chapter five
anonymous asked: are mair reynolds and rosie o'neil dating?? like i get couple-y vibes from them.. it would be hella cute if they were
heathersbwayupdates answered: from what we know, sadly no.. they share an apartment and a dressing room, but that's just because they're besties. mair could be dating ben tyler cook (from newsies and billy elliot) like they chat a lot on social media, but then there's also a rumor that mair and our beloved jared mcryan could be dating (fingers crossed on this one) but nothing is official yet. we'll keep you updated (it is basically our job)
new direct message from @bentylercook
Ben Cook:
i thought i'd actually start a formal conversation (as formal as twitter dms can be), so hey :)
mair reynolds:
hey there, buddy !!
it's nice actually having a conversation :)
Ben Cook:
i agree
how's life at heathers??
mair reynolds:
we're recording the cast album next week.. so that's fun
how's life with newsies?
Ben Cook:
oooh can't wait to give it a listen!
you know the usual, lots and lots of traveling
mair reynolds:
wow! i would've never guessed that being on a tour would consist of traveling
Ben Cook:
oooh miss reynolds you gettin sassy
i can't believe i actually sent that wtf
mair reynolds:
oh, i'm always sassy, mr. cook
i'm glad you sent it haha it made me laugh
hate to cut this lovely conversation short, but ya girl's gotta go film a cast interview for the vlog
see ya on the other side of the war ;)
Ben Cook:
see ya, pal
(nice hamilton reference... i see you)
I can't believe i actually sent that shit
oh my god ignore me
mair reynolds :
"miss o'neil.." mair said behind the camera, zooming the camera lens onto her best friend's face, " would you tell our audience what we're going to be doing today.."
"well...' rosie replied with a giggle, " today is the recording of our very own broadway original cast recording ! but before we get to that, we decided we're going to introduce you guys to some other members of the cast ! "
mair flipped the camera so it was facing herself, " you guys see so much of us.. and we realized you haven't met some of the other amazing actors here at the winter garden theatre."
"so let's go!" rosie squealed, taking one of mair's hands and dragging her out of the room.
"knock , knock," mair said, knocking on the door of the first stop on her and mair's list of dressing rooms to find.
"well do come in !" the bright cheery voice of taylor louderman called through the door. rosie opened the door to see taylor, complete with a bathrobe almost identical to that of heather chandler. she laughed and gave rosie a hug, all while smiling directly into the camera that mair was holding, "hello there!"
"well look who we found ! " mair tweeted cheerfully, slipping into her fake perky voice without realizing it, " it's taylor louderman, who plays our lovely heather chandler ! " rosie flashed the camera a winning smile as she and taylor both sat down at the counter, "yes folks, her character maybe be a piece of work, but taylor is a real sweetheart ! " "you're too cute rosie," taylor responded with a giggle.
"so.. taylor," mair continued , all business, "tell us about your dressing room."
"well as you can see, i share my dressing room with maureen vega, who plays heather duke.. she's not here right now.. i'm not quite sure where she is.." taylor's voice hinted the slightest bit of unease, but she carried on, attempting to ignore this. "so since her character's color is green, and mine is red, we have this joke that our dressing room is the christmas room. we've taken this into mind in our decorating ... " taylor gestured to several christmas decorations that she and maureen had displayed in the room, including a santa statue, christmas lights and garland.
"i'll tell you a little secret too, " taylor continued, clearly enjoying the attention from the camera, " that santa right there.. he's kind of .. a little un gentlemanly at times, so we always turn him around when we're getting changed." mair focused the camera on the santa statue in the corner, unable to hide her laughter. " it really is sad how some people act these days."
"taylor one last question," rosie chimed in to the conversation, "what is your favorite thing about being in heathers so far? "
"mm," taylor pondered, over exaggeratingly scratching her chin and head, " i'd have to say it'd be all of the amazing people i've met so far, including all the fans we've met at the stagedoor, and of course the beautiful cast and crew."
