What if Y/N turned into an inkling?


?: OPEN UP!!!

You hear faint pounding and a very enraged voice yelling.


You woke up in a room with everyone, everyone looked beaten. Until you saw Desti, she looked different and worn out..she didn't have tentacles for hair, she had normal human hair, she had enough of banging on the door and saw you, she ran over, pulling you up to your feet.

Desti: Y/N!! Thank god you're awake!

Y/N: Desti? what happened to you?..

Desti: Francis happened, the bastard stole my ink!!

Desti cried while hugging you tightly.

Y/N: I'm..so sorry Desti...

Desti whimpered a little..scared of what will happen next..

Y/N: What else did the fucker do?

Desti: He was about to do Meggy next for the ink zuccer, I don't know where she is..I've been trying to break this damn door down but it's not budging!

Then, you snapped.

Y/N: I'll be back Desti..keep the others safe.

You went to go out the door but Desti stopped you.

Desti: Wait..you're not actually thinking of going alone, right?! He'll hurt you or even worse! Besides, the door is locked down tight!

Desti said with some panic, you hugged her.

Y/N: I'll be fine..

Soon the others started to wake up.

Beta: Ow...my fucking head..Ugh. Y/N? De- oh my..

Desti: I know.. I'm hideous, aren't I?

Y/N: No you aren't, I'm sure Leo will think what I'm thinking too as soon as he wakes up..

Desti nods, kinda smiling.

Beta: Desti? Is that you?

Desti: Yes Beta...it's me.

Beta: What happened to you?

Desti: That Damn lizard happened.

Axol: He took my ink weaver..

Leo: Desti?!

Leo ran up and kissed Desti on the cheek.

Desti: I'm fine Leo..I just need some rest..

Leo: Good...then we'll get you a nice comfy bed to rest on as soon as we get out of here..got it?

Desti: G-Got it..

Mark: Ugh..that was not a good dream..I dreamed about anime characters everywhere.

Leo: That was real.

Mark: It was?..oh.

Mario: Mario doesn't feel good-a..

Beta: Well gee, I wonder why.

Y/N: They took Meggy to the ink chamber.

Beta: Damn it..

Saiko: Why her?!

Desti: Just like octolings, inklings produce ink.

Saiko: I meant- Oh never mind..

Tari: We gotta save her!

Y/N: Let's go! Don't worry Meggy, I'm coming!

Leo: I'm ready to crack some skulls.

You run at the door and kick it off the hinge.

Beta: Nice one! Let's get that shit-bag!

The others agreed and followed you out and see Francis with the Ink weaver, you also see Meggy in a glass tube.

Francis: Oh great. You're awake.

Meggy: Y/N! GUYS!

Desti: MEGGY!

Y/N: Hang on, we'll get you out!

Francis: Not if I have anything to say about it, and I do!

Goku appeared with blue hair.

Francis: Kill them Goku!

Goku charged up an attack and attacked the crew.


Mario: Owch!

You felt energy flow through you, once you saw the Goku fire another shot at you, somehow you managed to block it.



Y/N: you underestimate me..funny..

Your eyes glowed red and you threw Goku through the roof.

Y/N: It's time to put you in your place.

Beta: God damn!

Bowser: Whoa!

Meggy: Y/N?..

Axol: Amazing, keep fighting him Y/N! We'll take care of Francis!

You put a thumbs up and flew up after Goku.

Axol: Come on you guys! Let's get him!

Mario: Get that mofo!

Everyone ran at Francis.

Francis: Uh. Take this!

Sephiroth appeared and attacked.

Beta: So, you want a sword fight? Bring it.

Beta summoned his scythe and attack Sephiroth, as they got into an intense sword fight, everyone else were fighting Francis.

With you, you and Goku brawled in the air, you dodge his punches and blasts, you managed to hit him and made him fly backwards, he regained his focus and prepared for another attack.

Y/N: Time to finish you off..

Goku charged up his energy ball, all of a sudden he threw it at you, you summoned a fire ball and threw it at him, it split his fireball in half and evaporated Goku.


Y/N: Don't fuck with me, my girlfriend or my friends girlfriend.

Meanwhile Sephiroth and Beta were still swinging their weapons at each other, eventually Beta got a slice on Sephiroth's cheek.

Beta: Come on, is that all you go-


Beta felt pain in his stomach, he looked down and saw a blade in his stomach, he looked up at everyone else, who were in shock.

Meggy: BETA!!! NOOO!

The blade was pulled out of Beta and he was thrown at the tube Meggy was imprisoned in, it shattered, causing glass to go everywhere and for Meggy to break free.

SMG4: Shit..

Leo: This is not good...

Mark: No shit.

You came back down and saw Beta and Meggy. You saw Beta bleeding from his stomach and felt more rage.

Y/N: You..

Sephiroth tried to stab you but you dodged it and broke his sword, you then grab his head and twisted it, causing an egg cracking sound effect to play.

Desti: Ouch! That's going to hurt in the morning.

Francis was pinned down by Saiko with her hammer.

Francis: Let me go you fools!

Axol: I'll take that. Thank you.

Axol got his ink weaver back.

