
unedited but I don't think there was much errors hopefully


[Saturday, December 2nd 2017]

The thing is, Harry really wants to go out with Louis. Like really wants to. So when Louis asks him if he wants to go to some little music festival one town over, Harry can't say no. He can't. And he knows it isn't exactly a date, but Louis is asking if he wants to go with him. Not Niall. Not one of his other friends. Just Harry. So it's a big deal.

His mum doesn't want him going at first. But then Robin points out how he's old enough and can take care of himself.

But at the moment Harry's currently freaking out. And not over his drivers test. because that's in February. He doesn't know what to wear and usually it isn't something that he fusses with, his clothes. But to him this is he and Louis' first date. Even though he knows that technically it isn't, he likes to think it is. Therefore, he can't look lazy or stupid.

Harry decides to call Sophia. She answers on the second ring, asking what's up and laughing when Harry told her his problem. "Just wear dark jeans and a cool tshirt. A lighter shirt than the jeans," she says, balancing her phone in between her ear and her shoulder, trying to do homework.

Harry gets changed, taking off his pajama pants and pulling on a pair of dark jeans, just like Sophia says. Except even though he has some input from his friend, he can't help but look up the festival. He isn't surprised when seeing pictures of people dressed a bit nicer than just jeans and a tshirt. Nothing fancy, but still. Which is why he stands in the middle of his room for what seemed like forever before thinking of something and burying himself in his closet and drawers.

Fifteen minutes and two outfits later, Harry puts on a white tshirt with a little design on it, and loops a brown belt in his jeans. He gets giddy when putting on a nice jacket. It's one that his aunt got him for Christmas that year, but he's never got around to actually wearing it.

Harry's mum walks down the hallway. When passing her son, she gives him a confused look, but he only looks at her with a blank face. "Going to the music festival with Louis." He tells her. "Dad said it was okay." He adds. His heart beats fast, worried she'd say he can't go. But she doesn't.

Instead she just nods, and purses her lips. "Just don't stay out late. Don't do drugs or drink or anything that's go-"

"Mum, I'm fine!" He sighs dramatically, "I'm not going to do drugs and Louis knows not to let me do anything illegal. He's responsible." He rolls his eyes the slightest bit.

Anne sighs, biting her lip with her arms crossed. She wears a look of worry across her face, but eventually nodds. "Okay. You better be right though. Call me if you need anything." She tells him.

Harry smiles wide and nods. "Thanks Mum," he says before scurrying into the bathroom. He takes a look at his face and hair. Thankfully, no zits or pimples have decided to ruin his life today. But he doesn't know what to do with his hair. He calls his mum back into the room. Everything has to be perfect. "Can you help me with my hair?" he asks shyly. "It's just a bit wild."

Anne smiles and opens the cabinet up top. She grabs a bottle of something, and sprays a bit into her palm. Then she sticks her one hand into Harry's hair and runs her fingers through it. Harry winces at the tugging. "You'll be wearin a hat, anyways." She wipes her hands on a hand towel. "Good enough? No more frizzies?" she asks.

Harry almost laughs at the phrase. He does his little hair flip, nodding to himself through the mirror.

He gasps when hearing someone knock on the door. He looks down at himself to see that he's ready, then sprints down the hall to his room to snatch his phone. "I got the door!" He shouts throughout the house, his feet pounding on the steps as he flies down. He just beats his step-dad to the door, and swings it open. "Hi." He grins, out of breath. He feels someone at his side, and chuckles embarrassedly when it's only Robin slipping some money into his pocket. "Thanks." He murmurs.

Harry closes the door behind him, blushing when Louis laughs. "How are you, love?" he asks, tapping the small of Harry's back lightly to walk him to the car.

"M'good, you?" Harry smiles.

"Can't complain." He shrugs, but the wide smile doesn't fade from his face.

He opens the door for Harry, and sneaks a cheek kiss right before the younger boy slides in. Harry barely feels it, it happened so quick. But his cheeks blush furiously and he folds his hands in his lap, giddy.

