what just happened

when zarkon was just about to kill alfor, alfor said" it was the only way we knew how to.......i am sorry" and zarkon stop and growl "what "

"i know this planet cant take all of us so we will find empty planets please zarkon you know we wouldnt have done it unless it was the only way we knew how "pleaded alfor 

zarkon put down his sword and went to call his army off and hagger brought back people and got help to remember. the cost was for some people a longer life.

1,000,000 years later a war start with the halfbreeds. things got worse 8,500,000 years later when earth join them of course they had a war but the halfbreed side won and those that didnt like it fled. some children of the people that fled went back and joined the halfbreeds like katie colt. katie left 5 years ago she was only 10 and according to her jounral she was planning to leave with 3 boys named lance,hunk and shiro the boy who was taking them was called keith kogane. that was the only clue. small but still helpful yes there were other things like how surprising it was to see a halfbreed or as katie called them hybrid with no sign of the other side apperantly he looked compelety human for a human galra hybrid and dark voltron, a weapon the halfbreed made with the same material as voltron.

back to the present 

"Father "said allura as she walked up to her father.

"allura whats wrong" asked alfor who was actually in a meeting with the other palladins soon to be ex palladins.

"me and the others went down and.........."said allura 

"allura what do you mean went down" asked alfor 

"to see the lions they didnt responed father i think you are training the wrong people "said allura 

"allura, i trust inverson to chose those who he thinks will be the best and that was  Veronica who replaced shiro who turn it down and left,james,ina,ryan and nadia "said alfor 

"yes but............."said allura 

"is there something you needed to tell us princess "asked trigel 

"you know i kinda agree with the halfbreed side , we didnt treat them well" said allura 

this case gyran to spit out his food and blaytz and zarkon their drinks and said all said "what" 

"i know i know but we didnt they were blame for something they couldnt control and parents for falling in love" sigh allura 

"I feel the same way princess but they are also saying that war is a better way to end this problem" said trigel 

"yes i know" sigh allura 

"Is that all you are worried about the lions not chosing someone younger" asked blaytz 

"yes and no, you all are able to keep fighting but i found out if you guys dont have heirs the people will decide and 2 out of 3 are .......creeps "said allura 

"what do you mean creeps "asked trigel 

"the 2 asked me to go on a date with them and they are more around father age" said allura 

"oh my god "said trigel 

"which ones "said gyran 

"which ones .....oh you mean umm yours and blaytz's "said allura 

"i swear to willow i will put in my will that alfor is allow to punch someone who is touching his daughter without her permission "said gyran 

"same "said blaytz 

"thanks and can i go to the market "asked allura 

"i dont know a halfbreed and 3 boys and a girl are stealing or having fun with the guards "said alfor 

"i think they are having fun with the guards according to lotor and some others they were laughing and saying come and catch me and making fun of them "said allura 

"They seem to be good at hiding as well we lose them every time "said blaytz 

"Maybe we should put our students for a mission" smile trigel 

"Hmmm sure why not allura get james,Ina,veronica,Ryan and Nadia" said Alfor 

"Okay father and ...... Zarkon can I ask you something" said allura 

"Sure what is it" said zarkon 

"Do people outside of the galra know galra" asked allura 

"I am not sure why" said zarkon 

"Because yesterday night i was that the festival and I saw them and one that was probably the 2nd shortest kept correcting the taller one from what we could hear I heard the another say come on Keith, lance and the two said coming shiro,they left "said allura 

"Wasn't there a child called lance who went with Shiro and 2 others "said blaytz 

"Yes the guy who took them was name Keith so maybe we found him already and didn't realize it "said Alfor 

"All the more to catch them" said zarkon 

"Allura go get them" said Alfor 

Allura went to get the others and found them in the training room, they took a shower then follow allura. It was quiet til Nadia said "why do they need us" 

"For a mission and one I think I know and you shouldn't be doing it no offence but if the guards can't catch them I don't think you guys can" said allura

"Allura we would be able to handle it "smiled James 

"You haven't seen them I sneak out sometimes and let me tell you the speed and strength alone can take someone down don't get me started on their flexibility or their abilities themselves "said allura 

"Allura don't you have faith in us" asked ina 

"Yes I do but we don't know if they would kill or not" said allura 

"They" asked Veronica

"Father and the palladian will explain" frown allura 

They didn't say anymore as they walk to the meeting room. When they went inside zarkon said "we have a mission, yes allura you are going as well "

"Yes "said allura and zarkon chuckle then Alfor said "have you heard about 5 people who are making fun of the guards "

