Escaping Expulsion
Hooty smashed his head into a bucket three times. Eda and Lilith sat on chairs in front of desks outside, as Hunter stood in front of them.
"Alright, its time for lesson three of learning glyph magic!" Hunter said, pulling out four glyphs, before stuffing them back in his pocket. Lilith started cheering and clapping, while Eda was busy carving something into her desk. Flapjack was asleep in Lilith's lap, having trusted her two weeks after the petrifying incident. Lilith had been happy that the palisman trusted her.
"Okay, we've covered every glyph I've learned up until now. So today, we'll learn something new." Hunter said.
"Are we about to encounter a never-before-seen glyph?" Lilith asked excitedly, eyes hopeful.
"Unfortunately, no..." Hunter said, slumping slightly. "These four either came from nature or another witch's spell. I-I don't know where to find more."
Eda and Lilith glanced at each other.
"In any case, today we're learning how to alter glyphs to do specific things!" Hunter said.
"Mister teacher, am I doing it right?" Lilith asked, holding up a diagram of ice glyphs.
"Uh, yeah. That's pretty good." Hunter said. "Let's see how you're doing, Eda."
When Hunter moved over to Eda, however, she'd finished carving the fire and ice glyphs overlapping each other on the table.
"Uh - I don't think that's a good-" Hunter started.
"Double glyph combo, go!" Eda said, slapping the glyph. They flashed and then promptly exploded.
"Oh dang, I was hoping for more of an ice blast situation." Eda said after a few moments.
"Look, I know you're impatient to get your powers back, but try to master the basics before you start experimenting." Hunter said.
"Ugh, you're as boring as Lilith." Eda said. Flapjack stirred in Lilith's lap, flying over to Hunter and chirping at him.
"Oh! Sorry guys, I gotta get to Hexside." Hunter said, Flapjack turning to staff form as he mounted. "King's in charge while I'm gone. Bye!"
Arriving at Hexside's front steps, Hunter took a deep breath.
"Okay... first day back since the petrification ceremony. Just be calm." He muttered to himself. Flapjack chirped from his shoulder to comfort him.
He entered the building, and immediately Willow and Gus ran towards him, screaming. The three of them hugged each other, Willow tearing up.
"Hunter! You're okay!" Gus said, noticeably taller, and his voice deeper.
"We were so worried!" Willow said. Hunter hugged them back.
"Don't worry, I'm okay. Barely escaped, but I'm okay." He said, as they pulled out of the hug. "Also - Gus, did I miss a birthday or something?"
"Witch puberty." Gus said with a shrug.
"Thanks for helping at the Conformatorium. I heard you started a protest among the crowd." Hunter said.
"That's cool, I just hope it helps Eda learn my name. She keeps calling me Goops." Gus said.
"Hey, Goops!" A student said as they passed by.
"It's already spreading..." Gus said dejectedly. Amity passed by, looking relieved at the sight of Hunter.
"Hey Hunter. Glad you're okay." Amity said with a smile.
"Thanks, Amity." Hunter said.
"Don't say 'thanks' yet! I haven't given you this homemade fairy pie." Amity said, pulling one out and handing it to him.
"Uh... thanks..." Hunter said, pocketing the pie. He'd give it to King later. "You know, after everything that's happened, I'm just glad to return to some sense of normalcy."
"You can't just barge in here!" Principal Bump's voice said carried through the PA system.
"Yes, we can." A voice said - that was similar to the voice Hunter remembered was Amity's mom, when he was in Willow's mind. "We are the Parent Creature Association. Hunter Noceda, Willow Park and Augustus Porter, report to Principal Bump's office now! And you too, Amity."
"Mom?!" Amity yelled, surprised.
Hunter, Willow, Gus and Amity stood in Principal Bump's office, as said principal sat at his desk, Amity's parents flanking him.
"The covention situation, the destruction of detention, the rampage of grom." Amity's mom listed. Willow and Gus looked worried, while Hunter was confused and Amity looked to the side angrily, arms crossed. "These are but a few of the incidents that endangered Hexside students, including our daughter."
Amity shot a glare at her mom.
"So, the PCA has decided to..." She said, clearing her throat. Amity's dad stopped getting distracted.
