Hooty's Moving Hassle
Eda sat on the couch, some cards laid out on the table, with Owlbert - Eda's palisman - on the opposite side, playing against her.
Hunter sat next to Eda, intrigued.
"Watch closely, Hunter. Hexes Hold'em is the most tricky game on the Boiling Isles. Any proper witch knows how to play." Eda said, putting a card down on the table. Lightning came from the cards, animating them. Hunter watched as the cards stood up and roared, and Owlbert's cards surged forward and attacked Eda's. It looked like he was winning.
"Now when it looks like the deck is stacked against you, that's when you bring out the wild card." Eda said, getting out a card with a tower on it. It glowed green, and Owlbert's cards disappeared in a flash of fire. Fiery letters spelling "WINNER: EDA" appeared over the table, and after a few seconds disappeared.
"Woo, I win! In your adorable owl face." Eda said. "Ah, I love the feeling of victory - it feels... fluffy?"
"Eda, you're covered in feathers!" Hunter said. Eda looked down at herself and yelped, searching for the elixir, only to find empty bottles.
"Oh, boy." She said, turning back to Hunter (and King, who had just entered the room, Francois in hand). "This is terrible. I'm out of elixir."
"Last time that happened, you turned into this thing." Hunter said, holding out his phone with a picture of the Eda-beast.
"I know I should be repulsed, but that look is fierce." Eda said. Hunter glared and crossed his arms.
"You're right, you're right. We need to head to the night market." Eda said. "But before we go, would anyone like to play one more hand of Hexes Hold-em?"
Eda patted her pockets, and looked confused when the cards weren't there. "Hey, where are my cards?"
Hunter handed Owlbert the cards. "Stop procrastinating with Hexes Hold'em! This is serious." He said, turning to Eda after Owlbert flew away with the cards.
Hunter and King headed out of the house, with Eda following behind.
"Owlbert, you sore loser, gimme back my cards!" She yelled.
As they were in the market, Eda banged on the metal grate of a shop.
"Hey, open up, Morton!" She yelled.
"Uh ju-just a minute!" Morton said.
Hunter noticed a cart with a large demon on it, with a few witches walking along with it.
"What's that?" Hunter asked.
"Those are demon hunters." Eda explained, waiting for Morton to open up shop. "Dangerous nomads who capture and sell the most powerful beasts. ...Which I'm about to become if you don't open up, Morton!" She yelled, directing it at the metal grate.
"Sorry, Eda! I was up all night potion tasting and for some reason, I don't feel great." Morton said, opening the grate.
"I'm out of all my juice, pal." Eda said.
"Oh, lemme see what I can do." Morton said, ducking down and digging around, with the clinking of potion bottles.
Hunter looked around, and notice Willow and Gus in the distance, looking dejected. He headed over.
"Hey guys! What's wrong?" He asked. Willow sighed.
"Them." She said, gesturing towards a food stand, where four girls stood. Amity was one of them, and Hunter recognized three others that Willow had told him about - Skara, Cat and Boscha.
"Amity's having a moonlight conjuring and invited everyone except me." Willow said.
"And she keeps posting about it on her pennstagram account." Gus said, getting a purple scroll out of thin air, tapping on Amity's profile showing a post of her and her friends posing.
"'It's conjuring night - no dorks allowed'?" Hunter said. He groaned, scowling at the food stand. "What a jerk."
After a few seconds, he cleared his throat, turning back to Willow and Gus with a confused look. "Uh, what's a moonlight conjuring?"
"You spend the night at someone's house, telling stories, playing games..." Willow started.
"Oh, so basically slumber parties? We have those in the human realm too." Hunter said.
Willow pulled out a book. "Then you bring something to life with moon magic!" She said excitedly.
"...So, the Boiling Isles version of a slumber party. Cool." Hunter said.
"Gus and I have never been to one. You need at least three people and-" Willow said, when Hunter cut her off.
"Well, we're three people. We could do a moonlight conjuring together." Hunter said. "...But I also have no idea how to help with the 'bringing an object to life' thing, so you might need to teach me that."
Willow and Gus beamed. Gus opened his mouth to respond, but Boscha and the others approached. Hunter glowered at them before they even spoke, knowing they were up to no good.
"Sorry you couldn't get an invite to the conjuring, Willow." Boscha said, laughing. She glanced at Hunter. "Only real witches allowed."
