[What If...? #1]: Hiroshi's "Perfect" Dream Girl (Part 1)
Requested by: Me
Inspired by: Mashed - There's Something About Amy
Plot: Takes place 2 weeks later after Season 1. Hiroshi decided to move into his new home with the help of his friends. Saiko has been acting very weird around Hiroshi that it started to creep him out. Saiko's love grew so much that she'll do anything to show how much she loves him. To bad that she gets advice from Professor E.Gad...
What If...? #1 |There's Something Wrong With Saiko...
Yep. I made that. Nothing special. Just a simple edit.
[Third POV]
It's been a few weeks after the Bob Arc. During that time, Hiroshi had found a cheap house to live in. The house is in good condition and pretty roomy. Hiroshi was pretty busy moving some of his stuff from the castle and most of his stuff from home into his new place. Some of his friends has also helped him and he appreciate the help. Speaking of friends, he noticed that something is up with Saiko. She was...starting to act very odd. When he first met her, Hiroshi noticed that the girl was sorta calling him "Senpai" and started acting a bit weird towards him since that day, but Hiroshi never paid attention to that. However, Saiko kept getting more and more odd with him as months goes by, showing him on how much she cares for him...maybe a bit too much. Hiroshi was a bit creeped out but kept quiet about it.
Hiroshi does care about Saiko, but maybe she sorta needs help. Whatever she's doing isn't really healthy in his eyes because he was starting to get very uncomfortable around her and her...affection. Anyways, at the present timeline, we can see Hiroshi was unpacking his pun books and putting them on the shelf. Hiroshi then wiped his sweat.
Hiroshi: {Wipes his sweat} Phew~. I'm almost done with unpacking my stuff. I sometimes regret on buying a lot of stuff for myself over the years, but I can't help it. {Yawns} I need a nap-
Before Hiroshi can finish on what he was gonna say, he heard the doorbell ring, catching his attention.
Hiroshi: {Confused} Huh? That's odd. I wasn't expecting any company. All my friends should be busy today. Is it my family?
Hiroshi got up from the floor and went towards his door, once he opened it, he noticed that there was a blanket on the floor with a picnic basket, food and beverages, even flowers and gifts. Hiroshi was now confused.
Hiroshi: {Confused asf} What the fu-
Just then, a girl jumped out in front of Hiroshi, making him jump back a bit as the girl started to sing.
???: {Singing} 🎵Happy Sansy day to you! Happy Sansy day to you! I made you Chicken Burgers! You're my best dream come true~!🎵
The girl who sang that new and odd song, was the girl who has a major unhealthy crush on Hiroshi. This girl is named; Saiko Bichitaru.
Usually, she wouldn't care about the love junk, but meeting Hiroshi that day, turn on a switch inside of her. Hiroshi was just perfect in her eyes, the perfect boy. Saiko did everything to get Hiroshi to notice her, but was failing badly...but we all know that Hiroshi is trying his best to ignore it as he gotten uncomfortable. And now, here she is, trying AGAIN to win Hiroshi's heart with a giant plate of Chicken sandwiches she made. One of Hiroshi's favorite chicken dishes and she made a lot.
[Comment here on what is your favorite Chicken dish: Mines is every Chicken Sandwich from any place. I'm crazy for it!]
Yep, Saiko isn't giving up. Hiroshi is too tired and sorta annoyed of Saiko's determination. The girl makes him uncomfortable.
Hiroshi: {Uncomfortable}...Uh
Saiko: {Happily, heart eyes} I made you Chicken Burgers, sweetie~! Do you love it?
Sweetie, even though Chicken Burgers are one of Hiroshi's favorite dishes, he face expression isn't really too sure about this situation. He is still uncomfortable about all this.
Hiroshi: {Still uncomfortable}.....
Before Hiroshi can say anything, Saiko cut him off.
Saiko: {Happily, heart eyes} Y'know Senpai, I realized there are all sorts of days, Christmas day, Easter day, Valentines day, but no day to celebrate the most wonderfulest, most perfect, most dreamy cutie in the whole wide world! {Inhales} So, I decided to make one!
Hiroshi was still uncomfortable in this situation. He was sweating a bit, and looking for a way out of this situation.
Saiko: Welcome to the very first "Sans Love Affection Day"!
Saiko said as a sign popped saying the name. Hiroshi doesn't even know how to feel about this at all. Should he be a bit flattered or weirded out?
Hiroshi: Uh....
