(🎃) What if Y/N became a vampire?


It's the spookiest time of the Year, You and Meggy were with the crew, Meggy was wearing her witch hat, you were wearing (your Favorite Halloween hat) at the castle, while you and her were watching Halloween, the original, Meggy got a little jumpy when Michael Myers jumpscared her in the TV.

Meggy: Eek!

Meggy hugged your side, you hugged back.

Y/N: Are you okay?

Meggy: Yeah, Michael is so scary in this version.

Y/N: I know right? He really is.

You smell something really good in the kitchen.

Y/N: You smell that?

Meggy sniffed, and smelled it too.

Meggy: I do, it smells great, what is it?

Y/N: Smells like cookies.

Meggy: I also smell brownies.

Y/N: Wait, I smell it too.

All of a sudden you hear an argument going on in the kitchen.

Y/N: Oh boy..

Meggy: Out of all days, they picked this one?

Y/N: Heh, yeah, lets go see whats up.

You and Meggy went to the kitchen and saw Bowser and Beta arguing.

Bowser: I Told you! Brownies are better!

Beta: Nah, my Halloween cookies taste better than your cubed shit!

Meggy and you struggled to keep your laughter in.

Bowser: They aren't shit! Your cookies are shit!

Beta: Really now? I've spent some of my spare time learning how to bake! Also how to make ice cream! Just like how I made that Caramel Charm and Orange Creme Sundae for the couple!

Bowser: Which couple?

Beta: Isn't it obvious? Y/N and Meggy, that's who!

Meggy: That was good.

Y/N: It really was.

Beta: You two, can you tell this guy my baking doesn't suck?

Meggy: Well, can we try a cookie first?

Beta: Sure, there over there on the plate.

Y/N: Thanks.

Beta: Enjoy.

You and Meggy walk over to the plate of cookies, they looked nice, smelled fresh, they even have a Bat cookie, a Pumpkin cookie, a Frankenstein cookie, a Skid & Pump cookie and a T-Rex cookie.

Meggy: Whats with the Tyrannosaurus cookie?

Beta: I thought it would be nice to make something like that, since I've seen people dress up as dinosaurs on Halloween before.

Meggy: Ah, gotcha.

Meggy took the pumpkin cookie, you took the T-Rex cookie and you both took a bite.

Y/N: Oh my.....

Meggy: God..

The cookie was bursting with flavor, the savory sweetness, the way the frosting melts in your mouth, it was amazing.

Y/N: That right there, is the best cookie I've ever eaten..

Meggy: You can say that again.

Beta: Hah! You see? My baking is S-Tier!

Bowser: Oh really? Try one of my brownies!

Y/N: Okay.

You and Meggy go over to the brownies, they look decent, but they smelled a bit burnt.

Y/N: How long did you leave this in the oven?

Bowser: Whats an oven?

Meggy: Seriously?! How did you even bake these then?!

Bowser: I used my firey breath.

Y/N: Interesting, I guess.

You grab one and took a bite, you instantly regret it, you spit it out in a trash can and grab some water.

Meggy: Where they really that bad?

You slowly nodded.

Y/N: Do not eat one.

Meggy: Alright, you okay?

Y/N: Yeah, that was horrible.

Bowser: What? They can't be that bad.

Bowser took a bite of one and he regrets it too.

Bowser: Dear god! I can see why you hate them..

Beta: No hard feelings, just next time use an oven, its over there, that's how you bake stuff. Like Bread, Cake, Cookies, Brownies....hell, even Brook-

Then a bat came by and bit you on the neck.

Y/N: OW!!

You held your neck in pain.

Beta: What the hell was that?!

Bowser: Damn bats!

Meggy: Y/N!!

She checked up on you and saw you holding the back of your neck.

Meggy: Did it bite you?...

You nodded.

Meggy: Here..lemme have a look.

You slowly peel away your hand for Meggy to see, she let out a small gasp.

Meggy: God..it got you good..

Y/N: Am I going to be ok?.

Beta: You'll be fine, when's the last you had your rabies shot? That bat could've been rabid.

Y/N: I hope not..but I got it recently..

Beta: Then I think you're good, just take it easy.

Y/N: Oh. Thank god.

Bowser: Ooh, I'll keep that in mind next time.

Beta: Good, you two are free to go now, if you wish.

