Chapter 44
Additional cast:
Jessica Parker Kennedy as Sam Harris
Sophie's POV
"What about Margaret Thatcher?" Robin asks, resting her head on my shoulder. She has her back against the headboard, while I sit between her legs, trying to find a person to write an essay about, for our women's and gender studies on Monday.
"You are a liberal, why do you want to write about Thatcher?" I ask perplexed. I swear Robin's likes are so diverse, it's pretty weird.
"Just because I am not a fan of the right wing, doesn't mean I don't appreciate Thatcher! Besides, the movie made me like her even more. She was a tough cookie!" she giggles behind me and I shake my head.
"She was..half the Britain loves her and the other half hates her. That's admirable. Yes, let's write about Margaret. Grandma is a huge lover." I remark enthusiastically.
"Awesome. We can go to the library and do research." She pecks my shoulder and the contact makes me shudder. I expected her to stop but she keeps peppering kisses all over my nape and then my neck. My eyes close involuntarily and a smile is now plastered all over my face, but a buzzing sound reaches my ears.
I reach the nightstand and grab my phone. "Hey Joss." I greet him and lay back against Robin.
"Hey! I don't know what you are doing, but you and Robin need to get ready. ASAP." He says and I eyeroll.
"What for?" I am sure there's a lame reason behind this disturbance.
"Two words for ya, Ford. Game night. You versus me." He says and I sit up startling Ro.
"Oh, it is so on, Nelson. We will be there, be prepared to have your butt kicked." I exclaim, narrowing my eyes, gritting my determent face on.
"I think your butt will be the one getting kicked. I am better than you, Ford." He continues smugly.
"You wish, Nelson. You are going down. I am calling Vanessa to join your team, loser." I say and hung up, not waiting for him to reply.
"What's happening? Your face looks weird." I get off the bed now excited. Oh, I love a good challenge.
"Game night. Me versus Nelson." I say firmly.
"You mean Joss, right?" She asks raising her eyebrow.
"At times of war, he is Nelson. He is not my friend, he is my opponent. Get up Summers, we are going to kick butts." I wave for her to get up and get dressed into something else, and then call Vanessa.
"Hey, Vanessa, I hope I am not bothering you." I say quickly once she picks up.
"No, of course not, Sophie! What can I do for you?" Always her sweet self.
"Yes, there's a game night tonight at the bar, so me Robin and Nelson..I mean Joss, are going to participate. You have to come." I hope my voice doesn't sound as demanding as I think it does.
"Um, yes ok, Alice and I had planned a Tv series marathon but-"
"Alice can play for both teams! Get ready see you in an hour at the bar." I say and hung up, abruptly. The more we talk the less time I have to figure on a game plan. Time is essential.
"Hey, I can call Sam! She likes these games." Ro chimes, grabbing the phone too.
"Is she any good? I can't afford to have lousy players on my team, Summers!" I pace her bedroom, hyped.
"Sophie, relax, it's just a game." Ro is laughing at my crazed state.
"A game? Oh this is no game, Robin! Nelson and I have been doing this for years. He beats me at chess, and I eat his armies for breakfast at Game of thrones The Game, so quiz games are the ones that determine who is better, and this time I get to make him do my laundry for a month if I win, so we better win this!" God, I feel so energetic right now!
"Ok, ok relax, I am calling Sam." Ro points at her phone. "Hey Bitch, what up?" I hear her greet Sam. "listen, you and Nicky are invited to the WWIII, aka, game night. Are you guys in?...oh, ok, then just you, you moron.. No, Sophie won't.., yes, you will be on our team, no I won't let things get out of hand, I am the peacemaker. Perfect, be there in an hour!" She hangs up satisfied.
"Sam is coming, Nicky is not available." She informs me.
"That's ok, we need to think of a game plan, what are you good at?" I take a paper and a pencil.
"Many things." She winks and I throw the pencil at her.
"Be serious, Summers." I glare at her.
"Geez, fine. I like you bossy, this screams potential." She remarks but I don't get what she means by that. Anyway. "I am good with movies and music. Sam is good with history. Ok?" She answers
"Excellent! Joss sucks at history but he's good at sports and science. I think we got this, and if we don't, I always know how to threaten him." I say with a devilish smile on my face.
"Um... you are getting kinda scary right now, and I think I like it." She has a look on her face that I can't decipher.
"Whatever Summers, get ready, we have a war to win." I peck her lips and she winks at me before she disappears into the bathroom.
