(🎄) What if Meggy & Melony were secretly elves?
The North Pole
Santa was quite busy as usual, he got done checking the list, but once he checks it twice, a reindeer knocks an elf into Santa's room, startling him, he loses his grip and drops it, losing track of the nice and naughty list this year.
Santa: Ho no! Wait!!
He picks it up and lost his place.
Elf: Sorry boss, Blitzen is a real pain in the nutcrackers this year..
Santa: You're okay..accidents happen..
He continued to check the list.
Santa: How on earth am I gonna get all these lists checked twice?..
He then scrolled through two individuals that he had indeed checked twice before his little accident.
Santa: These two are the nicest, they'll be good helpers.
An orange girl with a beanie and headphones woke up today, ready to head over to the castle, she gets dressed in her usual outfit and heads off.
She was stopped by stepping on something, she looks down and picks up what looks like a note.
Meggy: What's this?
She reads it, and her eyes widen..
Meggy: Santa?..wait..how do I know this isn't some prank Mario's pulling?
She then realized, Mario doesn't have this type of handwriting, this was unlike any other handwriting she's seen, it was very clean and cursive.
Meggy: No, couldn't be Red..he doesn't have handwriting like this..could it be Axol?..no, he has a different type of style, and he doesn't pull pranks..
She began to think.
Meggy: Y/N?..maybe..but..this is an odd prank. Not Beta, because this note would've exploded by now.
She shakes her head and makes her way over to the castle. Puzzled by the mysterious letter.
Meggy: Maybe I could ask Zirax about this..
She makes it to the castle and finds Mario and Beta making a snowman.
Beta: Hey, Mario. Wanna hear a joke?
Mario: Okie dokie, what's the joke-a?
Beta: What's the difference between Snowmen and Snow-Women?.
Mario: I dunno, what-a?
Beta: Snowballs!
Mario couldn't help but to crack up at his little joke.
Meggy: Hey you two!
Mario: Hello Meggy!
Beta: Sup!
Meggy: What are you building?
Beta: It's a snowman..and..Mario..the carrot doesn't go there..
Meggy facepalmed and laughed.
Mario: Oh..where does it go?
Beta: On the face...it's a nose.
Mario: Oooooh! Mario had an expandable nose!
Beta: We know that..We've seen it before.
Meggy: Yep..now if you'll pardon me, I gotta see Zirax.
Beta: Good luck with that, he's been quarantined in his workroom for the past two weeks, he hasn't touched grass since.
Meggy: That's horrible! What's he doing in there that's made him so preoccupied?
Mario: Mario might have an idea~
Meggy: No Mario..
Beta: You're talking about Bob..
Meggy: *Sighed* Okay..I'm going to go talk to him, let me know when you see Y/N. I wanna talk to him later.
Beta: Noted.
Mario: Okie Dokie!
Meggy leaves Beta and Mario to do their own thing again, making their snowman.
Skully was seen on the roof putting lights on the roof. Then Beth came out of the castle, seeing Meggy.
Beth: Hey Meggy, what's that?
Meggy: Hi Bethy, it's just a letter I got, is Zirax in his room?
Beth: Sadly yes..
Meggy: I'll go talk to him, thanks Bethany.
Beth: Of course.
She smiled and carried two candy cane props out.
Beth: Skully! Where do you want these candy canes?
Skully peered over.
Skully: Just leave them where you're standing, we'll do those later.
Beth placed them down.
Beth: I can't find the Rudolph statue.
Skully: It's in the basement, we'll get it later.
Beth: Okay, What can I do to help you?
Skully: Keep the ladder steady, just in case I slip.
Beth: Slip?!
Skully: Relax, I've been on rooftops for years now, and I think I'll be fine-
He slipped on some snow and slipped off the roof.
She rushed over in a panic and found him cushioned in the snow.
Skully: Glad we have snow Eh?..
Beth shot an unamused look at him.
Beth: *Smirk* So how many years?
Skully threw a snowball at her.
Skully: Can't talk when your face is full of snow.
Beth wipes the snow off of her.
Beth: Ha ha..very funny..
She goes in the castle and finds Axol decorating the tree with tinsel. While Melony was taking a nap on the couch with some letter in her hands, it looked like the one she got.
Meggy: Hey Axol! Hey Melony!
Axol noticed her and smiled brightly.
Axol: Hi Meggy! Happy Holidays!
Meggy: Aw, thanks Axol! How's Melony doing?
Axol: She's been sleepy, I think it's the eggnog she had with Beta earlier..
Meggy: I see that..what's that in her hands?
Axol: Hmm?
Axol and Meggy noticed a note in her hands.