Saiko: First we can have a big breakfast, then we can go watch some movies, we can sing songs, go to the beach so I see you shirtless, watch the sunset together while I tell you how sexy and hot you are!~♡
Yep...Hiroshi was way too uncomfortable at the moment. He needed to find a way of this mess.
Hiroshi: {Weirded out, rubs arm nervously} Wow...uh, that's um, a lot, S-Saiko. But, um, I'm sorta busy right now. Sorry.
Well, it wasn't a lie. Hiroshi is busy unpacking a lot of boxes. He still needed to get work so he can start sleeping a lot or working on many puns. Hiroshi's comment made Saiko a bit, but she still tried to show her smile.
Saiko: {Fake smiling, upset} O-Oh, right. You're busy...s-sure, s-sorry for bothering you...
As Hiroshi closed the door, he leaned against his front door and facepalmed in disappointment.
Hiroshi: {Sighs, facepalmed} Way to go, Sans. You made the girl upset. {Sighs once again} She went through all this trouble and I rejected her...again. Okay, y'know what, I can do this...!
As Hiroshi opened the door, seeing Saiko still there, she was happy to see him, but was sad again once Hiroshi said something.
Hiroshi: Actually, um, I'll take those Chicken Sandwiches, it'll be a shame to waste them.
As Hiroshi took the Chicken Sandwiches and closed the door, he was shocked on what he said.
Hiroshi: {Shocked} "It'll be a shame to waste them"!? I would never act like that! God dammit....
Hiroshi just ends up eating the chicken sandwiches anyways. Back with Saiko, she very sad to see that Hiroshi rejected her again as the sign fell.
Saiko: {Upset} Oh......
On her lovely walk, Hiroshi was looking at her Hiroshi wallpaper on her phone, who was smiling. Seriously this girl has a unhealthy crush on Hiroshi. At her house, she has a made-up doll of Hiroshi, many many merchandises of Hiroshi for when he sang against Bob, plenty of pictures that she secretly took of him, and a shrine of Hiroshi's "collectables".
Anyways, when she was looking at her wallpaper of Hiroshi on her phone, tears landed on her screen, meaning she was crying of being rejected for the 599th time.
Saiko: {Sniffs, whispers} W-Why won't you love me....?
Just then, Saiko heard an explosion and black smoke, coming from Professor E.Gadd's lab. Saiko wiped her tears and rushed inside.
Saiko: W-What's going on in here, old man..!
Professor E.Gadd coughed and slowly got up.
Professor E.Gadd: Owie. I got a little careless with my machine, Saiko. "Thanks" for worrying.
Professor E.Gadd noticed that Saiko was about to cry as tears were starting to build up. This worried the Professor as he quickly got up and tried to calm her down.
Professor E.Gadd: {Worried} H-Hey, easy there, dear! Please don't cry, I said I am alright.
However, that wasn't the case on why she's crying as she went to explain her problem.
Saiko: {Holding in her tears} Oh no, it's not that. I just feel so stupid! I-I tried to show Hiroshi how much I care about him, but he just doesn't wanna know! Sometimes I think that no matter what I do...he's...he's never going to love meeee!
Saiko just covered her face as she cried. Professor E.Gadd was shocked to see this side of Saiko and knowing Hiroshi. He knew Hiroshi from that day when he bought the new Super Smash Bros game and the boy helping him out sometimes. He is a good boy. He really feels bad for Saiko.
Professor E.Gadd: Aw, you poor dear. Hiroshi can be pretty dense sometimes, but I'm sure he'll come around. After all, who couldn't love you?
First of all, E.Gadd, Hiroshi isn't dense, he just decides to ignore feelings. Anyways, Saiko sniffed again, as she weakly smiled, finding some hope towards her love for Hiroshi.
Saiko: {Sniffs} Y-You really think so?
Professor E.Gadd: I know so! You know dear, the problem is that you are coming on too strong. Tell me, what does Hiroshi likes to do more than anything?
Saiko thought about E.Gadd's words and started to think. It didn't took her too long to know the answer.
Saiko: Well, I know Sansy likes to make puns...but he does love to sleep a lot.
Professor E.Gadd: EXACTLY! He loves to sleep! When you sleep, you pretty much ignore your surroundings. You know what you should do? You should ignore him. Next time you see him, completely ignore him. It will drive him crazy.
Saiko: {Le Gasp} Really?!
Saiko then quickly shook E.Gadd's hand.
Saiko: Thanks, old man! Oh, I'm gonna ignore his existence so good!!
Saiko then quickly dashed away as E.Gadd chuckled.
