What if Y/N died in the Anime Arc?

The battle was bloody and risky..on this stormy and dangerous occasion, Francis was cackling as he held the inkweaver in his hands.

Your girlfriend Meggy was trapped inside the InkZuccer 3000, and desperately trying to help, but her attempts are in vain..

Y/N: Don't worry Meggy, we'll get you out of there!!

Meggy: Please hurry..and be careful!! I don't wanna lose you!

Y/N: You won't! Never!

Meggy smiled a little at your words and nods.

You and the others began to fight the anime characters that Francis had spawned in.

Francis: My Waifus! TAKE EM DOWN!!


You and the other side yell and charge into combat, ready to free Meggy from her glass prison. Meggy watched with hope in her eyes, smiling more.

Meggy: Go get em...

Luigi sucked up a waifu into his vacuum before shooting her out and making her disappear.

SMG4: Nice shot Luigi!

Luigi: Go Weegee!! :)

He says before sucking up another waifu.

Desti: Luigi wait!

Luigi stops and looks at you.

Luigi: Yes Desti? What's-a up?

She thinks and looks around before explaining her plan.

Desti: Try aiming the vacuum with one of those weirdos inside em and shoot it directly at Francis's stupid face!

Luigi: Ooh, Luigi can do that!

He aims and takes a shot, the waifu screams as Francis is in shock.


He is launched into a wall, Meggy smiles in relief as she watches her friends cheer in victory.

Desti: Pfft, that was too easy-


Desti is then pushed out of the way and sent to the ground next to Saiko and Meggy's glass prison, everyone goes silent in shock as they saw you..

You've been stabbed and your vital organs have been severely damaged by a Sephiroth.

Francis: HeheheeHAHAHA!!! You fools!!!

You felt the cold steel leave your stomach..

You fell to your kness, coughing out blood.

Meggy: Y/N NOOOOOOOO!!!!

SMG4: N-No...No!!!

Mario: Oh no!

Beta: Y/N!..

Desti: Y/N, why?!

Y/N: C-Can't..run your Octoposse..I-If you're..dead..am I right?..

You smile a little as a strand of blood rolls down your mouth, looking at Meggy, you release these last words to her..

Y/N: I..Love..You..Meggy..

A tear rolled down Meggy's cheek as she watched you take your last breath, you fell lifeless onto the floor..then her teeth gridded in rage and hatred toward the rotten lizard.

Meggy: Francis! I swear to my life you'll pay for what you did!! EVERYTHING!!

Francis: HAH! Funny! Nobody cared about him anyway..

Beta: You're fucking wrong!

He yelled out in a loud voice of rage.

SMG4: I did..he was my best friend!!

Axol: I did too!..

Tari: I-I..I did!

Tari sniffled and wiped a tear from her eye.

Desti: Same here! He..saved my life!

She said before looking down at your body..

Desti: H-He..he saved my life..

She nods in respect and looks up at Francis, pulling out a shuriken.

Desti: But no one is going to save yours you bastard!

Boopkins: Y/N! You will be avenged!!

Bob: FoR dA tItTiEs!!

Francis:...Then what are you waiting for? COME ON THEN!!

Beta: Fine! You want a fight?! YOU'RE GETTING ONE!

Beta says before running in with his scythe, attacking the Sephiroth and clashing blades with him.

Sephiroth: You're lacking experience you false reaper..

Beta: Try saying that once I cut your tongue out..

Sephiroth kicks Beta back and swipes him in the eye, Beta stumbles back and felt a scar on his eye, making him angry.

Beta: You should've stabbed me in the brain while you had the chance..

He says before retaliating with ramming him into a few crates, giving the others the chance to go after Francis.

Mario: Get that motherfucker!

Tari on the other hand dragged Y/N's body towards Meggy, they both sat there and mourned him while the others went for Francis.

Francis: You wish to challenge me? Why of course! IF YOU CAN GET PASSED MY ULTIMATE FORM!!

He yells before a blue haired Goku landed in front of Francis.

Saiko: Who..is that?