"Oh, right. Um, these three are bad influences and must be executed." He said. Hunter, Willow and Gus gasped. "Ahem, I mean expelled."
"What?!" Hunter and Gus said, shocked. Amity just glowered at her mother furiously. Her mother clutched the necklace she wore, and it glowed a little, before she let go of it and the light dimmed. Amity gasped a little and looked down at the floor, dejectedly.
"Sadly, I have no choice in the matter. Hunter, Willow, Augustus, effective immediately you are no longer students of Hexside." Principal Bump said with a frown.
"No! I - But we-" Hunter stammered, trying to think of something to say, but failing. Flapjack started chirping furiously, flying from Hunter's shoulder and pecking at Amity's mother, who shrieked and tried to swat the cardinal away.
"Agh! Get away, you ugly bird!" She yelled, slapping it away with her hand. Flapjack let out a high-pitched squeak, flying back into Hunter's hands.
"Flapjack!" He said worriedly, gently stroking the bird where they'd been hit. Hunter looked up and glared at Amity's mother, but she simply chose to ignore him.
"Now, Amity, you'll be taking double classes to make up for lost time. Actually, I'm appalled you're not in class right now. What are you thinking?" Amity's mom said.
"Right, sorry." Amity mumbled. Her mom snapped her finger, and two Hexside guards barged in - dragging Hunter, Willow and Gus away.
"No, please! Wait, wait. Wait!" Gus yelled, Willow and Hunter protesting alongside him, but they were dragged outside the school building, the door shut behind them.
"It finally happened! Our memorable adventures caught up to us. Oh, my dad can't find out about this!" Gus said, panicking. He picked up a leaf. "I guess I'll have to start surviving off the land."
He attempted to lick the leaf, but couldn't bring himself to do it.
"Ah! This is impossible!" He wailed, dropping the leaf and running away, sobbing.
Willow hugged a tree with a sad frown. "I guess this is goodbye. I'll water you one last time... with my tears!"
Hunter clenched his fists, frustrated that he was powerless to do anything. However, he noticed Amity's parents descending down the steps, and his fists tightened. He stomped over.
"Hey!" He yelled. Amity's mom glanced at him. "How dare you mess with my friends' lives? We've never done anything to you!"
"Hunter, was it? Please, this isn't personal. I actually appreciate your tenacity." She paused. "Although your palisman should learn to control its temper."
Hunter glared, crossing his arms, as Flapjack chirped form his shoulder.
"We're just trying to teach our daughter a valuable lesson in business." Her mom finished.
"How does this teach anything, exactly? We're still going to be friends with her." Hunter growled. "Nothing you do can change that."
"I see your point. If you're interested in talking things through, I'm sure we can come to some sort of agreement." She said, pulling out a Blight Industries business card and handing it to him. He looked down at it to see that it was to be hosted by Odalia and Alador Blight, although that was obvious.
"Gus chomp!" Gus yelled, biting the card.
"Come on, Hunter. We can figure this out on our own." Willow said. Gus spit out the card.
"That's right! We'll get back into Hexside, or die trying!" Gus yelled triumphantly.
"No one's dying."
"Not with that attitude!"
The two walked away, and Odalia chuckled. "Yes, well, when that doesn't work, you know where to find us."
She pushed her husband and they walked away together. Hunter glared at the backs of their heads but still bent down to pick up the business card and pocket it for later.
After a few hours of trying to convince Principal Bump's mind - whether by giving him a bribe and plead to let them back in, sneaking in by pretending to be Hexside teachers, or simply just trying to fly in using Flapjack, they were exhausted.
"Ah, this is hopeless! Nothing is working!" Gus sighed, frustrated.
"Don't worry, we'll think of something. We can't just be expelled like this." Hunter said determinedly.
A crow phone crowed and landed atop Willow's head.
"Oh no." Willow said, her face paling.
"Willow Park, did you get expelled?!" Her dad's voice resounded through the phone. Another crow phone lands on top of Gus' head.
"This is Perry Porter with breaking news. In light of recent events, Augustus Porter will be grounded for no less than a year." His own dad's voice said through the phone. Said phone grabbed Gus by the collar and flew upwards, dragging Gus with it.
