chapter eight
@mair_reynolds: this was me today setting up for the heathers halloween party
" don't you think all of this is a little much?" rosie complained to her friend as she dragged another heavy bag of halloween decorations into their dressing room.
" absolutely not," mair replied without skipping a beat, " halloween is by far the best holiday, and we need to honor it and pay it the utmost respect."
rosie rolled her eyes ( thankfully mair did not see) as brandon made his way over to help her. " i don't know ro, you might just need to lift more," he said with a smirk as he lifted the heavy shopping bag with three fingers and flexed his arm muscles. " oh fuck off, " rosie blushed, giving brandon a playful shove, "not all of us have rockstar abs and muscles of the gods, brandon. "
" she's got a point, " stephaine, a pretty ensemble member with curly strawberry blonde hair, agreed. rosie nodded in approval as stephanie tossed her bag onto the sofa, "thank you steph."
" no problem," stephanie huffed, plopping herself next to the bags on the couch.
" woah woah," mair's stern voice entered the room before she did, " no resting you three, we have serious work to do before the party tonight."
"relax mair, the party isn't until way later," brandon attempted to calm his friend.
" yeah, and no offense, but why do you care so much ?" stephanie asked casually, getting off the couch to help unpack the bags.
mair spun around and attempted to keep her cool, " i care because i really want to have this party be awesome and something for us all to remember."
" .. and this sudden obsession with making the perfect party has nothing to do with the fact that halloween is jared's favorite holiday?" rosie suggested.
mair stiffened and turned away from her friend, busying herself with taking the spider candles out of the bags ,"no. my favorite holiday has always been halloween, you know this rosie. plus," she added, turning to face her castmates, " who knows how long we're going to have ya know? we might not even have a christmas party before this show closes. and even then, who knows how long the original cast will still be here? might as well have fun together while we can."
her friends blinked at her, taken aback with mair's sudden passion.
" will you guys help me or not?" mair's voice sounded quieter this time, more unsure. like someone who couldn't remember what they were trying to accomplish. the other three immediately rose from where they were sitting and began to help their friend.
@sky_flaherty: happy halloween wITCHES ;))
@bentylercook: @sky_flaherty delete yourself.
"it's halloween bitches!" sky yelled, running into the boys' ensemble dressing room with a huge bag of halloween candy. he promptly starting throwing candy onto the different boys' dressing room stations, channeling his inner oprah. " you get candy, you get candy! "
" yo sky toss me some! " chaz laughed as he entered the dressing room. he lifted his arms above his head in an attempt to catch the treats, but due to his lack of any sort of athletic ability, the candy flew over his head and hit another target, with a loud ping.
" ow," an unfamiliar voice from behind chaz entered the dressing room. chaz quickly moved out of the way and revealed the newest member of the newsies cast - bailey rogers, rubbing her head softly and doing her best to not look seriously annoyed.
" oh my - y, go -d. i'm , i'm so- sorr -y. "a shocked sky uncharastically stuttered loudly.
" we are all sorry. i didn't even realize you were right behind me, i swear, " chaz stuttered as well, looking like a little kid who had just been scolded. the boys all gathered around and looked at the new girl expectantly, some even instinctively holding their breath. a beat passed before bailey let out a small laugh, " well when everyone told me the newsies were crazy, i really had no idea what to expect. being hit in the face with candy was definitely not the first impression that i imagined. "
" us either, we are so sorry," nick said with a sheepish smile. the other boys muttered similar responses and nodded.
bailey laughed again, this time even more genuine. " seriously don't worry about it, i swear i find it really funny. I can already this tour is going to be so - "
she stopped talking abruptly at the quick change in the boys' expressions.
" what's wrong ? " bailey asked nervously, attempting to decipher the faces of boys she had met only a few minutes prior. she whipped her head around to see a familiar face staring at her in shock.
" josh? "
liked by joshuaburrage, mair_reynolds and 1,446 others
rosiechristine: if you don't think this is mair reynolds setting up for this halloween party you are 100% mistaken. (tagged @mair_reynolds)
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mair_reynolds: i am not chad from murder house at all. i'm violet, you knows this. and for the record i do enjoy carving pumpkins thank you very much.
" this party really came together, good job mair," rosie said for the fifth time in the hour since they had finished decorating.
" i get it ro, you don't have to keep saying it, " mair replied with a laugh.
" ro? " mair's voice called out again a few minutes later, her voice a completely different tone. rosie turned her head from applying lipstick in the mirror to look at her best friend, " yeah mair? "
" i'm really sorry about how crazy i was acting earlier, i was totally out of line , i just really want to - "
" impress jared? " rosie's voice dropped to match mair's intense almost - whisper, as her stomach dropped in between her knees.
mair nodded once and bit her lip, debating on whether or not she should say everything she was thinking, " it's just, i feel like i need to be this perfect girlfriend, because you know, he's so perfect and everything and it's a lot of work. "
" oh mair, " rosie reached over and hugged her best friend, " you don't have to be anyone but yourself. "
" thank you so much, " mair whispered as she clung to her friend, " but it's not just that.. " rosie quickly pulled away, eager to know if this had anything to do with the ben situation.
