Chapter 5

"You cannot kill a ghost." Kirk said standing by the side of the injured Klingon captain.

"What do you mean?" Koloth asked.

"Ghosts cannot die." Kirk said.

"I am aware of that, but. . ." Koloth felt around the injury into his chest. "That is . . . so vague."

Kirk lowered down to Koloth's level with a smirk.

"Haven't you noticed I am unhurt?" Kirk asked.

Koloth noticed his dagger was on the ground beside Kirk's shoe as the molten flames around him were growing and the ground was trembling beneath him. The once blue sky was cloaked in a dark, heavy fog. Dead trees tumbled down into the darkness. Kirk was the only one of the two who were standing still unaffected. The black shirt had visible holes in it. But when Koloth stared into those crystal blue eyes he saw there was no life in them. In fact Koloth saw through Kirk into the firing inferno going on around him. Kirk's smirk had turned into a smile. A terrifying smile. Koloth had been unaware humans could smile that wide.

"You . . ." Koloth was stunned.

Kirk saluted.

"Toodles." Kirk said, then he vanished into thin air.

The ground beneath Koloth gave out.



"You see, we didn't really get his organic body out," Scotty said. "We got Mr Spock's pattern and physical body out. But nae Mr Kirk."

"A good example of a living ghost." Sulu remarked.

"But . . . But. . . I treated him." McCoy was close to Spock. "The kid was too real."

"What about his physical state?" Nurse Chapel asked.

"I believe he might nae be the same as he was when he first appeared with Mr Spock," Scotty said. "That is why I asked for you and the doctor tae come. He might nae be well."

"Beam him in." Sulu said.

In a golden haze appeared a wet, shivering, and blanketless male figure with wet hair and bright blue eyes rubbing the sides of his shoulders looking around. He had a tattoo in the shape of the Enterprise on his thigh. His soft, bright blue eyes landed on McCoy and Spock. He noticed, with dizzy and at best blurry vision, somehow, that their fingers were intertwined together. Spock had on a dark shirt instead of a blue shirt with one hand behind his back. Now why was his first officer out of uniform?

A smile grew on the young man's face.

"What 'sup, Spones?" Kirk said. "G--g--got any b-b--blankets around t--t-t-o spare?"

Kirk collapsed to the floor landing on the edge of the transporter pad unconscious.


"Technically, you have been dating for two years," Kirk said. "Besides,you have been bickering like a old married couple!"

"We are not old." Spock said.

"And we don't bicker like a married couple, damn it!" McCoy said.

"No can do, I am doing the ceremony and you are going to thank me for it." Kirk said.

Kirk walked away.

"We are eleven hours from the nearest star base!" McCoy said. "You are not goin' to wed us!"

"Bite me!" Came Kirk's reply.

"He will make us go through it despite our protests," Spock said. "I suggest we give in and let the task be easier."

"Then you're goin' to insist for that what-the-hell-you-call-it." McCoy said.

"Bonding ceremony." Spock said.

McCoy snapped his fingers.

"Yes that!" McCoy said.

Kirk shook his head getting out of ear shot.

He had memories of a time that hadn't been. Mostly Spock Prime's memories. There were many fond memories of him arguing with the doctor who looked much different and older, with Kirk Prime often times in-between them making their argument come to a cease-fire. His counterpart was like a theater actor, staccato speaking style, and his hands moved whenever he spoke as though he were telling a story (which was never the case). In his minds eye, Spock Prime and McCoy Prime shared a relationship like his Spock and Bones including with his counterpart. His Spones bickered like a married couple.

At least that is what he called Spock and McCoy for short as a couple.

He was going to arrange the fastest and quickest, wedding: ever.

"Mind melds are common for Vulcan marriages." Spock continued to explain.


Nyota was getting a kick out of herself as the halls of the Enterprise trembled from the argument.

"I see." Came Spock's calm, monotonous voice.


There was a long pause.

"Since when were you in a forced mind meld?" Spock asked.

There was silence.

"Doctor, you must tell me immediately who did this to you. Mind rape is a crime." Spock said.

"You with a goatee mind raped me when we were on the ISS Enterprise three years ago." McCoy finally said.

"I understand your resistance against Vulcan marriage," Spock said. "If there is any damage with your mind due to my counterparts forced mind meld, you are welcome to ask for my help to repair it. You were always welcome to tell me." The Vulcan took McCoy by the man's shoulders, squeezing them, looking down toward him endearingly. "I do not know how you kept this from me."