So 40 minutes later, and after picking an indifferent Sam up, whose last name is Harris ( I asked Robin, cause there was no way I could have asked Sam), we arrived at 'Checkpoint' Joss's favourite place, and also the place where Robin got that hickie from, so I don't think I like it very much. What if that girl from Ro's birthday is here tonight? What if-
"Oh, there's Joss!" Robin's voice behind me startles me.
"Nelson. He is to be called Nelson, by the members of my team." I eye roll and look at where Robin's finger points. He is by the bar dressed with his usual blue jeans and his brown jacket. He's talking with a black haired bar woman. Of course, Nelson is always ready to charm the ladies, so maybe I can use it to my advance. Would Harris be willing to flirt with him during the game? I will ask Summers. If plan A ( threatening him) doesn't work out, then Harris must take one for the team. Than I will make Summers flirt with Alice.....wait, what's Alice's last name?
"Hey, do we know Alice's last name?" I ask my team members.
"Reynolds." Ro replies.Hmm, nice last name. Anyway. We make our way to the bar, next to Nelson. I clear my throat and he turns his head and looks at us, smiling cockily.
"There she is! My cute little sister!" he says with a smirk on his face, pinching my cheeks. 'Little'? He called me little? He is trying to bring me down before the game. I am no little! His little Joss is little! Ha, eat that Nelson...even though you can't hear my inner thoughts.
"Cut the pleasantries, Nelson. I now declare the beginning of our Annual Rivalry. From now on, til the end of the night, you shall be my sworn enemy. All means are legal. Are we clear, Nelson?" I ask narrowing my eyes.
"Whatever makes you happy, little! We both know you're the one who's going to cry in the end." He winks at me with an obnoxious smile.
"Listen, here, Nelson, I don't like threatening people, but since you are an ape, I will. I would like to say that if you win A) I will let you starve to death. B)I will let you and your filthy room alone so by the end of the month you are gonna be hanging out with cockroaches. C) I will gladly tell every girl you bring home that you have STDs. D) I'll call Laureen and tell her you are eating junk food and sweets. E) I'll have daddy put you in jail, I don't know how yet, but I am sure I can frame you with something, and F) my girlfriend will beat you up, given that only girls seem to be able to do that lately. So Nelson, now that you have been informed, proceed with caution." I flash my charming smile..yes, I have one, ask daddy.
"Did someone talk? I was hearing a squeaking sound..." he puts his finger to his ear like it was bagging him,without glancing at me, in total indifference. "Oh that was you? Did you say anything of great importance, because I wasn't paying much attention." He looks down on me and the cocky smile is pinned on his face for good.
I give him a deadly stare, when Robin speaks, now next to me.
"Um...Sophie's girlfriend would like Nelson to know, that she is a very peaceful person, and doesn't like hitting people. Also, she would like to inform her girlfriend that she sounded crazy and hot." Robin grins.
"Harris, would like to state that this is batshit crazy. Ford, you are mental, Summers you are a moron, Nelson, dude, you are two years older. Give this child a victory, so that I can go the fuck home." Sam looks fed up.
"There is no way I am letting her win! This is war!" He addresses to Sam and then he turns to me pointing me with his index. "And if you're willing to make your girlfriend do the dirty work for you, I will put Alice do mine!"
"Oh yeah we-" Robin, sorry, Summers interrupts me again, by patting my shoulder.
"Vanessa and Alice just got here." Are you kidding me, girlfriend?
"It's Adams and Reynolds! Stick to the rule!" I say as the girls, aka enemy n02 and enemy n03, approach us.
Vanessa is wearing high waisted jeans with a green light sweater. She has her hair in a ponytail. On the other hand, Alice is wearing skinny jeans with a black leather jacket, a black scarf and short black boots with a thick heel.
This ends with blood (not really, I am not a fan of blood).
Alice's POV
"Come on Vanessa, hurry up!" I say impatiently as we're getting into the bar. Vanessa is walking really calmly, as usual gawping around the place and the people, but this is not the time to linger. My adrenaline is rushing and the game hasn't even started yet. "I just spotted the girls and Joseph!" I exclaim, pointing towards them.
"I am right behind you, Alice. I see them too." She giggles and raises her hand up. "Hi, guys! How are you? Ready to have fun?" She asks as we approach them.
"Hello, Adams. Reynolds. Glad you joined." Sophie says coldly and both Ro and Sam groan. Adams? Reynolds? First, why does she call us by our last names? And second, how does she know mine?
