
"I guess this is the place," Allie muttered to herself as she rounded the arena, spotting several others with similar lanyards approaching a red carpet leading down the side towards the back of the building. It was flanked by rope stanchions and blocked by a bored-looking young man, only looking up from his phone long enough to check the concert-goers VIP pass before waving them through. Allie grinned and headed towards the queue with a noticeable spring in her step, stopping before the man and holding up her lanyard. Not that he seemed to notice; he was far too focused on his phone, even as Allie cleared her throat to get his attention. The girl waited a moment, lips pursed in irritation, then tried again. Once again, nothing. "Hey!" She snapped, making the man jump in surprise. He glanced around in confusion before noticing the irate child standing before him. He blinked, seemingly confused.

"Uh... can I help you, kid?" He asked.

"Uh, ya?" Allie scoffed and held up her pass. "I'mma vip. This is where I gotta be, right?" The man cocked an eyebrow.

"Aren't you a bit young for a show like this?"

"I dunno, ain't ya a bit scrawny for a guard?" She shot back. The man gave her an indignant scowl.

"...Just follow the carpet," He grumbled as he stepped aside, gesturing behind him. Allie smirked and hurried past, following the queue along the side of the building towards the back. Soon, the narrow side path opened into a large, fenced-off area paved in concrete. Judging by the various utility vehicles and black-capped crew members flitting about, she could only assume that this was the dock and inaccessible to the public. Allie gasped in excitement as she spotted a large bus at the far end of the lot. It was shiny and modern-looking, perhaps the nicest bus she had ever seen, far removed from the filthy public transport that ran through the city; that, plus the vibrant blue-and-purple color scheme, left no doubt in her mind that it was the Velvet Lips' tour bus. She was so enthralled that she didn't even notice when other VIPs passed her by, not that she would have cared anyway... she preferred to hang back and let the crowd thin out a bit. She was almost tempted to duck under the rope and explore, but even she knew that probably wouldn't be the best idea.

After some time, Allie managed to pull her focus from the loading dock and join the rest of the queue. She idly listened as those before her chattered amongst themselves, some bragging about all the shows they'd attended in the past... in fact, it seemed like most of those gathered had been to at least one show before, judging from the commemorative t-shirts many of them were wearing. One older man even wore a faded shirt dating all the way back to 2019, which Allie could only assume was one of the Velvet Lips' first tours. Soon, the line started to inch forward as one by one the VIPs were let inside through a back entrance guarded by a large and imposing man in a black t-shirt with a security badge around his neck. He double-checked the concert-goer's passes and marked them off a list before letting them pass. The excited girl rocked back and forth on her heels as she waited her turn. After what felt like an eternity the queue worked its way down to the last few guests, and once the couple in front of her was let through, Allie stepped forward with a grin. The man didn't so much as glance at her, double-checking his clipboard before giving a small nod and turning to head back inside, to Allie's confusion.

"Hey, hey!" She snapped, making the man stop in his tracks. He glanced over his shoulder and cocked an eyebrow as he noticed the scrappy young girl at the end of the queue.

"This area's off-limits, kid." He said in a low voice. "You lost or something?"

"Nah. I gotta pass, see?" Allie held up her VIP pass and gave it a little wiggle for emphasis. The bouncer's gaze lingered on the pass for a moment

"...Huh." He scratched his head and looked over the clipboard. "Name?"


"Full name?"

"Just Allie," The girl huffed. The bouncer glanced back up at her with a raised brow, then briefly looked over the sheet again before shaking his head.

"Nope, not on the list," He said plainly. Allie's brow furrowed in confusion.

"...H-huh...? But I... c-check again!" She stammered. The man sighed and gave the list another quick scan.

"Not on the list," He repeated. "Sorry kid, but I can't-hey!" Allie snatched the clipboard from the man's hands and checked it herself, taking a step back as he tried to take it back. Her heart plummeted into her stomach as she checked the VIP list for herself, finding her own name nowhere on the sheet. She read it again, and again, dodging out of the man's reach each time he tried to take it back before he finally managed to pull the clipboard from her grasp. "Knock it off," He grumbled. "I told you, you're not there."

"B-but... but I have a pass!" Allie pleaded, holding out the VIP pass again. "Luna Loud gave it to me herself...!"

"Oh, I'm sure," The guard muttered with a roll of his eyes.

"You can ask her-"

"Look, kid," The man cut in, raising his hand to silence her. "I ain't got time for this. I don't know where you got that thing, but you ain't getting in if you're not on the list. Sorry, but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." Allie's hands balled into fists, her face scrunching up in anger and confusion. It didn't make any sense... was she being pranked? Was there some sort of mistake? Whatever the case, she wasn't about to give up without a fight. The girl huffed and strode forward, attempting to slip past the guard, but he simply blocked her path. "Hey. I ain't playin' games, kid."