Amity sighed. "Leave her alone, Boscha. It's not her fault she was born without talent." She said. The girls walked away, leaving Willow with her fists clenched. She growled, vines slowly snaking from the ground.
"Hey, it's okay." Hunter said.
"Yeah! Don't waste your time getting thorny over them." Gus said. "With Hunter here, we can do our own moonlight conjuring! It'll be way better than what those guys can do."
Willow smiled at them, the vines going back in the ground. "Thanks, guys."
"And besides, this was on my bucket list!" Gus said, getting out a paper. "After owning a real human bucket!"
"Eda probably has one lying around in her Human Collectibles stash." Hunter said. "But that's for another time. I'll go tell Eda."
Hunter ran off to Eda and King, who were still at Morton's shopfront.
"I've got bad news and good news. Bad news is I'm all out 'till next week. But good news is feathers are a good look for you." Morton said.
"Morton!" Eda said, as a feather grew out of her hair.
"Fine. I wouldn't suggest this to just anybody, but but if you need your elixir you could try your luck later this evening." Morton asked.
"In the night market?" Eda asked.
"There's a guy with a stand - goes by Grimm Hammer - if anyone has what you need, it's him." Morton said.
"Hey, uh, Eda?" Hunter said. Eda turned to Hunter. "Gus and Willow are having a moonlight conjuring and I was wondering if-"
"Not tonight, I'm going out." Eda said. "I need you to watch the house, I have many precious objects in there."
Eda got and her stuff and continued walking, King and Hunter following behind.
"Also, King's coming with me. I need an extra pair of eyes looking out for pickpockets, and an extra pair of hands in case I want to pickpocket." Eda said.
"Alright, then maybe Willow and Gus could come to the Owl House?" Hunter asked.
"No. Besides, moonlight conjurings are dumb - sitting in a circle, holding hands. Pfft. It's like magic for babies." Eda said, continuing to walk away. Hunter stopped with a frown. Willow and Gus came over, and Hunter quickly hid said frown.
"Hunter! What did Eda say?" Willow asked.
"So... guys-" Hunter started.
"Oh, look!" Gus said, pointing upwards. "The moon is rising into place. And the celestial powers only align once a year."
"Oh, I can't believe I finally have enough friends for a moonlight conjuring! Thank you, Hunter! Did Eda say it was okay?" Willow asked.
Hunter paled and his hands went clammy.
"Uh, yeah! She said yes. Totally." He said nervously. "We can do it at the Owl House, as long as we don't make a mess or touch anything, and never bring it up around her."
"Yes!" Gus said, fist-bumping the air.
"You're the best!" Willow said, and began chanting in a sing-song voice with Gus. "We're gonna do a conjuring! We're gonna do a conjuring! Conjuring! Conjuring!"
Hunter stared at the moon with a gulp. "Eda won't notice..." He mumbled to himself, trying to ease his nerves.
At the Owl House, Eda put on her cloak while Hunter sat on the couch. "Hunter, you're in charge while I'm out. Make sure Hooty doesn't get into any trouble." She said.
"Hoot hoot!" Hooty opened the door. "I don't need a babysitter. I'm a big boy house!"
"Will do." Hunter said. Eda squinted her eyes at his hands, noticing he was fidgeting with them. Hunter tended to do that when he was nervous.
"You're acting suspicious. You're doing that thing when you play with your fingers." Eda said. Hunter looked at his hands, and then quickly hid them behind his back, his ears turning red.
"Uh, where's King?" Hunter asked, trying to change the subject.
"He's right here." Eda said, moving her cloak out of the way to see King, snoring, strapped in a pink baby carrier. "His little body just conks out when he's weightless. Look at this."
Eda moved from side to side, King not waking as he moved like a ragdoll. Hunter chuckled. Eda headed towards the door, though.
"Anyway, really going now." Eda said. "Oh, and Hunter?"
Hunter looked at her.
"If you mess up the house, I will never trust you again." Eda said in a menacing tone. It lightened when she spoke again, though. "No pressure! Bye!"
Eda headed out of the house, Owlbert flying after her. Hunter waved them off, a growing pit in his stomach.
Was this a good idea...? Hunter thought. He shook his head. It's fine. You're doing this for Willow and Gus. And Eda won't find out... hopefully.
"Okay, she's gone." Hunter said, when Eda was out of sight.
