Once Upon A Swap

Eda, Hunter and King were standing around Eda's Human Collectibles stand, King jumping on the table and trying to grab a flag hanging above him.

Hunter noticed, and grabbed the flag, handing it over to him.

"Thanks." King said, taking it. Hunter turned to Eda.

"It's been a little slow around here." He said. King nodded.

"Yeah! Couldn't you maybe advertise around here with some lights? Seems pretty easy to run a stand." King said. Eda rolled her eyes.

"King, you may be forgetting something. I'm kind of on the run, remember? Every guard in town would be at my doorstep if I had my name in lights." Eda said, holding up her wanted poster."And besides, you're pampered all day like a baby. How hard is that life?"

"Well, I don't know if you realized, but I'm not a baby!" King yelled.

"Yeah, you're right - all three of you are babies."

Hunter turned to see Boscha, Skara, and an Oracle track student at the stand. He sighed.

"What are you doing here, Boscha?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Just here to take an ironic pennstagram next to your weird trashy stand." Boscha said, summoning her scroll and taking a bunch of pictures.

"Not funny, Boscha." He growled.

"Oh, what are you gonna do? Cast a spell?" Boscha teased. Hunter glared, his ears going red.

"How dare you insult my valiant minion! You will tremble before me!" King yelled, pointing at them.

"Oh, he's so cute!" Boscha said with a big grin, quickly taking a picture of him with a filter.

"Hey!" He yelled, pushing her away from him.

"How much? I have to own him." Boscha asked.

"You couldn't afford me, sister." King said. The three teens gushed. "That's the incorrect reaction!"

"Hey, kid! Can I offer you the latest fashions from..." Eda said, pushing her way forward and transforming her outfit into a bunch of clashing clothing. "...The human realm?"

"Yeah, no." Boscha said, walking away with her friends.

"Well, I hate her." Eda said, transforming back into her normal outfit.

"Agreed." Hunter added.

"Anyway! Back to what we were arguing about!" King said, turning to Eda. "I bet I'd do a greater job in your boots than you would in my paws!"

"Oh, really?" Eda said with a grin. "Challenge accepted. Body swap time!"

Hunter quickly backed away with his arms up. "I am going to be taking no part in this."

Eda used her staff, and with a burst of golden magic, Eda and King swapped bodies.

"Eh, suit yourself, kid - but I am gonna beat King to the ground." Eda said, examining her paws and looking down at her tail. King lost his balance in his heels before quickly standing up.

"I'll show you!" King said.

"Alright, King. Whoever can prove their body has the easiest life gets out of house cleaning duty." Eda said. King squinted his golden eyes at her.

"You're on." He said. Eda blew a raspberry at him before scampering off, her tail following behind.

"Uh... I guess I'll leave you to it, then...?" Hunter said, walking away from the stand and waving King goodbye.


Hunter sighed, flopping down onto the couch in the living room of the Owl House. He'd found some evidence that Luz was somewhere on the Boiling Isles (or at least, used to be), but he'd still made no progress on figuring out his own past. He started fiddling with his fingers, and before he knew it, he'd fallen asleep.


"Hunter! Look what I found!"

Hunter turned to see Luz, her hair in three braids, holding what looked the remains of a snake. They were in a playground, Camila watching them play from a bench.

"Woah, cool! Gross, but cool!" Hunter said with a goofy grin. "What is it?"

"This is the skin of a garter snake." Luz said, her smile growing wider. "They shed their pajamas as they grow. It means there's a snake near us, and it just got a lot bigger!"

"Creepy!" Hunter said, but laughed despite himself.

The scene changed, and Hunter and Luz were now in Luz's bedroom, Luz wearing a witch hat and brandishing a stick, while Hunter wore a blanket around him like a cloak.

"Stand down, Gildersnake, for I am the Good Witch Azura. I stand for peace." Luz said, taking a dramatic pose before crouching and holding the stick like a bazooka. "Now eat this, sucker!"