"It wasn't important." McCoy said.

"It is important to me." Spock said, as his grip loosened and one hand placed on the side of the older man's face.

McCoy looked up toward Spock taking in all the youthful details of the face he was staring at. One day, he will lose Spock: forever. That face will be the only thing he will have to cling onto like hell and cherish and hate and love at the same time. One day his memories will degrade to the point that this face will be the only one he will be able to recall among others. A Vulcan's face can stand through time. Why not the memory of the Vulcan? If anything, McCoy would prefer remembering this sincere endearing expression on Spock's face. McCoy took the hand of the Vulcan squeezing it.

The Vulcan brought the man into a kiss.


Kirk memories of what had happened over the past three days had returned.

"Kirk . . ."

"Sulu, you are the best man for this job." Kirk said, straightening out his bowtie.

"But I allowed a Romulan!" Sulu protested.

Kirk turned away from the mirror.

"Sulu, what makes a great captain is to make mistakes and learn from them," Kirk said. "Hell, I admire you for what you tried to do. You are going to come across people like Wright: people who pretend to be someone they are not. And people like Spock: loyal to a fault." Kirk placed one hand on the man's shoulder. "This is my last act as captain. To officiate the wedding of my two best friends."

"You did a better job than I did." Sulu said.

Kirk smiled, taking his hand off Sulu's shoulder.

"It was super convenient that I wasn't really out of the transporter." Kirk said.

"How long did you know?" Sulu said.

"I didn't feel pain after Bones hypod me. I usually felt pain but this time I did not." Kirk said.

"I married Chekov." Sulu said.

"He is lucky to have you. What was your pick up line?" Kirk asked.

"I have a plant that was genetically made in Russia." Sulu said.

Kirk laughed.

"I don't know how you got your hands on it, Mr. . . Which one of you took the other's last name?" Kirk asked.

"Niether of us took the others last name," Sulu said. "On a landing party, we may have . . . ." He paused. "Had one of us be turned into a woman and be left that way for nine months."

"Aww,congrats!" Kirk said.

"Thank you," Sulu said. "We had to reverse the gender change as soon as we had Demora's little brother Rocky. I am intending to spend some family time on Earth."

"You did not just name a kid after Rocky Balboa." Kirk said.

"Balboa?" Sulu asked.

"Legendary underdog in the boxing ring," Kirk said. Sulu had a confused expression. "The one with the black guy who wanted to defeat him."

Sulu paused.

"Oh, the man who represented America during the toughest decades." Sulu said.

"Uh huh." Kirk said.

"We did have problems with the baby in the womb. One day he had no legs,another day he had tumors in his head and then they were gone days later, and another time his legs were coming from his back side, another time he had four arms. I swear, our child was preparing to give us our personal hell for when he came out. He should have named him Matilda instead of Rocky."

"Did he say Rocky III was made in Russia?" Kirk asked.

"At one point during the pregnancy he did." Sulu said.

The two men laughed.

"I am really happy for you two." Kirk said.

"Thank you." Sulu said.

"As captain of the Enterprise, your duty is to be Spock's best man. And mine?" Kirk said. "Is to make it official they are married."

"We all knew they were hitting on each other." Sulu said.

Kirk nodded.

"Keep up the good work, captain." Kirk left the dressing room.


"I am your best man, Mr Spock." Sulu said.

"You wear the suit well." Spock commented.

"Now, if your father had to walk you--" McCoy started but Spock cut him off.

"My father would, logically, reject it," Spock said. "Walking ones son down the aisle is emotional."

"Did you just hint your father is emotional." McCoy said.

"Negative," Spock said. "I have only pointed out the obvious. Vulcans do not associate themselves to emotion."

"Then. . . who will give you away?" McCoy said.

"I will!" Nyota said, with a beaming smile.

"Logically." Spock said.