"Lemme through...!" Allie growled as she tried to pass again, only for the man to effortlessly push her back.

"That's enough," The guard barked, the frustration evident in his tone. "I'm not saying it again. Either leave or I'll remove you myself. We clear?" Even the headstrong Allie could tell that he wasn't willing to budge on the issue, and her protests died in her throat as the imposing man loomed over her, and she instinctively took a step back... only to bump into yet another man standing behind her. She wheeled around and gasped in surprise, finding herself facing another intimidating-looking fellow. He was a large and heavyset man, nearly as wide as he was tall, with heavily tattooed arms and a gold hoop through his septum. He wasn't dressed like the others, wearing a black denim vest decked out with patches and buttons over a greasy white t-shirt and worn pair of jeans, and if it weren't for the large spool of cables slung over his shoulder Allie may have assumed he was just another concert-goer. Quite frankly he was even scarier-looking than the guard, with his bulk, surly expression and nose-ring making him resemble a fearsome bull. He glanced down at Allie with a surly expression before turning his attention to the guard.

"...Wot's all this, then?" He spoke in a thick, gruff cockney accent.

"Nothing to worry about," The guard said with a sigh, "Just some kid trying to sneak in." The other man cocked an eyebrow before looking down at Allie again. The girl wasn't sure what to do or say... she considered making a run for it, but the man's imposing figure kept her feet firmly rooted in place. His brow furrowed for a moment before his expression softened.

"'Ey... y'wouldn' 'appen t'be th' tearaway Luna's been goin' on about, would ya?" He asked. Allie blinked, her face scrunching up in confusion.

"...U-um... I... think...?" She stammered. "I mean, I'm Allie-"

"Aye, that's it," The man chuckled. "Right pleasure. Y'can call me Chunk." He tipped his cap in greeting before shooting the befuddled guard a look of irritation. "So wot's all th' trouble 'ere?"

"W-well, she, ah, wasn't on the list-" The guard's voice faded to a croak as the larger man strode forward, looming over him.

"List changed, mate," Chunk huffed, jabbing his finger into the guard's chest. "Went over all that this mornin'... or did'ya not get th' memo?" The guard swallowed and let out a nervous laugh.

"Well, I, that is..."

"Pay bloody attention next time, y'bellend," Chunk huffed, before gesturing for Allie to follow him. "C'mon, luv. Let's get ya inside." The girl's face lit up in excitement.

"Wait, you can't just-"

"Y'got a problem, take it up wit' th' boss," Chunk snapped, silencing the humbled guard. With that, he gently pushed Allie's back to usher her into the building. "Sorry 'bout that, luv. Them bouncer types can be a big-'eaded lot, y'know wot I mean?"

"Er... sure..." Allie muttered; in truth, she could barely understand a word the british chap was saying. The girl shrugged it off and flashed him a grin. "Thanks a lot, though... uh... Chuck...?"

"Chunk. S'wot folks call me, anyway," He chuckled. "Ain't hard t'figger out why, eh?" The large man patted his stomach, making Allie snicker into her palm. She took a brief moment to glance around, not that there was a whole lot to look at... she and Chunk were walking through a relatively simple utility hallway with pipes running across the walls, with little else to see beyond a few push-carts and other passing staff members. There was a sign reading 'VIP Lounge' beside another rope barrier leading down one side of the hallway before disappearing around a corner. Allie had no idea what a 'loon-gee' was, but she could at least understand that was where she was meant to be going.

"Well, thanks again," Allie said. "I just gotta head down this way, right?"

"Eh? Ah, righ'..." Chunk muttered, scratching the side of his head. "Well... y'could, if y'want to." Allie cocked an eyebrow.

"Whadda ya mean?"


Bobby stood on his step-stool, wearing an even more morose expression than usual as he brushed his teeth. Dinner, while delicious as always, had been uncomfortably quiet even by his standards... not that there was much for him to talk about anyway, or at least nothing he would care to discuss. If nothing else, a warm shower had helped to ease the boy's troubled mind to some extent; he'd certainly needed it after the day he had.

Bobby rinsed his mouth, swished and spat into the sink before checking his teeth in the mirror. With that he put away his toothbrush, hopped down from his stool and folded it up before storing it beside the counter. He took another look in the mirror, frowning at his damp and disheveled hair. He tried in vain to flatten it down a bit, but unfortunately the boy's messy locks were as untamable as ever. Giving up, Bobby left the bathroom and headed down the hall to his bedroom. After tossing his dirty towel and clothes into the hamper, he glanced at his TV with a forlorn gaze. He'd been looking forward to playing with Loan over the weekend, but it looked like those plans were dashed. Not that it wasn't his own fault, of course; the forgotten homework still sitting on his desk served as a painful reminder of that fact. Bobby trudged to his bed, pulled the blanket aside and settled in. His punishment included an early bedtime, by weekend standards anyway... normally he'd have a few extra hours to play on a friday night, but instead he was going to bed at 7:30 as though it were a school night. He didn't particularly mind at the moment, however. After the day he'd had, he just wanted to go to sleep.