"Yes I heard about them" frown James 

"What's wrong" said blaytz 

"Nothing" said James 

"We ran into them once and that's why we are training more we lost to them and they were even colour coded" said Nadia 

"What do you mean" asked Alfor 

"Well there isn't pictures of them are there but they are colour coded as in each is wearing at least a bit of the lions colours "said James 

"Oh yeah the time when I heard and saw them the shorter one that was talking was wearing red,black and purple. The taller one had blue,red and white but there was black on his clothes" said allura 

"Yeah James fought the one with the red,black and purple on it and Nadia fought the one with the blue,red and white and yes there is a bit of black" said Veronica 

"I heard their names the taller one call the shorter one Keith so that must have been who James fought and the taller one was called lance by the shorter one which is probably the one Nadia fought" said allura 

"There was one with only green and long hair by the way it looks she is the only she in the group and they called her pidge doe I don't think that is her real name and there was a big guy from wearing yellow and then there's the tallest wearing mostly black and some white "said Veronica 

"There's also another you should know "said ina 

"What is it "said Alfor 

"I researched and there is another group with similar clothes, different planet" said ina 

"So there is 10" said blaytz 

"No there's 11 the another group has 5 girls and 1 boy and plus this group 11 but there has been a sighting of a 12 person who is way older like white hair and one of the girls in the other group jokes and said says the one who is only 5 years older then princess allura" said ina 

"Did anyone catch names" asked trigel 

"Yes in fact they aren't hiding their names anyways Acxa is the blue one, Ezor is the pink one, Narti is the one with no eyes and zethrid is the one with big ears. The two that are always together and not with the group most of the time is luke and Realtin doe she has been called fay or if they are saying something like get back here. They say everytime Realtin fay so yeah. Lastly is our group yes you are right about who lance,Keith and pidge are but pidge is a nickname they have been heard calling her katie. The one in yellow is hunk and then the black is I don't know if you want to know" said ina 

"Come on tell us" said Nadia 

"Shiro" said ina 

"What" said allura 

"Shiro is the name of the one in black" said ina 

"What about the 12th member" asked Alfor 

"Elizabeth and she has a scared face she looks a lot like honvera" said ina 

"Wait Elizabeth" said honvera 

"You know her" asked zarkon 

"Yes my parent forced me never to talk about her "said honvera 

"Who is she "asked Alfor 

"She is my younger sister well half sister my mother got drunk and she was raped by a galra,she found out that he killed a child so she reported him. We tried to make Elizabeth seem normal you see she had a personality. She talk to herself and would have nightmares,her powers it was multiple colours but there was always a bit that was different now thinking about it. It felt like a mix of altean and ..."said honvera 

"And what" said Alfor 

"Druids it felt like a mix of altean and druid magic "gasped honvera 

"Really was she powerful "asked ina 

"Me and Alfor could fight her together and probably lose" said honvera 

"She is that powerful" gasped allura 

"She is the one who should be known as the strongest but she was caught selling drugs" said honvera 

"Why would she risk everything like that "asked Alfor 

"She was what people call an introvert so she didn't like attention and our parents always focus on me so she wasn't risking anything. When she was a about 6 she was attack by a creature that we still don't know what it was but it made a scar across her face, she was ugly but when you look at her she is like me in a broken mirror" said honvera 

"It isn't your fault" said Alfor 

"Never said it was, for the drugs at least. You see I could have gotten that scar if she hadn't use her magic to push me" said honvera 

"Its not your fault and never will be "said Alfor 

"May I ask, why would she be with these children "asked trigel 

"She did have children I track it when I met someone who call me aunt honvera and from what I can see from the faces. Pidge, keith,Acxa and Narti are descendants of her I think Shiro might be from what I can track from Keith father side their great grandfathers were 2nd cousins. Hunk is further and like Shiro,zethrid,ezor and lance Its so small if hunk wishes to marry any of his friends. it wouldnt be against any laws. "said honvera 

"so in a way they are related in a way they arent" asked gyrgan 

"yes but acxa and keith are cousins while narti and pidge are distant cousins to them "said honvera 

"i wonfer what they are like" said blaytz 

"well i have met lance at a party, he is pretty much the same as you except he change his persontitlay with different people. its like the person he acted was him and wasnt him" said honvera 

"so you cant tell if he shows you his actually self or not" asked trigel 

"yes and dont get me started on pidge she was also there. she is intellgent and she dont brag but she just i dont know, she just talked to lance, gave me a look and walk away. according lance she does that alot she is like another trigel"  said honvera