" hello, hello, hellooo, " jared mcryan's voice entered the room in sing - song voice, cutting off mair mid- sentence. " sorry i didn't knock, dreadful etiquette i know, " he added with a laugh as he walked, or more strutted over to where the girls were standing.
" what are you wearing? " mair spurted out as soon as she laid eyes on her boyfriend's costume choice. jared looked down at his costume - or well his jd costume in confusion.
" what's wrong with my costume?" he asked innocently.
" i thought we said we were going as cher and josh," mair crossed her arms and attempted to keep her cool.
" oh babe! " jared's expression quickly changed, " i am so sorry. I totally forgot. please don't be mad, " he pouted his lip and slung his arm around mair's shoulder.
" it's fine, " mair felt tears gathering in her eyes as she pushed jared's arm off of her.
" woah, babe, babe, don't be upset, " jared attempted to calm his girlfriend. mair turned to look at him, he smiled his famous half smirk as if that was a good enough apology. she turned her head back away. " can you just leave us alone for a little bit?" mair's voice was quiet, insecure, and something rosie hadn't heard since high school.
" fine, " jared scoffed as he stalked out of the room.
as soon as jared slammed the door behind him, mair flopped down onto the loveseat and began to cry. rosie quickly rushed to her best friend and put her arms around her , " mair he's an asshole. don't let him ruin this party for you. the place looks amazing. you look amazing. " mair sniffled and she pushed herself off the couch. she looked at herself in the mirror before turning away in disgust.
" you look cute. jared and i were supposed to be and match but now i just look like a slut." she took another glance at herself in the mirror, clad in the perfect cher replica outfit that she had spend hours scouring the internet for, and sighed, attempting to tug the skirt down.
" you know what? no, " rosie said firmly. mair looked over at her best friend in surprise.
" i'm not going to let you stand here and feel sorry for yourself. not when you worked so hard and look so good. " she carefully took the puppy dog ear headband off her head and tossed it onto the dressing room counter.
an evil smirk appeared on the brunette's face as she reached for her best friend's hand, "" i have a better idea."
liked by rosiechristine, bentylercook and 3,286 others
mair_reynolds: wanted everyone to know we are leaving heathers to join the original cast of clueless the musical ;) #happyhalloweenwitches (tagged @rosiechristine)
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bentylercook: ugh! as if!!
mair_reynolds: @bentylercook did i stumble into some bad lighting??
" i can't believe this actually worked," mair said for the fifteenth time (or probably more, ro had stopped counting) as the girls maneuvered their way backstage.
" i know right? " rosie laughed at her best friend's enthusiasm as the pair made their way onto the stage, where hours previous they had set up mair's perfect halloween party. rosie couldn't help but gasp at the sight of the completed stage. cobwebs hung from every nook and cranny, spiders, pumpkins and bats covered any bare space that could reveal they were in a theater and not a haunted mansion or a graveyard. a few of the swings had even made tombstones for heather chandler, kurt, ram and jd for a bit of an extra touch. if there was one musical that should take halloween seriously, it was one about murder (at least in mair's opinion.)
" woah, who is THAT, " brandon practically screamed as soon as mair and rosie arrived at the party. he rushed over to them and proceeded to give them both kisses on the cheeks, getting big black makeup marks there in the process. " you guys look absolutely flawless, and rosie i can't even be mad that you ditched our matching looks because you look that good."
" i'll tell you about later," rosie whispered when mair wasn't looking, " it's about you-know-who,"
" ugh, the diva," brandon groaned, dragging rosie over to the punch bowl.
" oh hey mair, funny seeing you here, " mair spun her head around at the sound of a voice at her ear and couldn't help but gasp. there stood maureen, and there was no mistaking who she was dressed as. everything, every little detail was absolutely perfect. mair felt her jaw drop.
" is that my veronica costume? "
" no silly, " maureen replied with a evil smirk, " this is my veronica costume. " she stuck a hand on her hip and cocked her head slightly to the side, asking for mair to fight back.
before mair could even begin to formulate a response, jared appeared right behind maureen, jd costume and all. mair's jaw dropped even further.
" did you.. plan this ?" she spat out, her voice sounded harsher than she intended, looking from maureen to jared, getting angrier and angrier.
" what, babe noo...," jared shot mair a crooked smile, his words already slurring together. great. mair thought, 9 pm and he's already tipsy.