"There it is my victorious team!" Joseph chimes in approaching us and goes between me and Vanessa hugging us, like a rockstar walks with his models. When he puts his arm around me, I feel the same warm and electricity running through my body. I try to ignore it the best I can! I am here to focus on the game and win.
"We're on your team?" I ask him raising an eyebrow.
"Correction! You're on the winner's team!" he exclaims. Sophie puffs aggressively.
"I warn you, if we lose I will kick your ass big time! I don't lose!" I point my index finger threatenly to him and he gives me his usual cocky smile. I love it, under these circumstances. I like his confidence in general now. It's so arousing. ALICE ,FOCUS ON THE GAME!
"Guys, it's just a game!" Vanessa says and fixes her ponytail.
"It's not just a game!" Sophie and Joss yell together, and look at each other narrowing their eyes, western style. Attaboy! That's the spirit I want.
"Did something else happen?" Vanessa whispers to Robin.
"Apparently, Nelson and Ford, have a rivalry that's been going on for years, so you guys just joined WWIII. Rule number one, cause I don't remember the others, DO NOT call us by our names. Ford is serious about this." She shrugs, grimacing.
"Tell Ford she will have her ass kicked!" I say to Robin in a commanding way as Sophie and Joseph haven't stopped the glaring contest.
"Dude, I am scared to even call her name. You tell her!" Robin laughs.
"Ford, enemy n02, Alice Reynolds said that you are gonna have your ass kicked." Sam calls out and Ro swats her shoulder.
"What she said!" Joseph says in a serious way and then gives me a proud smile, that I give back.
"Reynolds you are delusional, and so is Nelson! I will end you, both of you...Adams, you are safe, don't worry." Sophie says and winks at Vanessa who exhales relieved. All I do is give her one of my famous glares. Sophie is just a noisy puppy in my eyes right now.
"Okay, things are hitting up as we all see." Vanessa remarks. "Shouldn't we register or something? According to this, time is running up." She points at the timer on the wide screen above us.
"Ness is right! I am going right away. Little, will you join me?" he smirks at Sophie.
"A leader never does manual labour. Summers, go with Nelson. Do not engage in conversation, at any cost!" She commands Robin, who eye rolls.
"Yes, Daddy!" Robin yells, standing in attention. "Sorry, wrong title. Yes..Commander.....whatever. Nelson, let's go." She mentions for Joseph to follow her. "Oh, wait! We need names." she points.
"Don't worry! I've got that part covered! You see Robin... sorry Summers, my brain is doing thousands of turns every second. Unlike other people's brains..." Sophie says casually leaving a clear subtext at the end. I have to admit I enjoy Joseph right now. It's kind of guilty pleasure though, but I really do. To be honest, I was used to direct his snarky comments at me, but I amuse watching him doing that to someone else for a change.
"Yeah, ok. Sophie we need a name." Ro flinches when she says the wrong name, but Sophie doesn't scold her.
"Our name shall be FordCrew." She states, raising her jaw, taking an arrogant posture.
"Why not SummersCrew?" Ro asks and Sophie waves her hand.
"I am the leader, so my team, my rules, my name. Now off you go." She says and Robin leaves.
"Hey smartass! What's our team's name?" I ask Joseph firmly, piercing him with my eyes.
"Have a little faith in your captain, Alice!" he winks at me and I eyeroll.
"Not a chance! I am aware that you are perfectly capable of naming this team Joseph and his hot bunnies!" I state and he chuckles.My face remains serious. "Also you're not my captain. We're partners! Equals! Get this in this little head of yours!" I command and he eyerolls.
"Hey, teammates let's keep the good vibes between us!" Vanessa says and raises her both hands for me and Joseph to give her a high five.
"Ok, Alice get prepared to be amazed! Our team's name is 'Phantom Menace'!" he says enthusiastically. A Star Wars movie's name. I like it.
"It's catchy and vicious!" I remark. "I am impressed!" I admit and he winks at me, before he leaves with Robin to registration desk.
After some minutes we sit at a large table all the six of us. Me, Joseph and Vanessa face Sam, Sophie and Robin, in this exact order. A large jug of beer is placed on the table and we wait for the game to begin.
I have to admit the atmosphere is tense. Joseph and Sophie exchange deathly glares like cowboys do, before a duel. I haven't seen Joseph like that towards Sophie again. When I look at them is reminding me of me and Ren, even though Ren is not so competitive in general, except video games. Then, Robin is her usual cheerful self and she's making grimaces with Vanessa, but suddenly stops, when Sophie gives her a deathly glare,making her frown for an instant. Sam is looking like she's ready to beat all the people in the bar up. I observe that Sophie doesn't give her any glares like she does with Ro or boss her around. Is this a bit of fear that I smell?
