Wolverine vs Masane Amaha

Requested by DevilNorthStar13

Two humans experimented one became living weapons made of blades. Which bladed warrior walks away alive?


Martial Arts Skills

Expert swordsmanship

Expert Survivor

Healing Factor

Adamantium Claws

Great Sense of Smell

Super Human Strength

Super Human Speed

Peak Human Endurance

Skilled Acrobat

Master Tactician

Expert Marksman

Berserker Rage

Lashes out with intensity and aggression of raged animal

Increases speed, strength and pain resistance

Unpredicable to telepaths

Offers even more resistance to psychic attacks

Wolverine loathes using it; especially because Wolverine attacks friend and foe alike in his blind rage

Requires Wolverine to be in severe pain in order to trigger it

Sometimes leaves Wolverine exhausted after its use.


Survived blows from stronger characters (including Hulk, Blob, Sentinels, Hulk-Buster and Juggernaut)

Survived explosions of massive magnitudes, including multiple occasions of surviving nuclear bombs.

Battled Omega Red for over 17 hours

Founded Jean Grey School for Higher Learning

Mentored many characters

In one instance of an alternate reality, killed Hulk by ripping through Hulk's guts when Hulk ate him

In Old Man Logan, he killed all the X-Men (though it was because of Mysterio)

In Marvel Universe vs Wolverine, he managed to kill the X-Men (But unlike Old Man Logan, Wolverine did it consciously)

Claws can cut or stab through Sentinels, Hulk, Thanos and Gladiator and can damage other pieces of adamantium.

Fought in over 5 large scale wars such as WW I, WW II, Vietnam, Cold War, Civil War, etc.

Lifted a Great White Shark

Healed from near-complete disintegration

Survived an onslaught from Phoenix

Has stabbed Thanos & Gladiator

Has defeated Iron Fist, Shang Chi, Romulus & Captain America


While his bones are covered in unbreakable metal; his organs, tendons and ligaments (joints) are not

Wolverine's invincibility isn't perfect as it has exploitable weaknesses.

Contrary to popular belief, Wolverine CANNOT regenerate from a drop of blood on his own. He was revived by a magical crystal (The Crystal of Ultimate Vision) and even then the event was non canon.

Despite appearing invinicble, Wolverine has died multiple times

Sentinel vaporized all his flesh, giving Wolverine nothing to regenerate from

Ultron killed Wolverine with a similar blast from his Encephalo Beam.

Nimrod (the perfect Sentinel) and other characters absurdly powerful energy blasts most likely can do this as well.

Had his heart ripped out by Horde (only for Wolverine to be revived by a magical crystal that came in contact with a drop of his blood)

Had his neck snapped by Hulk

Electrocuted by Punisher

Lightning from Perfect Storm (it should be noted that Wolverine was weakened from a previous duel against Magneto)

His healing factor can be removed by reality-warpers like Phoenix

His healing factor doesn't work if Wolverine is killed before he has time to heal

Shadowcat fused her hand into Wolverine's brain (Noncanon)

Magneto vaporized Wolverine's flesh after destroying his skeleton with his magnetic powers combined with Ironman's and Cyclops' beam attacks

Stabbed by a Wolverine Clone, as only adamantium can pierce adamantium

Dr Cornelius covered Wolverine in liquid adamantium. When it hardened, Wolverine was immobilized and theoretically suffocated.

In theory, died as was converted into a zombie by some bites given by Colonel America and Hawkeye

Died by being beheaded by Deadpool with the carbonadium sword

Healing factor halted (disabled) by Carbonadium, Murasama Blade, and Microverse virus

Killable by drowning, destroying all cells, destroying his brain (decapitation) and keeping head from body

Metal skeleton makes Wolverine sink in water: making him very vulnerable to drowning.

Adamantium can be destroyed under certain conditions

Adamantium can be morphed by magnetism.

Wolverine has lost to Magneto multiple times with very little effort.

Vibranium and other things that can destabilize the molecules of metals can destroy Adamantium.

Adamantium can't protect Wolverine from constant exposure to extremely high temperatures such as solar radiation from the center of the sun. If thrown into the sun; Wolverine's cells will never be able to regenerate.

An incredibly enormous amount of force is sufficiently enough to rip Adamantium apart.

Wolverine ages slowly but can still age. When he is older, his healing factor slows. Wolverine can also die from old age.

