[What If...? #2]: Hiroshi's Broken Insanity (Part 1)

Requested by: MylesDTate

Plot: It's been a few weeks since the Bob Arc happened. However, something wasn't right at all. A lot of murders has been happening around the Mushroom Kingdom lately. Reports says that there are giant bones left behind, with so much blood all around, and victims being slaughter in the most gruesome way. These victims...were either innocent people, bad guys, and/or children. What's also odd is that Hiroshi's been disappearing a lot lately and looking...dead. What could have happened to our hero...?

Alternative Title: What-If...Hiroshi was the enemy?

What If...? #2 |The Broken Insanity Of A Hero...



It's been a few weeks after the Bob Arc. Before the Bob Arc even happened, Hiroshi moved into a new house and settled there. During his stay at the castle for a bit, he didn't bothered to get closer to any of the crew. Some of them, thought Hiroshi was...an odd one, considering that he tends to be deadly silent, cold, or barely showing any emotions...other than just a blank stare. During the entire Bob Arc, Hiroshi wasn't present at all, confusing the crew. However, what did caught their attention was the many, many, many murders happening. The crew was left horrified.

Reports says that there was giant bones left, with many many dead corpses of children, men, women, and elders. Blood laid everywhere, gore, even a lot of buildings were destroyed. Something...or someone is causing absolute chaos and fear towa the Kingdom and must be stopped.

The gang were actually terrified as nobody has caught the murder..or in better words; a monster. They just hoped that this murderer can be put to justice as soon as possible...

[Third POV]

After the Bob Arc, in just a few weeks, the gang, minus Hiroshi, was at the castle watching the news. The gang were still horrified that the murders are still happening.

News Reporter: As you can see behind me, corpses and destroyed buildings are laid on the scene. Blood and giant bones are present as well. Whoever this monster...or group of creatures are, they seem to not stop at all, seemingly enjoying killing and destroying everything in there past, including those poor children-

In annoyance, Smg4 threw the remote at the TV, breaking it, catching most of the gang off guard.

Smg4: {Annoyed} Ugh! God dammit! Someone needs to get the police, the military, or something! These murders are getting out of hand! Whoever this person is or group is...they're dangerous!

Tari: {Holding her duck close to her, scared} W-Why would they do this..?

Meggy: {Squeezes fist} Damn! Nobody is safe with those freaks around!

Saiko: {Cracks her knuckles} If those bastards dare show their faces here, I'll pound them to the ground for those poor souls!

Mario: {Enjoying his plate of Spaghetti} Hey, if push comes to shove, we can sacrifice Luigi for our safety! :D

Hearing this, Luigi was scared sh•tless. How could his brother say that to him, as well as be calm about all of this!

Luigi: {Betrayed, hurt asf} Wah!! Mario!!! How could you say that me!!? Take this seriously!

Mario: The only seriously problem is that mah spaghetti is almost gone! >:(

Smg4: {Pissed} Mario!! This sh•t is serious!! Spaghetti isn't, so shut the hell up about that!!

Just then, everyone heard the doors to the castle opened. They saw it was Hiroshi who was coming in. He looked dead, like his emotions has been drained completely.

There was no life in his eyes. Some of the gang felt uneasy around him, but Smg4 did mention before that Hiroshi is a good kid. Anyways, when coming into the castle, he was wiping his hands, seeing that it has a bit of...red on them. When Hiroshi passed them, Boopkins noticed a red stain behind Hiroshi's jacket.

Boopkins: {Reaching out} Hey Sans..? You got a little-

Before Boopkins could fully reach out to Hiroshi, he quickly turned around and grabbed Boopkins arm, crushing it hard, making him scream and cry in pain, alerting the others.

Boopkins: {Crying in pain} Ouch!! Sans! Please let go, you're hurting me!!

Hiroshi: ...

Hiroshi wasn't listening, still dead from the inside and outside. Smg4 came to Boopkins and roughly pushed Hiroshi away, but still kept his balance.

Smg4: {Glares} Okay, Hiroshi! What has gotten into you?!