"Um... Bobby...?" Bobby looked up, finding none other than Loan peeking in from the doorway. "Can I come in?"

"Oh... hey, Loan." The little boy said with a small smile. "What's up...?" His sister returned his smile and shuffled inside.

"I just wanted to say good night... and, um, check on you." Loan said softly. She awkwardly twiddled her fingers as she approached. "Um... are you okay...? You were really quiet at dinner..." Bobby frowned and averted his gaze, pulling his knees to his chest.

"...I'm fine," The morose boy mumbled. "Just... didn't have much to say, that's all." Loan tilted her head to try and meet his gaze, but he simply withdrew himself further. The young woman furrowed her brow and scratched her cheek. She could tell he was being cagey with her, even if his words weren't an outright lie.

How about you mind your own fucking business, Loan?

Maybe it wasn't her business, but it didn't change the fact she was worried about her little brother. Even beyond that day's events it was clear that something was weighing on him, and had been weighing on him for quite some time.

And just what do you think you could do about it? Give ADVICE?

She could try, at least.

You have nothing to offer him.

She knew how hard things could get.

You're a psychological mess. This child is more capable than you could ever hope to be.

She knew what it was like to feel alone, but he wasn't alone anymore.

He was better off before you barged into his life.

She could-

You. Can't. Do. ANYTHING.

"Loan...?" Loan snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of her brother's timid voice. He was looking at her with a concerned expression. "Um... are you okay...?" Loan blinked, now noticing the cold sweat that had formed on her brow.

"Y-yeah... just a bit warm..." She stammered, forcing a laugh and wiping her sweat away with her sleeve. Bobby seemed skeptical, but she pushed on before he could question further. "A-anyway... it's just, you seem sad, I guess... t-though I guess it makes sense you would be..." Her little brother cocked an eyebrow and Loan couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious. "I, er... s-sorry..." The neurotic girl mumbled, hanging her head and wringing her hands. "I'm no good at this sort of stuff..." Bobby couldn't help but crack a small smile.

"...It's okay," The boy assured her. "You don't need to-"

"Hey buddy, it's... oh." The pair looked towards the door to see their father enter. "Hey, Loan," He said with a smirk. "What're you two up to?"

"Hi, dad... um, we were just talking," Loan said.

"Well, it's time for Bobby to get to bed... you'll have to continue this tomorrow."

"Oh..." Loan looked back at her little brother with a frown, fidgeting for a moment before letting out a small sigh. "O-okay. Um... good night, Bobby. We'll talk tomorrow, okay?" Bobby gave a small nod.

"Yeah... good night, Loan," He said. "And don't worry, okay...?" His reassurance seemed to ease her worries somewhat, and she gave a nod of her own. With that-after saying good night to her father as well and giving him a quick hug-Loan returned to her room. Lincoln chuckled and shook his head. It feels like she's taking this harder than Bobby is, the man thought. Shrugging it off, Lincoln approached his son's bed.

"Anyway... how're you doin', bud?" He asked, sitting on the side of the mattress. "I know this isn't how you hoped the weekend would go, but Monday will be here before you know it." Bobby averted his eyes and mumbled something his father couldn't quite make out. "Er... sorry, can you repeat that?"

"...Sorry..." Bobby muttered with a small sigh. "I said it's alright. It's my fault anyway..." Lincoln furrowed his brow and scratched the back of his head. He had to admit, even now his son's passive nature continued to surprise him at times... when he was Bobby's age, a punishment like this would have put him in a pissy mood all weekend.

"Right, well..." Lincoln cleared his throat. "Look, Bobby. I know this, well... sucks, but don't beat yourself up too hard, okay?" His son looked up at him with a slight look of confusion in his eyes. "I mean, everyone makes mistakes, especially at your age. That's just part of life. The most important thing is how you learn from those mistakes. And I'd say you've learned your lesson, haven't you?" Bobby pursed his lips in thought.

"...I guess that's true..." The little boy muttered. Lincoln grinned and ruffled his son's hair. "Dad, stooop..." The boy giggled, and Lincoln couldn't help but let out a snicker himself. With that, he got to his feet.

"Alright, sport. You get some sleep, okay?"

"Okay," Bobby said, settling into his mattress for the night. "Good night, dad."

"G'night, sport." Lincoln stooped down to give his son a peck on the top of his head. Lincoln flicked off the light on the way out, being sure to leave the door open a crack. He let out a yawn as he made his way downstairs; he was pretty tired himself, having spent much of the day working on another job assignment. He headed to the kitchen, where Ronnie was still at work finishing up the dishes. "Hey, honey," The man said as he embraced his wife from behind, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Just put the little guy to bed."