McCoy shook his head then went into the room. The doors closed behind him. Nyota reached her arm out with a smirk on her face. Not every day did a ex-girlfriend have the opportunity to give her ex-boyfriend away. Their arms interlocked together. Nyota was in a purple dress with a silver necklace around her neck. They were three hours and five minutes away away from the nearest star base with other officers at their stations on the bridge. Nyota and Spock walked into the room to hear beautiful emotional wedding music. There was even a piano being played by Chekov who was singing in Russian. There were holographic balloons floating around the place with two pigeons on the arch cuddled together. Spock did not mind. There was a long red carpet dotted by petals of all color: yellow and pink to name a few. There were some other junior grade officers sitting down in the chairs (at least the ones who had stuck around for the past two years and knew these two well) such as Nurse Chapel and Doctor M'Benga. Nurse Chapel wiped off a tear using a handkerchief.

Kirk was in the middle of the arch, grinning with McCoy by his side. Freenser was the one across from McCoy holding a small pillow with a set of rings. Spock dozed out of the zone while walking down the long carpet. Nyota was both excited and happy for Spock. Scotty was in the front seat. Nyota came to a stop then let go of Spock and went over to the left hand side of the room across from McCoy where Nurse Chapel and Nurse Hollowetz stood beaming. Chekov was sitting down in a chair holding the sleeping one year old Rocky in his arms in the front row across from Spock.

"We are here to celebrate the monumentus occasion that has been three, four, maybe five or more years in the waking," Kirk said. "It is because of me that you two were able to meet and I am more than happy to officiate this union. It started in 2258, a year we will never forget," McCoy had a sigh, exasperatedly. "And if it weren't for me. They wouldn't be alive to be standing here. I am proud to have been the shared factor. Their . . . Sheldon Cooper!"

Some of the officers laughed except for Spock and McCoy (Who's face was quickly turning red).

"Who is Sheldon Cooper?" Spock asked.

"Scientist." McCoy said.

"Bones, your vows." Kirk said.

McCoy sighed.

"I am only doing this because Jim insists," McCoy said. "When I first met Spock, he did what was honestly right. Except for ejectin' Jim out of the Enterprise right into a arctic climate. We had our disagreements and then I found myself fallin' like hell for you. You, the one and irreplaceable Vulcan, Spock. I love you." The words landed with a touched expression on Spock's usually stoic face. "I promise, that as long as I am alive, I will remind you that you are half human. That you have humanity. To be there in sickness or in your darkest hour. I will be there for you tomorrow and the tomorrow after that. To make sure you are still alive to give me grief. I will be there for you as long as you are with me. Your heart is in the right place, sort of," McCoy patted on his side. "You may insist you are a emotionless cold hearted Vulcan but you are no emotionless pointy eared computer to me! You are a man, Spock! Always have been to me."

Kirk rubbed at his eye.

"Are you all right?" Spock asked, looking over to Kirk.

"Just have something in my eye." Kirk said, his eyes a little moist. Kirk flashed a smile toward Spock. "Your turn!"

"Bones. Leonard. McCoy." Spock said. "There are many names one can call their beloved. Darling is one of them. For as long as I live, I will be there for you, apart but never parted. Much as we argue and give each other a headache: I will not cease to find you and your character lovable. I will be there for you. I will grow old with you for as long as you live. Visit Georgia whenever you are likened to. There are many names for a person to call their beloved. I am honored to be the one to call you, a human, my spouse." Tears were starting to come down Kirk's cheeks. "I believe that due to our wedding it means there will be two McCoy's walking around. Doctor McCoy and Commander McCoy." McCoy found himself smiling. "I love you, too."

"Rings, please." Kirk said, wiping off the tears.

Freenser handed the rings to the two.

"Spock, will you take Leonard as your lawfully wedded husband?" Kirk asked.

"Affirmative." Spock said.

"Leonard, do you take Mr Spock as your lawfully wedded husband?" Kirk asked.

"Yes!" McCoy said.

"You may now exchange rings and kiss the grooms." Kirk said.

The two exchanged rings, then McCoy threw the bouquet over his shoulder. McCoy was the one who started the kiss taking Spock by surprise with one hand behind his head and the other hand on his back making the Vulcan bend backwards. There were cheers all over the room so the doves flew off heading toward the doorway where they vanished into thin air before they made it to the steel doors. Carol reached her hand out catching the bouquet. Chekov stood up with the one year old over his shoulder clapping his hands in approval. Little Rocky's eyes opened to see people clapping (and hearing them do so). The little boy started to cry.

McCoy straightened upwards taking his hand off the back of Spock's neck.

"Want to spend the rest of the three hours in my quarters?" McCoy asked.

The edges of Spock's mouth twitched.

"Negative," Spock said. "We have two hours to waste."

