[What If...? #3]: Horror Meets Gamer

Requested by: KMSimual

Plot: What if....Hiroshi didn't meet Tari, but someone more scarier met her? This takes place way before Tari met the Smg4 crew. Well, today Tari was walking home from the game store, happy when she bought Duck simulator. However, her happiness went down the drain when she bumped into her old Highschool bullies as well as she met....her "rescuer".

What If...? #3| Monsters Aren't Born, They're Made...


[Narrator POV]

6 years ago, reports are saying that there as been corpes around the Mushroom Kingdom until this day, as the murderer hasn't been found. Bloody, disable corpses has been seen throughout the city. Some people say that the murderer is killing for sport, but that is not true. If you look closely, some corpses looked like it's been....eaten. Most corpes...are just human bones with barely to no flesh left. Nobody knows who or what kind of monster did this....but we, the readers will find out soon enough~. Also......

Happy Early Halloween~🎃

[Third POV]

It's a beautiful day in the Mushroom Kingdom. The birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and the kids are playing. It's around during the afternoon, around 2 o'clock. In the smaller part of the city of the Mushroom Kingdom, we can see a blue hair girl, maybe around her 20's, was walking through the streets. This girl is named; Tari.

She was just going home after going to a gaming tournament, not too long ago. She was really really good, possibly better than a pro. However, she is rather shy and don't really love meeting new people.

Tari: {Stretches} Man, I had fun playing Super Meme Kart. I can't wait go home and play more games before going to bed.

As Tari was walking, she came across an alleyway, deciding to take it since it was a faster way home. As Tari was walking through the dark alley, she suddenly feel a chill going up her spine....like someone was watching her. She was feeling very uneasy until she heard a glass bottle behind, making her jump in fright as she turned around.


When Tari turned around, she just only saw a glass bottle there, but....she didn't see that bottle before. She was feeling very scared as her body was still getting the chills. She was slowly backing up, until she bumped into something....no, someone was behind her. She was scared stiff until the person broke the silence.

???: {Dark and chillin' voice} Fresh meat bag~, don't you know...how to greet a new friend? Turn around....and shake my right hand~.

Scared and with basically no other choice, Tari slowly turned around and shaked the strangers and grabbed his right hand to shake.....only to start screaming in bloody murder as tears poured out her eyes as something razor sharp was drilling in her hand, having blood spill out. She was screaming as ??? was holding her hand for awhile, until he stopped.

Tari was holding her hand in immense pain. She was completely hurt from the something digging in her hand. She also got a good look at her attacker. It was a boy, probably older than her, around in his mid 20's. However, what she saw scared her as she was shocked on what she saw. This boy, had a big hole in his head, a single red piercing left eye, a fluffy jacket with some unknown red stains, grey shirt, pants and shoes. Is...is also seeing a bit of his bloody ribs from a hole in his shirt?

Anyways, this person is named; Hiroshi Sans Tatsunori....or Horror!Sans/Horror for us readers to say easier.

Horror!Sans had this wicked permanent grin on his face, satisfied for the stunt he pulled off from Tari. It was very priceless for him. Did I forget to mention that he was holding a bloody axe? Well....now you readers do know.

Horror: {Satisfied} Hehe...the old spike-spinning in the hand trick. Oh, I always loved that one~. Anyways, what's a kid like you doing here...in these lonely parts of the Kingdom~.

Tari didn't answer as she was still shocked and terrified on seeing Sans, even still in pain for what he did to her. The silence response made Sans chuckled darkly.

Horror: {Chuckles darkly} Hehehe! What? Cat got your tongue?~ Oh, where are my manners. I am....Sans, just Sans to you. Now, what is your name, fresh meat?

Still terrified and hurt, Tari decided to answer, ignoring what Sans said at the end.

Tari: {In pain, tears falling, terrified} I-I-I'm....T-Tari....b-but why d-did you hurt me..? T-That is...not a regular h-handshake!

Horror: {Smirks widen even creepier} 'Tari...huh? I'll remember that beautiful name...when I chop you up!' Heh, well...Tari, It's pretty fun~. So, where are you going?

Tari: H-H-Home....

Horror: Oh? You don't say... Welp, run along now~. Just remember...to not get caught again by freaks like me~ Hehehehe!

Tari wasted no time in running away from Sans, who was laughing is insanity off. However, when Tari turned around to look at him.....he was already long gone, but she can still hear his laughter. However what she didn't noticed, was that Sans was watching her from the shadows.