"Good to hear," Ronnie replied before returning her husband's kiss. "How's he holding up?"

"Pretty well... heck, a little too well, honestly," The man chuckled. "I kind of wish he had thrown a tantrum or something." Ronnie shot the man a befuddled stare. "I mean... it'd be, I dunno... normal, y'know?" His wife sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth," She said as she returned to the dishes. "Lord knows I was a terror at that age. I'm just happy he's taking responsibility for his actions."

"Heh, you and me both." Lincoln stifled a yawn. "How 'bout you let me finish up here?"

"It's fine. I'm almost done, anyway," Ronnie said. "You go on ahead, I'll be there in a few minutes."

"You're the boss," Lincoln shrugged. His wife smirked.

"You know it." The couple shared a quick kiss and Lincoln departed for their bedroom. Once Ronnie had finished scrubbing the dishes she put them in the dishwasher for the night, dried her hands and followed after him.


"Whoa..." Allie gasped as she followed Chunk backstage, finding herself right in the thick of the action amongst the scaffolding and stacked flight cases of various sizes. Other crewmen, many wearing vests like Chunk's, were working double-time to finish setting up for the show, moving equipment into place and ensuring that everything was working properly. "Jeeze, all of this is for the concert?"

"Yeh, more'r less. 'Cept fer the backup gear an' all that." Chunk said, motioning for her to follow, only to notice that her attention was drawn to a nearby control panel with multiple knobs, dials and switches. "Oi. Don't be goin' near that, luv," The large man warned. "That's fer pyrotechnics an' the like."


"'Splosions, luv."

"...Oh." Allie looked back at the panel with a furrowed brow and pursed lips, then back to Chunk. "Not gonna lie big guy, now I really wanna play with it." The man let out a deep chuckle.

"Heh. I like ya, kid. Girl after me own 'eart. 'Ere, mind takin' this?" Chunk slid one of the spools of cable down to his elbow and motioned for Allie to take it.

"Uh... sure-gah!" The girl let out a yelp as the surprisingly heavy cable nearly pulled her to the ground, and Chunk couldn't help but snicker. "Shit on a stick, is this thing made'a rock or somethin'?"

"Heavy-duty stuff, it is. Emphasis on 'eavy," The man said. "Wouldn't 'ave it any other way, though. 'Ow else would I get a body like this?" Chunk flexed his free arm with a grin, not that Allie could see much of a difference under all that blubber.

"Right... so, what the heck am I s'posed to do with this thing?"

"See that amp over there? The big black speaker?" Chunk pointed out a large amp on the stage. "Need ya to run it to the power strip behind the drum kit. Don't plug nothin' in though, leave that t'the professionals."

"Okay, sounds easy enough... wait a minute!" The girl snapped, shooting the rotund man a disgruntled look. "How come I gotta do this, anyway?!" Chunk snickered and shrugged.

"Consider it reimbursement fer that lil' pass y'got there," The man teased. "Those things ain't cheap, y'know." Allie gave an exaggerated pout, then plodded over to the amp with a huff. Last thing she'd expected to do today-or ever, for that matter-was work.

Although... technically, this meant she was helping with a Velvet Lips concert. That practically made her part of the band, didn't it? Close enough for her, at least. Allie practically squealed at the mere prospect. Needless to say, this new outlook was more than enough to push aside her irritation and follow Chunk's instructions without hesitation.

"Done, what next?!"

"Same thing on this one."

"Got it!" Chunk couldn't help but smirk at the sudden shift in demeanor; her sudden enthusiasm reminded him of Luna when she was younger, always eager to learn as much about the tech side of things as she could. Though... he supposed in this case it was more excitement than anything else. In any case it was a strangely nostalgic feeling, and for the next half hour Allie obediently followed his lead without complaint. The other roadies seemed less than thrilled about having a child running about, but they knew better than to question Chunk's judgement.

"What is this?!" Chunk sighed and rolled his eyes as Jerry strode over looking quite disgruntled. Though Chunk's fellow roadies never gave him trouble, the band's uptight manager was another matter. "No, no, no. I am not having a child running around backstage. What in the seven hells are you doing?!"

"Ah, get th' stick our yer ass, Jer'. I got me eye on 'er."

"I don't care if you've 'got me eye' on her!" The uptight man scoffed. "The last thing we need is a liability-"

"'Ey, who's this clown?" Allie cut in, gesturing towards Jerry with her thumb. Chunk had to clamp a hand over his mouth to keep from bursting into laughter.

"I... clown?!" The gaudy man sputtered. "Just who do you think you are?!"

"I'm Allie, what's it to ya?" Allie snapped back, to Chunk's continued amusement. "And if ya ain't a clown, ya sure as hell dress like one." Jerry's face scrunched up in indignation.

