Hercules sat at his desk, working on a new design when suddenly, a face appeared in front of him. Hercules jumped, sending art supplies flying out of their container and all over the floor. Lafayette was standing on the roof outside his window, a smile on his face. Hercules opened the window, allowing Laf to come in. "What are you doing?" Hercules whisper-yelled. His father was home, and wouldn't approve of his son's boyfriend climbing in through the window. He didn't even know if he would approve of his son having a boyfriend. His dad had never outwardly stated his opinion on homosexuality.
"I was bored," Laf said, planting a quick kiss on Herc's lips. "And I missed you."
Hercules melted at that, smiling at Laf. "I missed you too," he replied, kissing Lafayette quickly. "You're helping me pick up my shit though," he added, leaning down to start cleaning up the mess.
After they'd finished cleaning up, Hercules led Laf down to his room before grabbing some snacks for them. When he came back, he found Lafayette laying peacefully on the bed, a sleepy smile on his face and his eyes have shut. "What are you so happy about?" Herc asked.
"You," Laf replied.
"Me?" Laf nodded. "Care to elaborate?" Herc asked, laying down next to Laf, who then positioned himself so that his head rested on Herc's shoulder and his arm was slung lazily across his chest. It took a while before Laf spoke again.
"When I lived in France, I... well, let's just say it was harder to find a boy that I hadn't slept with..." Laf began. Herc tensed up a little at the thought, but he knew Laf was his now. Laf continued talking. "But it was because... I... there was this boy. He was smart and sweet and so kind to me." Laf smiled fondly. "I wanted him to be mine so badly... but... but when I told him how I felt he changed completely. He called me disgusting, and wrong and so many other things... it hurt me. So, to spite him I started sleeping around. But the truth was I still cared about him, even though he'd said such terrible things..." Laf's voice cracked a bit. Herc looked at him with a concerned expression, but Laf just gave him a look that said I'm okay and continued. "After a few months of that he pulled me aside, somewhere where nobody could see and he kissed me. I thought things would finally get better... I thought-" his breath hitched in his throat as he fought to keep his voice steady.
Hercules turned toward him, wrapping his arms around him and kissing the top of his head. "You don't need to keep going if you don't want..." Herc whispered.
Laf shook his head. "I want you to know this." He took a deep breath. "The next day, he was on the news... he'd committed suicide. There was a note that said je l'ai aimé. I loved him." His voice cracked. He put a hand over his mouth as a sob forced its way out. "I'm sorry I don't know why I'm-"
"Hey, don't apologize... you have no reason to, you're allowed to cry if you need to..." Herc replied, taking Laf's face in his hands.
Laf smiled. "What I'm trying to say is I'm so happy to have you... and I swear upon everything that is holy that I will never love anyone but you... because I love you so much Hercules..." Laf said, "sorry if I came on too strong..."
"No sweetheart, you're fine... I feel the same way..." Herc replied, kissing his boyfriend. Laf's lips tasted salty from his tears, but he smiled into the kiss, placing a hand on Hercules' cheek. They turned so that Hercules was laying on his back, Laf holding himself over him by his arm. Suddenly, the door squeaked open. The two broke away, staring in horror as Hercules' dad stood in the doorway.
"Monsieur Mulligan!" Laf cried.
"Dad, I-I can explain," Herc stammered.
"No need Hercules," his dad said, "I'm okay with it... I just want to have a word with mister... umm... what's your last name?" He asked.
"It's... complicated..." Laf said, getting up.
Laf followed Mr. Mulligan out the door, down the stairs and into the living room. He sat on the couch nervously, tapping a hand on his leg.
"At ease, soldier," Herc's dad joked, "I just want to let you know that I am one hundred percent okay with you being with my son."
Laf smiled. "Really?"
Mr. Mulligan nodded. "I've adopted a live and let live attitude. Who am I to judge you, and who are you to judge me?" He began, "that being said, if you hurt my boy, well... you're in for a world of hurt."
"Understood, Monsieur," Laf replied.
"The same goes for Hercules if he hurts you. Don't hesitate to let me know. Herc knows better than to mess with people's emotions like that, so if he does..." Mr. Mulligan trailed off ominously.
Laf smiled awkwardly. "Merci," he said respectfully.
Mr. Mulligan stood up, grabbing his coat. "I'm heading out for a while, so you two have fun," he stated, closing the door behind him. A few seconds later he poked his head back in. "Not too much fun, though. Okay?"
Laf saluted. Hercules' dad smiled, closing the door.
Laf went back upstairs to find Herc pacing anxiously. "What did he say?" He asked.
"Oh just the classic "If you hurt my boy I'll hurt you" spiel," he replied.
Herc let out a sigh of relief. "Then he left somewhere... he didn't say exactly where he was going," Laf added.
"If I had to guess, I'd say he's going to the tailor shop he runs..." Herc stated, laying back down. Laf joined him.
