chapter two
joshuaburrage, keenemorgan and 3,129 others liked
bentylercook: houston we're coming for ya :)
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thebroad_way: BAE TYLER COOK
newsies4ever: honestly my favorite bromance ever
"sky put my cookies down!" DeMarius screeched, just as Ben and Josh walked into the dressing room. "that's what your mom said last night," sky grinned as he shoved three cookies into his mouth before tossing the package back to DeMarius. DeMarius tackled him from the side, unable to hide his laughter, "oh my god shut up."
"well good day to you gentleman," ben laughed as he set his bag on his chair, "glad to see you're doing well."
"haw ben," sky said waving, his mouth still full of stolen chips ahoys. ben laughed and waved back enthusiastically.
"yo demarius," josh charmed, " you should hit me up with some of those cookies." DeMarius sighed before tossing the package to Josh, "look what you did Sky, those were just supposed to be for me." Sky smiled brightly, "anytime sweetheart."
"guys!" Chaz called from across the room.
"yes Chaz? would you like some of DeMarius' mom's cookies too?" sky asked, giving DeMarius a wink
DeMarius gave him another punch as Chaz let out a short laugh. "as great as that sounds, I'm good. but have you guys seen the new vlog?"
"there's a new vlog?!" zachary exclaimed, getting up from where he was stretching on the floor.
"yes!" chaz replied with a smile, "it's - "
"wait there's a new vlog?!" nick asked, coming into the room.
"yes! come over here and look!"
nick dropped his bag at his station and ran over to chaz with the other boys close behind him. "it's for heathers," chaz said once the other boys had crowded around him. "hell yes!" nick whispered, then after a few moments of silence he added, "what? it's my favorite musical okay? don't judge." "we would never," josh said with a laugh, mock crossing his heart. "woah," ben muttered, gazing at chaz's phone, "who are they?" the rest of the boys turned to look at the screen as well and sky let out a low whistle. the thumbnail showed two very beautiful girls, one dressed as veronica sawyer, and the other as heather mcnamara.
"their names are mair reynolds and rosie o'neil," chaz answered, laughing at his friends' drooling over the two girls.
"are they new?" DeMarius asked taking another glance at the screen , "i've never seen them before." "yeah!" Chaz answered brightly, "they're high school bffs who moved to new york together to make it big from ohio and this is the first thing they've booked." the other boys turned to look at chaz, with various confused expressions evident on their faces. "dude why do you know that?" sky finally broke the silence. "because i'm not an uncultured swine like you people," chaz answered matter-of-factly, "now shush, and watch." the other boys grew silent as he pushed the play button.
@mair_reynolds: guys ro and i are doing a q&a for our next vlog, send in your questions with the hashtag #whatsyourdamageq&a ;-)
retweeted by @rosiechristine
"no one is gonna ask us questions, mair." rosie said, sighing softly. "no one really knows who we are."
"girl, how'd you even make it to broadway with that kind of attitude. oh wait, i motivated you." mair raised an eyebrow at her friend in the dressing room mirror, "if no one ends up asking us questions, i will literally make fake twitter accounts and tweet us questions. boom. problem solved."
"what would i ever do without you?" rosie rolled her eyes, but couldn't help smiling at her best friend.
"you know, rosaline christine, i ask myself that question almost everyday."
"whatever," rosie replied, almost completely done with mair's shit, "i'm gonna take the camera and like film the stage or something,"
"sounds good o'neil. i'll be here, caking on the makeup." mair said to her friend as she left the room. as soon as rosie was gone, mair grabbed her phone and turned on her "getting ready" playlist at full blast. "out tonight" from rent began to blare from her speaker and her whole body began to smile. she could never listen to this song without going "full mimi mode" as rosie liked to call it. about mid way through verse two - mair's favorite part, she heard chair in the corner of the room fall over and mair turned to find herself looking directly into a camera lense.
"and that, my dear vlog friends, is how broadway actresses warm up for their shows." rosie announced behind the camera, attempting to hold in her laughter, but failing miserably.
"rosaline christine o'neil, i hate you so fucking much!" mair quickly turned off the music and then sunk down into the pink couch in the corner of the dressing room, covering her head in embarrassment.
"did i hear rent playing?" jared's voice entered the room before he did, but when his body did it was revealed that he was wearing nothing but a pair of black short shorts. rosie turned at the sound of his voice and winced, covering her eyes with one of her hands while holding the camera still with the other, "jared what the hell are you doing?!"
"i went for a run before call and when i came in i just happen to hear one of my favorite musicals playing so i had to see what was going down, " he quickly noticed the camera and sent a wink in it's direction.