"Help, Hunter! Let me go! No, please, no!" Gus said, trying to wriggle free from the crow. Willow's crow did the same.
"Just one? Willow's grounded for three at least!" Willow's dad said.
"No, ah! Help, Hunter!" Willow cried.
"Hunter! Save me!" Gus said, and the two were carried out of sight. Hunter sighed, kicking a rock on the ground. Amity walked by, but paused and walked over when she saw him.
"I'm uh... I'm sorry, I was a coward in there. But my mom-" Amity started, but Hunter cut her off.
"Hey, it's fine. You're scared of her. But, I'm not - so, I need you to take me to her. She seemed open to talk things through." Hunter said, pulling out the Blight Industries business card.
"No, no, Hunter, you don't have to do that." Amity said.
"Yes, I do." Hunter insisted. "Willow and Gus don't deserve this. Please?"
Amity sighed. "I... I can't."
The school bell rang.
"I have to go." Amity said, turning around and walking away. Hunter looked back down at the business card with a frown, turning it over, but gasped when he noticed an address on the back.
Hunter stood just outside the Blight Manor, knocking on the front door.
"Hello, Mrs. Blight. I-" Hunter started, but the door opened to reveal an abomination butler. "Huh."
The abomination butler led Hunter to the living room while holding a tray with a teacup and teapot on it. Hunter looked at it, then back up at the abomination.
"Uh, no thanks. Not really a fan of tea." Hunter said sheepishly, before walking towards a door and opening it a crack. "Hello? Mr. and Mrs. Blight?"
A severed abomination was thrown into the wall beside Hunter as he stepped inside. He yelped.
"Oh, don't mind him, dear. He's getting ready for our big demonstration tonight." Odalia said, glancing back at Alador. "Looking good, hon!"
He simply grunted, before tearing something off.
"I'm here to get me, Willow and Gus back into Hexside." Hunter said.
"That's sweet, but lets get to the deal." Odalia said. "We have a rather important presentation tonight showing off some new products."
"Like, abominations?" Hunter asked.
"Something like that. Normally Amity helps us with these things, but she's busy catching up on schoolwork."
"I get it." He said. "I'll help show off your abominations if you promise we're Hexside students again."
"Don't worry - a Blight always upholds their end of the deal." She said. "Now, you might want to get ready, because we have..."
"...a long night ahead of us folks! Welcome back to Blight Industries!" She finished, on stage. Hunter stood awkwardly next to her, hoping no one would recognize him - but it seemed no one in the crowd was really paying attention to him, thankfully. They were too busy applauding and cheering.
He was regretting leaving Flapjack at the Blight Manor - he really needed some nuzzling right now to calm his nerves.
"So, Mr. Blight, what would you say is the specialty of Blight Industries?" Hunter asked, barely able to keep him from stammering in front of the crowd. He wasn't really good on stage.
"We make a variety of abomination-based accessories for home security." He replied.
"Oh, that sounds pretty safe." Hunter said, slightly relieved that he wouldn't have to face danger on stage.
"But we specialize in weaponry." Odalia said, walking away. Hunter paled at that. "You might want to duck."
Hunter was about to do just that, but didn't react quick enough and got hit by a lump of clay with a yelp, stuck to the wall behind him. The crowd cheered and applauded.
"Yes, our sticky launcher can peacefully subdue any foe! And, if peaceful isn't your thing..."
She switched the mode on the gun, turning it into a flamethrower. Hunter gulped.
Amity walked into the Blight Manor living room, removing her cowl.
"Mom? I'm ready for the show tonight!" She called. However, she noticed a note and took it down to read it. 'We found a replacement! - Mom' was what it said.
Amity looked up from the note at the abomination, confused. "We found a replacement? Did anyone come to the house today?"
She heard a familiar chirp. She turned to see Flapjack flying up to her, landed in her hand when she outstretched it. Flapjack chirped again - and although Amity couldn't understand the palisman, she understood that Hunter was the replacement.
And so, she recruited Gus and Willow to help her rescue Hunter from her mom. The trio ran into an excited crowd as Hunter was busy trying to dodge the Abomaton's attacks.