Horror: Heh...she looks...very dElIcIoUs~. I can't wait to chop her up...and eat her up~. My sister is also dying to try some fresh meat....hehehe!

As he laughed, us readers, can see behind laid 3 dead fresh corpes, blending in the darkness. It was....his next meal~.



The Next Day...



The next day, it was almost close to nighttime as we can see Tari was walking home. She finally bought the game she always wanted. The game called; Duck Simulator. It was a great game for her to get her hands on. Good thing there were plenty of stocks left. Tari was out late again, trying out other games. She had fun today and she was in a better mood, well sorta. Right now, Tari was looking at her right injured hand, remember the horrifying incident. She just couldn't believe someone...so scary-looking, hurt her...for fun! Remembering the incident just scares her to no end. She actually had a little nightmare from it, but she rather not remember it...at all.

Anyways, as Tari busy looking at her injured hand, she failed to notice that 3 figures stood in her way. One of the 3 figures, a male, got her attention.

Male Bully #1: {Evil smirk} Well, well, well, if it isn't weak little blue. Haha! Fancy meeting you here, weakling.

Hearing that voice, made Tari freeze in her spot as she recognized that voice, even those faces. There, standing there, is her past bullies from Highschool. Those 2 boys and that one girl, made her life hell back in the past. These bullies don't deserve a name...or images...so, use your imagination.

Tari was frozen in fear. She wasn't brave, she wasn't strong....she was just a weak little girl.

Female Bully: {Chuckles} How long has it been, "Tar"? A few years? Heh...you still completely ugly and weak since the last time we saw your pathetic ass.

Male Bully #2: {Annoyed} Let's just get to the damn point. Okay, you ungrateful witch! Give us your money, including your stupid game!

Male Bully #1: And if you don't, well, the pain will be....ungrateful to feel~.

Tari was shaking in fear. She didn't want to give the her prize game. She doesn't even have any money on her. So, the only she can do...is run, and that what she did. She ran as fast as she could, trying to get away from them, as they started to give chase towards her.

Female Bully: {Angry, chases Tari} Get that bitch!!!

Tari: {Running away in fear, panting} 'I...I need to get away! I have to get away! Anyone...please save me!!!!'

As Tari continued to run, she ran into another alleyway. She kept running and running.

[Tari....is consumed by fear]

Tari was completely filled with fear. As she continued to run, she took a sharp right and up ahead, it was a dead end. However, she also saw a familiar face. It was Sans, who was sitting at a hotdog stand...but, the sign said, "Selling Headdogs|$50" and the hotdog stand...was a bit...bloody? Suddenly, Sans looked her way when he saw running towards his direction. He grinned as his red left eye was glowing when Tari stopped near him, out of breath.

Horror: {Smirks grew wider} Oh?~, we meet again, little Tari. Heh, what's with the exhausted expression? It looks like you're about to... pasta-away. Hah!

Sans laughed at his own joke. Tari, who regain her breathe a bit and ignore Sans joke, deciding....to beg for his help.

Tari: {Scared, begging} P-Please Mr.Sans! H-Help me! They're chasing me! P-People w-who bullied me in the past are coming here quick! P-Please save me!

Sans smiled faltered a bit, before regaining his smile again.

Horror: Heh...alright, little sheep, but...it's gonna cost ya~.

Tari: {Desprate} O-Okay! Fine, I'll pay you anything! J-Just please help me!

Horror: Heh...whatever. Just go hide.

And just like that, Tari decided to hid on the side of Sans' hotdog stand. Sans started to walk off, with his bloody axe, as he came face to face with Tari's bullies, who happened to stopped in front of him.

Male Bully #1: {Confused} Huh? Who the hell is this old man?

Female Bully: {Creeped/Grossed out} Ew, this freak looks so creepy and very horrible! Hey ugly, Halloween isn't for, like, another few weeks!

Male Bully #2: {Angry} Enough of this shit! Oi, old man! Where the hell is that blue bimbo!? We have unfinished business with her!

Sans didn't say anything as he just grinned hungrily as his...new delicious meals. The 3 bullies began to get very nervous, until Sans broke the silence.

Horror: {Holding his axe, grinning} Did your dead parents...ever told you to never go out at night....knowing that monsters...are lurking in the shadows~. Hehehe~.

Sans then slammed his bloody axe towards the ground, startling the 3 bullies, as the axe cracked the ground a bit.

