Letting her eyes adjust to the light coming in the window, Regina stretched out across the bed finding it empty. Sitting up frowning she realises she's in her own room. Looking over she checks the time getting up. Heading downstairs, she notices Daniel laying on the couch with a blanket.
"Daniel? Why are you down here?"
Looking over Daniel sighs getting up. "Because someone decided to come home late last night then keep me up by talking in their sleep"
Giving her a glare he walks to the kitchen. Regina's eyes widen and follows him into the kitchen." Talking?..what did I say?"
"Nothing that made sense..apart from 'you're okay'"
"Oh that...that..is probably because I was stressing over some papers last night and I was informing myself that...I'm okay"
Frowning herself at the ridiculous excuse she just gave Regina sighs grabbing some coffee. Daniel watches her wondering why she is acting strange. "Okay well I've got work will I be seeing you tonight?"
Regina nods. "yes I will be home after work"
Daniel walks over kissing her cheek and heads out the kitchen shouting on the way. "make sure we have something nice for dinner then!"
Hearing the door slam Regina sighs rolling her eyes getting fed up of the same old routine they have going.
Writing the lesson plan on the board, Regina glances over to the door as the students file in. Noticing ruby walk in, Regina nods for her to come over to the desk. "Miss Lucas is everything okay this morning?"
Ruby nods. "Yes thanks for the help last night, I got a good sleep..kinda..I'm still worried about Emma but she called me this morning and sounded a lot better she's gona be out by tomorrow but has to rest..my granny said she's gona help"
"Well at least she's better when are you seeing her next?"
"Oh not until after my classes...plus she said she's gona do some of the reading that was set so she must be feeling better"
Regina smiles. "well I guess that is Miss Swan for you"
Ruby nods and goes to sit down for the lesson.
Watching the students hard at writing, Regina sets her book down looking at the clock hoping for the five minutes until lunch to hurry up. Sorting out her desk to occupy herself wishing it will make the time go faster, Regina snaps out of her thoughts hearing the bell go and her students pack their stuff to leave. "Don't forget to take your books!" Sighing, Regina puts her folder down and takes her bag.
Heading down the hospital corridor, Regina prayed that no one would be keeping the blonde company. Going up to the door and knocking, Regina's find her heart melt and cannot keep herself from smiling at what she sees. Emma was sat up with the use of a few pillows smiling at the TV playing in the corner, eating a small pot of what Regina could only imagine wasn't entirely healthy for hospital food. Looking over, Emma again smiles this time more shyly at the thought of the last time she saw Regina she was crying like a baby. Stepping in, Regina approaches the bed. "good afternoon Emma how are you feeling?"
"I'm okay thanks..can't really say the same for whatever it is I'm eating" Emma frowns holding the pot up to inspect the contents. Regina nods in agreement. "I can see what you mean..it looks awful good job really because..."reaching in her bag Regina pulls out a box."I have this for you"
Emma looks at the box and grins."Apple pie...that's my favourite..how did you.."
"Ruby told me and I figured the last thing you want to do when you don't feel well is eat something you don't like so.."
Emma looks up at her taking the box. "thanks..you know I have to admit I'm a little shocked at a second visit"
Regina looks down a moment seeing herself fiddle with her hands and mentally curses herself for being nervous as she had no reason to be. "Well..honestly I was worried..last night you..seemed scared and I..I guess I don't want you to feel that way because you have friends that want to help and you're not alone"
Emma looks down a moment embarrassed and feels her face reddening ."about that I'm..erm..I'm sorry..I shouldn't of lumbered all that on you but also.. I was glad you was there and you were the one that I got to talk to..I mean yes ruby is my friend but she would sugar-coat it and be all you'll be out drinking in no time..but you just listened and was...there"
Without a second thought, Regina reaches over taking Emma's hand. "You don't ever need to be sorry..everyone has their down days..it's normal and I'm glad I got to help"
Giving her hand a squeeze, Regina lets go and lifts her bag. "Anyway lunch is nearly over I have to get back"
Emma nods looking down at her now empty hand. "Regina?"