McCoy smiled as the two strolled down the aisle.


"So," McCoy said, unbuttoning Spock's shirt. "Psychic connection, eh?"

"It is a rare occurrence with non-Vulcans between Vulcans." Spock said, zipping down McCoy's pants.

"Do you have one with me?" McCoy asked.

"Affirmative." Spock said.

"And can this psychic bond grow into something more?" McCoy said.

"It can," Spock said as McCoy got off the shirt off Spock's shoulders. He nuzzled along McCoy's exposed neck. "It can become a marriage bond. But I assure you that it will not turn into that form with Jim."

"It better not," McCoy said. "Because you are mine." McCoy got his pants offs with the help of Spock then placed one hand on the cold chest not breaking eye contact with the Vulcan. "Mine."

The Vulcan's hands slid down to the briefs tightly around McCoy's lower extremities decorated in stethoscopes all over being black and gray. The Vulcan licked his lips at the briefs turning his attention back toward the doctor's hazel eyes. McCoy kissed along the Vulcan's neck using one hand to unzip Spock's jeans. The briefs slipped down the doctor's legs to the ankles where he used his free hand to toss the briefs off the bed. There was a party going on in the recreation room for the senior officers. McCoy helped Spock take his briefs off (which were a plain white) sending them flying over his shoulder. McCoy pinned the Vulcan down to the bed with one hand rubbing their testicles together.

"Like this?" McCoy asked.

Spock's eyes dilated.

"Affirmative." Spock said.

McCoy slid in his two fingers to Spock's anus and rubbed softly in a circle. Spock gasped, his usual stoic face twisting into that of a satisfied-Vulcan-what-ever-expression-was-close-to-emotion. Point is, Spock was totally enjoying this. McCoy rubbed his fingers faster and faster watching the cheeks of the Vulcan turn a shade of green. McCoy took his hand out of Spock's anus afterwards then he got off the bed, took out a lube, and moisture his penis. His penis grew erect.

"You have a lube?" Spock said, though the way he had said it sounded like shock.

"Yes." McCoy said.

"Did you always expect yourself to have a one night stand?" Spock asked.

McCoy smiled.

"I always expected this to happen, Spock," McCoy put the lube onto the counter with his gleaming penis on display to the Vulcan. "Consensually." The man came back onto the bed over the Vulcan. "Now," McCoy grinned. "We are never going to have one night stands. We will have sex whenever the hell we want, and no one, I mean no one, will beat this two hour sex session I will have with you!"

Spock wiggled his eyebrows.

"You forget," Spock made McCoy turn over. "I will beat the sex session you will have with me in a matter of two years." McCoy made Spock turn over this time pinning Spock down to the bed by his wrists and inserted himself into the Vulcan. "In 2265--Ohhh!"

McCoy thrust himself in.

"Tonight, I am the dominate one!" McCoy said, his grip loosend on Spock's wrists letting them go easily and his hands clutched into the bed sheets.

"Negative, I am the dominate one." Spock replied, with one hand gripping the elbow of McCoy as the man thrust himself in and out.

"We are both the dominate ones in the relationship, Spock," McCoy said, then he came close to the Vulcan's ear. "And if you turn me on my back one more time I am going to lick your anus."

The edges of Spock's mouth attempted to turn upwards in the shape of a smile.

"I would like to see you try." Spock said, his hand went around the man's arm went under the arm pit where he started to rub it in.

McCoy laughed.

"Spock, stop, you are tickling me!" McCoy said, as his face turned red.

Spock's fingers moved to McCoy's sides where the tickling went even further.

"You tickled me before you fell asleep in our last session," Spock said, with a dead serious face as the man thrust into him. "My turn."

The two fell out of bed together with a thud landing on the floor followed by McCoy's laughter.


Two hours felt like a eternity saying farewell, and then making it to the transporter. Carol Marcus had mentioned she was going to request a reassignment to a different starship due to reasons unknown and Spock would resume his duties. Kirk had a lot to catch up on for a guy who has been so called dead for two years. He had to visit his brother's family, meet them, and give them his condolences and be a genuine uncle. He never knew his brother had started a family so it was shock hearing it from Pike.

Kirk appeared on the transporter pad to the starbase.