Y/N: Thanks Beta, Happy Halloween!

Meggy: yeah, Happy Halloween Beta!

Beta: You too, go have fun! But-

Y/N: Nuh Uh! Don't you dare say it.



Beta: Don't have too much fun.

Beta winked, as you and Meggy went red.

Meggy: For gods sake Beta! First Mario, now you!?

Beta: I'm just screwing with ya, go on out there and get some candy or whatever you two like to do for Halloween. Heh.

Y/N: O-okay...

Both you and Meggy left the kitchen.

Y/N: Man, Beta can be cocky, but he knows how to bake a good batch of cookies.

Meggy: I know right, he's like the Gordon Ramsay of baking.

Y/N: I agree with you, one hundred percent.

You and Meggy went to watch another Halloween movie, this time, its Nightmare Before Christmas.

Meggy: This movie is interesting, its both Halloween and Christmas.

Y/N: Indeed.

Meanwhile, SMG4 was planning a Halloween party, while the party was up, you and Meggy decided to head over to a nice place to hang out, it was an old forest.

Meggy: I like this forest. It's nice and peaceful, but spooky at night..

You held her hand.

Y/N: I'm sure it'll be alright, as long as we stay close, we'll be alright.

Meggy smiled and held your hand back, you both head into the forest and find a pumpkin.

Y/N: How did a lone pumpkin get out here?

Meggy: I don't know.

You heard a horse in the back, and it charged towards you and Meggy.


You and Meggy ran away from the horse, you saw a man riding it, he had no head.

Y/N: Is that..The Headless Horseman?!

Meggy: Looks like it! Come on! I know a way out of this!

Meggy led you to a secret treehouse, you and her hid there until you heard no more horses.

Y/N: Remind me to never go into these woods.

Meggy giggled.

Meggy: Reminder set.

You look around the treehouse and see a box, you go to open it and for a quick second you saw a packet that said protection? But Meggy swiftly shut the box and laughed nervously with red cheeks.

Meggy. Thats uh..n-not mine..heh

You were skeptical of her but you pretended you saw nothing.

Y/N: I didn't see anything.

Meggy: Oh..good.

Y/N: Why is that good?

Meggy: Why?..oh it's uh..a Christmas present! If I showed you, it wouldn't be a present now, would it?

Y/N: Nope it wouldn't.

You and her eventually left when the coast was clear.

Meggy: This Halloween was probably the craziest.

Y/N: Yeah, definitely..

You and her walked back to the castle hand in hand.

Mario: Where were you two?

Beta: Oh they probably took my advice.

You&Meggy: BETA!

Beta: Heh! Like I said before, I'm just screwing with ya!

You frown and felt some vibrations through your body.

Y/N: Ugh..

Meggy: What's wrong?

Mario: Did he eat super glue again?

Y/N: I never ate any..Ma-Mario..

You faint and fell on your back.


You woke up again, seeing you're in a bed. You hear the door open and see Meggy, she looks shocked and immediately hugged you.

Meggy: Y/N! You're okay!

You smile and hug back.

Y/N: What happened?..

Meggy: You blacked out.

Y/N: Oh..

You remember the bat. You haven't felt this way ever since the bat..

Y/N: It was the bat, wasn't it?..

Meggy: I don't know. Maybe it was, do you feel strange?

Y/N: I do..it's this weird tingly effect and-

You felt your tongue touch your tooth, it felt very sharp and pointy for some reason. You look in the mirror and smile and immediately cover your mouth.

Meggy: What's wrong?..

Y/N: My teeth..they're different..

Meggy: Show me.

You calmly peeled your hand away, she takes a look and her eyes widen.

Meggy: Whoa..they look like mine..are you?..turning into an inkling?

Y/N: No. I don't think it's possible.

Meggy: I think you need a doctor..but I got you some food.

Y/N: Oh, thanks shorty.

Meggy: You're welcome- Hey!

She playfully punched your arm.

Meggy: Don't call me short..

She pouted.

Y/N: *Chuckled* Sorry.

You go and take the bread, and you end up burning your hand, you shout and throw the bread and held your hand in pain.

Y/N: O-Ow!!

Meggy: What?! What's wrong?!

Y/N: That toast was white hot! How long did you leave that in there?!

Meggy: Uh, that isn't even heated, it's cooled down, and that isn't toast, that's garlic bread.

