chapter four
joshuaburrage, mair_reynolds, and 2,674 others liked
bentylercook: cheesin' for a two show day
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mair_reynolds: kinda salty that you're more flexible than i'll ever be, but this pic is still #cuteaf
babetylercook: ^^^^ SHOOK
bentylercook: @mair_reynolds ;-)
@rosie_christine followed you!
new direct message from @rosie_christine
rosie o'neil:
mair and ben tho ;)))
Joshua Burrage:
took long enough.
just mentally preparing my best man speech for their wedding
rosie o'neil:
you and me both buddy
not ben's best man
mair's maid of honor speech
ignore my mistakes pls
Joshua Burrage:
what mistakes?
rosie o'neil:
me, making a mistake?? oh never!
Joshua Burrage:
i would never accuse you of making a mistake !
nice to finally speak to you, miss o'neil :)
rosie o'neil:
it is an honor to speak to you as well
i really hope i didn't make a fool out of myself
Joshua Burrage:
we just started talking and somehow you are already my favorite person
you have officially made my day, thank you rosaline
also before i make a fool out of myself, literally i love your vlogs so much
that sounds creepy
i love your vlogs in a non creepy way.
rosie o'neil:
well, i thank you for that in a non creepy way as well
this short conversation has been the highlight of my day, but i must bid you adieu
5 minute call 😬
talk to you later, mr burrage :))
Joshua Burrage:
break a leg !!
i will be awaiting the next dm from you
shit that sounds creepy again
rosie o'neil:
sure thing, creep ;)
"why are you smiling at your phone, joshua?" ben asked with a confused look on his face, turning his attention from the hotel tv."he's probably texting a giiiiiiirl." sky teased with a wink, spinning back and forth in the desk chair by the window. "i was not! literally the only girls i know are down the hallway, and why would i text them when i could go down there." josh defended himself; if the boys knew he was direct messaging rosie, he would be the talk of the cast, and that is not what he wanted. "i saw a video of a dog falling down the stairs.."
"whatever burrage, keep your secrets from your dear friends." sky replied, knowing he wouldn't get anything out of him. he turned to ben instead, "enough about joshua.. benji, is there something you'd like to tell us? a secret relationship maaaybe?"
"no! all she did was comment on my picture! it's not that big of a deal." ben squeaked, his voice implying nervousness as it got higher.
"she called you 'cute af' benjamin, that's a good sign." joshua contributed, relieved that he was no longer the topic of conversation.
"that could mean anything.."
"cute as fuck is the new terminology for you're cute, ben. it's what all the kids are saying these days. now accept the compliment." sky smirked, rolling his eyes.
'benjamin tyler cook," josh gaped, shock evident on his face as he looked up from his phone"you did not only respond with a winky face."
"oh! but he did!" sky laughed slightly, "you're really a ladies magnet, no wonder they're all knocking down the doors to date you."
"shut up flaherty. you too josh. let a man breathe and live his life." ben huffed, getting up from his perch on the bed, "i'm going to stretch, call is in 35 minutes."
"bye love biiiiird"
"we love you, but mair reynolds loves you moooore!"
"you guys were sooo good! ben you're literally the perfect race." a young fansie gushed to Ben as he signed her playbill after the show.
"that means so much to me, thank you so much" ben responded with a grin on his face. the fansies reactions always made his day and never seized to make him smile.
"are you and mair reynolds dating?" a girl in blue newsies t shirt asked, attempting to hide her excitement after she and ben took a picture.
"no-" ben started to say before he was interrupted.
"yes. they basically are." sky called over his shoulder with a giant grin on his face as he signed playbills.
"sky is lying, we are not dating. sorry to get your hopes up." ben said sympathetically to the girl who asked the question.
"yet!" sky shouted after he took a picture with the last fansie in the group. ben gave one last smile to the group of fansies before heading to the car. he shook his head slowly, not wanting to believe what sky had just said and not wanting to believe that there was a voice in his head that wanted it to be true.
@newsiiesqueen: @ any fansies!! what do you guys think is going on with ben and mair reynolds?? do you see it / ship it?
@madisonnewsie: personally i don't think they like each other i think it's just a joke to get the fansies excited
@katherine_plum: i can't see them together, mair seems too (not to sound mean) but bitchy for Ben.. he's too sweet
@danceitallaway: personally i don't see them together.. plus is it really our business?
@mairsieluver4: ben definitely likes her.. but idk about her
@ben_cook_fanpage: ^^^ agreed, but i think they'd be cute!
mair leaned closer to the dressing room mirror and gave herself another layer of red lipstick, completing her transformation into veronica sawyer. once satisfied she smiled and then leaned back onto her stool, revealing that jared mcryan was standing in her dressing room and staring at her in the mirror.
"oh my god jared!" mair cried, jumping off the stool "what the actual hell?"
jared gave mair his famous sexy smirk, "sorry about that, you looked so content that i didn't want to bother you. my bad." he sat down on mair's couch and gave her another smile. "it's okay," mair replied, still flustered. she hesitantly sat down next to jared on the couch and nervously tucked a piece of her wig behind her ear.