" aw well isn't that just adorable, " mair responded, turning the camera back to herself and making a fake disgusted face, " now let's see who else we can find.."
joshuaburrage3: attention: our wonderful tour is searching for a girlsie to join the cast! if you would like to be in a show with yours truly, sign up for an audition :)
retweeted by @bentylercook and @sky_flaherty
Joshua Burrage:
were you aware that ben and mair actually dm'ed each other ?
rosie o'neil
whaaaat !! no !!
prooooogresssss ;))
Joshua Burrage:
mair didn't tell you??
rosie o'neil
lmao mair doesn't tell me shit about her feelings about the male species
mair doesn't talk about her feelings at all, so i'm not surprised
what did they say tho??
Joshua Burrage:
i'll send you a pic from ben's phone
picture sent
rosie o'neil:
that is the dorkiest conversation i've ever read
you can feel the awkwardness, oh god
poor bbs ignoring that they both are falling in love with each other and ignoring what's right in front of them
also sad update: jare-dick has taken mair out on like 2 dates. i hate it sn
Joshua Burrage:
😬 not a fan
even some of the fansies ship ben and mair already, which is surprising
rosie o'neil:
#beir 🐻 is hella cute
as long as the fans stop shipping me and mair, idc who they ship with her lmao
but not jared.
Joshua Burrage:
" oh my god, why doesn't give us a vlog of our own," ben laughed, his voice carrying down the sidewalk. he impatiently showed a hand through his hair as the wind blew it a thousand different directions.
"dude i don't know, but maybe then mair reynolds would notice you," dan commented, turning around from in front of ben, shooting him a wink and then spinning back around. "ooooo.." josh and demarius laughed from either side of ben, punching him and ruffling his hair.
"boys, you should probably try and behave yourself since we're in public," morgan said, vaguely motherly as she swung open the door to applebees.
"yes, the lady is right soliders, i am very disappointed in you," sky said, his voice dropping an octave and his posture becoming perfectly aligned.
morgan rolled her eyes before moving on into the building, followed by becca and kaitlyn who were failing miserably at an attempt to hide their laughter.
meanwhile, josh and demarius were shoving their hands behind their back in an effort to fix their posture and ben was fixing his hair frantically. "ten, hut," sky barked, turning full army general. the three boys, as well as jeff, anthony and chaz who had caught onto the game all threw their hands up into a salute and stood impressively still. "and forward march!" sky commanded, "left, right, left, right, left!" the six boys marched behind sky into the restaurant, not caring who or what was watching them.
mair_reynolds, graybrandon, and 1,423 others liked
maureeen_vegs : is there a better way to battle a two show day besides taking a nap on @brandongray and @derek_klena's couch?
view all 78 comments
graybrandon you're always welcome😉
jenny_bway: you are my absolute queen and idol omg
" we're heeeereee" mair called in a sing-song voice, opening the door to the next dressing room a few hours later.
"heyyyy mair!" a cheerful voice responded, recognizing the voice before the door had even opened. "hey gray," mair smiled, plopping down at the counter next to her friend, " say hello to"
"oh shit," brandon gray laughed and playfully swatted the camera away from his face, "i'm in the middle of my in-between-show skin moisturizing regimen." mair laughed but before she could tease her friend back , the door to the dressing room re - opened, revealing her and brandon's dressing room mates. "look it's the other habitant of this dressing room : the beautiful derek klena! and of course rosie too."
"where were you two kiddos?" brandon asked, raising an eyebrow at the pair in the mirror. "well, ro and i have made it a little tradition of ours to always get schmackary's between shows on saturday," derek explained nonchalantly, as he set his bags ontop the counter. mair raised a eyebrow at ro jokingly but her friend just shook her head and rolled her eyes.
"so derek klena aka broadway panty dropper," mair turned the camera back on and focused it on derek. she continued on, smirking, pretending to not hear rosie and brandon's snickering, " how do you like sharing a dressing room with brandon gray?"
"I mean, " derek said, leaning against the counter and ignoring mair's first comment, " i like it pretty good.. except that he keeps stealing my dark chocolate hershey kisses !" rosie gasped from her perch on the windowsill. mair led out a long and hard laugh, scarily resembling the fake laugh she reserved for her role as veronica, "gray is this true?" she dramatically zoomed the camera on his face.