Y/N: W-what?..no. No no no! That was fucking hot!

Meggy: Hey! Hey! Calm down!

Y/N: I don't know what's going on! Why am I being bullied here?!-

Meggy: Y/N-

Y/N: Maybe it was the food I ate!

Meggy: Y/N!!-


She interrupted you by hugging you.

Meggy: You need to calm down! You're gonna hurt yourself!

You hyperventilate, she took notice and gently stroked your hair and comforts you.

Meggy: Shhhhh...it's okay..you're going to be okay..

She kissed your cheek.

Meggy: Just focus on my voice.. repeat after me, I.

Y/N: I-I..

Meggy: Am.

Y/N: Am..

Meggy: Going.

Y/N: Going..

Meggy: To be.

Y/N: To be..

Meggy: Okay.

Y/N: O-Okay..

Meggy: Goodie, now you wanna know why you're gonna be okay?

Y/N: Sure, why?..

Meggy smirked.

Meggy: Because you're the proud boyfriend of a good inkling..

She kissed you and giggled, you couldn't help but smile and laugh a bit.

Meggy: Hah! See? Made ya laugh!

Y/N: Okay.. you win.

Meggy: And hey. Even if you are a vampire, don't worry, I'll love you no matter what species you are, just please don't bite.

Y/N: I promise. At least not that hard~

Meggy blushed and hid under her beanie.

Y/N: Joking!

Meggy: Don't ever say that again..please?..

Y/N: Alright, alright. My Bad.

Mario then kicks open the door.

Mario: Hello!

Meggy: Red!

Y/N: Hey Mario.

Mario: Hmm?..where's your other you?

Y/N: I'm sorry what?..

Mario: Behind-a you!

You look behind you and see your reflection is gone now.

Y/N: Oh ok.

You shook your head and held Meggy's hand.

Meggy: Huh?

Y/N: Wanna hang out again? This time no interruptions?

Meggy smiled.

Meggy: Yeah! Beta and Bowser made a fresh batch of cookies and brownies!

Y/N: Are they burnt?

Meggy: Nope. Doesn't smell burnt.

Y/N: Did Mario eat them?.

Mario: Nope!

Y/N: That crumb in your mustache told me a different story.

Mario: Uhhh..

He quickly hid the crumb.

Mario: What-a crumb?

You roll your eyes and Meggy giggled.


Y/N: Oops. Looks like you're in trouble.

Mario: It wasn't me! Was was framed!

Meggy: Who else would've eaten all the cookies?

Mario: Uhhh, there's this far red plumber named Oiram around here! He's the one eating all the cookies, not-a me!

Y/N: I see..

Beta then comes in.

Beta: MARIO I- Oh, hey Y/N, hey Meggy.

Meggy/Y/N: Hey Beta.

Beta: Say..what happened to you? Your kinda pale and your teeth..

Y/N: I'm a..vampire..

Beta: Oh..

He takes in the information and asked a question.

Beta: You aren't gonna steal anyones blood in their sleep are ya?..

Y/N: No! I guess I can get blood from the store, they have packaged blood.

Meggy: True, or you can just drink from me.

Y/N: Yeah, that too..only if you give consent.

Meggy: It's you Y/N, so yeah, I give consent. As long as you're gentle.

Y/N: Always.

Beta: Well..this is fucked up, cookies? Brownies anyone?


Beta: Mario...

Mario: I didn't do it!

Beta: Oh yeah?! Who did?!

Y/N: Oiram did it.

Beta looked at you confused.

Beta: Excuse me?..

Y/N: That's what Mario said.

Beta: Uh huh..I see...

He picked up Mario and carried him away.

Mario: What're doin?! What's-a goin on here?!

Beta: You're going to Beta's tunnel of doom, very hellish.

Mario: Noooo!

Meggy: Bye Red!

Y/N: Bye Mario!

Meggy and you watched as Beta dragged him away. Meggy then drags you to the couch.

Meggy: Come on, let's watch another movie, if that's ok with you.

Y/N: Of course it is, I love spending time with you.

Meggy smiled.

Meggy: Thank you Y/N, you're so sweet..

Y/N: Like candy.

Meggy: Good one joker, let's continue cutie.

She presses play, you both watch the Halloween Ends movie for the rest of the night.


So, Cookie? Brownie? Or you can have em mixed.

A Brookie!

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