Axol: Oh..I didn't even notice that note, I'm not sure where it came from..
Meggy: Yeah..looks like the one I got..
Axol: The one you got?
Meggy: Yeah, I was gonna get Zirax to check it out..
Axol: Yeah..good luck with that, he hasn't left his room since November.
Meggy: I can make that change.
Axol: Okay..just be careful.
Meggy: I will, don't worry. What's the worst he can do?
Meggy: Don't start..
Axol: Okay..
Meggy: It's okay, I'm just messing with you. Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta get this looked at. See ya Axol!
Axol: Bye!
Meggy traveled down into the secret room, she reached the door which said the following:
🚫Restricted Area🚫
Enter at your own risk.
Meggy rolled her eyes and enters anyway.
She finds Zirax, under his desk, fixing some wires that were jumbled up.
Zirax: Damn wires..I should've gotten that power strip to make things a little more simple..
Meggy: Hey Zirax.
Zirax hit his head against the desk, causing Meggy to wince.
Zirax: GAH!
Meggy: Oooof....sorry..
Zirax: No no..it's my fault for being too preoccupied..
He gets out from under the desk and turns his attention to her.
Zirax: So..what can I help ya with?
Meggy: Well. You know what this is right?
Zirax: Uhh..a note?..
Meggy: Yeah..but I need you to scan this thing.
Zirax: Why exactly? Why not just find out if Y/N or someone else wrote it..
Meggy: Well no one else has this handwriting other than Simon, but I know he didn't do this.
Zirax: What makes you say that?
Meggy: Remember? Simon hates pranks.
Zirax: Oh..right. Anywho, just hand it to me and I'll scan it for you.
Meggy does so and Zirax takes it to scan it. He gets the results back and he was baffled.
Zirax: What?..impossible!
Meggy: What?! What is it?!
Zirax: I-It's from..Santa?...there's no way! He isn't even real!
Meggy: That white beaded hobo?..I didn't know he had that kind of fancy handwriting..
Zirax: But there's no way..how..you know what..just take it...I think my mind is just playing tricks on me again..
Meggy takes it back and thanks him.
Meggy: Thanks Zirax, and..you might wanna come out, it can't be healthy if you're just sitting in there, programming and doing technical things.
Zirax: I cannot promise that, but I'll try.
Meggy: Okay, if you do decide to stay in here, I'll get Saiko to drag your butt out.
Zirax: That is if she doesn't fall victim into my quils.
Zirax: Kidding, I'll be out as soon as possible.
Meggy: Good, people miss seeing you, you know that right?
Zirax: I know..I know...it's just difficult being me.
Meggy: I'm sure it is, always doing tech stuff, even I don't know how to use the gauntlet.
Zirax: I'll show you one day, if you want.
Meggy: Of course! Alright, I'll see you later, thanks again.
Zirax: You're welcome.
Meggy left Zirax's room and went to the living room again, finding Melony still asleep.
Meggy: Melony?
She ignored her.
Meggy: Melony, wake up.
Melony: Z z z..
Meggy had no other option and squished an apple under her boot.
Melony: ?!?
Meggy: Bob made me do it.
She then morphed into her Deity form.
Melony: I'll be right back..
-One Hour of BTB later-
Melony came back, feeling good about stopping Bob.
Melony: *Pant* Okay..hi Meggy!
She said happily as she wiped sweat off her forehead.
Meggy: Hi Melony! Uhh..what did you do to Bob?
Melony: He's a smoothie now! See how he likes it.
Meggy: What?
Melony: Nothing. What's that in your hands?
Meggy: A note from Santa.
Melony: *Gasps* Really?!
Meggy: Yeah! You have one too!
Melony: Where?!
Meggy: Turn around.
Melony: Okay.
She turns around, Meggy finds the letter in her hood, she pulls it out and hands it to her.
Meggy: There you go.
Melony: Wooow..
She opens it up happily and reads through it. Upon reading through, her eyes widen as she read the last paragraph.
Melony: S-Santa wrote this?..
Meggy: That's right..
Melony: Did you tell anyone about this yet?..
Meggy: No, only Zirax knows, but he's good at keeping secrets.
Melony: I mean..how do we help out Santa?..he told us not to tell anyone about this..
Meggy: It'll be simple. I mean, it's Christmas Day tomorrow.
Melony: Okay..true..how do we get there?
Meggy: You can fly right?
Melony: In my deity form, yeah.
Meggy: Go into that form.
Melony: Okay!
In a flash, she was in her deity form once again.
Melony: Grab on!
Meggy: Where?!
Melony: Anywhere!
Meggy: Seriously?..