"You know, all of the sudden, I am so jealous of Nathan, he is not here for this thing, he is so lucky, this will be a disaster, I smell it. " Robin exclaims looking at me.
"I would have called him, but he is playing out of town. You could use his knowledge on the athletics category!" Joseph chimes in, before I utter a word. Then I observe Vanessa typing something on her phone, but my eyes don't stick to her for more than a second, since Sophie opens her mouth.
"There is no chance in this earth I would trust Parker with my team's victory. He barely says anything. I would lose for sure....I mean WE..we would lose. Harris is a better choice." Sophie says giving a timid smile to Sam, who glares back at her.
"If you weren't Ro's girlfriend, I would punch you. Bite me, Ford." Sam bites back. I officially like Sam even more! This girl has nerve!
"With or without Nathan you're going to lose anyway." I shoot at Sophie with a smirk and Joseph beams at me with pride.
"Be thankful I don't know any dirt on you Reynolds. I tend to be very threatening." Sophie narrows her eyes and the moment she said that, I was about to turn to look at Joseph with a guilty look, but I choke this urge. The corner of my eye sees that Joseph was about to look at me as well, but he decided not to. Thank God he kept his promise and he didn't even said anything about our dirty little secret to Sophie or any other thing...
"Ford, don't provoke me! You know what I can do." I give her a glare.
"I have a Robin." She points at Ro, who is sipping her beer. "And a Sam. Sam is scary." She points at Sam who is unphased by all this.
"Guys, there's no need for violence." Vanessa chimes in.
"Sorry Little, but I don't think Ro would take the risk even for you!" Joseph barges in. Ro chokes on her beer, as all eyes are on her. Sophie is glaring at her, arms crossed.
"Ummmm....yeah, I have seen Al, punching things...and know what, I am a very peaceful person, like I can't even kill a I will pass. Sorry, Soph, I really like my face." She sighs and smiles at Sophie. The first time Ro saw me punching a punchbag her eyes widened instantly and she told me 'Remind me not to ever be on the bad side of yours.'
"Whatever. I could hire people." Sophie remarks.
"Good evening people and welcome to our Pub Quiz." A loud clear voice stops our interaction and all of our eyes follow the direction of the voice. "My name's Tim and I will be your quizmaster for the evening." A blonde thin tall man says with the help of a microphone. He sits at the DJs spot, behind a laptop. Our attention is on him.
"Listen how we are going to do that. As you were instructed at the registration desk you must be connected with the help of your smartphones to our special quiz router." He says, always speaking on the microphone. "Are we all good?" he announces.
"Yeah!" The whole place shouts enthusiastically.
"Great! We have 5 rounds with 10 multiple answers questions each. The categories of the questions are History, Geography, Science, Athletics, General Questions and Arts/Culture. I will read the question and the four available answers will appear on your phone, from which you must choose the correct one. Some questions are just an image, which will appear on your phone's screen. I will announce the correct one after the time to answer the question is up. A correct answer takes 1 point and a correct and the fastest one takes 2 points. At the end of each round the ranking of the teams will be announced. The prize for the winners is free beer for a month! So that's all!" he finished the description of the quiz. "Are we all set?" he shouts.
The whole bar screams again in anticipation. People are fired up to begin.
"Great! Let's start and have some fun!" he shouts again and we all wait for the first question.
Round after round passes and without noticing, by the adrenaline, the rush and the willing to win, the 4 rounds have been completed. Tim was announcing the ranking after each round.
My team won the first round and we got really excited about it. It was a good start. I was in charge of the geography category, since I know every capital of each country and many things about countries or cities etc. One question was to find the country by watching its flag. I answered it with eyes closed. That question was rather difficult, but my obsession with flags saved me. Actually when I was a kid, I played this flag game with my mother, where she would show me flags and I would find the country. Joseph couldn't believe his eyes, while Sophie snorted loudly.
In the second round Sophie's team passed us. Vanessa answered a question about literature, while Joseph answered the scientific ones. Damn those political questions. Sophie is really good at this. She was answering in a blink of an eye.