Francis: Hey! Give it back! Please?...

You all stare down at the beaten Francis...

Tari: What should we do with him?

Y/N: Let him blow up in the ruins..

SMG4: I agree on your vote, does anyone else agree?

Everyone else nodded.

Meggy: Let him rot in hell!

Leo: He deserves this.

Beta: D-Damn..*cough*..Right..

He said getting up, holding his wound.

Francis: Whatever happened to showing Mercy?!

Y/N: you didn't show mercy to Desti, Beta or even Meggy! So why should we show mercy to you?

Francis: But you ruined my damn plan!! If you stayed out of my way, we wouldn't be in this mess!

Y/N: Shut up-

You saw a tank appear through the wall.

Bob: WhAt Is LoVe?

Swag: Baby don't hurt me, no more.

Chris: Will you two stop making out and fire?!

Swag: Guys, I'm not gay.

Bob fired and blew up Francis, not before Francis shot you with a strange dart..you all look over at him.

Y/N: Ow.

You take the dart out and toss it away.


Bob: Uh..WhAt?

Y/N: Nothing, good job Bob!

You saw as Leo carried Desti out to the boat, as she was shooken from what happened to her earlier, You see Bowser try to pick up Beta, but he refused.

Beta: No..I'll be fine..

Tari: No you won't!! You've been stabbed!!

Saiko: Yea! We're not letting you walk on your own!

Bowser: Beta please listen to the girls..they're right.

Beta looks at them before giving in.

Beta: Okay...

Bowser smiled and picks him up.

Beta: Ah- Ow..please..careful..it still hurts a little..

Bowser: Sorry..

He carried Beta to the boat.

Y/N: We have to free the Inklings and Octolings too.

Meggy: Right. I'll help you with that.

Mark: Same here..

You three go and help the other prisoners..

..until you felt drowsy and collapsed..they both turn around in shock and confusion..

Meggy: Y/N?! Y/N!!

Mark: Y/N! What the hell happened?!

Your vision fades and you black out..



You wake up, seeing that you're in your bedroom. Feeling different, you hop out of bed, but your legs felt like jello, collapsing on the floor.

Y/N: Ow...

This sudden noise caused a red plumber to open the door.

Mario: Y/N! Mario's so happy to see you!!!

He picks you up and placed you back into the bed.

Y/N: G-Great to see you too Mario!..What happened?..

Mario: Oh...well...remember that-a lab right? Big anime bitch boy was stealing ink for his waifus or sum crap.

You nod..

Y/N: What about it?

Mario: Let's just say..you've been Nighty night for bout five days.


Mario: Coo coo crazy, isn't it?!

Y/N: Uh yeah! Is everyone ok?!

Mario: We're okie dokie! Meggy's been worried sick about you! So has everyone else!

Y/N: R-Really now?...

Mario: Yeah..And one more thing..Lookie here for Mario.

He gave you a mini mirror, to which you take and look at yourself..

You gasp and dropped it and felt your hair..

Y/N: W-What?! How did this happen?!

Mario: I dunno! You turned into Squidward!

Y/N: But-

Then you hear the door swing open again, seeing the rest of your friends.

SMG4: Christ Y/N..you're..an Inkling!

Meggy ran up and hugged you tightly, kissing you on the cheek.

Meggy: I've missed you so much!! B-But how did you turn into an inkling?..

Beta: Yeah man! How'd all that shit happen? You feel any different?

Y/N: Well yeah..my hair feels strange, and my voice feels a bit gargly and I'm able to produce ink..

Tari: Whoa..

Saiko: That's..strange..

Y/N: Yea..I guess..wait.....

You stop and think..Francis shot you with a dart..and you only felt strange after you were shot with it..

The dart changed you.

Y/N: I remember being shot with a dart on that island. When we rescued Meggy from that ink chamber?

Meggy: Oh..yeah, I remember.

Beta: How could we forget? It was about five days ago.

He shows his stab wound.

Beta: Still fresh.

He lowers his hoodie down.

Y/N: Yea...but hey..I'm still me, just changed species.

Meggy: Well I'm glad you're back and alive! And since you're an inkling..we might be able to begin splatfests with ease..but first, I gotta nurse you.

She said holding a cup of water and a tray with a sandwich on it.

Meggy: Heavy-Squid made it!

You smiled and accept the food and water.

Y/N: Aw.. thanks Meggy! Tell Heavy Squid thank you when you get the chance.

Meggy: Will do!

Axol: Are you sure you feel alright?

Y/N: I'm sure Axol..thanks.

Axol: You're welcome Y/N. I just wanna make sure you aren't hurt or anything..

Y/N: Well I'm completely fine, I appreciate your concern about me, but I'll be ok.

Axol sighed in relief.

Axol: Good..

Boopkins: Does that mean you get to watch anime with us?!

Bob: YeAh BiTcH!

Y/N: Uhhhh...

Desti: How about no?

Leo: He doesn't want to watch anime.

Boopkins: Aw man!..

Bob: YoU aSsHoLeS!

You smiled and laughed at them..

Life is back to normal..well...semi-normal, since you're now an inkling.

(Inkling Y/N & Human Desti have joined the Chat!)

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