"what do you mean "asked trigel

"she isnt a show off or dumb she is really smart the only difference of the two of you are that she said she is doing nothing wrong she doesnt see the wrongess in herself while you will admit it "said honvera 

"she sees nothing wrong what hell is wrong with them "asked gyran 

"i dont know but i saw them leave and they are using druids magic which is dark magic" said honvera 

"so they might not be themselves "said trigel 

"no being a druid means you are born with the talent they cant be corrputed by it" said honvera 

"were you not all most a druid "asked trigel 

"yes but i wasnt a real druid "said honvera

"So its near to impossible" sigh alfor 

"no, lance seems to open to the idea, pidge even said it. they arent hiding themselves they are proud of wnat they are doing but pidge said lance didnt want people to know he was killing apperently he still cares about his family in someway. they all do but lance seems to care more about family then even hunk who according to pidge is big on family but is bigger on whats right" said honvera 

"so we are going to reason with lance" said blaytz 

"no we dont know what they are thinking so no "said honvera 

"now they seem to running to the square so get now there "said alfor 

james,Ina,veronica,Ryan, Nadia and allura ran to the town square and sure enough they were there. allura could hardly see anything that could give anything about their apperenace except for those that wasnt wearing gloves away then she notice the one in blue. 

lance thought allura she then noticed that he didnt always wear the same uniform same with others but he didnt seen to care if he could never show his face. he has been know to flirt sometimes but most of the times he doesnt and all allura could say about are the same as blaytz well except for skin colour  but srill the halfbreeds pick someone who was like blaytz. when allura came back from her thoughts she was met with lance standing right infront of her and to her surprise said "are you okay princess" 

"yes and your too close" said allura and lance step back and said "sorry i notice you werent fighting and in deep thought so after my friends beat yours i just want to know if you were alright "

"thanks umm lance right" said allura 

"yup, allura right "said lance 

"yes and shouldnt you be fighting me "asked allura 

"only if you are a threat but we arent fighting so no "said lance 

"oh okay why are you being nice^ asked allura 

"nice ? how am i being nice i just talking to you "said lance obvisly confused 

"you are asking me am i okay so you are in a way "said allura

"i guess "said lance 

"are you going to firlt with me "asked allura 

"no i am not that much of an idoit like the last time you gave me a black eye that lasted for a month" said lance 

"oh i am soo sorry" said allura 

"dont be i knew it was coming but i didnt think you would punch that hard "smiled lance 

"how come you are talking to me" asked allura 

"you kept asking me questions" said lance 

"do you want me to stop" asked allura 

lance shrug and said" i dont mind "

"really" said allura 

"really its actually refreshing to talk to someone knew" said lance 

"oh so umm do you want to ask me a question" asked allura

"allura dont" said alfor 

"how long was i thinking "said allrua 

"10 mintues" said lance 

"okay so any questions" said allura 

"umm are you sure" asked lance 

"yup "said allura 

"okay umm why are you okay with asking me questions when i could lie" asked lance 

"true you could lie but you remind me of someone and well you had the chance to kill me and you didnt "smile allura 

"and you want something" said lance 

"yup have you ever heard of a spell that can see someone past or intetions "said allura 

"yes why "said lance 

"well you need something of the person and since you need to kiss a druid to do that well i fugire a while back that you wouldnt be soo bad soo "said allura 

"no i know for a fact you hadnt had your first kiss and neither have i so no" said lance 

"please" said allura 

"i bearly know you" said lance 

"it was worth a try" said allura 

"i guess it was" sigh lance 

"so what are you" said allura 

"i am human" said lance 

"no i mean are you good or bad" said allura 

"I am grey and no i dont mean i am upset it means i am stuck in the middle since white is for good and black is for bad being grey means i am neither good or bad" said lance 

"same with the others then "said allura 

"yes" said lance 

"you know its actually nice to talk to you" said allura 

"really usually people say i am annoying" said lance 

"if you are like the person you remind me of yeah probably" smile allura

"its nice talking to you" said lance 

"same" smiled allura 

"so i am curois are you going to tell lotor you have a crush on him" smirk lance backing away 

"what how i mean i dont" said allura 

lance laugh and said" really thats not what your diary says "

"you dont know my diary password" said allura 

"its literally 1234" said lance

"how "said allura 

"you be surprise how easy it is to get in" said lance and he disappear

"That was weird in a way "said blaytz 

"Your password is 1234" said trigel 

"I need to change that" sigh allura but then she heard some running and look back to see all the palladians gone and when she said "what" she realise they were going to look in her diary and ran after them.

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