Their glory didn't last for long as we won the third category. Athletic questions were on our table and Joseph answered them really comfortably. Me and Vanessa were staring puzzled at each other on those questions, because our knowledge in athletics is zero. The only athletic thing that I remember, was when Greece beaten USA on basketball at FIBA, at Tokyo in 2006. We were for vacations there and I have memories of my father returning back from the court infuriated, because a small country beated the crap of technically NBA.
Finally, Sophie's team did the come back in the final round, since Robin answered some movie questions, Sophie some general and Sam 2 historic ones. I got the feeling that Sam was being nagged by Sophie in the whole game. Me and Joseph tried to do our best, since Vanessa wasn't much of a help. From the third or the fourth question her eyes were stick on her mobile's screen, without paying any attention on her surroundings. Me and Joseph exchanged meaningful looks, expressing our annoyance towards her and from time to time we shouted at her, but Vanessa just shrugged and then she was back to her phone.
The result now is tie and this round is the crucial one. It's the round, that's going to determine the winner. The tension is heated and the beer is gone. Sam drank the most of it,so she went to the restroom at the end of the round. I guess alcohol helps her tolerate Sophie better. Beats me!
"Girls, I am going to take a beer! Do you need anything?" Joseph stands up looking at all of us. I bet Vanessa didn't even hear him, since she didn't move a bit her look from her damn device.
"I would like..." Ro starts saying and suddenly Sophie gives her a sharp glare, resulting to a frowning Robin. "I don't want anything! I am good!" She says with a forced smile.
"You Alice?" Joseph addresses at me.
"I am cool! Thanks!" I answer and he leaves.
The time passes, but Joseph hasn't returned yet. I look impatiently at my watch. Damn! The final round is starting in 5 minutes. Where is he?
"The final round is about to begin! What the hell is Joseph doing?" I ask impatiently and nervous, since both teams are even. We really need to answer correctly and fast as many questions as we can. I have to admit they are good. Really good. "Vanessa, have you seen him?" I ask Vanessa, but my question goes in vain, since she has almost stuck her face to her phone's screen.
"Um..Joss? Not really." She says without taking her eyes from this her phone again.
"Seems like Nelson is intimidated by us and wants to find a way out. Ha! Good job, soldiers, we got this!" Sophie brags and goes for a high-five which only Ro indulges.
"I am going to kill him if that's the case. Retreat is a treason!" I shout and keep looking around. Many people are coming and going, since it's the break, so I don't have a clear view of the bar. Damn with this guy!
"I think he is at the bar." Robin informs us and points at the bar!
"That fucker, I needed a beer and he didn't say anything. Damn!" Sam huffs.
"Soldiers, no drinking during battle. Stay focused!" Sophie chimes in and Sam is about to struggle her.
I turn my head to the bar and I watch him there talking with a girl. Oh God! There's nothing that can stop him.He has always room for chasing a girl, no matter the circumstances. I stomp my hands on the table as I announce;
"I am going to bring him back. Bound up if necessary!" And then I walk away with a threatening pace.
Joseph is standing by the bar in his usual carefree style chatting with a red haired girl with curls and green eyes. The girl is captivated by his charm and has leaned very close to him. She's eating him with her eyes and she touches him by any chance she gets. Joseph is his usual player self. That girl is nothing more than a woman he wants to have sex with. He is yakking, but he is not absorbed like she is. I am approaching them and I tap Joseph's back from behind.
"You need to come back! The quiz starts in a bit!" I exclaim in a commanding voice,the moment he faces me but before he responds, the chick beats him to it.
"Don't you see we're talking?" she says with a bitchy look.
What's up with that attitude, lady? I am about to open my mouth, but Joseph speaks quickly.
"Yes, Alice you're right!" he says to me and then returns to the chick. "Sorry Ashley, but my team needs me desperately! You see, a ship can't sail without its captain." he gives a wide smile to her and she relaxes a bit.
Alice, don't open your mouth! Control yourself.
"I see. They are so lucky to have such a smart guy like you guiding them, but I can't let go off you! We were in the middle of something here, until your little friend interrupted us!" she purrs and gives me a glare at the end.
Little friend? Who? Me? Maybe she's taller than me, but that doesn't give her the right to call me little. This is a declaration of war!
"Don't worry, Ash!" Joseph gets in my way again. "We will see each other again...sometime" he winks at her and she giggles.
I eyeroll at the sight! That chick is so desperate. She has zero self respect! I continue glaring at them, but I don't see her letting him go, because she has grabbed his hand tight on the table like a hawk.
"Are you taking long?" I exclaim sarcastically.
She gives me an annoyed look and she speaks back.