Melony: Just take my hand. What else did you want grab?..
Meggy: You know what, it's nothing..just go.
Melony: Okaaay..
She flew off as Meggy latched onto her hand.
In the North Pole, two elves could be seen carrying a giant candy cane, as it needed to be transported to the workshop to make mints.
Elf: *Grunt* Gosh! This thing is heavy!!
Elf 2: That's what she said.
Elf: Hey! No adult jokes in the North Pole!
Elf 2: What?! Come on! You left that open for me to strike!
Elf: I did not.
Elf 2: Did too.
Elf: Can we just get this heavy cane moved?..
Elf 2: Alrighty then, this way. After that, we can grab a hot chocolate and sit by the campfire.
Elf: Sounds like a plan.
The elves continued until they hear a high pitched whistling sound, they seemed confused and looked around, then looked at each other.
Elf 2: You hear that too, right?
Elf: Yeah, what the heck is that noise?!
Elf 2: I don't know!
The first elf takes a glance and saw two figures approaching at a rapidly fast rate, which freaked him out.
Melony lands on her feet, causing a shockwave to be sent towards the two elves, flinging them into the snow, along with the huge candy cane.
Meggy: Whoa...so this is the North Pole?..
Melony: It looks so magical!!
Meggy and Melony stare in awe and the sight, they saw the candy cane forest, sugar plum trees and even houses made out of gingerbread, icing and gumdrops, they also saw a large house, which must be the workshop that Santa works in along with his elves.
Meggy sheds a tear.
Meggy: *Sniff* I-It's..beautiful...
Melony: I know..
She said as she sheds a tear as well, gazing at the sight.
Meggy: Come on, let's go see Santa!
Melony: O-Okay!! Coming!
The girls head to the workshop.
Y/N: So wait..what you're saying is that..Meggy and Melony are both elves?..
Bob: YeS! I oVeRhEaRd ThEm TaLkInG aBoUt GeTtInG a LeTtEr FrOm SaTaN!
Skully: Santa you mean?
Bob: YeS!
Y/N and Skully think about it for a moment.
Y/N: Not gonna lie..I kinda find that hard to believe.
Bob: oH rEaLlY? wElL wHeRe ArE tHeY aT tHeN?
Y/N: I-...
Now that he said that, you haven't seen Meggy nor Melony today.
Y/N: I..don't know..
Skully: Are they shopping? Or studying?
Bob: nO oNe StUdIeS oN cHrIsTmAs, IdIoT.
Skully: Heeeey...be nice..
Bob: lOl No!
Bob launched a golf trophy at his head, flinging him across the castle.
Y/N: SKULLY! Bob!! Why do you have to be like this?!
Bob: cAuSe ItS FuN! sO, aReNt Ya GoInG tO gO fInD mEgGy AnD mElOnY?
Y/N: I am. Thanks for the information Bob..and don't tell anyone else about this..
Bob: mY lIpS aRe SeAlEd.
Y/N: Good..I'll be back..
You ran off to go search for Meggy and Melony.
Bob grins under the hood.
Meggy and Melony meet up with the big man himself..
Santa: Meggy, Melony, good to always see you two!
Melony: S-Santa?..
Meggy: This can't be real..
Santa: Oh, but it is! Why else would I have sent those letters out to you two?
Melony: Well....
Santa: It's because you both are the nicest girls I've met on the nice list! So I wanna make you an offer you couldn't refuse.
Meggy: What's that?
Meggy asked with curiosity.
Santa: How would you two like to become my two superior elves?
The two gasp, in the North Pole and Santa wants the two to be a high ranked class.
Meggy: That sounds like an honor Santa..
Santa: Is that a yes little Meggy?
Meggy: Y-yes!! I'll do it!!
Santa: Ho Ho! That's great!
He turns his attention to Melony, who was still thinking about it.
Santa: And what about you little Melony?
Melony: Welll.....
Meggy: Come on Melony, this could be fun!
Santa: You'll get long breaks after, that means, long naps, food court, make a snowman-
Melony:..Long Naps?..
Santa: That's right-
Melony: I'm in!!
Santa and Meggy laugh at her immediate response.
Santa: A sleeper yeah?
Melony shyly nods.
Santa: I see, well you can have your long nap after you do your tasks, I can promise that.
Melony: Yay!
Meggy: So what tasks do we have?
Santa: Well, I have a list of them, if you don't mind doing them..I've been caught up on a lot of work recently and now..I can't make enough time to do them..so I'm hoping that I can count on you two..
Meggy: You can count on us! You won't be disappointed!
Meggy said with a confident smile, so did Melony. Santa smiled.