Hiroshi: ...Huh? Oh...sorry. I guess the murders traumatized me so much...I began to be paranoid about my surroundings. My apologies. I'm....sorry Boopkins.

Hiroshi said...with still no emotion whatsoever. Most of the gang believed it, but Saiko wasn't believing it one bit. To her, Hiroshi was sort of a weirdo to her. She didn't start developing a major huge crush on him in the original timeline. Something about Hiroshi...rubs her the wrong way and she doesn't like it one bit.

Boopkins: {Holds his broken arm, sniffing} I-It's okay, Sans. Y-You didn't mean too. Y-You were just scared.

Tari: Um..S-Sans? About what Boopkins was about to say earlier...what is that red stain on your jacket...?

Tari said as she pointed at the red stain on Hiroshi's jacket. Hiroshi looked at the stain and back to Tari, with same expression, not changing anytime soon.

Hiroshi: Oh...this? This is.....spaghetti sauce stain. I was actually eating at the Spaghetti contest....it was messy...

Mario: {Jealous, crying} Nooo! I missed the Spaghetti contest..?! Life is soo cruel!! ;^;

Hiroshi: ...You should've been there, Mario....it was...fun...

Hiroshi turned around and started to head to the door. Before he can actually leave, he felt a hand on his shoulder, belonging to Meggy.

Meggy: {Worried} Sans...? Are you okay? You've been disappearing a lot lately. Even when he went against Bob...you were nowhere to be found. Is...is everything okay...?

Hiroshi didn't move nor did his expression changed. He just stood there, before speaking.

Hiroshi: ....Everything is...fine.

Hiroshi's voice scared Meggy a bit, having her hand removed from his shoulder as he started to walk away.

Unknown to them, when Hiroshi was walking away, he started to twitch a bit, as blood started to leak fron his mouth, starting to grin, started to smile. A insane smile...that shouldn't exist on a person's face.

Hiroshi(?): 'They are beginning to know... I must get rid of them~. Hehe~. It's gonna be....so much fun playing with my new toys~'.

As Hiroshi left, Boopkins was pondering about Hiroshi, like something was wrong about it and he wants to visit Hiroshi's new home, unknowing what's going to happened. He wasn't the only one, Saiko thinks that Hiroshi is being very creepy, but she doesn't want to deal with him.

Timeskip close to midnight, the weather has gotten worse as it was raining with a hint of thunder.

Boopkins, along with Bob, were in front of Hiroshi's new home. The lights were off, thinking that Hiroshi asleep. Bob was a bit paranoid, thinking that the killer is still on the lose and they'll be next, since they are out on the streets...alone.

Bob: {Shaking a bit} uM, bRo? WhY aRe wE aT tHiS fooLs hOuSe? ThE kiLLeR mUsT sTiLL bE oN tHe loSe aNd I'm tOO sExY tO GeT buTT f•cKeD!

Boopkins: Don't worry Bob, I'm sure Sans can protect us and let us sleep here for the night to be safe. {Worried} I'm just worried about him and I believe he needs a friend to be there for him. Even though he...broke my arm, I still want to be there for him...he's probably going through a lot of things.

Bob: WhAtEvEr, bUt iF wE dIe, I'm kiLLiNg yOu In tHe aFtErLiFe..

Boopkins then started to knock on Hiroshi's door.

Boopkins: {Knocks on the door} Hello..? Sans...? Are you awake.......?

Suddenly the door creaked opened, showing the darkness inside of Hiroshi's house.

Boopkins: {Getting scared} .....Sans?

As Bob and Boopkins went inside of Hiroshi's house, the door suddenly closed shut, startling the duo.

Boopkins: {Frightened} Ah!

Bob: ...Oh, tHaT's nOt cReePy aT aLL..

Bob and Boopkins started to look around the living room, barely seeing anything ahead since it's so dark.

Boopkins: {Nervously gulps} I can't see.

Bob: DoN't wOrrY. I aLwAyS kEEp a fLaShLiGhT wItH mE.

Bob said as he took out a flashlight out of nowhere. As Bob turned on the light, he started scanning the first floor, the living room, until he came across a single bookshelf by the wall. Bob started to scan the books.