"What's your deal, little girl?" she shouts. Again with the little.
"Nothing nothing!" Joseph barges in. "She just wants to win so badly and she's very impatient! I'd better leave!" he smiles,his charms on full glory.
"Ok, but before you do..." she says and grabs him to kiss him. Joseph responds to the kiss, as it's expected. I stand there, but I can't bear watching them. It's awful and it's bagging me. I look anywhere else but them and my fingers tiptoe nervously the bar's bench. A nagging feeling is hurting my stomach, like I ate something bad. All I want to do is punch this girl in the face. That annoying snob bitch! When the kiss ends she gives me a victorious and smug look. Her face was like 'He's mine and will never be yours!' I think that girl is on LSDs or something!
"Let's go!" Joseph says to me and I follow him, because if I stay I will smush the pretty little white teeth of hers.
As we're going back to the bar this nagging feeling doesn't go away. Also, I have this urge to ask him who that girl is. But why? I know she's just another one night stand for him. Or maybe two or three and generally whenever his hormones are unsettled, he calls her. I send away all these thoughts and I decide to keep it shut! It's a rare moment for me and I should note the date and the time, but I really don't want to know anything. Joseph is who he is and we have to keep the good spirits, because we're teammates and we have the same goal. Anyway, that stupid chick doesn't even deserve my punches and this whole pondering on her.
"Ready for the final round?" Tim, the quizmaster, asks once we get back to the table.
The whole bar cheers.Both teams are ready in front of our smartphones. Mine has Joseph's, while Sophie's has hers.
"Great! First question! Where is the Gyeongbok Palace?"
Great geography! I nail it. Then 4 possible answers appear on our phone!
China, South Korea, Japan, Laos.
"I know it" And I hit the second option! Sophie smiles smugly, so she must know that too. I must have hit it faster, but I am not sure.
"And the correct answer is...South Korea!" he announces and as I can see both teams got it correct.
"Well done, Alice! Geography is your strongest key! You haven't missed a single question! I am impressed... again!" Joseph smiles at me and unwittingly his compliment fills me with joy, but I don't want that. Damn my sentiments are out of control again.
"When you travel, you always learn. Not to mention I am a geography junkie!" I admit and he gives me a warm smile.
The questions pass really fast and both teams have answered correctly all of them. We still don't know the fastest though! Damn it! Now there are 2 questions left!
"Attention now! Question 9! Which famous american heir went to prison, because she was driving under alcohol influence?"
We see the four possible answers. The only person that I know is the c. Paris Hilton.
"I think it's the c, but I am not sure." Joseph looks at the answers carefully. Vanessa hasn't even paid much attention. She is typing the whole game process.
"Hey Vanessa! Concentrate! Do you know the answer to that?" I shout to her to snap her out of her digital world.
"Oh, sorry guys!" She pops up from her seat. "Let me see...Um, I haven't heard of that before, so I don't know for sure. But no offense to Paris, I would go with her." She shrugs and goes back to her phone.
"I say Paris as well! She was on drugs! Alcohol is the least she must have done!" I point out.
Joseph shrugs and clicks the C.
"I definitely know that, Soph!" Ro calls out raising her fist on air.
"And the winner is C! Paris Hilton! That girl is for sure a bad role model! Not to mention her lousy music career." Tim comments and the whole bar chuckles.
We cheer and me and Joseph give high five.
"Hey Vanessa, you were correct!" Joseph pokes her.
"Oh, I was? That's good." She giggles at her phone screen once again. "I'm glad I helped the team!"
"Time for the final question! This is a historic one!" Tim exclaims. "Which King of France was also known as the 'Sun', because he believed that he was the centre of life in France?"
Damn it! I know it's Louis but which one? France had like 100 of them! Why did they keep calling the kings Louis? I would go for something like Antoine or Pierre. That's royal too.
Then the answers appear. a)Louis X b)Louis XV c)Louis XVI d)Louis XIV
"What the fuck? I see no originality in France." Joseph says ironically and I chuckle, as I had the same thought.
"I always confuse the Louis!" I chortle.
"I remember he was the son of the Louis in The 3 Musketeers novel! But I don't remember the fucking number!" he exasperates and I empathise with him.
Then I look at the other team. Sophie is sceptical as well, Ro is frowning while Sam is smiling cockily. Shit, she is a history major!
Sophie turns to Sam, looking deadly serious. "Harris, you are the expert here! This is on you! Which one is it?" she looks panicked. Sam is looking at Ro first, and then at Sophie...after a few seconds she points on the screen.