"You... you listen here, you rude little brat," The man huffed. "I am the manager of this band, and if you think you can talk to me like that I'll have you thrown out myself-"

"No he won't," A familiarly scratchy voice interjected. Allie grinned as Luna came around the curtain, guitar slung over her shoulder, then gasped as she spotted who was accompanying her: none other than her wife and co-frontman, Sam Loud-Sharp. Allie was frozen in place as her idols approached, followed by several others that she didn't recognize. "'Sup, Al'?" Luna said with a wave and a smirk. "Hope Jerry's not givin' ya a hard time."

"For your information," Jerry snorted, adjusting his glasses. "Your little... friend... here is the one giving me a hard time. She called me a clown-"

"I mean... you do kind of look like a clown, dude," Luna snickered, earning a disgruntled glare from her manager. Her wife stifled a giggle and nudged her with her elbow.

"C'mon, don't be like that," Sam said. "He looks more like a canary than a clown." Jerry's momentary look of satisfaction faded in an instant.

"Or Big Bird," Chunk added with a laugh.

"Alright, alright! That's more than enough of that," Jerry grumbled, lifting his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose before lowering them with a sigh. "Look, I don't have time to babysit. I don't care where the kid goes, as long as it's not back here fiddling with expensive equipment. Now if you'll excuse me, I have far more important matters to tend to, so-"

"Yeah, calm your tits," Luna said with a roll of her eyes. "We'll take care of it."

"You'd better. And be quick about it. We need to run a sound check before-"

"Chill, chill, we know." Luna waved the man off. "Go make your Big Mac or whatever you gotta do, Ronald." Jerry buried his face in his palm with a groan before shaking his head in resignation.

"Some days I wish I never quit drugs," The disgruntled manager muttered under his breath as he walked off. Luna, Sam and Chunk shared a chuckle at the man's expense before turning back to the matter at hand.

"Don't mind Jerry, guy's wound up a bit too tight. He ain't so bad once you get to know him," Luna said. But Allie didn't seem to be listening; she was still staring wide-eyed at Sam, as though the prior conversation simply hadn't happened at all. It seemed that despite everything, Allie was no less star-struck than when she had first met Luna.

"How's it going? You must be Allie," Sam said, offering her hand. "Cool to finally meet you. Luna's told me a lot of things." The young girl simply stared at her outstretched hand for a moment, then back up at her with a grin.

"C-cool...?" Allie eagerly grabbed the rock star's hand and shook it vigorously. "No, it's cool to meet you! I-I mean, you're Sam! I can't believe you're here... I can't believe I'm here!" Sam exchanged an amused glance with her wife, who mouthed 'told ya' under her breath. "Oh man, Charlie's gonna flip..."

"Charlie?" Sam muttered with a raised eyebrow.

"Her rat. Don't ask," Luna said with a shrug. As Allie rambled on, Luna turned her focus to the girl's portly escort. "Y'know Chunk, when I said 'show her around', having her help with setup wasn't exactly what I had in mind."

"Aye, apologies, luv," The man chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "Figger'd as long as she's back 'ere I may as well 'ave 'er run a cable'r two. Think she might 'ave a knack fer it, t'be honest."

"Yeah?" Luna glanced at the girl, who was still talking Sam's ear off with no sign of letting up soon. She gave a small laugh before returning to the matter at hand. "Well, even so-"

"I know, I know. Won't 'appen again," Chunk assured her.

"Good," She replied with a nod. "Anyway, her escort's here, so-"

"Whoa, whoa, hold up," Allie chimed in; apparently, the mere mention of an escort was enough to snap her out of her excitable blathering. "My what?"

"What, you thought we were gonna leave ya unsupervised?" Luna said. "No can do, kiddo. Someone's gotta keep an eye on ya." The headstrong girl scowled and crossed her arms with a huff.

"Y'never said nothin' 'bout that," She grunted. "I don't need nobody tellin' me what to do. Y'know I'm fine on my own."

"Sure, probably, but I've heard some horror stories about the shit that can go down at these things. Hasn't happened at any of our shows, but we're not taking any chances." Allie averted her eyes and grumbled under her breath. "Hey, chill. She's cool."

"She's an old friend of ours," Sam said. "You'll like her." Their young fan frowned, tapping her foot in thought before slumping her shoulders with a sigh.

"Ugh, fine. Whatever," Allie mumbled. "As long as she stays outta my way." Luna and Sam exchanged a smirk.

"Good. Now-"

"Hey! You two comin'?" The musical duo glanced over their shoulders to see a dark-skinned individual with strikingly pink, spiky hair. Allie cocked an eyebrow in curiosity. They looked to be part of the band, though she was sure she'd never seen them before. What she wasn't sure of was their gender.

