What if Y/N was the last man on Earth instead of Mario?
Y/N woke up one day, yet it was a bit different..
It was quiet..
Too quiet..
Y/N: Hmm..okay, strange but I'll go along with it..
You hop out of bed and stretch, getting ready for the day. You brush your teeth, put on regular clothing and go downstairs to greet your friends, but..no one was there.
Y/N: Good Morning- Oh my god the castle is empty..
You say as your eyes widen.
Y/N: This is rare..and weird..
You shiver a bit and walk in the kitchen, finding cereal and milk, so you make your breakfast and eat. After eating you put your bowl in the sink and then think about what you wanted to do today.
Y/N: Hmmmm..Maybe Meggy's available today, I'll give her a call..
You dialed her number and wait, only for it to reach voicemail.
Meggy: Hi! I'm sorry, but I'm currently busy right now! Call me back when you get the chance, or I'll call you when I'm done! Either way! See ya!
You hang up.
Y/N: Darn, okay, let's try my good old pal Beta.
You then dialed his number..
Beta: Hello?
You felt relieved and replied.
Y/N: Beta! Oh man, I'm so glad you're-
Beta: Hah! It's a voicemail dumbass, I'm not gonna be able to pick up anytime soon soooooo...leave a message after the "Fuck Off"....Fuck Off..
Y/N: Okay then..I've been tricked, backstabbed and possible bamboozled..
You hang up and just decided to watch TV, you then see that crap show on HBO Max.
Y/N: Ugh, no.
You skip it and go to the next show, Shrek Discovery.
Narrator: The Wild Shrek is seen roaming about his natural habitat, in the sticky swamps of Far Far Away-
You changed the channel and find a static screen, then a metal claw pulls you inside the TV.
Deathwave: Hello there..
Y/N:...You're not canon in this story..
Deathwave: Oh.
He blew up, sending you back to the couch.
Y/N: Okay, next channel.
You switch and see the news, but no one's there.
Y/N: Okay, this is starting to freak me out..
You call up the rest of your friends frantically, but no luck as it all went to voicemail.
Y/N: Shit..okay..that's it, I'm going to Inkopolis!
You then did a backflip off the couch and ran to the warp pipe that transports you to Inkopolis.
You were shot out and landed on your feet. You look around, seeing no inkling or octoling in sight..
Y/N: Okay! Somebody better tell me what's happening..because I think I'm about to lose it..where's Meggy?..where's my friends?!...
You yell out, your shouting could be heard from miles away as it echoed through the empty atmosphere..the amount of energy you used to yell that loud makes you black out...
You came to your senses and find yourself inside a lab?..You then look over to see..Francis?..
Y/N: What the hell do you want?..
Francis: Ah, you're awake!
Y/N: No shit, now start talking..
Francis: Look, don't confuse me with the other Francis..I'm only the Francis Sprite, not the real one..I came to your aid and noticed that you're hallucinating..
Y/N: Oh?..how can I even trust you?..and what about me is hallucinating?!
Francis: Relax, relax Y/N..if I wanted to kill you or even harm you, I could've done it while you were asleep, but I didn't. Also, you're thinking about things that are very strange, events that will probably never happen..such as you being the last person on earth, or you in a wasteland battling a mech as he killed your lover, heck, the time you hallucinated your own girl as a snake hybrid.
You nodded, understanding....
Y/N: So..what do I do?.I can't forget about them..
Francis: I'd recommend this..keep dreaming about these things, these crazy scenarios, maybe you might even get to see what your future is like. If it'll be bad or good..only your dreams and hallucinations can tell you..
You process the information and look up at him..he smiled and nodded. So you understood and nodded back.
Francis: Good..now, it's time to wake up Y/N..you're gonna need a lot of work to get through this phase.
Your vision fades as you're going towards a giant bright orb..
Getting closer and closer...
You wake up, seeing yourself in your own room, you rush out of bed and go downstairs. You see Meggy, SMG4 and Mario chatting, until they see you. They get up and walk towards you.
Mario: Hello Y/N!
SMG4: Hey bro! How'd you sleep?
Meggy: Hey cutie!
You smiled warmly and hugged the three of them, catching them all off guard.
Meggy: Huh?..
SMG4: Oh..
Mario: Why are you gay?
Y/N: I'm sorry..but can I just have this moment for a little bit?..
The three look at each other, a little confused but they went along with it and hugged back.
Meggy: What happened?..did you have another bad dream?
SMG4: If so, what was it about?.
Y/N: It was a bit strange..it drove me a little bit insane..everyone disappeared off the face of the Earth. I tried to call, but it all went to voicemail..
Meggy: Oh..
SMG4: Sounds scary man!
Y/N: It was..
Mario: Sounds coo coo crazy! Did you find any spaghetti?
Y/N: No Mario..I didn't.
You said with a small smile.
Mario: Come on! You don't dream about spaghetti?!
Y/N: Nope. I already dream about something, or someone..
Meggy blushed a bit.
Meggy: Aww...
SMG4: Hey guess what?
Meggy/Y/N: What?
SMG4 shoots a troll face and shows you a meme..
"Watch yo Tone MF"
Y/N: Hah! Good one Glitchy.
Meggy: Dang!!
Mario: That bitch got slapped!
SMG4: Thank you, thank you.
Meggy: Say..you wanna help me train?
Y/N: Of course! Are we gonna get some breakfast?
Meggy: We'll go to the food court on the way there, and yes Mario, they refilled on spaghetti.
Mario: Yahoooooo!!!!!!
SMG4: You three have fun with that, I've got more memes to make!
He said as he dives back to the computer. You rolled your eyes and smiled.
Y/N: Typical.
Meggy: Come on boys, let's go! We can meet Beta, Skully and Bethy there!
You three then go to the warp pipe and travel all the way to Inkopolis to meet the others, Y/N got over his dream..
For now..
(Seems like a good way to wrap it up!)
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