"Release!" Willow said. Two bushes outside glowed green and exploded, revealing Willow and Gus who'd been hiding inside them.
When they headed inside, Hooty perked up.
"Company! Hooray! Finally someone to listen to my stories! Okay, one time, a sparrow flew into my mouth, and then I-" Hooty said, when the door shut. "...Hey..."
"Welcome to the living room." Hunter said, sitting on the couch. "We call it that because the walls in here breathe."
Willow placed a hand on the wall, noticing it move with heavy breaths. "Fascinating."
Gus rummaged through a chest. "Look at all these human treasures!" He pulled out a skull. "...And actual humans!"
"This is so exciting!" Willow said with a gleeful smile on her face.
"Alright, so how do we start the conjuring?" Hunter asked.
"Well, first, we find an object to animate." She said. "Since it's our first time, we should pick something meaningful. Something beautiful." She walked over to some flowers. Gus pushed them away, brandishing an action figure in his hand.
"Like this strangely buff little man?" Gus said. He tapped the figure's stomach.
"I'm half beeb, half Bob!" The action figure said. Hunter chuckled.
"That's not exactly what I had in mind when I said 'beautiful'." Willow said. Gus gave her a pout and whimpered. She sighed.
"Okay, buff boy it is." She said.
Gus' pout immediately switched to an excited grin. "Yay! Tonight he shall be risen!"
The three of them sat down in a circle on the floor, cross-legged, surrounded by lit candles. Gus lay the figure on the ground in front of them.
"According to the conjuring books I've read, we say the incantation and make a connection with the doll." Willow said.
"Figurine." Gus corrected.
They all held hands with each other, Hunter's ears going slightly red.
"Moonlight, we call, we sing. Moonlight take this chance. Moonlight come tie the string. Moonlight start the dance!" Willow and Gus chanted, Hunter just deciding to mouth the words to pretend he was chanting with them.
Hunter looked outside the window, to see the moon still rising. Suddenly, it stopped moving, and a burst of blue light came out of it. A similar blue light burst out of the trio, spreading around the living room and extinguishing the candles.
Willow, Gus and Hunter stopped holding hands, looking down at Beefy Bob.
"That's your cue, little man." Gus said.
However, the figure didn't move - the house did. Hooty blinked, his eyes turning the same blue as the moon, making ghostly noises. The three of them screamed, losing their balance as the house stood up on bird legs.
"Uh... guys? Are you okay?" Hunter asked, a book falling off his head and he got up.
"Little buff guy, what did you do?" Gus asked, tapping the figurine's chest.
"A real man never takes accountability!" Beefy Bob said.
"I think - I think we might have animated the house by accident!" Willow said, getting up.
"The house?" Hunter said with wide eyes. "How did that happen?"
Hunter looked over at the door, opening it and nearly falling off the ledge, but grabbing tightly onto the door. Gus and Willow joined him on the ledge. The house started walking, all three of them screaming and holding onto the door and each other tightly.
"Hooty? Hooty! Hooty, you have to stop!" Hunter said. However, none of his words got through to Hooty.
"By the power of moonlight, I have risen. Hoot hoot." Hooty said.
"He's in some kind of trance!" Gus said. The Owl House stepped through two trees, and the jostling made Gus yell as he lost his balance.
"Gus!" Willow yelled, as she and Hunter quickly grabbed him and pulled him back on the ledge.
"Our magic must have spread through the house instead of the doll!" Willow said.
"Figurine!" Gus corrected for the second time. When they were all holding hands that blue glow surrounded them again.
"Hooty, stop!" Hunter yelled.
The house managed to stop just before it walked off a cliff. Hunter, Willow and Gus took a few moments to catch their breath, letting of each other and staring at their hands.
"How'd we do that?" Gus asked.
Willow looked up at the moon, before looking back down. "Hunter, Gus, hold hands again."
Confused, Hunter and Gus do so, and the glow returned. The Owl House took several steps from the cliff.
"We're controlling it withe power of friendship! Uh, the moon. Probably the moon." Willow said.
"This is amazing! What do we do now?" Gus said, the three of them letting go.
Hunter looked back at the house nervously before looking back at Gus and Willow.
"We should probably stay put..." He said.
"...But on the other hand, we've got a giant walking house and should totally take it on a joyride!" Gus said excitedly. Hunter looked at the moon, noticing it was now descending. He sighed.