Santa: I knew I picked the right two. I'll be back very soon to deliver the toys! The drop off isn't due until midnight.
Meggy: Then the deadline is set, we'll get all of it done before then!
Melony: Yeah!!
Santa: Okay! Good luck! I must get going now.
Santa left Meggy and Melony in charge.
Meggy: C'mon Elves, let's get to work!!
Y/N: Okay..I looked for them in the store, in the arena, their rooms and everywhere else but no sign of them.
Bob: I tOlD yOu! ItS bEcAuSe ThEyRe ElVeS!
Y/N: Bob..now it feels like you're just making this up for attention.
As hours pass from working hard, it is now 11:59 PM and all of their work is done.
Melony: Yay!
Melony: Good job elves!! We did it!
Elf: Thank god, hopefully the big man will be proud of our work!
Elf 2: Thanks again girls for helping us.
Meggy: Anything for Santa's helpers!
Melony: Yeah! Where's Santa?..
They just realized it too, Santa was supposed to appear at midnight.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The cameraman gets thrown out of the house.
Santa: I hate it when people break into my house..
He then looks at the time and nearly choked on his hot chocolate.
Meggy and Melony pace back and fourth.
Melony: Where could he be?..
Meggy: I think-
She was interrupted by a door swinging open, they see a panicked Santa Clause.
Meggy: There you are!
Santa: Yeah! Sorry! So..ahem..how'd it go?
Melony and Meggy smile at each other then at Santa.
Melony/Meggy: We got it done!
Santa was astonished.
Santa: Wow..really?
Meggy: Yep! The elves weren't an issue and got their toy making done!
Elf 3: Why is there a platinum scythe here with a lump of coal?..
Meggy: I think I already know who's gifts are those..
Santa: Well then! How would you girls like to hop on my sleigh and help deliver the presents!
Melony: Yaaayy!!
Meggy: How long will that take?..
Santa: It's best not to think too much about it..it may seem like a long trip but I've been doing this job for centuries now, it's like cutting a piece of cake.
Meggy: I do love cake..
Santa: Everyone does! Well, except for people who are lactose intolerant.
Santa stares at someone.
MrRibbones: What?! It's not my fault I can't have milk or ice cream! I was born that way!
Santa: Anywho. Let's get going, Christmas is waiting!
Meggy: Alright, Melony, come on!
Melony: Coming!
The sleigh was here with the flying reindeer, the girls stare at it with pure excitement...
Meggy: This is your sleigh?!
Melony: Woww!!!
Santa: Sure is, I just polished it earlier.
Meggy: This is gonna be an awesome ride!
Melony: Yeah! Maybe I can tell Axol about this!
Santa: Oh..I'm afraid not..you see..
Meggy: Huh?..
Santa: I cannot allow that because..well it's against Christmas Policy..if an elf or a worker is caught on the job..it can get bad...people spread rumors..and cops will be called..
Melony: O-Oh..
Meggy: So I can't tell Y/N?..
Santa: As long as he can keep it a secret..then yes, we can make an exception.
Meggy: Okay, I'll make sure he keeps it a secret.
Many Hours Later....
Now the girls were a bit tired after delivering so many presents, but they were excited that their castle was the next one.
Santa: Next stop, Peach's Castle!
Meggy: Alright!..let's do this..*Yawn*
Melony: Z..z..z..
Santa: Melony! Wake up! You're home!
Melony stayed asleep.
Santa: Your fruit friends are in danger Melony.
She wakes up with panic.
Melony: Where?!?
Santa laughed.
Santa: It's okay Melony, look, you're home! All you need to do is deliver the presents and you'll be all good.
Meggy: Sounds good enough, come on Melony. Thanks Santa..for everything.
Santa: Of course! Enjoy your Christmas!
The two climb in the chimney.
Meggy: Ugh..how does he do this to every house each year?..
Melony: I don't know, it looks and feels uncomfortable!
Meggy: Shhhh, keep quiet..we don't wanna wake them up.
Melony: Oh, right..
The two make it down with presents to put under the tree.
Meggy: Okay, deliver the cookies up the chimney for Santa, I'll get the presents under the tree.
Melony: On it.
Melony changed into her deity form and grabbed the cookies and milk for Santa, she shoots up the chimney.
Melony: What kind of milk?!
Santa: Eh..maybe next time, I would prefer actual milk, not almond milk.
Melony: Oh..no problem!
Meggy: And last present-
?: Meggy?
Meggy's pupils shrink as she turns around like a statue, seeing her lover.
Y/N: What are you doing?..
Meggy: Y/-Y/N?..how long have you been there?..