"so what brings you in here?" she asked him after a few moments of silence. he gave her vaguely jd - looking smile and said "i just wanted to say hi before the show, you know to celebrate our success." this was their third week on broadway, and the public was going absolutely wild for it. mair laughed a little, "i mean yeah, but like it's almost call shouldn't you be - "
"where's rosie?" jared asked, cutting mair off in the middle of her sentence. mair raised an eyebrow at him, " she's been home sick the last three days, clara has been going on for her.. have you not noticed?"
"oh yeah," jared said, chuckling, "i forgot about that. i guess i've just been really distracted lately."
"distracted by..." mair thought out loud, "jared you're being really weird right now i think we should go upstairs."
jared turned his head to look her in the eyes, seemingly to not have heard anything she just said, "it's you. i've been distracted by you."
jared scooted a little bit closer to her and mair let out a small giggle. "me? what are you -" he cut her off by kissing her, his hand wrapping around his waist and his hair tickling the side of her face. within instinct she kissed him back, it was something that did several times a day, eight times a week. but this was different. it felt.. real. passionate. she wasn't veronica and he wasn't jd and this wasn't pretend. she was a girl and he was a boy and this was real. it was like she was flying, she never wanted it to end. but the intercom rang out, interrupting them, "five minute call, all actors to the stage, all actors the the stage." he let go of her and she stared at him in amazement. "i'll see you up there," he said with one last smirk before leaving her in her dressing room, wondering what had just happened and the future was going to bring.
@bb_burrage: @joshuaburrage3 are you single?? just asking for a friend 🤔👀🤔👀
@joshuaburrage3: @bb_burrage maybe i am.. maybe i'm not.. who knows ;)
@joshuaburrage3: @bb_burrage jk i'm single af, tell your friend that
Joshua Burrage:
as i can see from my timeline, you've been sick this week :(
rosie o'neil
your timeline is correct, sir
first time i've ever missed a show and it's already been more than 3 shows
Joshua Burrage:
that sucks :(
if i was in nyc i'd bring you some soup
rosie o'neil:
dang i wish you were in new york because i could really go for some soup now..
i've got bad news, but i wouldn't tell ben
Joshua Burrage:
oh shit
your secret is safe with me though
rosie o'neil:
mair told me that she and jared mcryan might be a thing now
like he randomly kissed her last night
and not in a friend way
can you kiss in a friend way??
idk but like yeah i'm pretty sure they're dating
Joshua Burrage:
well shit then
there goes our plan to speak at their wedding
rosie o'neil
but jared is a dick like he's an awful human being
ben needs to come swoop in and save the day because ik this relationship is not gonna end well
Joshua Burrage:
so, what's the plan?
rosie o'neil
for what???
Joshua Burrage:
to get them together of course
rosie o'neil:
woah there burrage, we gotta see if mair and jared are like actually dating first..
i'll keep you updated
Joshua Burrage:
you better, or i'll find out my information from someone else
rosie o'neil:
like who ???
Joshua Burrage:
i'm sure i can find a fan account.. they know everything
rosie o'neil:
ok true
well, let's see how this unfolds
" josh, buddy are you okay..?" ben asked his friend nervously. josh looked up from his phone to see ben with a worried expression on his face, waiting for an answer. "uh yeah," josh lied, faking a smile, "i just feel sort of.. off today. i'll be fine." "alright.." ben answered, not quite believing him but putting the issue aside and turning back to his book.
josh led out an almost inaudible sigh. he hated lying. especially to ben. but rosie was right, ben could not find out about mair and jared until he absolutely had to; it would crush him. as much as ben denied having feelings for the actress, josh knew his best friend. this didn't seem like the normal star-struck act that ben would fall into every few months or so for some celebrity or another. this was him falling, and falling fast. josh just hoped that if mair wasn't going to catch him that it would be before he got in too deep. the thing about mair was that she was basically a stranger, and rosie was his only key to figure out what she actually like and what she was thinking.
there was a knock at the door and josh jumped up from his bed, happy for the distraction. he barely turned the doorknob when sky bursted into the room, followed closely behind by jeff ,anthony ,zachary ,nick and demarius. "last night in dallas pizza party!!" sky hollered, lifting two six packs of diet pepsi above his head and running to the opposite side of the room. "where's the pizza then?" morgan asked with a laugh as she and the other girls entered the room. "well we still have to order it," nick explained, "but we figured we could still get the party started!"
"and why is our room the designated location?" josh asked, still standing by the door as most of the cast, including the les-es filed into the hotel room. "because you guys have the second cleanest room behind chaz and jeff, and chaz won't let us go in their room because he's 'utilizing the space for packing.'" demarius explained with an eye roll. ben gave out a loud laugh and turned to look a chaz who had sat next to him on his bed. chaz responded with a dorky smile and a shrug.