Professor E.Gadd: {Chuckles} Of course, dear. What are friends for..?
Saiko: {In the distance} We are not friends!!
Later the day, we can see Saiko walking happily as she suddenly spot Hiroshi, who was walking towards her direction, looking down on his phone. Saiko is going to put her plan into action.
Saiko: 'Omg! He's coming! Okay, play it cool Saiko girl. Don't look at him, don't smile, don't go "Hi Senpai!", just keep your eyes straight ahead. He'll start to miss you and his love will grow and grow and grow and then you'll GET MARRIED AND HAVE KIDS!' {Inhales} 'He's getting closer! You can do this!'
That's what Saiko just did. She ignored Hiroshi and walked passed him. Although, she also noticed that Hiroshi didn't even noticed her existence either which made her scream inside her head.
Saiko: {Internal screaming} 'AAAAAAAAAHHH!!'
Back at Professor E.Gadd's lab, Saiko was explaining that her plan fail as E.Gadd was listening and working on another machine.
Saiko: {Upset} I did just what you said, old man! I didn't say anything, or look at him, and I totally ignored his presence, but he never even look at meeee-he-he...
Saiko just continued to cry as her love for Hiroshi just started to hurt the poor girl. Professor E.Gadd stopped on what he was doing and felt sad for the girl.
Professor E.Gadd: My dear Saiko, I'm so sorry. To he honest, I was so sure that would've work. But don't cry, there's more than one way to skin a teletubby!
The red Teletubby that was in a cage felt scared about that comment. Professor E.Gadd then thought of another(failure) idea.
Professor E.Gadd: (💡)I've got it! Have you heard about Negging?
Saiko: {Confused} N-Negging...? What is that?
Professor: Well my dear, it's sort of like a backhanded compliment. Like if I said, "Nice stomach screen, it really distracts from your hideous fat face".
Red Teletubby:
Saiko wasn't too sure if she can go through with this.
Saiko: {Unsure, rubs arm} I-I'm not sure, old man. I don't want to be mean to my Sansy.
Professor E.Gadd: That's the whole point, Saiko! You need to break him down so he can see how much he needs you in his life. You need to be cruel to be kind. Just give him what he gives you.
Professor E.Gadd then turned around, facing his back towards her as he continues.
Professor E.Gadd: Well...unless you aren't serious about this...
Saiko: I-I am! I am, I am, I am!!
Professor E.Gadd secretly smiles about this.
Saiko: N-Negging. B-Be mean. Got it. Okay, t-thanks for the advice, old man!
Saiko then left again, to find Hiroshi. E.Gadd once again chuckled and waved her off.
Professor E.Gadd: {Chuckles, waves at her} Of course, my dear. Good luck.
Meanwhile with Saiko, she spotted Hiroshi talking to Meggy, Mario, and Smg4 by the castle. Saiko was mentally preparing herself for her new plan.
Saiko: {A bit nervous} 'Okay, Senpai is here! You can do this, Saiko. Be mean, be mean, BE MEAN, be mean...'.
As Hiroshi was talking towards the gang, Meggy got his attention and pointed at Saiko, who was looking a little nervous for some reason.
Meggy: Hey Sans, Saiko is here.
Hiroshi: Huh?
Saiko: {Still nervous} H-Hey Senpai, o-oh wow! I love your sweater! {Gulps} And I love the way it covers up your chubby flabby arms.
Hiroshi: {Shocked, slightly hurt}....
Ouch. To be honest, that actually offended Hiroshi a bit. Even though Hiroshi is lazy and always smiling, he still has feelings too. Mario and Smg4 was trying to hold in their laughter as Meggy was dumbfounded on what Saiko said that out of the blue.
Hiroshi: (💢) {Annoyed} Wow.....uh, thanks Saiko, I guess??
Yep, that comment from Saiko sorta annoyed him, however he smirked as he decided to get her back from that comment.
Hiroshi: {Smirks} I, uh, really like your outfit as well. It must be so nice wearing the same outfit 24/7 and never caring on how you look.
The comment from Hiroshi almost made Saiko very upset, but she forcefully smiled through gritted teeth as she comment towards Hiroshi, with a bit more anger.
Saiko: {Gritted teeth, slightly angry} Thank you. At least I keep mines clean unlike you and your gross ketchup stained shirt!
Hiroshi: {Offended} Hey!
Both Mario and Smg4 couldn't continue their laughter as they fell towards the ground, laughing their asses off. Meggy, on the other hand, was shocked as she was witnessing all of this. Hiroshi was now very annoyed, even with Mario and Smg4 who was laughing.