"Are you sure? Are you 100% sure? I swear to God, this better be the right answer! Sam, can I trust you with this?" Sophie is waiting on an answer.
"Bite me, Ford. History is my thing, so zip it, and listen to me. I got this!" She says, but then turns and winks at me.
What the hell was that? Did she point the wrong one or is she misleading me? Anyway, I can't be sure! We have to answer the correct one like NOW! I look at Vanessa! She's typing on her phone...again! My sweet Vanessa I love you and you're a really good friend, but sorry for what's coming.
"VANESSA! Stop looking at your bloody phone and help us with that!" I bowl at her.
"Yeah Ness! Put this down! It's the last question! What kind of valedictorian are you? It's time to prove yourself and to repay me back for all the whining I've heard about you!" Joseph says firmly to Vanessa, without blinking his eyes. Sophie gives him a deathly glare, but I am kind of used to it by now.
"Okay, guys I am right here. Relax." Vanessa puts down her phone slowly and raises her hands up in defence. "What's the question?"
I love Vanessa, but I am going to kill her right now! I swear to God! I am about to start barking at her, but Joseph as always saw that coming and he touches my hand to calm me down and he gives me a meaningful look. I would normally take my hand away, but it feels so nice. His touch on my hand. It's warm and cozy. Stupid Alice! You shouldn't be feeling like that! He was kissing another girl like 15 minutes ago! You shouldn't need him to calm you down.
Joseph repeats the question calmly and in a flash, like he's talking to a toddler that doesn't want to startle.
"That is the last question? Like seriously?" She raises her eyebrows in disbelief. "I would expect something trickier. This has been the difficulty level throughout all the game? I wasn't paying much attention to be honest with you guys so I-"
"VANESSA SHUT UP! ANSWER THE BLOODY QUESTION!" I shriek at her and then look at Joseph. "That was the only way to put her in functioning!"
"Alright!" She shrugs and then says without looking at the answers. "It's Louis XIV."
"Hit it, hit it!" I shout at Joseph and he does it right away, a little bit before the time's up.
"Time's up fellas! Let's see... Tricky question! Same name, different personalities. Who was that smug? The big headed one was Louis XIV!" he announces and both me and Joseph shout Yeah! Then we congratulate Vanessa and she giggles happily.
"Let's see the winning team! The winner is the team 'Phantom Menace!'" he announces and me and Joseph stand up cheering from joy.
"We won!" I exclaim!
"I know! We are the best team!" he cheers and I go for a high five, but when my hand touches him he pulls me in for a hug and he lifts me a bit up. I hug him as well and we jump around like that, cheering. Electricity runs through my body again. I am so excited that we won! Me and Joseph make such a good team. Who would have thought that? I don't care that I hug him and yes, I loved that he dragged me into his arms. So lame Alice! So lame! It's a victory hug! All the teammates hug each other! It's the right thing to do! It's because of the winning heat. Yeah, that must be it!
"Vanessa, we won!" Joseph says and she stands up joining the team embrace.
Then, I look at our rivals. Robin is hiding her face in her hands, Sophie is looking stunned at the screen, while Sam looks so done! But seriously Sophie looks like she is having a stroke. She slowly turns her head to Sam.
"You were wrong! Your answer was are a history major!" She raises her hands in despair.
"Oops....we haven't covered his decade yet, my bad...such a shame." Sam nods her head. "Well, now we can go home, at last!"
"Sorry Sophie! I mean Ford! Your S.W.A.T wasn't as strong as you thought! I guess that wasn't your day! It's settled then! You're officially second and I can't really see you very well from up here!" Joseph starts mocking Sophie, like a 5 year old.
"Be careful not to break anything once you fall, you pretentious nerd! I am not indulging in your childish manners, I am an adult that knows where the scissors are, so you better sleep with one eye open! I am going to the bathroom!" She says and gets up abruptly, startling Ro. With one last glare she marches to the restroom.
"Retreat, because you can't face my magnificence!" Joseph shouts and Sophie turns around to give him a deathly glare.
"Hey, don't take all the glory! You weren't all by yourself!" I say to him.
"I know! I just wanted to piss her off! Thank you my team! You were amazing under my commands!" he addresses towards me and Vanessa, like I suppose Louis XIV would do.
"Are you serious? Do you wanna start a civil war?" I shout and he chuckles.