Sarek was beside Winona with three capable of walking toddlers sticking close to them save for the two Vulcans copying their father's pose (or at least attempting to). They had a full wat of hair. Steven had blonde hair and human ears. Sporn had a face similar to Steven except for those eyebrows and ears but had a hair style similar to his sister as they had matching dark hair cut much like a Vulcan. Kirk stepped off the transporter pad with a welcoming attitude.

"Hey mom!" Kirk said, walking away from the transporter. "Nice to see you are with someone I approve of!"

Steve let go of Winona's dress then hurried onwards toward Kirk,

"Brother!" Steve landed on Kirk's leg wrapping his arm around the pantleg as though he would never let go.

"Hey little man," Kirk picked up the little boy into his arms. Steven had hazel eyes. "You are soo lucky to have those eyes." He poked at the little boy's nose earning a little giggle. "Mom, that is the cutest giggle I ever heard."

"Sporn and T'Flen, meet your older brother James." Winona said.

"You look different from how mother talked about you," T'Flen said. "Shouldn't you be a little older?"

Kirk beamed.

"You will find most certainly illogical," Kirk said. Sarek, Sporn,and T'Flen's eyebrows rose up at the same time. "I am sure Spock will explain it in the most logical way."

"My wife, will you give me some privacy with Spock?" Sarek asked.

"Yes, my husband," Winona said. "Jim, children, come with me."

The group left the transporter room right as two golden figures appeared on the transporter pad. Little Steven babbled, a lot, for a two year old. The little Vulcans were already speaking at the age of two and as was Steven. It was quite fascinating really to see his little siblings speaking younger than they should. Most two year olds would be speaking small, but short meaningful sentences that meant a lot to their growing brain. Kirk was sure McCoy and Spock had informed the elder of their marriage. Because the next he knew was that his mother asked him to baby sit his siblings while Winona and Sarek beamed down to a planet together to a enjoy a night out. She wouldn't say what but Kirk was sure it would involve a back massage and a good sun burn earned from sitting on a chair at a beach.

Kirk tucked the little ones to bed after a night of playing.

The doors opened.

"How are the kids?" McCoy asked.

Kirk was in his PJ's.

"Fast asleep," Kirk said, appearing to be worn out. "So how did Sarek take it?"

"He approved." McCoy said.

Kirk sat down into the desk chair.

"Approved?" Kirk repeated, surprised.

McCoy nodded.

"I was surprised, really," McCoy said. "For a Vulcan he was remarkably acceptin' of it. For some reason I thought he would not be acceptin' of it." He sat down into the chair across from Kirk. Kirk took out a bottle of bourbon from a drawer underneath the desk then took out two pairs of glass and poured them both a drink. "Must be me or somethin'."

"Sarek Prime would not have approved." Kirk said.

"Sarek Prime?" McCoy asked.

"Spock Prime left me some memories of his timeline." Kirk said.

"Jim." McCoy said, eying the man.

"All of them." Kirk took a sip then placed it down. "Every. One." He looked up toward McCoy. "I intended for the transporter to go malfunction when I was returning." McCoy froze. "From the planet. I was the one who requested a engineer to rig it specifically to mine. I wanted to alter my fate so I did it. And I think I am doing a good job altering it to how I see fit."

"You intentionally screwed up the transporter at the speed of light!" McCoy said.

Kirk frowned.

"Noo," Kirk said. "I only asked for the transporter beaming process to become slower."

"Which is the speed of light. Were you intending to be in there forever?" McCoy said.

"I expected ten years to pass and then someone eventually discovering what I did. Not forever. Spock wasn't supposed to be with me," Steve was standing at the doorway listening into the conversation rubbing his eyes. "If at all. . . I did not want him to be stuck with me!" Kirk took another sip. "I was intending to screw up my fate. Make the poster boy reputation backfire. Have Spock be the one making history with you by his side. It was a perfect plan."

"It wasn't perfect." McCoy took a sip.

"Please, when you tell Spock, just tell him when the ship is far away from this starbase." Kirk said.

McCoy looked over to see a tired little boy heading back to bed with the door closing behind him.

"Well, Jim," McCoy said. "It seems you ave been overheard by a siblin'. I can't keep this from Spock for lon'."

"You are my best friend," Kirk said. "In any timeline. You are my best friend. Don't tell everyone, please."

There was a pause between the two. McCoy took a sip of the glass then he lowered the cup to the table.

"The Enterprise is leaving in thirty-two minutes." McCoy said.