Hiroshi: {Annoyed} In my damn defense, my t-shirt is white! Do you know how hard it is to clean white t-shirts, even keeping them clean?! It's f••king impossible! You know what, just leave me the hell alone!
As Hiroshi quickly left, Saiko had anime tears in her eyes as she had a very shocked face that her plan didn't work.
Saiko: {Broken in the inside} 'WAAAAAAAHHHH!!!'
Back with Professor E.Gadd's lab, Saiko was crying her eyes out while holding a plushie of Hiroshi very close to her and laying on a bed that appeared out of nowhere.
Saiko: {Crying her eyes out} I-I don't get it, old man! I was mean, just like you told me to be. A-All I did was make my Sansy mad at me at the end! MY LIFE IS OVER!
Saiko continued to cry. Love does hurt her so much. She is such a mess.
Professor E.Gadd: My dear girl, I am so sorry. Negging was probably a very bad idea in my book. However, we can't give up now. I just know we can make that boy love you.
Saiko: {Dejectedly, still very upset} I-I can't. Everything hurts so much! I'm just not good enough...and I'll never be good enough!
From that last sentence, E.Gadd suddenly had another idea.
Professor E.Gadd: (💡) That's it! The problem is you! You aren't good enough for Hiroshi.
The comment wants to make Saiko cry harder, however, E.Gadd wasn't done just yet.
Professor E.Gadd: But...we can fix that.
Saiko got off the bed and walked a bit closer to E.Gadd.
Saiko: {Confused} W-What? How?
Professor E.Gadd: Simple, my dear. We change you, making you better! We make you into Hiroshi's perfect dream girl! {Having second thoughts} Wait a minute, what am I saying? Sooo many alterations... The process would be far too dangerous...
E.Gadd said the last part while smirking at Saiko. Saiko, who was oblivious towards E.Gadd's smirk, was very desperate for his help.
Saiko: {Desperately} DEW IT! I'll do anything, ANYTHING to be with my Sansy! H-He's the only perfect boy for me and that's never EVER going to change, s-so it looks like I'll have to change for him!
Professor E.Gadd: I don't know, my dear. {Smirking} Only if you are 100% sure about this decision...
Tears from Saiko's eyes started to fall down onto her Hiroshi plush as she fell onto her knees.
Saiko: {Crying softly} I-I love him dearly, old man. If I need to change everything about myself for him to love me back then...I will. Y-You understand don't you? P-Please, say that you'll me with my love...?
Professor E.Gadd then patted Saiko in the back softly, catching her by surprise.
Professor E.Gadd: {Smiles} Okay, okay. I'll help you so you can be together with Hiroshi forever.
This made Saiko smiled with her eyes closed, unknown to her that E.Gadd is smiling a bit too creepy.
Professor E.Gadd: {Creppy smile} After all.....what are friends for?
Scene change, we can see that Saiko is trapped on a table inside a new room. She was unsure about this until E.Gadd put on a breathing mask, making her fall into deep sleep.
Professor E.Gadd: That's it. Sleep tight and when you wake up, you'll be a brand new you~.
Timeskip towards night, we can see that the weather changed as it was raining and lighting was showing. Inside of E.Gadd's lab, we can see that the Professor was experimenting on Saiko as we can see bloody tools and syringes with very odd liquids inside. We can also see that E.Gadd was moving his hand over the tools until his hand landed on black lipstick. He putted on black lipstick on Saiko's lips and then some blusher, noticing Saiko was waking up from her deep sleep.
Professor E.Gadd: Just a little more blusher and...perfection~. That boy is gonna go simp mode when he sees you! Tell me dear, how do you feel?
When Saiko was barely waking up, she somehow felt different...and possibly taller.
Saiko: I feel...different.
Professor E.Gadd: Exactly, my dear! Different is always good, remember.
Saiko: Yeah...Different is good!
Saiko said she snapped the straps off her legs and arms. Saiko has also never felt more alive.
Saiko: Different is....AMAZING!!♡♡
(A/N): Again, this is just a simple edit I made. Nothing too special. I was trying to picture this edit the same way at the end of episode 1 when the psycho Amy opened her eyes. Also, "Saishi" is a Saiko x Hiroshi ship name. Not really good at those name combinations.
-End of Part 1-
To be continued...
Hope you love this what if. I did my best to change things here and there. This chapter was also an example on how my what-if's can be written with your request of the plot/inspiration. Please request any what-if.
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August 19, 2022
Time: 9:03 am
Words: 3,277
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