Louis gets in the drivers seat, and smiles to himself when witnessing Harry's pink cheeks. "It's only about twenty minutes away." He tells him, pulling away from the curb and heading down the street.

After a minute or two, Harry turns the radio on, and laughs when Louis gasps at the song that comes on. Harry tries singing along, but considering he doesn't quite know the song he ends up making a lot of his own lyrics up. It makes Louis laugh though, so it's worth it.

The drive to the festival is shorter than estimated, but that could have been due to the fact that Louis kept rambling about how he and Niall went to this the year before and about the different things they had there. By the time Louis finds a parking spot it's almost eight o'clock.

The walk from the car is a bit far, but it's worth it. There are people all over, so many different stations that Harry can't count them all. There's two big radio tents and two stages, with other things all around. Competitions and little challenges. There's even this large circle of people just playing instruments and singing all together. It's the first festival like this that Harry's ever been to, and although he knows it was smaller than the big festivals, it still looks amazing and more fun than anything.

"It's not the biggest festival, but-"

"No, no." Harry shakes his head. "It's awesome." He laughs. "Plus I've never been to one so I've got nothing to compare." He shrugs.

Louis smiles and nods. "Good." He laughs, grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him along.

Harry's face breaks out into a grin. He runs alongside Louis, sliding their way through the crowd until they get to the front of a smaller crowd of people jamming. Guitars all around, one has bucket drums. There's a guy with a ukulele, bongo's, even a violin. Or a viola, but Harry can't tell. He's just fascinated at how the group of strangers are playing totally different instruments and making a well known song even more amazing. Not to mention people, or everyone really, singing.

"Hey! Let him at the piano!" Louis called out, because oh, there's the piano. It makes Harry laugh. That there's a legitimate piano outside on the grass amongst the crowd.

He gets nudged a little, and his eyes widen. The guy sitting at the piano moves over, and Louis tugs Harry over to sit down. The guy with the violin and dread-locks nods at him. "You know Hold Back the River?" Harry wants to scream, because of course he knows that song. But he just nods instead. "Alright. Play it loud and a bit faster tempo." The guy instructs, then starts playing.

Harry looks down at the keys, and starts playing. He feels like his hands are shaking even when they press all the right keys, but when he looks up to see people smiling and dancing and singing along, then he lets out a laugh, and joins in. Louis catches eyes with him, and his smile widens as he sings along as well. He isn't even focused on the piano anymore. It all flows to him and he feels like he's in a utopia.

Louis on the other hand, just feels like he wants to kiss Harry. Really. He isn't going to, because there're thousands of people around at the festival and well, Harry is in the moment. But he still wants to do it. And he keeps it in mind.

"Lonely water! Won't you let us wander!" Louis belts out the words with everyone else, swaying a bit next to Harry on the piano bench. The girl banging out on the drums nods along, and grins when they make eye contact. They don't know each other. Not at all. But at the moment you could start singing or dancing with anyone there, and it would feel as if you'd known them for years.

Harry lets his fingers linger on the keys at the end of the song, and giggles when Louis laughs and pulls him up and close. He ruffles his curls, his arm around the boys shoulder. "That was amazing, Haz!" He exclaims. Harry leans into his touch, squeezing him back. Louis' little nickname doesn't go unnoticed, either.

A girl with a guitar slaps Harry's back, a grin on her face. "Better come back later for another one!" She insists.

Harry nods. "Sure, yeah!" He agrees.

Louis keeps his arm around him, but lets it fall from his shoulder down to his waist. He's hesitant about it, but once again Harry sinks into his side, so they keep walking.

Louis glances a look at the younger boy. "C'mon, Lewis Watson goes on stage B in half an hour. I know a trick to get us up front," he says.

Harry whips his head to face him, his expression excited and energized. "Let's go!" He beams at him, and pulls on his other hand, giggling and starting to ramble about the jam session. Louis can't do anything but watch him with fond and listen on as he talks.


ok I've been waiting for over a month for the chance to put in a picture but I never had a chapter with a picture that matched so yeh


OK SO YEAH. ALSO LOOK UP LEWIS WATSON INTO THE WILD or any of his other songs!!!!!

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