" i just simply suggested that jared pick his own costume instead of letting you do all the fun stuff," maureen's voice suggested her innocence, but her lifted eyebrow begged otherwise. she taunted mair with a smirk, daring her to say something.
" you know what, i don't care, " mair huffed. she turned on her heels and didn't stop walking until she reached the makeshift bar off stage left.
she slumped into a stoll and laid her head on the counter, " i need a drink. "
anonymous asked: I SWEAR TO GOD BEN COOK AND MAIR REYNOLDS ARE DATING LIKE BIIIIIITCH. also wtf did you see maureen vegas instagram??? she and jared were veronica and jd?????? like wtf is up with that?? and why wasn't jared matching with mair.. his G I R L F R I E N D
whatsurdamag3heather answered: conspiracy thread: mair reynolds and ben tyler cook are actually dating.. lmao jk but like that whole thing does confuse me like couple costumes are essential to halloween, but i'll give jared the benefit of the doubt and maybe mair just wanted to match with rosie?? idk tho. maybe something is happening that we don't know 👀 but anywho all the instagram pictures that were posted were cute as fuck the heathers fandom is #blessed.
" have i mentioned how much i love halloween?" sky asked no one in particular as he downed another shot. demarius laughed loudly, " maybe a few times. "
" it really is the best holiday ever, " chaz agreed, his words only slightly slurred together.
" okay but why exactly is halloween so much better than all of the other holidays? " kaitlyn questioned, holding back laughter at sky's vacant expression. a few of the boys gasped.
" okay one, " sky said, rolling his eyes, " look o-ver there, " he gestured with his head in the direction behind kaitlyn and chaz. kaitlyn turned her head and saw a group of girls in variations of tight halloween costumes staring at the boys and giggling every few minutes.
" oh my god, " bailey joined the conversation, her voice utterly appalled, " you're saying you like halloween because girls look hot? you're disgusting, "
" thank you bailey. and welcome to the family," kaitlyn nodded in approval.
" why thank - " bailey started to say before sky interrupted her. " okay hey now, i did not say that."
" it's not that girls look good in halloween costumes, " anthony came to sky's rescue, " it's that girls are totally more likely to talk to us on halloween when we look like this than normally, " he gestured to the group of newsies, all decked out in what sky had put together and named " sexy firefighter gettup." kaitlyn nodded, ' okay fine that makes a little bit of sense, you guys are losers."
" speak for yourself, i can get the ladies attention with or without the fireman gettup, " sky declared, his words even more slurred.
" dude, you're not really making this better for yourself, " nico whispered, patting sky on the arm. bailey snorted.
" but you know what the BEST thing about halloween IS? " an unrecognizable, very drunk voice came around the corner. everyone turned their heads and were surprised to see a very disheveled ben with an empty glass firmly in his hand, a crazy look in his eye and a very disheartened josh close behind him. he didn't wait for anyone to ask, and kept going, " it's that you can drink a bunch because it's HALLOWEEN."
" um, benji i don't really think that's a rule, " chaz commented, worry seeping into his tone.
" yeah, ben don't you think you should take a break? " nick asked as ben attempted to get another shot glass from the bartender.
" um no? " ben spun around (almost falling) and attempted to glare at nick, " i'm totally and super okay, and i'm not even drunk. so don't listen to josh he's crazy. "
" well what does josh say?" demarius asked.
" josh thinks im drinking because i'm upset about mair reynolds isn't that crazzy?" ben laughed, and didn't seem to care when no one else joined in.
" ben i think you should go back to the hotel, " kaitlyn's mom voice said, making it's first appearance of the night.
" i agree, " josh said, looking sadly at his best friend. before the other boys had a chance to add their opinions, the group of girls sky had seen earlier finally got the courage to say hello.
" hi everyone, my name is olivia, " a pretty blonde girl in a police officer costume said breaking the ice first.
" and i'm jennifer, " her shyer friend in a cat costume announced after olivia elbowed her in the ribs.
" well hello olivia, " ben made his away over to the blonde without waiting to hear the other's names, " well, " he added another smirk, " i'm here so what are your other two wishes?"
" pardon? "
but when ben opened his mouth to speak, instead of words, vomit came out, covering olivia's shoes with a loud and extremely disgusting noise. the bar grew quiet around the scene until one of olivia's friends declared " ew."
" oh benji, " josh said sadly, adjusting his arm around his friend's shoulder and helping him up, " what am i gonna do with you?" instead of answering the question, ben let out a small giggle and practically whispered, ' lick it up baby, lick it up."
josh rolled his eyes, " come on handsome, let's get you home."
ben and josh were only in the hotel room for about an hour and a half when ben's phone started to ring.
" is that my phone?" ben grumbled from his position on the bed.
" yeah, do you want me to answer it?"
" no," ben rolled back over with a sigh.
" ben, wait. it''s mair. "
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