suffering. The end.
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