"what the fuck are you guys doing?" a snotty voice snapped from the corner of the room. four heads turned to see maureen, freshly woken from a nap and evidently very annoyed because of the fact. she ran a hand through her crumpled black hair and pursed her lips, waiting for a response.
"oh my god," gray practically whispered, his voice dripping with regret and apology, "i'm so sorry maureen, i forgot that you were taking a nap back there."
"whatever,"maureen told the ground, refusing to meet anyone's eyes as she got up from the loveseat in a huff. she started to make her way towards the door, rolling her eyes whilst in the process before mair stopped her.
"hey. he apologized to you. don't be rude."
maureen looked at mair for the first time since waking, "it's none of your business, reynolds. what are you even-" she stopped her sentence mid way when she realized mair was still holding her video camera and had captured the whole endeavor. "are you fucking kidding me? jesus christ put that fucking thing away for one goddamn minute and leave everyone alone."rosie leaned over mair's arm and slightly pressed the off button just as maureen stormed out of the dressing room, slamming the door behind her.
mair looked up at her companions and tried not to laugh out of amazement, "well, i guess i know what i'm editing out tonight."
@KeeneMorgan if anyone didn't already know: all of the boys of newsies first national tour are idiots - that is all
@bentylercook: that's just rude :(
"you know," ben said, sliding into the booth, "for a party of 30 they seated us relatively quickly."
"don't forget to tip good I guess," kaitlyn commented with a smirk as she took a seat next to chaz.
"naturally ," ben responded, resting his feet across the the booth, not allowing anyone else to sit next to him, "my excellent treatment of waitstaff is just one of my many redeeming qualities."
"yes and modesty is another," josh remarked sarcastically, pushing one of ben's legs off of the bench. "don't forget his politeness," sky added with an eye roll, forcing ben's other leg down and sliding into the empty space with josh.
"they know me well," ben beamed, quickly receiving punches from anyone within an arm's reach of him. dan cleared his throat, gaining the attention of his cast members. "oh shit it worked," he said, almost to himself, the slightest tinge of blush appearing on his neck, " i just wanted to say we should probably start looking at what to order for drinks."
"very well said mr. deluca," sky nagged, snapping his fingers as if he had just heard an inspiring piece of poetry. the other boys caught on quickly and the table was soon surrounded by the sounds of finger snaps. the snapping was still going on when a waitress with fiery red hair who looked to be about 19 approached their table. kaitlyn slapped nico's arm and the table quickly grew silent, the boys turning to the waitress with their best prince charming smiles.
"pardon me, i don't want to interrupt anything?" the waitress half stated, half questioned, the nervousness evident in her voice.
"oh you're perfectly okay honey, we're all ready." morgan encouraged sweetly.
"um...okay," the girl stammered, "my name is katherine and i'll be your server tonight." several of the boys broke out into grins,and jp and jordan elbowed and prodded stephanie obnoxiously. stephanie daintily covered her mouth with her hand to stifle her giggles while katherine took drink orders. "i'll have a bourbon scotch," dan declared sophisticatedly, met with assorted moans and groans from around the table. "yes dan why don't you rub in the fact that you're of age just a little more please?" josh groaned, rolling his eyes sarcastically. Dan merely shrugged.
"and you, sir?" katherine turned to ben with her notebook in hand, expectantly.
"uh shit," ben muttered, glancing down at his menu, the sinking realization that he had not, in fact, given one look to his menu sinking into his stomach.
"he'll take a large apple juice," josh said firmly, grabbing ben shoulder and giving it a brotherly squeeze. the table erupted in laughter and katherine raised her eyebrows at ben, checking to see if this was alright with him.
"sure, okay i'll take a large apple juice," ben told katherine, his high pitched voice making this request seem completely reasonable.
"Okay, that's it then, i will be back with those in a bit," katherine said with a small smile, answered with various smiles and "thank you's", "and by the way i saw you guy's show in austin and it was super good." with another shy smile she walked away.
"ay!" sky laughed, his voice slightly too loud for a public place, "i could drink to that." he raised an imaginary glass and the others did the same, unable to stop the laughter that followed.
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