His Adamantium skeleton poisons him. His healing-factor counters this: however in his old age it begins to do gradual damage to his health.

Although his healing factor is able to help him to recover from anything, he isn't able to regrow missing body parts. For example, if his legs are ripped from his body, he's not able to grow new ones. He can still reattach them however.

Wolverine will be immobilized if his cells are killed as soon as they grow back. Deadpool did this to Wolverine's children by having a flamethrower burn them every time they attempted to regenerate. This method also has a chance of burning out the healingfactor.

If Wolverine loses his healing factor, his adamantium will poison and kill him.

Drawing his claws is painful as it pierces through his skin.

Despite his healing factor, Wolverine feels pain just like a normal human; meaning his most gruesome mutilations temporarily stuns and overwhelms his pain receptors.

Over relies on his healing factor, thus causing him to attack blindly without keeping his guard up

Claws cannot stab all the way through things that are very thick; like Blob's gut.

Can still be knocked out sometimes

Heightened hearing sometimes leaves him vulnerable. His sharp sense of sight means he can be blinded easily and it takes him a long while to recover.

Has no long ranged weapons or abilities so he requires external help in taking down air-borne opponents as well as anyone who can manipulate his body from a safe distance.

Ultimate Universe depiction of Adamantium is destructible.

X-Men (Cinematic) Universe depiction of Adamantium can be slightly weakened by hot temperatures. While still powerful enough to resist a nuclear blast: hot Adamantium can be broken by colder Adamantium.

In an alternative universe, Hulk managed to tear out the left arm and in the process break one of its claws of the right arm (The Punisher vs Marvel Universe)

Has a tendency to let anger to cloud his thinking.

Every woman who loves dies (with the exception of Sara Pezzini, but this is in an alternate universe)

He was responsible for the death of all the X-Men (in an alternate universe) (Old Man Logan)

Currently dead as of Death of Wolverine.

Shot in the genitals by the Punisher before getting crushed by a steamroller

Masane Amaha

Retractable Arms

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Durability


Witch Blade

The Witchblade is a conscious, intelligent, and ancient weapon with supernatural origins. It is one of 13 mystical artifacts, of which several have been revealed: the Witchblade, the Angelus, the Darkness, the Ember Stone, the Glacier Stone, the Rapture, the Blood Sword, the Spear of Destiny, and the Wheel of Shadows.

It is the offspring of the universe's opposing aspects, the Darkness and the Angelus. The Witchblade is a male aspect created to act as a balance, which must have a female as a host.


Has fought multiple ex-cons.

Fought Cloneblade wielders and survived each battle against them.

Knocked down a steel door with a few punches.

Slice robots like tissue paper.

Can punch metal like it's nothing but glass.

Used a suicide explosion to save Riko from the Witchblade itself making her it's last host.


It loses almost every reason and only seeks to destroy or bloodshed.

Masane has no experience fighting as a human due to her memory loss.

Is not a fighting type of person and is more of a mother.

Can't control the Witchblade's bloodlust even for five minutes or three hours.

Only goes for stabs and slices making her fighting style predictable to smarter opponents who will exploit this.


Abandoned Streets

In a secluded part of the streets, a lone obese man walks along the alley, looking back and forth.

Then all of a sudden, a quick flash of yellow and black sped past him, the sound of metal cutting sliced through the air.


Man: OHHHHH!!!!

The man gasps out in both shock and agony before his body completely splits into half.


However, unlike a normal human, the 'man' seems to be pooling motor oil underneath his body, electricity sparking out of his circuits.


In front of him, Wolverine retracts his bladed claws, scoffing out in disgust.

Wolverine: Heh. Pervert.

???: My my, you sure stole my kill dear.

Upon hearing a voice behind him, Wolverine spun around, his eyes narrows in suspicion.

Behind him stood a rather tall woman standing a few feet taller than him, long auburn hair flowing down her waist and her entire body cladded in black armour.

The woman is no other than Masane Amaha, the owner of the WitchBlade.

Wolverine said to her.

Wolverine: Look lady, it's not safe here, go home.

However, Masane scoffs out.

Masane: Ha! Fat chance shorty!


Masane's claws sharpens and she growls menacingly at him.

Masane: You stole my kill so I'm gonna skin you alive.

Wolverine: Whenever you're ready bub!


Wolverine brandishes his claws and the two lunges towards each other.



The sound of metal clashing booms across the streets just as both bladed warriors stood apart from each other.