"Yeah, one sec!" Luna called back, and their bandmate gave a small nod before dipping out of sight as they returned to the stage. "That's Aubrey, our touring drummer," She explained, apparently noticing Allie's confusion. "You'll meet 'em later. Anyway, looks like we gotta get back to business. Chunk, y'mind taking care of Allie?"

"Aye, can do." Chunk grinned and tipped his cap. "C'mon, luv. Best get outta their hair for now." Allie gave a reluctant nod and followed Chunk back the way they came, through the backstage and into the hallway they had entered from. This time he led her back to the doorway they had bypassed earlier, up a short set of stairs and into the V.I.P. Lounge. Allie found herself in a relatively small room, mostly barren save for some decorative elements and a small bar that had been set up; perhaps the room served some other purpose most of the time. In any case it was a bit crowded for Allie's liking, which did little to ease her reluctance. Needless to say, she was the only child present, which did little to ease her reluctance. "Alrigh'," Chunk muttered, craning his neck to peer over the crowd. "She should be... ah, there she is. Oi, Tab'!" The roadie called out to a woman nursing her drink at a small table in the corner. She looked fairly young, perhaps a few years younger than Luna, and was wearing a surprisingly well-kept tour jacket from early on in the Velvet Lips' career. Most striking was her hair, which was spiked high and streaked with shades of purple and blue. Allie wasn't sure what she'd expected when she heard 'escort', but if anything the woman looked even more like a ruffian than she did.

"Hm?" The woman lowered her glass, glancing up as the pair approached. "Oh, hey!" She said, smirking at the sight of a familiar face. "Long time no see, big guy."

"Aye, been a hot minute, ain't it?" The large man chuckled. The woman got up from her seat and the two shared a friendly hug. "Good t'see ya, Tab'."

"And you're Allie, I take it?" The woman asked with a grin, offering her fist to Chunk's young companion. "How's it hangin'? The name's Tabby."

"Um..." Allie hesitated a brief moment before tapping her own fist against Tabby's. "...Allie. Guess ya knew that already."

"Right, well, I'd love t'catch up an' all, but-"

"You're good, man. I got it from here," Tabby assured the heavyset roadie. "I'll catch you after the show, yeah?"

"Aye. Be seein' ya, then," Chunk said with a nod. "Don't give 'er too 'ard a time, now."

"Ah, c'mon," Tabby scoffed. "When have I ever-"

"Wasn't talkin 'bout you, luv," The roadie said with a wink towards Allie. With that, the man again tipped his hat before waddling away to get back to work.

"That guy's a character, alright," Tabby said with a short laugh. She sat back down, motioning for her young ward to join her. "We got a while before the show starts. C'mon, sit, get comfortable."

"...Sure." Allie muttered, climbing into the opposite seat. The two sat in silence for a few moments as Tabby took another sip of her drink. Allie couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable being alone with an absolute stranger, a fact which wasn't lost on the woman.

"Hey... relax, kid." She said in a soft tone. "Luna tells me you're the independent type. Don't worry, I'm not gonna be breathing down your neck or nothin' like that. I'll stay outta your hair, for the most part anyway." Allie seemed to perk up slightly at that. "So, first concert, huh? Hell of a start, I gotta say. Those girls always put on a hell of a show."

"Well, duh. They're the best band, like, ever," Allie said bluntly, to which Tabby's smirk only grew wider.

"Right on. Never too young to be a superfan, that's what I say," The woman said with a raise of her glass. She downed the rest of her drink before letting out a contented sigh. Allie took a moment to study her companion, taking note of her lax demeanor. She had to admit, Tabby seemed to be an alright sort... more laid-back than Luna, even, and if she had any misgivings over looking after a kid all night she certainly didn't show it.

"So... you an' the band go way back?"

"Oh, yeah," Tabby chuckled. "We've been tight since... shit, before there even was a band. Back then those two were just a couple'a high school kids tryin' to figure themselves out."

"That long?" Allie raised her eyebrows in surprise; she hadn't thought they'd have had that much history together.

"Yep. But, y'know... even then I could tell they were goin' places. Hell, I guess you could say I was their first groupie," Tabby said in a wistful tone. "'Specially Luna. Kinda looked up to her, y'know? Still do. She practically taught me everything I know."

"You're in a band too?" Allie asked, and the woman let out a sheepish laugh as she scratched the back of her head.

"Well, I'm a musician. Er... an aspiring musician, anyway. Kinda... between bands at the moment..." She muttered before clearing her throat. "I mean, I'm good. Or... I'm not bad, at least. But I'm not Velvet Lips good, that's for sure."

"You wanna join the band, then?" To her confusion Tabby let out a loud laugh that cut through the clamor like a knife.

"That'd be the dream, wouldn't it..." The woman said with a wistful chuckle. "Pretty damn unlikely, though. Far as I can tell they've never even considered taking on a third member, and even the touring band's made up of some of the best of the best. As for me, I'm like... dive bar tier, at best."