"i mean alright with me," josh laughed, shutting the door and running into the room to join his friends. he had already started to forget the upsetting news rosie had shared earlier, and he felt a real smile working its' way onto his face.
almost an hour later, after several rounds of who would you rather : newsies touring cast addition, truth or dare and never have i ever; the pizza finally arrived. a knock echoed through the room and the boys began to cheer and argue over who was going to get the first slice and who was going to answer the door. kaitlyn stood up and calmly made her way over to the door. once she reached her destination she spun on her heels and raised her eyebrows, causing the room to fall silent. she smiled and then opened the door, revealing a huge stack of pizza boxes, and behind them a fairly stressed looking teenaged pizza delivery boy. "i have three large cheese, five large meat lovers-" the delivery boy started to say, before he looked up and saw kaitlyn. "oh my god - you're, you're kaitlyn frank! "
"hey guys!" kaitlyn called over her shoulder into the room, "this kid knows who we are!" she opened the door wider, revealing the rest of the cast, smiling.
"hey!" ben called with a huge dorky smile, waving enthusiastically. kaitlyn turned back to the delivery boy, who looked like he might faint.
"i.. saw you guys last night," the delivery boy managed to squeak out," you guys were amazing, i cried five times."
a chorus of "aw"'s rang through the hotel room and the delivery boy began to blush profusely. "why don't you come in for a bit?" kaitlyn suggested warmly and the delivery boy began to vigorously nod his head. nico and nick helped him haul the pizza boxes inside, and before they knew it he was right at home. almost a half an hour later, the delivery boy (who's name was demetri) left with a stack of autographed sticky notes (in four different colors : courtesy of chaz) , a phone full of pictures and some memories he'd never forget.
"alright everybody!" sky called everyone's attention a few hours later, "now that the kids are gone, it's time to get down and dirty." he gave an evil smirk and the room erupted in laughter and cheering. "guys try and be quiet," becca said through a giggle, "we're going to get another noise complaint."
"mother is right kids, it's time to settle in," sky said calmly, climbing on top of the desk by the windowsill and directing his friends to come towards him. the other cast members grew quiet and gathered in front of sky, crowding onto ben's bed and on the floor in front of it. once everyone was settled sky gave one of his infamous smirks and began to preach like he was jesus speaking to his followers, "we shall be playing.. truth or dare. extreme addition." the room was once again filled with cheers and laughter, but slightly more subdued this time, everyone now wary of a noise complaint, considering it was very early in the morning.
"now, my children.." sky joked with a grin on his face. "who's first?" his eyes scanned the room, making eye contact with each person. "how about, mr. dan deluca.. truth or dare?" "truth." "lame, but okay.." sky paused as he thought of a good question to ask, something risky, but not too bad. "if you could fuck any guy in the room who would it be?"
the sound of various 'oohs' filled the now small seeming hotel room. "dang flaherty, starting off strong aren't you?" dan laughed without a hint of nervousness in his voice. he took a dramatic sigh, pausing and contemplating his answer. "with all honesty, man. probably you." "DAMN STRAIGHT." sky cheered , making a suggestive face at dan, before being shushed by the majority of the cast.
the game continue for another hour or so before returning to sky ; with dares ranging from stephanie kissing nearly everyone in room to iain almost falling off the balcony while doing a backflip. "sky, truth or dare?" morgan asked him, a small smirk on her face. "dare. obviously"
"i dare you to give anyone of your choosing a lap dance for at least 30 seconds."
"dang keene, good one. i'm very proud of your dare skills.. now, friends, who's gonna be the lucky one to receive a lap dance from yours truly?" sky paused for a moment before a smirk formed on his face. "chaz wolcott.. get your ass in this chair." he pulled out the desk chair. "lets do this shit." chaz rolled his eyes before obliging, winning slightly as sky approached him.thirty seconds of pelvic thrusts and twerking later, the small crowd cheered quietly, still cautious of another noise complaint. sky dramatically took a bow and reclaimed his perch on top of the desk.
" royal subjects, i think it might be the time for our last round," sky proclaimed, followed by many sighs and groans of disappointment. "yes i know, but it is nearing 6 am," sky continued, sneaking a glance at all of the girls besides morgan, who had fallen asleep in a pile on the floor. "so who should my last victim be?" sky scanned the room eagerly, an evil smile once again crossing his face. he whispered something to josh who laughed loudly and then covered his mouth. josh turned back to sky and gave him a simple thumbs-up.
Sky smiled at josh and gave him a small nod before continuing. "Benjamin," sky said dramatically, met with another chorus of 'ooh's ', "truth or dare?"
"Ah what the hell, dare," ben shrugged, attempting to conceal his nerves.
"I dare you to.. Dm mair reynolds and say 'hey.' "
The boys couldn't conceal their laughter as ben's face turned bright red. "Are you fucking with me right now?" ben whispered in disbelief. Sky shot him a playful wink ," we're waiting lover boy."
"I mean you don't have to if you don't wanna man," josh told his friendly honestly, grabbing his shoulder for comfort, " it's your choice."
"I'm doing it," ben declared, sitting up straighter on the bed and pulling his phone out of his jacket pocket. "she's not going to know what hits her."
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