Masane spun around and she swings her blades at Wolverine, only for the Adamantium Bone Mutant to block her attacks with his claws.


Wolverine ducks down and he swings his claws upwards, cutting right into her.


Masane: Ngn!


Wolverine slices at her downwards before swinging his claws rapidly at her.


Masane: Enough!


Masane threw her leg outwards, striking Wolverine square in the jaw.

Just as Wolverine staggers backwards, Masane shoves both her blades up into his body.


Wolverine: ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!

Wolverine screams out in agony as he felt the sharp metal of the Witchblade stabbing right into his abdomen.

Masane: Heh heh heh!

Masane chuckles maliciously and she throws Wolverine upwards.


Masane swings her blades at Wolverine repeatly before throwing out her fist, sending him flying back with a single punch.


Wolverine: ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Wolverine screams out in agony as he was sent flying backwards before crashing right into a wall.


Masane: Ah ha ha ha ha ha! Honestly, you're no different than those Ex-Cons!

Masane laughs out in triumph, thinking she had won.

However, to her horror, Wolverine simply jumps back up, his wounds closing around his body.

Masane: What?!


Wolverine brandishes his claws and he boasts.

Wolverine: Healing Factor. Those attacks won't work on me.

Masane: Whatever, you're going down.


Masane lunges forward, heading right towards Wolverine.

Wolverine rolls across the floor and he swings his claws up, only for Masane to block the attack with her arm.



Masane slashes her blade across Wolverine's side only for Wolverine to swing his claw down across her face.


Masane: ARGHHHHH!!!

Wolverine swings his claw rapidly and repeatly at her, cutting right through her body with his adamantium claws.




Masane screams out in agony as blood pours onto the floor, pooling underneath her body.

Wolverine stares at her and he questions out.

Wolverine: What's wrong? Thought you were tougher than that.

Masane: Grr! Screw you!


Masane brandishes her blade and she throws it across.


Wolverine simply swings his claw across, slicing the blade cleanly into two.


Wolverine launches himself across the air and he swung his blade across her body.



Wolverine looks back at her and he scoffs.

Wolverine: Honestly, even Stryker proved to be a better fighter than you.

Masane looks back and without warning, her mouth twists into a smirk.

Wolverine: Hm?

Masane suddenly taps onto the WitchBlade and without warning, a loud beep rings across the streets.

Masane then bursts out in a maniacal laughter.

Masane: Ha ha ha ha! You fool. I'm gonna blow up this entire town and you're gonna die along with it.

Wolverine: Not a chance.

Without warning, Wolverine lunges forward, swinging his claw across.



Masane screams out in agony as a severed arm falls onto the floor.


As Masane backs away, the metal slowly melting away from her body, Wolverine picks up the bomb and he throws it across the streets before snatching Masane up.


Wolverine runs across the streets, carrying an unconscious Masane just as the bomb went off in a massive explosion.


As the explosion dies down, Wolverine pants in exhaustion and he rests an unconscious Masane onto the floor, now a pretty young woman with short brown hair.

Wolverine looks back at the crater caused by the explosion and he said to her.

Wolverine: There. It's done.

Masane: Wha?

Just then, Masane's eyes opens and she looks up, staring right into Wolverine's face.

Masane: What happened?

Wolverine: You were possessed by that weird metallic thing, but I got that off of you and blew it up. Whatever that thing was, it does not control you anymore.

Then without warning, Masane jumps up, wrapping her arms around Wolverine tightly.


Masane: Oh thank you! You have no idea what that thing has done to me!

Wolverine smirks and he assures her.

Wolverine: Don't worry, you're no longer in possession in that item. Now, do you have a family?

Masane nods.

Masane: Yes. I have a daughter named Rihoko back at home.

Wolverine then carries her up and he said.

Wolverine: No worries, I'm gonna bring you back to her.

Masane: Thank you!

Masane smiles cheerily as she wraps her arms around Wolverine.

Soon, Rihoko is gonna have a new father in a couple of months.

3 Months Later...


The winner is


Advantages and disadvantages






More experienced

Unlike Masane, Wolverine is an actual legit fighter

Skin is not invulnerable despite having an  Adamantium skeleton

Masane Amaha

Blades can still harm Wolverine



Not very strategic

Not as experienced

Not a great fighter

Victory quote:

Wolverine: What can I say? I'm the best at what I do.

Up Next

Batman vs Daredevil

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