What if Y/N was a child for a day?
Today, was a neat day for a hangout, so you all did so. Watching a movie and eating popcorn.
Beta: Man..this is some good ol Breaking Luigi...
Ghosti: What are you even talking about?..we're watching The Memeing Dead, fucker.
Beta: Oi fuck you, I was close..
Meggy: Not really Beta, no.
Beta: What?! Not even a little?
Y/N: Sorry Beta, but no.
Beta: Fuck.
You all sigh and pause the movie for a small break.
Saiko: I'll be right back, gotta use the restroom.
She gets up and leaves.
Mario: Mario put spaghetti on his popcorn! Now it is Popsghetti!
Jeff: Wait..you didn't..
Mario: Yup! Mario put his pingas in it!
Jeff instantly gagged and spat out the popcorn, going to the kitchen to wash his tongue out with soap and hot water.
Y/N: Mario, why did you do that?!
Mario: Why did Mario do spaghetti? Cause Mario is Mario.
Meggy: I get that, but in the popcorn?..No, that's disgusting..
Ghosti: Probably did it cause he knows he can't get bitches, he's too old.
Mario: Hey! Mario isn't old bitch.
SMG4: If you say so..
Mario: You know what?! Mario will prove it!
Desti did an eye roll and responded with smug grin.
Desti: You can't prove shit and you know it.
Mario: Oh yea? Just watch!
He jumps up and spam jumps backwards out the door, going lighting fast until clipping through E.Gadd's lab.
Mario: Hello Sir! Mario acquires assistance.
E.Gadd: Mario the heck?! How'd you get in here?!
Mario: Mario did the jump backwards trick! Now, can you help me or not?
E.Gadd: Depends..what do you need help with?
Mario: Mario wishes he was younger again.
E.Gadd: Erm, why? I mean I get it if you feel young again, but you're at a ripe age where you rescue the princess from Bowser.
Mario: But she's a bitch and ungrateful. I forget why Mr Nintendo made that Showtime game for her..
E.Gadd: So I see..well, what do you want me to do?
Mario: I dunno, can you make a potion?
E.Gadd: Hmmm...alright then, I could see what I could do..go on ahead, run off and play, I'll have your potion ready here in a few hours..
Mario: Wha?! Few hours?! But that's forever!!!
E.Gadd:..You sound like my friend's son at the store when he wants a toy but Christmas is 5 days away..just go, and I'll let you know in "FoReVeR"...
E.Gadd mocked him before getting to work on the potion, Mario pouted and left.
Mario: Hmmm..what can Mario do?..oooh! I know!
He immediately pulls out his switch and began to plays Garden Warfare 2, playing as Super Bean whilst destroying the Zombies team in PvP.
Mario: Haha! Stoopid 6 year olds, Mario's wrecking you all!
E.Gadd puts a Lobster claw in the pot, watching it glow.
E.Gadd: Great! Now for my next ingredient..
He then picks up a sharp tooth sitting with his other ingredients.
E.Gadd: A vampire's tooth? That could come in handy for the potion..
He drops it in and watches the color shift from a reddish color to a grey-pink color.
E.Gadd: Okay, that looks pretty good so far. Now, what else?.
He checks his ingredients and picks up a birthstone.
E.Gadd: Ah. This'll make it easier for the potion to work its magic!
He drops the stone in and the pot rumbles before a mist cloud forms from a silhouette of an old man, then shifts into a kid. As he watches the mist dispatch, he carefully scoops some of the potion up and gave it a test.
E.Gadd: What should I test this on to see if it works?.
He checks his lab then finds his plant sitting on the window sill.
E.Gadd: This cactus has seen better days..
He then picks it up and puts it on the table before pouring the youth potion on it. As he did so, he hid under the table in case the cactus exploded, but to his surprise, it didn't. He carefully gets up and noticed the cactus had looked more smaller, and for some reason was given a baby pacifier.
E.Gadd: Huh, guess the potion took the youngness literally..well, there are no side effects and it works, so I'll go and contact Mario.
Mario rages as he got banned for cheating on GW2.
Mario: Dis is bullshit! I'm calling Mario's dad! He works at Popcap! I'll contact the manager!! I-
He then hears his phone ringing.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Mario picks it up and holds the phone to his ear.
Mario: Hello? Dis is Spaghetti hotline! You've reached the manager! Please start after the spicy meatballs are done cooking! Thank-a you!
E.Gadd: Uh, Mario..it's me.
Mario: Oh! Hello Nerd! How's the potion?!
E.Gadd: It works, now come and pick it up. It'll be sitting on the counter when you arrive.
Mario: Oooh, okie dokie!
He hangs up and snorts his phone into his nose.
He runs across the Mushroom Kingdom and into the lab at sonic speed.
E.Gadd: Holy Smokes! You got here quick..erm, here's your potion..but be warned it has side effects such as-
Mario: Mario don't give a shet! Thank you!
He runs off with the potion, E.Gadd sighs and facepalmed.
E.Gadd: Moron..
Mario chuckles to himself and drank half the potion before then throwing the rest in a lake and walks on into the house.