Bob: mAn, wHaT a NeRd. DoEs hE hAvE aNy mAgAzInEs? MaYbE sOmE dIrTy NuDeS??

Boopkins was shocked and slightly disgusted by Bob's mind. How can he think of dirty magazines at a time like this?!

Boopkins: Bob! This isn't the time for your mind to wonder off elsewhere! We should go to Sans' room first, to see if he's alright.

Bob: oH pLeAsE. It wOn'T hUrT tO lOOk aRoUnD-, oH! ThIs bOOk lOOkS iNtErEsTiNg!

Bob said as he was about to take out a book, but instead of grabbing the book completely...or looking like a book at all, turned into a switch, opening the bookshelf, revealing a almost bottomless dark staircase that keeps going down..in the dark.

Bob: {Amazed} wOaH...

Boopkins: {A bit scared} I wonder... what this leads too.

Both of Bob and Boopkins went downstairs in the secret room, unknowingly to noticed that someone was watching everything in the dark behind them, with his dark, sadistic, crazy smile, with blood leaking out his mouth. His eye was twitching as well.

It took around 10 minutes for Boopkins and Bob to get down. Once they got fully downstairs, it lead them into a giant secret room. However, they both screamed as what they saw. This room... was covered in blood. Blood was everywhere, guts and gore splattered everywhere. Boopkins was scared sh•tless, almost wanting to faint as he was letting his tears fall. Bob vomited as he can feel his heart beating in pure fear.

Boopkins: {Horrified, tears falling} W-What is...this place?!

Bob: {Terrified} S-SaNs...hE's tHe!-




Bob didn't get to finish as he got slashed by a sharp weapon from the back, lots of new blood splashing on the floor, falling towards the ground....lifeless. Boopkins screamed very loud, as tears falls from his eyes. Boopkins heard a chuckled as he looked up, only to see Hiroshi with the widest insane grin on his face as blood was leaking from his mouth as his eye was twitching. Boopkins was too afraid to say anything until Hiroshi spoked.

Hiroshi(?): {Widest crazy grin} Hehe... You shouldn't have come here~. You shouldn't have known. And now, you must die~.

Boopkins started tried to crawl away as Hiroshi was slowly getting closer, summoning a very sharp bloody bone.

Boopkins: {Extremely terrified, crying & shaking} N-No...! P-Please!! Don't come any closer!!!

Hiroshi didn't listen as he lift his bloody bone dagger over his head, having his insane grin even wider.

Hiroshi(?): LeT tHe CrAzY fUn bEgIn!~

Boopkins: {Pleading/Begging, crying harder} NOOOO-




Boopkins.....nor Bob....didn't return that night. Boopkins died from having a sharp bone stab straight into his skull and Bob was slash from the back hard, making his own guts spill out.

It's been a week since both Bob and Boopkins went missing, including Hiroshi who's been quite the whole time. The gang were extremely worried for them, fearing for the worse as they thought the the murderer as caught them. Saiko insisted the entire gang to head over to Hiroshi's house, thinking that Hiroshi probably has something to do with it as she found him being very suspicious. Some of the gang refused to suddenly accuse Hiroshi of anything, seemingly saying that he is probably terrified of what's happening.

Nevertheless, they all went towards Hiroshi's home, however, when entering, they noticed that Hiroshi wasn't to be found and noticed the secret entrance was opened. Saiko's suspicious was getting stronger as she went in, as the the rest of the gang were following behind, not knowing they were being watched from the shadows. When Saiko entered, she screamed so loud and started to cry, as the gang came in, too see something that traumatized them.

So many dead corpses laid everywhere. Blood on the walls and floors, guts and gore stinking up the place and the most horrible part, Boopkins and Bob was apart of the dead corpses. Boopkins chopped off head was on a stake and his body was stabbed into it from the bottom and Bob was laid down on the table, his stomach being cut opened as his guts were ripped out.

Saiko fell onto her knees, being very traumatized at the scene before her, including her friends. They also finally found out...on who the murderer was the whole time.