"Okay, okay, but we've gotta get back before the moon sets or Eda will kill me." Hunter said.
The three of them held hands, the glow returning, the house walking around. Willow and Gus laughed. "Yeah! Joyride!"
After a little bit, Hunter noticed Boscha walking in the forest with a crow phone and duffel bag.
"Hey, is that..." Willow said, noticing too. Gus looked and saw her, glowering.
"It's Boscha. That girl who made fun of us." He said.
After a minute or two, Boscha let go of the crow phone and watched as it flew away. She turned and saw the Owl House.
"She noticed us. What do we do?" Willow asked.
"Hm..." Hunter said, a grin forming when he got an idea. "How do you guys feel about doing a little prank?"
Willow and Gus matched his cheeky grin.
"Hey. Hey you. You should stop being so mean to people. You're kind of a jerk." Hunter said through a megaphone Gus conjured, saying it in a ghost-like voice to make it funnier. It worked, because Willow and Gus giggled.
"Ew. A talking house is giving me a lecture? Whatever. I'll just TP you like I did with the rest of the neighborhood." Boscha said.
"But don't you see? I am no mere house!" Hunter said. The trio held hands, and the Owl House stood up, showing its bird legs, as Hunter let out a roar through the megaphone.
Boscha screamed and ran away, and the three of them laughed, the megaphone and glow disappearing as they let go of each other.
"I've never pranked anyone before. But now I have a taste for it." Gus said.
"We should follow her to Amity's house to show off our conjuring. That'll show her who's got no talent." Willow said.
Hunter looked at the moon, noticed it had descended considerably.
"I don't know guys, I think we should head back." Hunter said, but when he looked back he saw Gus holding the pennstagram scroll.
"Amity updated her pennstagram!" Gus said. Hunter peered over Gus' shoulder to read it.
"'Shout out to my fellow witches. #HalfWitchesCanBiteIt'?" Hunter read. He clenched his fists. "Okay, let's go stick it to Amity."
The three of them held hands, directing the Owl House to their destination.
The Owl House walked through Bonesborough, and there was a sign in the distance in front of a large manor, saying "BLIGHT MANOR".
"Look, Amity's house!" Willow said, pointing. "Time to show Amity what a real conjuring looks like."
The Owl House tried to move forward, but a rope over the roof stopped it.
"Wha-" The three of them said, looking up and seeing it. Hunter looked down at the ground and saw a giant crossbow - and the demon hunters Eda told him about earlier that day.
"Guys, they're trying to capture the house!" Hunter said, a second rope securing the house further. One of the demon hunters jumped up onto the ledge in front of them.
"Knock, knock." He said. They gasped, taking a few steps back.
The Owl House got tied up on their demon hunter cart, being pushed through the woods by the demon hunters. Hunter, Willow and Gus were tied together with rope inside the house.
"Hooty! Hooty, wake up!" Hunter yelled at the front door, despite knowing it wouldn't work.
"If you want this to end as you say, three must hold hands. It's the only way." Hooty said in his ghostly voice.
"¡Tonterías! Willow, will you help me out with Hooty?" Hunter asked. Willow looked at the floor.
"I'm sorry, Hunter. You shouldn't ask me to help out with anything." Willow said. Hunter frowned.
The cart stopped moving abruptly, and the trio screamed.
The door squeaked open, a demon hunter laughing as they dragged the trio out of the house.
"Take the house and rip out the house demon. We can sell it to restaurants as exotic meat." The demon hunter said.
"What do we do with the worms?" Another demon hunter asked, gesturing towards the trio.
"Hey!" Hunter yelled, but they didn't pay him any attention.
"Throw them over the cliff." The first demon hunter said, walking away as the other demon hunter walked towards them. Gus whimpered as the demon hunter chuckled.
"All righty, kids. Here's the end of your short little lives." They said, shoving them to the edge of the cliff overlooking the sea. Gus groaned.
"Wait wait wait!" Gus turned the group so that he was facing the demon hunter. "Is this really want you want to be doing with your life? Tossing kids from cliffs?"
"Actually, yes. It's been my dream since I was a boy." The demon hunter said. The three of them stared at him for a long moment. "I was a strange child. Wheee!"
He said, pushing them off and laughing as the three of them screamed.
However, a branch sticking out from the cliffside broke their fall - but they were dangling from it.