They laid there for a while, talking and laughing and kissing occasionally. On one of these kisses, Lafayette turned so that he was above Herc again. Herc put a hand on his hip, slipping it under Laf's shirt a bit, but not going any farther. He turned them suddenly so that he was above Laf. Lafayette opened his mouth, forcing Hercules' lips apart. This allowed him to slip his tongue inside his mouth, which Herc allowed. As the kiss got more passionate, more frenzied, Herc moved so he was fully on top of Lafayette, moving his hand up from his hips to his waist. Laf wrapped his legs around Herc, who in turn put his arms around Laf and lifted him up so they were sitting face to face, their bodies flush together and their foreheads touching. Herc went in for another kiss when suddenly, Lafayette pulled back.
"W-wait..." he stammered, untangling himself from Hercules.
"Are you okay?" Herc asked. Then he saw. Laf's shirt had ridden up, revealing scratches and bruises all along his sides, back and stomach; at least where Hercules could see. "Who...?" He trailed off, not really sure how to finish the question.
"I... the... some of the guys I brought home weren't exactly... gentle..." Lafayette mumbled, curling his knees up to his chest in an attempt to hide the bruises.
"I understand..." Herc replied.
Laf smiled at him. "Can we just... lay here?" He asked. Herc nodded, taking Lafayette in his arms. The two drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.
The next morning, Lafayette woke up with his head resting on Hercules' shoulder. He smiled, but then he looked at the time. "Putain!" He shouted, leaping up in shock and waking Hercules.
"What's wrong Laf?" Hercules asked, eyes wide.
"It's ten o'clock!" He shouted, "we are late!"
"Why don't you have an alarm or something?" Lafayette ranted, trying to fix his hair.
"Oh god, I'm going to have to go to school in the same outfit twice... can I borrow a hoodie?"
"Laf!" Hercules shouted.
"What!" Laf shouted back.
"It's Saturday! We don't have school!" Herc started to laugh loudly.
"Oh..." Lafayette started laughing too, and soon they were on the floor howling with laughter.
When they were finally able to stop, Hercules stood up. "Let's go make breakfast," he said, opening the door. Laf followed him, walking down the steps into the kitchen. "Pancakes?"
Lafayette shook his head. "Crepes" he replied.
"Aren't those just the same thing?" Hercules asked, cocking an eyebrow.
Laf shook his head again. "Crepes are thinner and better," he stated, pulling out the ingredients. He started making the batter. Suddenly, Herc was in front of him.
"Gimme a kiss," he demanded. Laf threw flour in his face as a response. Hercules coughed, white powder flying everywhere. "So that's how you're gonna be?"
Lafayette's smirk faded when he saw the egg Hercules had grabbed from the tray. "Hercules, think about what you are doing," he said nervously, backing up. Hercules approached him until Laf was backed into a corner. He held the egg over his head. "Not the-" he cracked it. "-hair..."
Lafayette grabbed some more flour in one hand, an egg in the other. He chased Herc around the kitchen, smashing the egg against the back of his neck and throwing the flour in his face when he tried to retaliate. Instead of grabbing more flour, Hercules wrapped an arm around Laf's waist, kissing him, which got flour all over both of their faces. They were both giggling like madmen when suddenly they heard someone come down the stairs. "What are you two doing?!" Cried Mr. Mulligan.
"Dad! I- uh-" Hercules stammered. He started to laugh. "I have literally no explanation," he added. Laf joined him, chuckling at the way they both looked, as well as the expression on Mr. Mulligan's face.
Herc's dad sighed. "You two clean this up. And you're making me breakfast too, understood?"
Hercules saluted as his dad went into the living room. They both started howling with laughter as they worked to clean and finish making breakfast. After they ate breakfast, they both had showers and got changed, although the clothes Herc had given Laf were a bit too big on him. Laf was wearing a massive sweater. "I own this now," he stated, gesturing to the sweatshirt.
Hercules laughed. "Whatever you say..."
The rest of the day was fairly quiet. They stayed home, watched movies and just talked. It was getting late, and they'd went over to Laf's house. Hercules had begged Laf to teach him a little French, so they were going back and fourth. Lafayette would say something in French, and Herc would translate it if he could.
"Bleu?" Laf asked.
"That's easy," Herc replied, "Blue."
Laf nodded. "Bonne nuit."
"Goodnight," Herc said.
Laf smiled. "Oui. I think you've learned enough for tonight, I'm tired," he stated, Laying down on his bed.
"Oh, come on, Laf. One more?" Herc begged.
"Fine..." Laf replied, "je t'aime."
"I love you," Herc said. Then, it dawned on him what he'd just said. "I... you..." he stammered. "Oh my god you gigantic sap!" He giggled, shoving Laf playfully. "I... I love you too."
Laf gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Now will you go to sleep?" He asked.
Herc laughed. "Okay..." he said reluctantly, climbing into bed next to Laf. Lafayette turned over, putting his head on Herc's chest and slinging an arm across him. Hercules took Laf's hand in his, wrapping his other arm around him. "I love you," he whispered, too quiet for Laf to hear.
A/N AAAAAAAHHHHH Yay for long fluffy chapters! I just wanna write a few chapters of them just being fucking adorable without any angst... so I think that's what I'm gonna do... get ready for an overload of sweetness so bad you're gonna get cavities. Also, sweet Jesus we have 1k reads thank you guys so much, this story's terrible idk why you guys stick around...
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