Stopping at the door Regina bites her lip hearing Emma use her first name and looks over. "Yes Emma?"
"Thanks for the visit and this" holding the box up smiling. Regina also smiles." Your welcome...enjoy the pie"
Watching her leave, Emma gives a little sigh looking at her hand again grinning a little. "Why the hell am I feeling like this?" Shaking her head questioning herself Emma turns back to the TV.
For the rest of the day, Regina found herself constantly thinking of Emma. Wondering if she was okay, if she needed help, if there was anything more she could do. Heading home after work, Regina attempts to push all thoughts out of her head. She had Daniel to think about. 'damn it' Regina sighed walking in the door, she forgot to pick something up for dinner. Looking at the time she decided she had enough time to make something. After changing, Regina heads to the kitchen only to stop and back track hearing the phone. Picking up, Regina sits on the bottom step of the stairs. "Hello?"
Letting out a sigh of relief for not getting her boyfriend answer, Emma speaks up. "Hi..Regina it's Emma"
Before the blonde could let out another word Regina cut in gripping the phone. "Emma? Are you okay?"
"Yeah..I'm fine don't really know why I called"
Sitting back and relaxing, Regina frowns. "how did you get my number?"
Laying herself back on the bed Emma bites her lip." I used the operator..I'm sorry I shouldn't of called"
"No it's okay you clearly needed to talk about something otherwise you wouldn't of called..or you would of called ruby"
Emma shakes her head although Regina can't see and gives a small chuckle."oh..no..that girl can talk your arm off..literally"
Regina responses with a small laugh herself. "that is true.."
Both women sit in silence for a moment, Regina hoping Emma can tell her what is wrong and listens when the blonde speaks. "This is going to sound stupid but..I'm getting ready to go to sleep and after last night I'm kinda..scared..and well you was the last person I spoke to then I got a good sleep so I thought if I spoke to you...heard you I could sleep"
Regina smiles to herself unaware that Emma is literally smacking herself on the head for how pathetic that sounded.
"Emma you are by far the least stupid person I know and believe me I know a few..I get it..and I don't mind"
Hearing the front door go, Regina peers between the banister seeing Daniel walk in and look at her. Signalling for him to give her a minute, Daniel rolls his eyes and heads to the kitchen. Focusing back on Emma Regina continues. "if I pass my number on to ruby would that make you feel better?"
Emma sits up slightly again feeling her face get flushed."erm..well..I..yes"
Standing up on the step Regina looks over hearing Daniels footsteps stomping out the kitchen. "Okay well ill give it to her tomorrow"
Daniel walks up to her and points annoyed. "who is that? And why is there no dinner?!"
Regina gives him a look because of his shouting and continues talking on the phone."I'm going to have to go feel better"
Emma goes to answer but hears a slight commotion followed by a guys voice down the phone. "whoever you are don't call again"
Jumping slightly hearing the phone slam, Emma frowns.
Regina looks at Daniel annoyed. "did you really need to do that?! Take the phone off me and say that?!"
Daniel glares and throws the phone. "don't you shout at me! I want to know where the dinner is I told you this morning!"
Looking over at where he threw the phone and back Regina glares."I had a personal issue to deal with!"
"That takes priority of your boyfriend?..correction fiancé?!"
Regina watches him pace annoyed."I couldn't leave it..someone needed my help"
Daniel stops and looks at her."i'll ask you again Regina, does it take priority over me?"
Regina looks back at him. "well at this moment in time yes..I.."
Having heard enough, Daniel raises his hand to her."Regina!"
Stepping back, eyes widening, Regina looks at him shocked. Placing his hand down, Daniel glares one last time before heading to the door. "Il eat out" slamming it behind him, he leaves Regina frozen in her spot still in a state of shock.
Author's note: hope you guys are continuing to enjoy the story! let me know what you think :) next chapter soon!
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