"But," Tabby pressed on, "I never stop trying. Unlikely as it is, a dream's a dream, and even if I never get there that doesn't mean I can't better myself along the way. Luna taught me that." Allie furrowed her brow as she considered the aspiring rock star's words. She wondered if Luna had ever been in a similar boat herself... perhaps it was only that mindset that had led her to where she was today. Though, quite frankly, she couldn't imagine a time when Luna hadn't been the rock-n-roll goddess she'd become. As Allie was about to inquire further, a sudden outburst of muffled music nearly sent her jumping out of her chair. She'd recognize 'Go Rock Yourself' anywhere... the show was starting without them! Before she could sprint off, Tabby reached across the table and grabbed her shoulder. "Easy there, wildcat," She said. "That's just the sound check. We'll know when it's time." Allie frowned and sat back down with a groan. "Relax. It'll be worth the wait, trust me."

"Yeah, well, they better hurry up anyway," The girl huffed with a disgruntled pout. Tabby rolled her eyes, not that she could fully blame the kid for her impatience... it was her first concert after all, and a big one to boot.

"Soon, kid. Soon." Tabby downed the rest of her drink. "...But not too soon for another scotch or two. Yo, barkeep!"


Ten minutes to showtime.

Luna took a deep breath, held it, and exhaled, repeating the process several more times to gather herself as she did before every show. Pre-concert nerves hit hard even at the best of times... a mixture of excitement, anxiety, impatience, and even a little bit of stage fright that Luna had come to accept would always be present, even to a seasoned performer such as herself. In a way, it was almost comforting; their last few dismal shows had barely registered to Luna at all, but now that she was focused her tensions were back in full force. And while the antsy pit in her stomach was far from a pleasant sensation, it kept her grounded and in the moment if nothing else.

Luna exhaled one last time, then looked up to meet her reflection. Fortunately, if she did look on-edge she highly doubted anyone would be able to notice; with her skull-inspired make-up and purple lightning bolt painted across her right eye, she looked more than ready to tear it up onstage. After all, one would need a certain level of confidence to prance about before the eyes of thousands looking like that. Admittedly, she'd been less than enthusiastic about the makeup when Jerry had first proposed it... hell, she still felt it was a somewhat overdone gimmick. But she had to admit that it had become an iconic part of the band's image, as the countless identically-painted faces in the crowds of each show would attest to.

Still... she'd at least appreciate being able to scratch her face if she had an itch.

"Lu'? You good?" Luna was shaken from her thoughts by her wife's voice. She turned to see the woman waiting for her by the doorway, lips pulled into a small smirk.

"Yeah... I'm good. Is it go time already?"

"You know it. Unless you still need a few?" She asked with a note of concern. "I could tell Jerry-"

"No, no... last thing any of us need is another mouthful from him," Luna chuckled. She stepped away from the counter and joined her wife in the hallway. "How about you?"

"Ready as ever," Sam said. The couple made their way through the backstage, their hearts only pounding harder as the muffled chants and cheers of their awaiting crowd all but drowned out the surrounding commotion. Road and production crew gave their words of encouragement as the duo passed, one handing them a pair of much-needed water bottles for the show ahead. Finally they reached the stage, where the rest of the band had already gathered in their spots; Aubrey at the drums, their keyboardist Zeke making adjustments to his synthesizer, and Steve... well, silently thumbing his bass just as he was earlier. In fact, Luna wasn't even sure if he'd actually left the stage at any point. Jerry was present as well, prattling on to the assembled band as per usual. Not that they seemed to be paying attention, assuming they could hear a word he was saying anyway over the roar of the crowd from the other side of the curtain.

"...And there will be press in attendance, so you'd all better... oh, finally, there you two are." Jerry shot the pair a look of irritation. "I was starting to think I'd have to strap on a guitar myself."

"Honestly, I'd pay good money to see that," Luna quipped, nudging the man with her elbow as she passed. She picked up her Gibson and tossed the strap around her neck and shoulder. The weight was familiar and welcome to her, as if the instrument were more an extension of herself than anything else. "Anyway, we'll take it from here."

"Yeah, I think we get the gist. Break a leg and blow 'em away, right? This ain't our first rodeo," Sam added. Their manager rolled his eyes.

"Perhaps not, but clearly it bears repeating nonetheless. You hear that?" He asked, jabbing a thumb in the direction of the curtain. "That's a whole lotta people who spent a whole lotta cash to be here tonight. They're here for you. They're here for a show." Jerry gave Luna a look serious enough to make her grin falter. "So I expect all of you to give them a show worth their time, and, more importantly, worth my time. Capisce?" Luna frowned, giving a small nod as her bandmates murmured in understanding. Jerry hadn't called her out directly, but he hadn't needed to... it went without saying that she'd just been going through the motions during their last few shows, and her shoddy performance had dragged down the others as well.