Horror: LeT's pLaY!~

Male Bully #2, even though scared a bit, charged towards Sans, ready to strike him....but it never came. In a very quick and painless motion, Sans delivered a slash towards his head, cutting it off as his body fell towards the the floor. The other 2 bullies suddenly screamed as they saw their friend dead in front of his eyes. Sans looked at the other 2, licking the blood off his axe.

Horror: {Licks blood off the axe} Mmm~ we aren't done here. I still need the rest of you for my meal~.

Back with Tari, she was balled up into a corner, terrified as tears rolled down her face. She tried covering her ears, but...she can still hear their bloody screams. Just then...everything stopped. Tari uncovered her ears....only to hear cutting...and chewing sounds. She peaked out of her hiding spot...only to almost throw up in total horror. There Sans was....chopping up her former bullies and eating them. W-What the hell?! This is sickening!!

Just then, as Sans was busy eating, he broke the silence.

Horror: {Chews on an arm} Mmm~ delicious~. Oh? Heh..sorry, little sheep. I almost forgot about you... {Grabs an eye} Eye can still see you, little sheep!~ Hehe!!

Tari started to back up from absolute fear and having tears in her eyes, as Hiroshi/Sans was slowly walking closer to her.

Horror: {Slowly raises his left arm out} Shhh~....it's okay. I promise I won't hurt you~. Trust me....if you pay me with some...food, I promise you to protect you...with my life~. Heh....you trust me, right...?

Tari was scared...no, she was traumatized and terrified to no end. She saw someone, who she barely knows, kills and eat them right in front of her eyes. But....does she have a choice..? She has no friends and she has always been picked on by a lot of people. M-Maybe...maybe she can trust Sans....right?

Even though she was scared as hell, she shakily hold out her right arm towards him.....

.....only to have Sans roughly grab her entire arm and pulled her closely, having Sans...sharp nails digging in her arm, hurting her as tears were falling fast from her eyes.

Horror: {Grins hungrily and crazily} HeheheHAHAHA! Did anyone told you...to never trust strangers? To never trust any murderers? Never trust....monsters? Heh...this is your biggest regret, little sheep. Welp, I am not satisfied with my hunger....hell, I am never satisfied. However, I need to feed my sister. I know she is starving~! Anyways....

Sans then raises his axe above his head, as Tari tried to say something but was petrified in total fear. She should've know...that his...monster...was the murderer from the news and it was her fault...for not putting two and two together. Anyways, as Sans raised his axe above his head, making his red bloody left eye glow and said...


Tari: N-Nooo!


An hour or so later, we can see Sans finishing chopping up his victims and stuff them in body bags, soaked in blood. Sans was eating another chopped arm. He was enjoying his other meal so much~.

Horror: {Chews on a arm} Mmm~ delicious. Some meat on these bones are so damn good~. That blue hair girl is surprisingly a cyborg...well, sorta as she still have plenty of delicious flesh. Now...where is my little si-

???: Brother!!

Horror: Hehe~, speak of the devil~.

Just then, Sans looked towards his left, seeing his little baby sister. Just like Hiroshi, she is also in her horror state. Her skin is very pale, she has black eyes with blood pupils, her hair is brown, her teeth is sharp as hell and her dress was covered in blood. Meet Hiroshi's little sister; Aki Papyrus Tatsunori.

Hiroshi/Sans just smiled at his baby sister.

Horror: Heh...what's up, little sheep.

Horror!Aki: You know "what's up", brother! I'm actually hungry still. D-Do you got any food?

Horror: Hehe...of course little sis, it's in the bag. Feel free to eat as much as you want~.

Horror!Aki: {Happily} Hehe...Thank you, Onii-chan!

Aki quickly wasted no time into digging in a bag and started to quickly devour a leg, probably from the blue hair chick. Hiroshi just grinned as he watched his baby sister eat until she was "satisfied".

Horror: Hehe....like I said before sis, I promise you...we will never go hungry again~. This whole world...is our buffet~♡. Hehehehe~.

-The End-

There we go! Hope you like it, my friend. I tried my best. Also, I decided to uncensored the cuss words, testing it out to see Wattpad's response. Still, I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to comment more requests for this book as I really enjoy writing these requests. I am also trying to level up as a writer...but I don't see myself improving any time soon.

Remember to vote, share, and add this story in your reading list. Please and Thank you♡. Give me a follow if you want more future stories and notifications from me♡.


October 7, 2022


Time: 7:26 am

Words: 2,626

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