"it was mair's debut as mimi." rosie said with a smirk on her face, suddenly remembering what had just happened.
"oh miss reynolds," jared gave one of his Tony - nominated smirks before sitting down next to mair on the couch.
"yes, mr mcryan?" mair asked, picking up her head and looking at jared with the smallest of smiles starting to appear across her face."would you be the mimi to my roger?" he asked, putting out his hand for mair to take."it would be an honor." mair grinned, taking jared's hand in hers.
rosie turned the camera back on her, "you heard it here first folks, heathers the musical is no more. your once loved veronica and jason dean are now mimi and roger." rosie turned the camera off and smiled widely down at her best friend, "if you don't think that going in this week's vlog you're sadly mistaken."
"well," jared said, giving another pearly white smile, "i should probably find my clothes," he gently kissed mair on the hand and gave a small bow before he left the room.
rosie turned to her best friend with wide eyes but mair merely shrugged, before leaning back into the couch and giving a long and loud sigh.
@dancinchaz: I've officially gotten the entire first national tour newsies cast obsessed with #whatsyourdamage and I'm not sorry
@bentylercook: @dancinchaz you ruined my life but I'm ok with it..
@JoshuaBurrage3: @dancinchaz @bentylercook If either of you watch the next vlog without me you're in for it
"oh my god," DeMarius sighed as he and other boys entered the dressing room for intermission, "i messed up so bad during that last turning section, that was literally the worst." he shook his head sadly as he took a seat at the counter.
"don't stress man it wasn't even that noticeable," chaz reassured, giving DeMarius a shoulder squeeze as he made his way over to his station.
"yeah dude don't sweat it, i totally screwed up too," ben admitted with a grimace, "tonight is not our night."
"no kidding. i was so flat during the last chorus of seize the day," jeff exhaled loudly and gave a dramatic flop onto the floor.
"are we all hating on ourselves? because i want in," the figure of dan deluca appeared in the doorway and several of the boys chuckled, " let's just talk about my voice crack during sante fe just now? like if i was in the audience i would have got up and left."
"you're such a drama queen," stephanie appeared beside him, "it was not that bad, plus you could do so much as open your mouth and girls would faint. you're fine." she gave him an impressively hard slugger before making her way into the dressing room and sitting beside josh.
"she's right," josh agreed with a laugh, "everyone loves jack kelly no matter what, plus - ."
"guys!" chaz interrupted with urgency, shooting an apologetic look josh's direction, "yes?" josh asked, trying not to laugh.
"mair reynolds just tweeted that they're doing a q and a for the next vlog and they're looking for questions!"
"are you serious!?" ben jumped up from his perch ontop the counter and ran over to look at chaz's phone,
"dude we totally have to tweet them!" nick insisted with a smile.
"are you kidding?" we.. we can't," ben stammered, the slightest hint of pink creeping up the sides of his face.
"dude why not?" sky asked the question they were all thinking, raising his eyebrows slightly.
"i think benny boy mwight have a bit of a crush," josh mocked in a fake baby voice as he made his way over to his best friend. a chorus of "oooo" rang throughout the dressing room as ben turned a bright shade of pink and covered his face with his hands.
"oh you are so tweeting her," josh said, attempting to steal ben's phone from his hand. ben slapped him on the arm and josh rolled his eyes fondly before letting go of the phone.
"what am i even supposed to say?" ben asked the floor.
"anything man, i mean she did say she likes newsies," sky stated matter - of factly, "and the last time i checked, you are definitely a newsie."
the other boys laughed as they slowly began to crowd around ben.
"gentleman, gentleman," josh dictated, clearing his voice like a judge on one of those daytime court shows. "oh and stephanie," he added with a apologetic smile. stephanie shrugged before giving him half hearted finger wave."our dear friend benjamin tyler cook has, how do you say it.. been bit by the love bug. " the boys laughed and several of them began to poke ben, giving him hair ruffles and back pats as well as whistles. "BUT," josh continued, raising his voice over the commotion, "it is our duty as his dearest companions to give him some space as he makes the first move on his future lady companion." the room filled with snickering once again but it was quickly silenced as the cast members raised their hands in defeat.
"so benji," josh lowered his voice and turned to his best friend," whatcha gonna say?" ben took a deep breath and showed josh his screen. josh broke out into a smile and pushed the "tweet" button. ben gave him a nervous smile.
"now you gotta do some more!" nick exclaimed when ben started to put his phone away.
"you can't just tweet her once, she won't see it!" sky agreed.
"if you want to be noticed you gotta tweet her like crazy bro," anthony said with a solemn mod.
ben looked to josh who gave him a nod. sighing, ben took his phone out of his pocket and started to tweet.
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