"Ah! Woah!" He said, ducking as he narrowly missed getting hit. He used an ice glyph to block the Abomaton's attack, but it shot an arrow that broke through the ice block, pushing Hunter backwards. An abomination fist punched him upwards and he screamed, and the hand caught him when he fell down.
He was not having fun. However, the crowd seemed to be, because they were continuing to cheer and applaud.
The Abomaton pointed its crossbow at Hunter, who closed his eyes and braced for impact - but it never came.
"Thank you, thank you. And they said we couldn't make crossbows more fun!" Odalia said gleefully, as Hunter landed on the stage floor with a thud. "Next, we're very excited to show you our last product from this line."
Hunter sighed in relief. At least this would be over soon.
"My husband has been toiling to give you..."
Odalia stepped aside, the ground opening up. Hunter stood up and backed away, an Abomaton rising up.
"The Abomaton 2.0!" She exclaimed, and the crowd gasped. "It's bigger! It's better! The Abomaton 2.0 is a perfect soldier. It won't rest until its enemy is completely eliminated!"
Hunter paled at that last sentence, backing away from the Abomaton as it took a step towards him.
"Not exactly friendly, are you?" Hunter said nervously. The Abomaton's hands turned into weapons, starting to unleash a barrage of attacks at Hunter. He yelped and somehow managed to dodge all of them - except for one, which allowed for the Abomaton to grab his foot.
"Okay! It's super strong! I think the crowd gets it!" Hunter yelled at Odalia, terrified.
"She has a point, Odalia." Alador said.
"Didn't you hear me? It won't rest until it's enemy is completely eliminated!" Odalia said with a grin.
The Abomaton lifted Hunter up by the foot, and he screamed as he was thrown upwards. He really wished he had Flapjack right about now.
Luckily, he managed to land on a beam above the stage.
"Okay, at least it can't attack me up here." Hunter said with a sigh of relief. Just as he said that, however, the Abomaton flew up and landed behind him. "Damn it!"
He quickly used an ice glyph to block the Abomaton, but it broke the block of ice. Hunter picked up a piece of ice and used it as a sword to fend off the Abomaton, however it was quickly knocked aside.
Hunter slammed down a plant glyph to lift himself up and swing around the Abomaton, using fire glyphs to to attack it just as it blasted him - resulting in an explosion. The Abomaton fell on the stage, breaking it, and the crowd screamed and ran.
Hunter clutched onto a vine for dear life, his eyes squeezed shut. After a few moments, he opened his eyes and noticed that he was close to the ground, the Abomaton facing him down. He quickly got off from the vine, taking a step back.
That step backwards did nothing, however, as the Abomaton just grabbed his foot again and dragged him closer, its other hand turned into an axe and swinging towards him-
The abomination's hands exploded, Hunter getting splattered with some abomination goo. He quickly scrambled away from the abomination, deciding to get away from it before asking questions. He looked around, and his face immediately brightened when he saw Flapjack flying towards him from Amity - who was standing on a beam with two spell circles active.
"Hey!" She yelled. "Stay away from my friend!"
She slid down a rope to face the Abomaton, as Hunter got up and dusted himself off, Flapjack in hand. The necklace Amity was wearing was glowing, along with the one Odalia wore - but she broke it off her neck. Odalia gasped.
"Hunter, are you okay?" Amity asked, looking back at him. He nodded, but then his eyes widened.
"Look out!" He said, dashing forward with Flapjack to push her out of the way. The Abomaton slammed down a fist, but used its other hand to try and punch Amity.
She quickly cast another spell circle, holding the abomination back with all her might. The Abomaton's hands started melting.
"Amity! Get away from the powerless witch!" Odalia yelled angrily at them.
"No, you're gonna listen to me for once." Amity snapped. "Hunter, Gus and Willow are my friends! They're nice to each other, they listen to each other. They make me think about the kind of person I want to be!"
She pushed the Abomaton backwards, forcing it to kneel. Odalia glowered, frustrated.
"Ugh! What do you want?!" Odalia yelled.
"Let my friends back into Hexside, or else your precious investors will watch me rip this thing apart. Bit. By. Bit." Amity said, emphasizing the last three words.
