Requested by choyfider
Dedicated to Jhaime Raymundo
Dragons are often known as one of the most fearsome mythical creatures. So to celebrate Choyfider's uncle's birthday, it's time for Noctis to battle Toothless to see which dragon is superior.
Noctis the Moon Demon
Weapons and Abilities:
Super Strength
Super Durability
Super Speed
Athletic Reflexes and Agility
Powerful Claws and Talons
Spiked Tail
Heightened Senses
He also can launch fireballs from his mouth powerful enough to destroy a building.
Moon Demon form - whenever he is under the influence of the moon or even a full one, his markings glows brightly silver. This increases and strengthens all of his abilities by 8x, earning Noctis the name "Moon Demon"
Dreadful Resonance - whenever he kills a person, the person's soul they are linked will be severely fatal. And unlike regular wounds, it is permanent and can't be healed
Can move at 190,000,000 mph at maximum speed
Beheaded countless humans, Faunuses and Grimm
Defeated the Four Seasonal Maidens
Gave Ziana and Zen Thundrice the ability to shapeshift into Monsters in the first place
Killed Tyrian, Hazel and Dr. Watts.
Is feared even by Salem herself
Is responsible for the shattering of the Moon upon being created
Dodged red lightning bolts from a White Fatalis, said red lightning bolts are proven to be capable of moving at lightspeeds
Defeated Amatsumagatsuchi, White Fatalis, Jhen Mohran, Shah Dalamadur, Teostra, Shagaru Magala and Dire Miralis
Defeated a Lao-Shan Lung, a Monster equally the size of Mount Everest
Tanked multiple plasma shots from a Lavasioth
Despite dodging lightspeed attack, Noctis himself cannot travel at the speed of light
Distraught over the loss of Athena, a Gold Rathian who's his mate
Great swordsmanship
Expert architech
Took down a Night Fury
Rescued Toothless
Helped Toothless take down a Red Death and Bewilderbeast
Took down several dragons
Survived a fall
A total geek
Lost a leg
Not able to fully control Toothless despite their unbreakable bond
Fire breath capable of incinerating rocks, thick ice and eceterea
Peak endurance
Can run hundreds of miles per hour on foot
Once created a sonic boom in flight
Defeated the Red Death and Bewilderbeast
In Alpha Form, can control other dragons to do his bidding
Survived a kilometric fall
Survived being hunted by Vikings for years
Defeated countless other dragons
Unable to fly without Hiccup due to a damaged tail
Despite Toothless's boundless loyalty, he doesn't always do what Hiccup says, especially when he isn't being serious
Before the fight, here's a little birthday present for Jhaime Raymundo
Yukumo, night
Toothless swoops down into the village and he lands on the ground.
Hiccup dismounts from his Night Fury and he said to Toothless.
Hiccup: Alright Toothless, the treasure should be in this village. Hm, I wonder what else could be in the village?
Hiccup and Toothless began making their way towards the village, unaware that a creature is watching them.
As the pair wanders through the village, all of a sudden, Toothless widens his eyes and he growls menacingly.
Curious, Hiccup questioned.
Hiccup: Hey Toothless, what's wrong pal?
All of a sudden, a fireball suddenly flies down from above, forcing Toothless to grab Hiccup and jump out of the way.
As Toothless lands on the ground and he releases Hiccup, Hiccup said to him.
Hiccup: Ow! Thanks bud but, what was that?
Toothless looks up and he growls in anger as he saw a large grey dragonic creature flying down.
The creature lands in front of the village and it growls at the two.
The creature is Noctis, the Moon Demon, and he has arrived to stop a bunch of trespassers from invading his home.
Noctis roars at Toothless and Toothless growls back at him.
Hiccup draws his flame sword and he said.
Hiccup: Okay Toothless, let's show him what we're made of!
Both Noctis and Toothless sprints forward and the two dragons slams headfirst into each other.
Noctis and Toothless roars as the two dragons wrestles each other on the ground.
Noctis bites down onto Toothless before throwing the Night Fury off balance.
Toothless recovers and he slams into Noctis, causing him to roar in pain.
Toothless flies up and he bites onto Noctis while Hiccup rushes in and he stabs his sword into Noctis's leg.
Noctis swung his tail, knocking Hiccup back.
Noctis rears back his head and he bites Toothless with his fangs, sinking into his flesh before lifting him up and throwing him off.
Toothless crashed onto the ground and he pushes himself up.
Hiccup rushes next to Toothless and he mounts onto the dragon.
Hiccup: Okay buddy, looks like we will have to work together on that one.
Toothless lets out a roar before he began taking off.
Hiccup presses onto the glider, opening the sail to give Toothless an access to flight.