Boopkins: Oh..oh no! He's the most powerful form of Goku there is!!

SMG4:..You've got to be kidding me..

Bob: LeTs KiCk HiS aSs-

Goku immediately drop kicks Bob into the wall.

Bob: Ow My OvArIeS.

Saiko grabbed her hammer, she leaps up in the air and down onto Goku's head, but the hammer didn't make contact.

Saiko: W-What the?..

Goku rammed into her and sent her tumbling into Bob.

Bob: Ow!

Saiko: Damn thing..

SMG4 snuck behind him, as did Mario, Luigi and Leo, they all dog piled him.

Only to be then forced off by a shockwave, Luigi hits the glass tube Meggy is being kept in, making a small crack.

Meggy: Luigi...?

Luigi: Uughhh...Mama....

He weakly said before falling off the tube.

Meggy examined the crack and thinks..

Meggy: What if I..kick the glass?..maybe I can get out of this and help my friends..avenge Y/N..

She said before looking down at her fallen lover...then she tried to kick the glass, but her attempt is stopped as Goku launched Boopkins like a soccer ball into the control panel, activating the ink Zuccer, Meggy then screams in agony as her ink is being extracted.

Tari: MEGGY!!


Axol switched it off and looks over at Meggy.

Axol: You ok?..

Meggy holds a thumbs up before coughing and getting up..

Meggy: Please never do that again..

Boopkins: Sorry Meggy! He kicked me into it..

Meggy nods, understanding his reasoning.

Meggy: It's..ok..

Desti looks over at Francis and back at the inkweaver..then she watched as the others struggled trying to fight Goku..

Desti: Wait a minute..

Meggy: What?..

Desti: Why not just..get that pen from him and make our own overpowered character?..

Meggy thinks for a second on the idea and nods in agreement..

Meggy: That sounds great..how do you plan on getting the pen?..

Desti: Well Goku is distracted right now..so I could just..snatch it up and take it to Axol.

Meggy: Yeah..yeah! That..could work..

Desti: Alright, just act natural, I'll be back with the pen..

She nods and looks away from Desti, watching the carnage. She winced as she saw Leo get a powerful uppercut to the jaw and sent to the ceiling.

Leo: Mayday..we're going down-

He says before getting unstuck and falling into some garbage.

Leo: Ow..I'm ok!

He said before spitting out a banana peel and taking a soup can off his head.

Francis laughed some more until he accidentally swallowed a fly and started coughing.

Francis: Damn it! You threw off my groove!

Desti snuck behind him and looked back, giving a nod. Then more tentacles latched onto Francis as he's dragged away from the scene, leaving his inkweaver behind.

Desti: Thanks guys..

Inkling: No problem! We'll take care of this freak, you go ahead and save your friends!

Desti smiles and picks up the inkweaver before running back over to Meggy.

Meggy: You got it?!

Desti: What do you think?

Meggy: Sorry..just excited..

Desti: It's fine Frenemy..let's get this over with..

She then calls out to Axol.

Desti: Yo Axol! Come here!!

Axol looks and carefully comes over, ducking under a flying Mario.


Axol: Yea?..

Desti: It's art time..

She says, holding his inkweaver. Axol smiled in response before taking the inkweaver and holding it high.

Axol: YAY! It's hero time!!

He says before finding a spare piece of paper in his back pocket and began to draw, but halfway there, he ran out of ink.

Axol: Oh shoot!..

Desti: What? What's wrong?

Axol: I'm out of ink..Francis must've used it all on Goku..

Desti: And that's a problem why?

Axol: Well I can't bring my drawings-

Desti holds a jar of fresh ink and gave it to him.

Axol: To life..

Desti: You're welcome, now get to it!

Axol: Right!

He uses Desti's ink to make the rest of what he was making, and finished it up.

Axol: There! He's finished now!

He says before the sheet of paper glows, Meggy, Desti and Axol shield their eyes and watch the piece of paper turn into..

The Almighty Shaggy.

Shaggy: Like Zoiks!! How soggy can a guy get?!