Y/N: Long enough..now, my question?
Meggy: Oh..just..delivering presents for the tree, I saw it was a little empty this year so I decided to go ahead and drop in a few more.
Y/N:....You're an elf aren't you?..
Meggy: What?! What made you get that?..
Y/N: I hear sleigh bells, and the green pointed hat proves the point.
Meggy: O-Oh...shoot..
Y/N: Who else was involved?
Meggy: Uhh-
Melony then drops down from the chimney.
Melony: Ouch...oh! Hey Y/N!
Y/N: Melony?..
Melony: Oh..Meggy, did he find out?..
Y/N: I sure did..
Meggy closed her eyes, waiting to be told off.
Meggy: Go ahead...you deserve every right to call me out..
You responded with a hug, surprising her.
Meggy; What?..aren't you..mad or disappointed?..
Y/N: Why would I be mad at you for being Santa's helper? I would've helped with it if you told me.
Meggy smiled and hugs him.
Melony: Awww, how cute-
Then Bob comes in and fired a net on Melony, catching her.
Bob: LmAo! ThOt HaS bEen CaUgHt!
Y/N: Bob what the hell?!
Meggy: God he's such as asshole..
Bob: WhAt ArE yOu DoInG wItH tHaT sHoRt ElF?!
Meggy:..Did you just call me short?..
Y/N: Uh oh....
You back away as Meggy began to shake in anger. Meggy quickly grabbed you and kissed you, calming herself down.
Bob: Im NoT tHe OnlY oNe ThAt KnOwS!
Y/N: You didn't-
Bob: I dId!
You face palm as everyone came out of hiding.
Tari: S-sorry..
Beta: We really didn't wanna do this..but it was all Bob's stupid plan. I don't understand why we even followed his plan.
Saiko: It was idiotic..
Mario: What gifts did you get Mario?! Was is spaghetti?!
Meggy: How would you even wrap spaghetti in a box?! It'll get gross!
SMG4: Mario! Don't stress them out! They've been through how many houses?..
Melony: 7.837 billion houses in total..
Skully: Excuse me..?
Meggy: It's true, we..really did that..and I am tired..
Skully: That many houses in one night?!..huh..I must say, that's impressive.
Y/N: I agree..
Then red sparkles began to emerge, a figure formed.
Y/N: Who..is that?..
You squinted at the figure, before gasping in shock.
Y/N: What?!..But- How can that be?..
Santa: It's true Y/N, I am real.
Beta: Hold up..I thought you were fake..that the parents did the cookie eating and the presents at midnight.
Santa: That's a myth Beta.
Beta: Oh..damn..
Zirax enters the scene, looking at Santa.
Zirax: The big man himself..
Santa: Zirax.
Zirax: So..now that Bob has snitched on them..what happens?
Santa: Wait, what is he talking about?
Meggy sighed in disappointment.
Meggy: Santa..they found out..we are so sorry..
Melony: Please don't give us coal..we've been good, we promise!
Santa looked at the two as the girls gave him sad eyes. Santa smiled.
Santa: Why do you think I chose you two?
Meggy: Huh?..
Santa: It's because you two were the most well behaved..well except the many wars you went with on that plumber.
Mario: Hey!
Santa: And using your sword against enemies, but it's understandable.
Melony: Mhm...
Santa: Now, I ask that you not to bother them about gifts, as they deliver the gifts with me, not make them, they've been through a lot.
Meggy: Thanks Santa..
Melony: Yeah, thanks.
Y/N: Not a problem.
Everyone else agreed.
Bob: FiNe!
Saiko: What can we do in return?..
Santa: All I have to say is that stay nice and you'll remain on the nice list, rest well, Meggy and Melony will return shortly, as we kinda forgot a house.
Y/N: Okay..stay safe.
Santa: We will, thanks Y/N for being a good boy this year.
You smiled.
Y/N: Of course Santa.
Santa: Well, we better get going now..these gifts aren't going to deliver themselves! Come along Meggy and Melony.
Meggy: Okay, see you in the morning guys.
Axol: Bye, have fun!
Beta: But not too much f-
Tari: Beta..
Beta: Okay, okay...
Beta smirks at her, while she was unamused.
Santa: You are a special one Beta...a special case..
Beta: One of a kind.
Everybody went to bed, you couldn't wait for the morning to begin..
Y/N: I love you Meggy..
You say as you slowly start to drift off to sleep.
Meggy snuck into your room, smiling on how cute you looked asleep. She leaves a snow globe with a little note, which read "I Love You Y/N" before she left, she gave you a kiss.
Meggy: Merry Christmas Y/N.
(Merry Christmas!!)
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