Noctis flies up and he roars at his opponent.
Both Noctis and Toothless flies through the air, blasting fire at each other.
Noctis fires three spheres of fire at Toothless.
But Toothless maneuvres through the air, skillfully dodging the projectiles before flying up.
As Noctis swoops down to attack, Toothless dove underneath Noctis and he launches himself up, slamming onto Noctis.
Toothless grabs Noctis, throws him through the air before launching a plasma blast from his mouth.
The blast struck Noctis, causing him to roar in pain.
Hiccup cheers out and he compliments Toothless.
Hiccup: Alright! Way to go buddy!
As Noctis falls, his eyes opened as he felt the moon's power flowing within him.
Noctis looked up and upon seeing the full moon, his markings began glowing silver and he felt his strength increases.
Noctis is now in his Moon Demon Form!
Noctis charges forward, ready to kill.
But Toothless spun in the air and he launches a plasma ball at Noctis, causing the Moon Demon to explode.
Noctis recovers and he growls menacingly at Toothless.
There is absolutely no way is he going to let these trespassers beat him.
Noctis roars at Toothless and he flies forward.
Toothless swoops down and he launches a plasma blast at Noctis.
Noctis dodges the blast before swinging his tail, knocking Toothless back.
Noctis slams into Toothless and he bites down onto his neck, causing Toothless to roar in pain.
Realizing his friend is in trouble, Hiccup lifts up his sword and he drove it down right into Noctis' eye, causing Noctis to roar in pain.
Hiccup removes his sword and he swung it at Noctis.
But Noctis dodges the swing and he bites onto the sword, pulling it out of Hiccup's grasp.
Noctis throws Toothless aside before he spat out the flame sword.
As the sword falls, Noctis growls as he faces Toothless.
Both dragons charges towards each other and the two rams into each other.
Noctis grabs Toothless and he began flying down, pulling Toothless with him.
As Toothless and Hiccup struggles, Noctis narrows his eyes and he slams them right onto the ground.
Hiccup screams out in pain as he lies on the ground, his back broken from the fall.
Toothless pulls himself up and he roars angrily at Noctis.
Despite his bravery and determination however, with Hiccup injured and nobody to secure his glider, Toothless is now grounded onto the floor, no longer able to fly.
Noctis stomps his talons on the ground and he roars at Toothless.
Toothless roars back at Noctis and the two charges forward.
Toothless slams into Noctis and he bites down onto him.
But Noctis throws Toothless off with his jaws before swinging his tail, knocking Toothless into a rock.
Toothless struggles to push himself up as Noctis closes in for the kill.
Noctis opens his jaws, ready fo finish Toothless off.
But before he could do so, just then, Noctis heard a familar voice saying.
???: Noctis?
Noctis halts in his tracks and he turns to look.
Two young girls steps towards Noctis, causing him to widen his eyes in both shock and recognition.
They are Zen and Ziana, allies of his and inhabitants of the vilage he protects.
Zen said to Noctis.
Zen: Noctis please stop! Those two haven't done anything wrong, please don't kill them!
Noctis obedientely steps back and he watches as Toothless pushes himself up.
Toothless runs forward towards Hiccup's side, knowing his friend is injured.
As Toothless closes in, Ziana knelt next to Hiccup and she said to Toothless.
Ziana: He'll be okay, our people will fix him up.
As Zen and Ziana helps Hiccup up and she apologizes to him.
Zen: I'm so sorry for what Noctis did to you. He thought you were trespassing.
Hiccup smiles and he assures her.
Hiccup: Ah no worries. We weren't trespassing, we're only here to find a treasure.
Ziana nods and she said.
Ziana: The emerald is located at the mountains far from the Beacon Academy. We can assist you in your search as soon as you're better.
Hiccup: Thanks.
Toothless sat down and he watches the group leave before turning his head back and staring innocently at Noctis.
Noctis roars to apologize to Toothless.
Toothless smiles back at Noctis, baring his toothless jaw.
There will be no hard feelings between them.
Toothless then follows after the humans while Noctis reverts back to his base form and he flies up to the mountains to keep watch for any intruders.
The winner is
Advantages and disadvantages
More durable
Moon Demon Form helped turn the tides of the battle to his favour
Easily outsmarted
Hiccup and Toothless
More resourceful
Better teamwork
Physically weaker
Toothless cannot fly without Hiccup to stable him
Victory quote:
The Song of Noctis:
Oh gods of the sea and sky,
please hear our desperate cry!
As mankind is being killed by the Grimm,
we only wished he be saved him,
we beg for you on this day and have one request,
Send the Moon Demon today at last!
Up Next
Pearl vs Gamora
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