Axol: Shaggy!! Defeat Goku!

Shaggy smirks and looks at Goku, throwing a rock at his head.

Shaggy: Scooby Snacks won't work on me this time, LETS DO THIS SCOOB!

He says before ramming Goku into battle. As the titans collided, Desti looks back with a smirk and walked up to Meggy.

Meggy: Your plan worked!!

Desti: As expected..now lemme return a favor..

She says before throwing a shuriken at the glass, shattering it around her. Meggy shields her eyes to make sure she's not cut or injured by the falling shards, she opens them back up once she sees she's free.

Meggy: I'm free!..Wait- Y/N?..

She then remembered and looked down, feeling more depressed from the sight.

Desti:..I'm..sorry about him, he seemed really nice..

Axol: Yeah..

They look up as they hear a grunt and swords clashing, Beta came tumbling over some crates and battled Sephiroth some more until Sephiroth swung down but gets a face full of white power in the face.

Beta: Yeah! You like crack?! Me too!

Sephiroth was desperately looking around, but his handicapped by Beta as he snapped his neck, making the swordsman disappear.

Beta: Phew..

He catches his breath and wiped some blood off his shoulder.

Beta: Meggy? Desti? Axol?

Meggy quickly hugged Beta tightly, as he hugged back.

Meggy: Beta!..

Beta: I know..

Meggy: Can we..heal him?..

Beta: I doubt it...

He sighs in disappointment as he walked up to your body, putting his hands over your face before sliding his hand down, closing your eyes.

Beta: He was a good man..caring, loving..he died for us..

The others gathered around in sullen silence. Mourning their dead friend.

Beta: Come on..let's leave this pile of junk behind.

He says before carrying you in his arms and to the boat, the others following, Meggy hanged her head low as she walked in the very back.

Mario: Meggy?..

Meggy: Hey Red..

Mario: Mario's sorry about your loss..

Meggy: I appreciate it..thanks Red..

She hugged Mario, he hugs her back.

Then they stop as they see other inklings approach the scene.

Callie: Hey- Oh..sorry, i-is this boat taken?..

Marie: No Cals..it's officially not..

Meggy: You're welcome to climb aboard..we've got room..

The other inklings look relieved to be safe off this island as they get on board. SMG4 stared at Y/N's body, feeling something is now missing in his soul..

SMG4: Y/N..you've..been my buddy for..nearly 10 years now..who's gonna watch memes with me when I'm bored?..who's gonna take care of the endless staircase when it needs to be cleaned?..who's gonna..take care of Meggy?..

He sheds a tear and sniffled.

Meggy: Francis will pay with his life..

She said before approaching his body, looking at his face. She held his hand, rubbing it with her thumb calmly.

Meggy: You'll always be in my heart forever..I promise you that Y/N..

She says before plant a kiss on his forehead..

Inkling: Say..I hate to bother..but what do you wanna do with this guy?

They say as they clear a path, Francis was seen, tied up and gagged. He squirmed and froze up as she saw SMG4, Meggy and Desti approach with a cold stare at him..


Meggy: Why is one person spared? While another is taken?..I wish I could answer that..but death comes for us all, eventually.

The scene cuts to Meggy pushing Y/N's coffin off into the seas, she saluted and kept her posture up, holding back tears.. the others saluted as well.

Meggy: But all I knew, my boyfriend was gone, and part of me wishes I had been taken instead..

The next scene shows Meggy sitting alone on the rooftop of Inkopolis as she watched the other inklings socializing.

Meggy: The dead have settled their debts. It's up to the living to pick up the tab..and I plan on being the one, who picks up the said tab..

Then the next scene, Meggy was entering the basement as Francis was being held prisoner in chains. Meggy coldly flips a switch and watches Francis scream in agony and pain as he's electrocuted.

She stares at him, watching him suffer. Francis's reflection could be seen in Meggy's eye..

Meggy: Anyone who decides to mess with my friends like Francis did, will have to watch their backs from now on..

(Damn..Meggy's a savage..)

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