"Fine! It's a deal! Just stop with the theatrics!" Odalia yelled after some hesitation. Hunter and Amity glanced at each other and exchanged small nods - Amity stopped using her spell circles as Flapjack returned to animal form.
The Abomaton's hand turned into a hammer slamming down on top of them. When it lifted the hammer, the two of them pretended to be knocked unconscious. Flapjack just chirped from atop Hunter's chest, making the latter have to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from bursting out laughing from being tickled.
The Abomaton's eyes went dark, shutting down. The crowd cheered and applauded, as Willow and Gus ran up to them from the crowd.
"Hunter!" Willow yelled worriedly, as Amity and Hunter sat up. Flapjack flew from Hunter's chest to his shoulder. "Are you okay? Some abomination guards stopped Gus and I from intervening."
"Yeah, we're fine. Thanks, Willow." Hunter said. Willow smiled, her cheeks blushing a little, before quickly helping Hunter up. Amity got up by herself, dusting herself off.
Hunter opened the door back the Owl House, exhausted. He flicked some abomination goo out of his trademark strand of hair, stifling a yawn.
"Hey guys." He said.
"Hey Hunter! We actually learned something new!" Eda said with a grin.
"Sorry, can it wait until morning?" He asked. "I need to lie down."
"Wait, Mister Teacher!" Lilith said, turning away before turning back with an ice sculpture. It showed her kneeling before Hunter, depicting him as a wise scholar holding a scroll. Hunter blinked. "Do I get extra credit?"
"That's really good. Not sure how I feel about you doing that, but still really good. You're a fast learner." Hunter said, giving a small smile - although it was pretty obvious it was tired and drained.
"I can do it too." Eda said, staring on jealously. She slapped an ice glyph in her hand, and a cube of ice fell from her hand.
"That's still good. You both get extra credit." Hunter said with a yawn, heading out of the room as Lilith happily held her sculpture up to her face. Eda and King just stared at her.
Inside the Blight Industries factory, abomination servants sweeped the floor. Odalia walked up to Alador.
"Oh, despite the spectacle, this was quite a successful sale! Excellent job on the 2.0, dear." She said.
"Yeah! Your Abomatons are really cool!"
The two turned to see the Golden Guard strutting into the factory with two coven scouts. "Too bad no one will be recieving them."
Odalia quickly kneeled down, making Alador do the same.
"The Emperor will be buying every one of your Abomatons, and will personally fund research into making them stronger." The Golden Guard continued. Odalia looked up.
"Th-That's great news! We are honored to have-"
"You should be! Emperor Belos isn't exactly thrilled with the possibility of citizens making a... private army." She said, and turned to walk away with the scouts. However, she stopped. "Oh, and Mrs. Blight?"
Odalia's eyes lit up. "Yes?"
The Golden Guard turned, her tone turning menacing. "I don't appreciate how you're treating my girlfriend. Or my brother, for that matter. I suggest you change that."
And without another word, she left the building, leaving Odalia and Alador speechless.
Luz walked into the throne room, still in her Golden Guard uniform, wearing her mask. Emperor Belos stood in front of his throne.
"Emperor Belos - you called me?" She said, standing before his looming figure.
"Yes, I did. Do you know why?" He asked. She shook her head, confused.
"You let him flee the castle, Luz."
Luz tensed up, saying nothing for a few moments, before trying to splutter out an excuse.
"I - Well, he-" She stammered.
Belos placed a hand on her shoulder, stopping her.
"Not to worry. I understand. He's your brother." He paused, gripping her shoulder tighter. "But do it again, and I won't be so lenient."
Luz nodded. "Of course. It won't happen again."
There were a few moments of silence, before Emperor Belos spoke once more, removing his grip from her shoulder.
"I sense something else is troubling you." He said. Luz sighed.
"I... I found that... my dad, from the human realm, he..." She took a deep breath to try and fight back her tears. "He died a year after I came here, to the Boiling Isles."
Emperor Belos paused, before he spoke.
"It must be difficult to process that. But I trust you'll recognize your duties as the Golden Guard are still extremely important. You understand, don't you?" He said.
"Of course, I do." Luz said.
"Good. You're dismissed." Emperor Belos said.
And she left the room, closing the big, grand doors behind her.
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