"Look, I... um..." She muttered, then let out a soft sigh. "...I'm sorry. I know I haven't really been pulling my weight lately. I've been in this weird headspace and... well, it doesn't matter. No matter what's going on with me, this isn't just about me. I've been letting myself get distracted, and it's not fair to you all. Or to the fans." She looked between her bandmates, meeting their gaze one-by-one as she spoke, before looking back to her manager. "But no more. Right now, all I care about is putting on the best goddamn show of my life." Jerry cocked an eyebrow and pursed his lips with a hum as he considered her words, then gave a smirk.

"Good to have you back, then," The man said. A whistle from offstage snapped his attention away from the band, and he glanced down at his watch with a frown. "Right, well... looks like it's showtime. Knock 'em dead, people!" With that, Jerry scurried offstage to watch from the sidelines. The band got in position as the stage lights went dim and fog began to roll in, blanketing the floor in a thick white haze. The crowd's cheering grew more intense by the second in anticipation of what was to come, and despite her resolve Luna could feel her chest tightening in response. VEL-VET LIPS! VEL-VET LIPS! Her heart was pounding in sync with the crowd's chants, and her face felt as though it were on fire... were it not for the makeup blocking her pores, she'd surely be dripping with sweat already.

"Luna? You sure you're alright?" Sam asked. Luna swallowed and nodded, forcing a smile, and while not entirely convinced the concerned woman seemed content to trust her judgement for now. As Sam turned her focus to readying her own guitar, Luna unscrewed her water bottle with a shaky hand and took several swigs.


"Hm?" Luna glanced to her right to see Steve peering over his sunglasses at her, his expression stoic as ever.

"Relax. Rock ain't perfect," The man said in that calm, gritty voice of his, "Cut loose, and play." With that he pushed up his glasses and turned away, readying his bass. He started to play, kicking off the deceptively mellow bass intro to Go Rock Yourself, and Luna blinked. His words, while... simple, got the point across, and his demeanor even more so. As determined as she was to put on the best show of her career, getting stressed over it would only hold her back. She was Luna Loud-Sharp, damn it... what the hell was she doing doubting herself at a time like this?

The crowd grew louder as the tune played, and louder still as Zeke joined in on the keyboard. Luna took the opportunity to take another gulp from her water bottle and then, after a moment's hesitation, splashed herself in the face. She shook her head, scattering droplets of water and leaving her hair and makeup an unkempt, runny mess. She could practically hear Jerry chewing her out already, but she didn't care; rock wasn't meant to be pristine, after all. The faint grin plastered across his face told her Steve agreed. She tucked the bottle away behind an amp and as the curtain rose, she, Sam and Audrey joined into the groove. The band was bathed in blue light from above, hiding their features behind hard shadows and rolling fog, while neither Luna nor the others could make out the audience at all. Luna leaned into her microphone and began to sing.

Don't need your approval

Don't need your jeers

Luna glanced to her left with a smirk as her wife joined in.

Can't hear that shit

Over thousands of cheers

The tempo started to pick up as the duo's voices harmonized.

Don't need your acceptance

Don't need your hate

We are what we are

And we play what we play

The unseen audience chanted in time with the drums, stamping their feet and clapping their hands as the intro built towards its climax.

So say what you want

Call us names if you want

Call us sick, call us twisted

Call us dykes, call us wicked

You can spit right in my face

Seen it all luv, I won't break

But if ya disrespect the music

You can...

"GO ROCK YOURSELF!" The band cried in unison, accompanied by a loud BOOM as the pyrotechnics blazed, bathing the venue in an orange light, finally granting Luna a glimpse of her audience. A sea of excited faces cheering for her, though right now Luna was only looking for one in particular... and it look little effort to find her. There, alongside Tabby and dead-center in the front row, was Allie, eyes wide and mouth agape. Luna met the girl's gaze and shot her a grin, giving a small nod of acknowledgement that the girl was simply too awe-struck to return. As the orange glow faded, the crowd once more blended together in shadow.

Luna laughed under her breath. The look in Allie's eyes was nothing new to her, far from it in fact, but tonight it carried more weight than it ever had before. Luna didn't just see a star-struck fan blown away by their performance... she saw herself. Or rather, she saw herself as she was all those years ago, on that one unforgettable night that would change her life forever. On that night, music had gone from being a mere interest to her greatest passion, rock had gone from a simple genre to a lifestyle, and Mick Swagger had ascended from a musician to what she could only consider to be a God. Perhaps it was a bit silly looking back at it, but those feelings had stuck with her and driven her to where she was today. As far as she was concerned Mick Swagger was and always would be the God of rock, and no matter how far she came she would never be able to reach those same heights. But tonight? Hell, tonight she felt like she could shoot straight past them.

Tonight, she had to.

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