"I trust the suicide rate is going to take a nose dive with Spock on board." Kirk said.

"Jim, I do not believe you know this, but you are a beacon of hope," McCoy said. "Wherever you go, you uplift people and you make them better than what they had been before! Look what you did to us." McCoy gestured over toward his chest with a finger. "You changed me for the best. And Spock. And everyone else you touch. Did the memories of your counterpart reflect that, Jim? Look at all those people you helped. Just you. In this timeline."

"It seems pointless to do everything twice, missions and all," Kirk said. "We never came across Khan in the first year. So I am sure that Spock won't die."

"We did not meet Khan when you were gone." McCoy said.

Kirk smiled.

"Toast to Spock being alive." Kirk said, holding the glass up.

McCoy and Kirk's glass clunk together.

"Just how much do you remember of your other self?" MmcCoy asked.

"Getting bald, getting a toupee,getting old, and I am pretty sure he was in a relationship with Spock Prime and McCoy Prime." Kirk said.

"Well. . ." McCoy said.

"They were so. . . happy together. More than friends." Kirk sighed. "Right now I am forging my own destiny and life." He leaned back into the chair. "I was just assigned to the Genesis project with Carol Marcus. We are going to search for a planet suitable for the project to take place on. Carol is the only person I know from the Enterprise who is assigned among other names. I am assigned to a small starship. The Excalibur."

"How small?" McCoy asked.

"Bigger than Mudd's starship. But smaller than the Enterprise." Kirk said.

"You will find happiness in your life," McCoy said, earning a smile from the man. "I do not doubt it."

McCoy took a sip of the glass.

"I am not going down with my ship in the end," Kirk said. "I am going to die with people I know or not at all."

"But Spock told me--" McCoy started but is cut off by Kirk.

"If I am going to die alone then that will have to hold off," Kirk said, with a familiar cocky grin. "Because I am going to live forever until the people I care about are there when I am going to die." Kirk took a sip of his cup then stood up. "Bones . . . You are like a father I never had. I am glad I was able to meet you in the academy because the other me didn't meet you during those golden years. I have a little brother to comfort. What I told Spock? Forget about it. Because when I am alone, I will never truly die. In fact, long as people remember me, I am never dead. Alive, but in memories. I suppose that is how Old Spock keeps his lovers close to him."

There was silence.

"I will send you letters," McCoy said. "Don't die on Spock and I."

Kirk smiled.

"I have one hundred plus years to exploit," Kirk said, then took a drink and stood up placing the cup down to the table. "I am not intending to die anytime soon."

That comment made McCoy smile. Kirk went into the bedroom of his siblings. He came to the chair set beside Steven's bed where he had a sigh, rubbing his hands together. The door was closed. How would he explain to a child a choice he made? Kirk had a sigh, dumbfounded how to tell a child. He had told the children of scientists that their parents were dead and aided them to grieve and no longer be afraid of the entity that took part in their parent's death. Just the way his counterpart did.

"Why did you intentionally leave?" Steven asked.

"Because I had to." Kirk said.

"I do not understand." Steve's eyes were poised in the direction of Kirk.

"I had to go my own away. I had to go away for awhile." Kirk said.

"So you went on vacation." Steven said.

"Affirmative, but . . . A friend went with me and we were stuck together. I regret taking him with me." Kirk said.

"How was vacation?" Steven asked.

"Not bad." Kirk said.

"Mother told me about your father." Steven said.

"He was a great man." Kirk said.

"You are better than him." Steven said.

Kirk raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, how so?" Kirk asked.

"You've saved more than eight hundred people. I heard you saved five planets while 'negotiating' with a omniscient emperor." Steven said.

Kirk smiled at first, upon the little boy.

"His name was Trelane and he was not a omniscient emperor. He was a child. Spoiled. He was a young man with the mind of a child." Kirk said.

"I am not growing up to be like that man." Steven said.

"No, you won't. Not on my watch." Kirk shared a wink.

"Tell me a story." Steven said.

Once upon a time . . . There was a little boy, ten years old, driving down the road listening to a song. What song? I don't really know. But in the back seat was a Vulcan with his arms folded. The Vulcan boy raised his head up from the backseat, unfazed, but looked over to see a police officer driving after them. He turned his head away then leaned forward from the seat then said, 'Jamie, we are being chased by the authorities.'

The boy turned his head away with a smile, 'Spock, we're gonna lose him!'