Hunter fell to the ground, a hand against his forehead in fake defeat. "No! My only weakness! Dying!" He said, and the two started rolling on the floor laughing.

The scene changed again, this time with Luz and Hunter sitting on a couch in the living room at night, Luz reading a book. She suddenly closed the book, smiling, and rested her head on Hunter's shoulder.

"Love you, hermano mayor." Luz said. Hunter smiled.

"Love you too, hermanita." He replied, resting his head on hers.

The scene changed once more, this time with Hunter running through a forest at night, tears in his eyes.

"Luz! Where are you?!" He yelled. "Luz! LUUUUZ!!"

Suddenly, a loud ping sound reverberated through the forest, and the ground cracked, gleaming white light forcing its way through the cracks. Hunter screamed as the world fell apart to pieces, leaving him floating in a vast white space-


Hunter gasped, sitting up on the couch, clutching his chest. When he looked around and realized everything was okay, he sighed in relief. He heard another ping sound, then realized it was a notification from pennstagram. He sighed in relief, opening up his conversations, curious.

Scrolling through, he discovered that he'd gotten a message from Willow.

Messages between INFO_DUMPER and HELLO_WILLOW

HELLO_WILLOW: hey hunter?

HELLO_WILLOW: are you free? gus is busy finishing some illusion hw and i alread finished my plant hw

HELLO_WILLOW: already*

INFO_DUMPER: yea im free, where do u wanna meet?

HELLO_WILLOW: ok cool! :D i was thinking maybe at the front steps of hexside, then we could just walk around

INFO_DUMPER: alr mete you ther!

INFO_DUMPER: meet* there*

Hunter dropped the scroll and it disappeared, as he got up from the couch and headed out of the Owl House.


He arrived just outside Hexside, standing against a tree. Willow had messaged him at the perfect time - he needed a distraction from Luz and his past after that dream had put him in a bad mood.

"Hey Hunter!"

Hunter turned to see Willow running up to him with a smile.

"Oh, hey Willow!" He said.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long..." Willow said.

"Oh, no, don't worry - I just got here a few minutes ago." He said.

"Phew." She said with a sigh of relief. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

She started walking forward, and Hunter quickly matched her pace, not expecting them to have started immediately.

"So, has Eda decided to enroll you at Hexside?" Willow asked. Hunter sighed.

"Nope. I still only know how to do a light glyph. I don't know any other spells yet, and both me and Eda agree that I'm not attending Hexside in the baby class." Hunter explained, looking at the ground. Willow elbowed him playfully.

"Well, I'm sure you'll find another glyph soon." Willow said, trying to cheer him up. She looked over at a food stand and gasped. "Fairy pies!"

Willow ran over with a giddy face, Hunter following behind as she looked over the muffin/cupcake-like pies with tiny fairy wings and limbs sticking out. Hunter gagged, but Willow didn't seem repulsed at all. It was probably a witch thing.

"Oh, they have so many flavors, too!" Willow said. She turned to Hunter. "You want anything?"

Hunter looked at the pies before looking back at Willow, fighting the urge to gag. "Nope, I'm good."

Willow shrugged. "Suit yourself. One fairy pie, please." She handed a few snails to the stand owner and took a pie, biting into it and leaving crumbs on her face as the two continued walking through the streets of Bonesborough.


After a few hours of walking around, chatting, and buying some cool stuff, Hunter and Willow said their goodbyes as the sun started setting. When Hunter arrived at the Owl House, he saw Eda and King sitting on the couch, a little exhausted.

"Hey guys. How'd the body swap go?" He paused. "Uh, did you guys swap back?"

"Yup, we did." Eda said. "Also the body swap was-"

"Tough. We both realized the other person had a hard life, yadda yadda, life lessons, yadda yadda." King said.

"By the way, what did you do while we were busy with our swapped bodies?" Eda asked.

"Oh, I just, hung out with a friend." Hunter said, sitting on the couch beside them. He got a ping from pennstagram and summoned the scroll.