"If we're not killed now, we will be when Eda finds out about the house." Hunter said.
"Hunter, I'm so sorry. You wanted to turn back but I just had to show off to Amity." Willow said. "The truth is... I used to be friends with Amity."
"It's okay Willow. Also... you did?" Hunter asked. The branch cracked.
"Yeah... We played together as kids, but when she got her magical powers and I didn't, she stopped hanging out with me." Willow said.
"Guys, is now the best time?" Gus asked, noticing the branch breaking.
Willow sighed. "I just wanted to prove to her that I was a powerful witch too." She said.
"Well, you are a powerful witch! Not only did you animate an entire house, you're really good at plant magic!" Hunter said. "You're just a late bloomer - that's all."
Willow smiled.
"Next to Eda, you're the most powerful witch I know." He said. He looked at Gus. "No offense, Gus."
"No, not at all. I know what I'm about." King said.
The branch cracked again, and the three of them yelped.
"This tree can't hold us much longer." Gus said. Willow grunted, and managed to free her hand from the rope bindings.
"There! Now if I could just reach that root..." She said, straining to grab the root - she reached out and managed to grab it. "Gotcha!"
Her hand glowed green as she grabbed the root.
"Yeah, they tried to fight back and they nearly got me. But you know, I handled it." The demon hunter said. Another demon hunter just looked at him.
"They're just children, Tom." He said.
A shadow fell over them, and they looked to see Willow, Gus and Hunter on a large plant that Willow had grown with her magic.
"We may be children, but we're also witches. Powerful ones." She said, using a thorny vines to free Hunter and Gus from the rope. And then she set her plants against the demon hunters. They put up a fight, but Willow easily defeated them.
Willow, Hunter and Gus ran into the house, holding hands, the glow returning.
The Owl House stood up, free from its restraints, and walked away - leaving the ruins of the battle behind.
"tHeY'rE jUsT cHiLdReN, tOm!" The demon hunter from earlier mocked.
The Owl House walked through the Night Market, accidentally stepping right through someone's stall.
"Sorry!" Willow called down, as the Owl House continued forwards.
Finally, after a while of walking, they arrived back the house's usual place, a crater left behind. They lowered the house in its place, letting of each other.
"Did we do it?" Willow asked.
The door swung open, revealing King and Eda. Hunter gulped.
"Uh... hey, Eda..." He said nervously.
"You are so busted." Eda said. "You held a moonlight conjuring."
"I did." Hunter replied.
"And you animated my house - my house!"
Willow stepped in front of Hunter. "No, don't punish him. We're the ones that pushed him into doing the conjuring." She said. Gus stepped beside her.
"If you're gonna eat me, just do it now. Do it now!" Gus said. Eda looked at him.
"You didn't have to do that." Hunter said to Willow. She turned to him.
"Yes, I did. You were just trying to help me and Gus experience our first conjuring." She said.
"Well, you're all guilty, so you'll all be punished by cleaning my house top to bottom." Eda said, snapping her fingers. Various cleaning supplies appeared in the trio's hands.
"And another thing..." Eda said. "That was totally amazing. And I'm so joining you for next year's conjuring. Now get to work."
The three of them ran off, while Eda flopped onto the couch.
"I can't believe they animated a whole house!" King said.
"Yeah, you're right. That's takes some powerful magic." Eda said. After a few moments she sighed and took out a book from her hair. It was titled: The Good Witch Azura. She flipped open the cover, and the first page read - This book belongs: Luz Noceda. It was accompanied by a bunch of heart and star stickers.
"Why'd you take that from the Lost in Found in the Night Market, anyway?" King asked. Eda showed him the first page and he gasped. "Isn't that Hunter's sister?"
Eda nodded. "Hunter! Can you come down here for a sec! Got something to show you, and then you can go back to your cleaning or whatever."
Hunter headed downstairs. "Yeah?"
He noticed the book in her hands, and walked closer. "Is that...? The first book in the Good Witch Azura series?"
"It isn't just any regular copy." Eda said, showing him the first page. Hunter's eyes widened, and he immediately snatched it from her hands, trembling.
"She... she was here..." He said, tears forming in his eyes. Eda got up and pulled him into a hug, King joining in and comforting his leg.
"We'll find her, kiddo. We'll find her." Eda said, rubbing comforting circles onto his back.
She's here.
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