Spock looked in the direction of what was apparently a cliff side.

'No, are our parents are going to lose us, logically, if you do not drive out of the ravine's pathway in exactly five point sixty three seconds.'Jamie wasn't buckled in. Period. He was daring to be killed! He had a death-wish, Spock would later say, and a knack for trouble!

Steven's eyes slowly began to close.

The boy tossed a phone over his shoulder driving onwards.

'You are more than welcome to nerve pinch me or jump out of the car, Spock.' Jamie said.

'You are living too dangerously, I calculate there being a chance of your premature death. You must turn around and turn yourself into the police,' Spock replied.'It is only logical.'

Jamie rolled his eyes.

'Logical my ass!' Jamie replied.

Va---varrom went the wheels and the engine, but mostly the car as it tipped upwards.

'WOOOHOOO!' Jamie shouted.

The Vulcan unbuckled himself then went into the passenger seat alongside the drivers chair.

'You are a illogical and irrational child.' Spock said.

'And you are still with me, buddy! That says a lot!' Jamie said. 'Most Vulcan kids won't befriend a trouble maker like me.'

There was a pause.

'I am half human, captain.' Spock said.

'I am not a captain!' Jamie said. 'Can you stop calling me that? We're not pretending to be captain and commander.'

'I am here because I am a friend and concerned for your safety.' Spock said.

'Yeah? THEN GET OUT OF THE CAR, Spock!' Jamie said.

'Illogical.' Spock said.

The police motorcyclist came to a stop reporting in a possible car crash.

'Hey, Spock, I need two hands to drive!' Jamie said, panicked.

'It would be illogical to go alone.' Spock said, in a cold and emotionless voice. 'We go together or not at all.'

Jamie felt tears at the edge of his eyes.

'You are lucky a Kirk is supposed to die sacrificing himself, dumb ass.' Jamie said.

He pedaled to the metal and the silver mustang flew over the ravine.

The car landed on both tires.

'Illogical.' Spock said, letting go of Jamie's hand.

'Lets go get some smoothies!' Jamie said.

'I would prefer if you turned yourself in.' Spock said.

Jamie stuck his tongue out.

'Nah, you don't. You enjoy the thrill. Now who's the one who came to the kid fleeing his abusive uncle and offered a hand to hijack a car?' Jamie asked.

Spock stared at Jamie.

'I was unaware you were running away,' Spock said. 'If he is abusive, you must report this, children services--'

'Don't. My uncle has friends in high places. I am not going back. Ever.' Jamie said.

'I find that hard to do. Never ever coming back to your home state.' Spock said.

'I am dropping you off at a gas station. You don't need to be on the run. Wait, why are you even sticking around?' Jamie asked.

'Because you are not biased of my human half.' Spock said.

Jamie smiled.

'That is what friends are for.' Jamie said.

Steven's eyes closed.

"And Uncle Fred was tried for abuse. The End." Kirk said.

Kirk got up from the chair requesting the computer to turn the lights down. Kirk walked out of the room then he picked up the half way full cups and dumped them into the sink. McCoy was long gone by now returning to the Enterprise. Instead of feeling sad, Kirk felt happy and delighted. He was going his own way. Creating his fate. His father would be proud of him for doing that. He put away the cups and the bottle. Kirk walked into the spare bedroom where there was a wide screen attached to the wall. There was a console on the table that was basically a easy to use dial. There was a desk in front of the screen and a bed right across from it. Perhaps he should contact the old Spock and tell him how everything is going to be fine, a bit with some adjustments. How Kirk would be part of genesis to ensure it would end right. How he would make sure it would not fall into the wrong hands. Carol Marcus is going to have a helping hand

Kirk set in the contact number on the blue glowing screen then he tapped on it.The wide, large screen glowed to life to display a familiar, seventy year old man, staring back scowling at Kirk's direction. A smile grew on Kirk's face recognizing this man as the one and only counterpart to his McCoy. How did Spock Prime manage to bring the dead back to life was beyond the young man's compensation. The blue eyes and brown hair that had grayed. The man was in his damn prime. Perhaps his McCoy will age gracefully as McCoy Prime had. At least Spock Prime wouldn't die alone.

There was a distinctive 'DAMN IT, JIM' facial expression on the older man's face.

"What 'sup, Bones Prime?" Kirk asked.

The End.

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