HELLO_WILLOW: today was fun! can't wait to hang out with you again :D

Hunter smiled.

"Cute, got yourself a girlfriend." Eda said. Hunter yelped and flinched away, not having realized that Eda was peering over his shoulder at the message. His ears and cheeks went red.

"Willow isn't my girlfriend! We only met a couple weeks ago." Hunter said defensively, crossing his arms.

"Sure." Eda said with a grin that said she thought otherwise. "Anyway, I'm actually planning on looking into that whole powerless witch thing tonight that we talked about a week ago. So, I'll let you know what I find tomorrow, since you're gonna be in bed by the time I get back."

"Isn't the library about to close, though?" Hunter asked.

"Eh, my library card is revoked anyway. Didn't pay what was on my tab, so I'll have to sneak in." Eda said, getting up and stretching. "It's been a while since I've been stealthy - might be a little rusty but I should have no trouble."

"...Eda?" Hunter said. Eda turned. "Thanks - for doing this for me."

Eda smiled. "Aw, it's no problem, nerd. Now, I'm heading out. King, make sure he doesn't stay up reading."

"Yes, ma'am!" King said. Hunter rolled his eyes but chuckled despite himself. Eda walked out the door, heading to the library.


"Alright, now to get in." Eda said, arriving at the front doors of the library, chained with a giant lock. She got out a lockpick, and managed to pick the lock.

"Hah. Too easy." She muttered under her breath with a grin, heading inside the main lobby.

Rounding the corner, she arrived at the demon decimal cabinets, offering a small candy to one of them. "Alright, you little devil, where can I find out about powerless witches?"

The cabinet spit out a single notecard, and on it it said Forbidden Stacks.

"The restricted section of the library, huh?" Eda said, confused. "Wonder why it'd be there... eh, whatever. Time to go read. Ew, I hate the sentence I just said. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth."

A few minutes later, Eda snuck into the Forbidden Stacks, walking through the bookshelves carefully. She scanned the spines, searching for anything on powerless witches. Echo mice scuttered around the shelves, squeaking past.

Eventually the notecard started glowing as Eda walked towards a bookshelf. It glowed brighter and brighter as she walked, but when she took another step forward it dimmed. She took a step back and it returned to a blinding light. She looked to her left and saw a book titled Grimwalkers. With a raised eyebrow, she grabbed it, and the notecard disintegrated once she did so.

She opened to the first page and began reading:

A Grimwalker is a clone, made from several magical ingredients, however they are incapable of performing magic of their own due to the lack of a magic bile sac. Little is known about Grimwalkers, however, the ingredients to make them are as follows; a Galdorstone, Palistrom wood, Stonesleeper lungs, Selkidomus scales, and the bone of an ortet. A common, unmistakable feature of a Grimwalker is magenta-colored eyes-

Eda immediately closed the book with wide eyes. She wordlessly put the book back in its place, processing what she'd just read.

"No, he can't be..." She muttered, but the book said an unmistakable feature of a Grimwalker was magenta eyes. Hunter was the only person she'd ever seen with magenta eyes. She took a deep breath, suddenly feeling like she needed to get out of this place.

She quickly summoned her staff and flew through the library's lobby and out the doors, heading back to the Owl House - her mind spinning with what she'd just discovered. All the clues pointed towards him being a Grimwalker - the eyes, the lack of magic ability...

"...What am I gonna tell Hunter...?" She asked herself. After a few moments of silence, flying in the air in the moonlight, she sighed.

"I guess I just... won't tell him. For now." Eda told herself, frowning at the ground below her. "He doesn't need to know that he was... made, not born. He's just a kid."


Eda arrived back home, closing the door behind her. She found King and Hunter sleeping on the couch, a bedtime story in Hunter's hands. Eda smiled.

He doesn't have to know. It's fine. Eda thought, grabbing a blanket and covering Hunter and King with it, before heading upstairs to sleep in her nest.

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