Saiko: {Tears falling, heartbroken} W-Why?! Why did they have to die?!

Tari: {Crying, heartbroken} N-No....why Sans...? Why did you do this!

Mario and Luigi were so horrified as they threw up. Bowser thought he was gonna have a heart attack...or a panic attack, probably both.

Bowser: {Panicking}...W-What...what a monster!

Meggy: {Traumatized, tears falling} W-Why....

Smg4...felt betrayal and the most hurt. Seeing his friends dead...only to find out, that his bestie, the one he known from Highschool, became a serial killer. From his side, he saw that a big board, labeling a plan and pictures of him and the crew....including his own family!?

The plan was labeled in steps:

•Step 1: Control the insanity (Failed)

•Step 2: Pretend to befriend Smg4 and his loser friends (Success)

•Step 3: Start a small Genocide (Success)

•Step 4: Kill Smg4 and his friends, then start a massive Genocide on the entire world ( )

Step 4 wasn't checked off, meaning that they are next. He noticed that there are (x) marks on his most important victims and what he saw made his heart stopped as he noticed the 2 people that have them as he looked closely. Hiroshi's own family, his Mother and little sister, has (x) marks. D-Did he killed them...? Smg4 actually knew his family when they met a few times. Smg4's horrified suspicious proofed corrected as he saw the head of Hiroshi's little sister on the table.

On the table, laid the head of Aki Papyrus Tatsunori, with a shap big bone impaled into her skull as her bottom jaw was missing as she had dried tears mark.

Smg4: {Shaking, tears falling} N-No...! Even his own family...including his sister?! Sans.....you damn monster...!

???: Oh~ Thank you.... Did you come to join the party as well~.

The gang quickly turned around towards the familiar voice, seeing that it was Hiroshi, coming out of the shadows. The gang noticed that his expression was the look of someone's insanity broken beyond repair. He was a crazy wide grin that reached towards his eyes, blood leaking out his mouth and his eyes barely having any light in them. What horrified them the most and made them want to vomit again, was that Hiroshi was holding a plate of rotten guts.

Hiroshi(?): Heh...heh...Hello my precious toy~....Care for some fresh meat?~

Smg4 was the first one to speak. He doesn't know Hiroshi anymore....

Smg4: {Feeling sick, glaring} Y-You sick... f•ck!! Why are you doing this?! Why... why did you kill these innocent people?! Why did you kill your family!? Just...why!?

Hiroshi just dropped his plate of guts on the floor, still having the same sick expression.

Hiroshi(?): ...Why? Because I can...The pleasure of killing others brings me joy~. I did...try to control it, but it was.....no use. My little sister...begged for me to spare her~, but I can't. I wanted to hear her scream and my Mother....well, she didn't get the chance to speak when I sliced her body in half~.

Saiko: {Shaking in anger, tears falling} Y-You ungrateful disgusting f•ck!! Why did you killed Boopkins, even Bob?! They did nothing to you, not even us!!

Hiroshi(?): ...You all are in the way of my plan~. I never liked any of you. All I want...is watch the world burn~.

Smg4: {Snapped} You should be stopped, Hiroshi!! Once we defeat you, you'll be locked up forever or just be executed!!

Hiroshi just laughed, not just a normal laugh, but an insane, crazy, spine-chillin' fearful laugh that put everyone on edge.

Hiroshi(?): {Calms down his laughter} Oh...? You...stop me..? I like to see you all try. It will be futile in the end....However, call me Sans now, because...Hiroshi is dead....Now-

Hiroshi, now as Sans, snapped his fingers as everyone became black and white, and his sister's head was now in the palm of his hand. Sans kept his same expression as his "formal friends" are getting ready to fight him.

Insanity!Sans: -Let's have a crazy time together~.

-End of Part 1-

To be continued...

There we go! A new what-if requested by a friend. Hope you liked the plot twist~. I did my best.

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Remember to also comment plenty of requests for me as I enjoy doing these♡. Don't be shy and comment as many as you want♡.


September 5, 2022


Time: 2:09 pm

Words: 2,925

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