"You have to learn Alice when I am messing with you!" he looks directly into my eyes with a playful,yet intense look. Damn those eyes! I love losing myself in there and then he snaps me out of it. "You've been a great help. I wouldn't have Sophie's ass kicked without you! And Vanessa of course." He points at her.
"Thank God you've figured that out!" I exhale.
"It was a pleasure!" Vanessa says with a beam.
Then we all hear Sam, laughing her ass out. All 4 of us turn to face her. She is holding her stomach and after a few seconds, Ro shakes her head.
"You idiot!" Ro slams Sam's head. "She is gonna kill you! And me!"
"Thankfully Sophie didn't see you when you winked at me! You would be a corpse now." I remark, moving my head.
"Did you know that they have answered wrong?" Joseph asks me with wide eyes.
"Well yes! But I didn't want to take any chances! Maybe it was a trick..." I confide, looking at Joseph and then at Sam.
"Sam, bitch, why did you do that? Seriously, she is gonna kill us, you idiot!" Ro is dragging her hands in her hair, looking panicky.
"Relax, she doesn't have to know, you moron! Stop being so whipped. That girl needs to learn how to lose, she can't always win and be the boss of people! I did her a favour. Now let's go home, I had enough." Sam exclaims.
"Ok let's go! Ro, go get the whining baby from the bathroom!" Joseph tells Robin firmly.
"Please don't make me go in there. Can someone else go?" Ro asks.
"Oh for fucks sake! Ro, you are lame, Vanessa, can you please go get Elsa 2.0 from the ladies room?" Sam looks at Vanessa sweetly and of course Vanessa nods. "Thank you."
Vanessa leaves to go get Sophie and we all wait for them to come back.
"I am sure that Sophie won't 'Let it go' for a long time!"I remark and the rest burst out laughing except Robin.
"Sam, come on, I want you two to get along, she is my girlfriend and you are like my shouldn't have done that, and now I have to lie. Not cool..could you be nicer, or apologize, or come clean?" Ro must feel very awful about this.
"Relax, whipped. I am sorry ok, she can be a handful when she wants to. I will apologize for answering wrong, but not for doing it on purpose." Sam looks regretful too. "And just so you know, she is growing on me, slowly...she is...but don't tell her, I like scaring her." She remarks and hugs Ro, who is still pouting.
"Soph isn't a bad person! She's difficult I admit that, but not bad." Joseph chimes in, defending his best friend. His friendship with Sophie is genuinely strong and beautiful. They were fighting like barbarians five minutes ago and he's defending her now. He is indeed a good person.
Then I see Sophie coming from the restrooms, having Vanessa by her side. Robin nudges Sam who eye rolls, but nods her head. Once Sophie is next to us Sam speaks.
"Sorry, Sophie, the question was confusing. I take the blame." She says timidly.
"That's ok. Maybe next time." Sophie shrugs.
"So are you coming with me or with Ro?" Joseph aks.
"With you, Joss." She replies. "You better hide the scissors." She grins.
What does she mean by that? She said something about scissors before.
"If that's how it's going to be then, Alice..." he turns his head to me "you're staying with us tonight as my protection!" I almost get choked. "I can't risk it living with Scissorhands." he explains.
"I want 100$ per hour and get out of your head us sleeping together. The literal meaning of the word." I exclaim, raising an eyebrow.
"Do you prefer the other meaning?" he smirks.
"Ok bye! Sophie, he's all yours!" I give a meaningful look at her and she giggles.
"Of course. Come here, you annoying dork." Sophie approaches Joss and hugs him tightly. "Nice game, you are a smart ass, but you are my smart ass, big brother. Have no fear, your hair is safe for now."
"You did great, Sophie! You made me lose my cool many times back there!" Joseph says in a soft voice, without leaving her embrace.
We all look at them shocked. They were about to tear the whole place down and now they are in treacle. Just like me and Ren! Everytime I observe them the more similarities I find.
Then, we get out of the bar and we all say goodnight to each other. Ro and Sam leave together, just like me and Vanessa, while Joseph with Sophie. Before we get separated Joseph shouts at me and Vanessa.
"Girls, don't forget we have free beer for a month!"
We smile at him and we keep walking to our cars. I had such a great time with my friends. It was something different and I loved it. Also I was surprised again by how me and Joseph work that good as a team. I enjoyed it way too much!
A/N: This has been one of the funniest chapters to write! We hope you enjoined it as much as we did! As always, we would be happy to hear your thoughts! Vote, comment and let us know on which team you'd prefer to be. xD #FordCrew #PhantomMenace
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