The lake had turned into a bright cyan color as fish rose up lifeless.
As Mario walked in, he realized how he had shrunk on the way in.
Mario: What?!
Mario looked at himself and continues to wander to the living room.
Mario: Hello! Mario has shrunken!
Y/N: For the last time Mario, eat a regular mushroom and you'll be back to your normal size- Oh my god!
You look down at him and pick him up.
Y/N: You actually turned yourself into a baby?...
Jeff: It's like a baby had a baby!
Ghosti: No shit..
Tari: Aw, how cute!
Creeper: Holy crap!
Beta: We are not adopt him..we are not adopting him...
Beta kept saying to himself as he watched Tari adore infant Mario.
Meggy: How did you get so youthful Mario?
Mario: E.Gadd gave me some blue kool aid!
Percy:..Blue Kool Aid doesn't make you younger.
Mario: Then how did Mario get this?!
He showed Percy his baby hands.
Percy: It was probably a potion he gave you that looked like Blue Kool Aid. Ever thought of that?
Mario: No, but now Mario can eat legos! So take that assholes!
He jumps out of your hands and went to go do childish things.
Y/N: Well, now what?
Desti: Well we could just go back to watching more of the movie, I hear it's-
Mario then blew up a microwave and caused a fragment of it to hit you in the face, sending you flying into a lake.
Meggy: Y/N!!
She gets up and rushes outside to find you, then saw splashes in the lake, so she grabbed whatever was in the lake and pulled you out, but didn't realize you turned into an infant..
Meggy: Y/N are you- Oh..my god..
She held you in her hands, shocked..
Meggy: What..?..what was in that lake?..
You boop her on the nose in response, making her whole mood change from worrying, to a small smile.
Meggy: Okay..I can't stay worried about a little bean like you..
She said as she held you in her arms, taking you inside.
Beta: You find Y/N- Good lord!
He looked closer at you.
Beta:...Did Y/N have a kid with you and not tell anyone?..
Meggy shook her head and rolled her eyes.
Meggy: No, we wouldn't have hidden it for this long..the lake outside must've turned him into one! But look! He's so cute- well..he was always cute-but you know what I mean!
She held you up to Beta as he backed up a bit.
Beta: Um, that's real nice ok?..
Meggy: Don't be afraid of the child, he doesn't bite!
Beta: I don't care. I just don't like babies, they're annoying, they smell, they shove blocks up their-
You then grab Beta's snout and hug it, making him freeze up.
Beta: Uhh...
Eventually he smiled and picked you up off his nose.
Beta: Well, you're a clingy little guy aren't ya?
Meggy then nudges his arm.
Meggy: Heh, see? Babies are adorable!
Beta: Yeah, until you have to change their diapers and feed them stuff they don't wanna eat..
He jabbed back with a little smirk.
Meggy: Well that we can get passed..but look at him!
Saiko: What are you two looking at-
Then she looks at your infant self, instantly she was both shocked and adored by you.
Saiko: Awww...when did Y/N turn into a little bean..
She said as she brushed your hair with her hand.
Meggy: Must've been the lake, we should fix this, but he's just so darn cute!
Saiko: He really is! Tari, Belle, look!
Tari and Belle look over and instantly fell into awe at you.
Tari: Awwwwww!!!!
Belle: Aw..
Desti: Ugh, what is it, I-Damn, what happened to Y/N? Turned into a cute lil fella..
She smiles, and soon enough, Melony could sense a smol bean in the room and wakes up to see the commotion, upon seeing you, she smiled kindly.
Melony: Heh, So cute!!!!
Meggy: I know right?
Then Beth came along and saw the girls huddled over something, so she went over out of curiosity.
Beth: What's going on? Did someone break an art piece?..
Meggy: Nope, is the bean!
She said as she showed her you, you hugged her face, making her gasp and blush slightly, but eventually she came to her senses and held you, booping your nose, making you laugh.
Beth: Aw... what happened to Y/N?..he turned into such a wholesome little fella!
Some of the boys stared and sighed.
SMG4: Wish women looked at me that way..
Bob: Of CoUrSe He GeTs AlL tHe BiTcHeS. bUlLsHiT.
Tari: Beta, can we get one of these?
Beta instantly spat out his drink in the kitchen.
Beta: WHAT?!
Skully: Heh, Tari..I think you can only do that when you're married and all..besides, parenting is a very important thing you gotta learn. Discipline, be sure your kid doesn't turn into a cocomelon zombie-
SMG3: Yeah yeah, we get it Mr perfect..
Skully: And you can't have a kid with 4.
Skully: Actually, never mind, cause you already look pregnant with that gut of yours..
He said poking his stomach, 3 smacked his hand away and held his stomach.
He said as he dived out a window.
Meggy: Where is he going?
Skully: I don't know.
The girls went back to adoring you and took you to watch the rest of the movie, being huddled with warmth and nurturing from the girls.
(Isn't that a sight? Wait..does that mean if Y/N's now a kid?..and Meggy was dating Y/N..uh oh..)
Meggy: WAIT!-
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