Goku Black and Zamasu vs Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune
Requested by JohnathenYoungs
When it comes to accomplishing goals, pair work is always the key
Goku Black
Cloning: These clones are unstable and if they were hit, they would disperse, but can immediately reform themselves after. They have the physical might as Black himself. The clones and the rift dissipate once Black goes too far away. Can only be used when he cuts dimensions / tears with his Fierce God Scythe
Black Power Ball
Black Kamehameha: Pretty much a black version of Goku's Kamehameha: Can be upgraded to the Super Black Kamehameha as Super Saiyan Rose
Instant Transmission
Ki Sense
Black God Split Cut: As Super Saiyan Rose, he uses an enhanced version of it, the Fierce God Slicer
Energy Javelin Shots
Dimension Sword Rush-like attack: The ability to release long ranged energy slashes by swinging his blade. When used with the scythe, in one swing, Black was able to create a large tear itself. Fed off an evil energy that blocked Goku's usage of the Instant Transmission
Fierce God Slicer (scythe): A more powerful version of the Aura Slide technique, attained by Goku Black after he turned his anger into power. It's capable of opening a rift in the universe to an unknown place or time which would release an evil energy.
Cloning: Through the usage of the Fierce God Slicer, Black can summon clones made of vapor but they can only disappear should Black leave the area
Saiyan Power: Through possessing a Saiyan body, Black becomes stronger the more he battles and when he recovers from injuries sustained in combat. Black's healing factor and subsequent power boosts far surpass that of other Saiyans, even Goku and Vegeta. The rate of these power ups is astonishing to the point where he can continuously increase his power level multiple times in a very short span of time.
Reactive Evolution: Due to possessing Goku's body now every single time Black gets damaged he is able to evolve stronger than before such as when Goku being enraged beat him down a lot Black then countered attack and easily defeated the latter with his new power boost
Mimicry: Black is also capable of imitating anything that he learns from Goku in battle due to them sharing the same body. Used this in his fight with Super Saiyan 2 Goku in order to learn his fighting style and become stronger as a result. Did a similar thing when fighting Vegeta, recognizing anger as source of power for Saiyans and mimicking that to further increase his power.
Meteor Blow
Break Strike
Solar Flare
Super Saiyan Rose
Black's version of the Super Saiyan Blue
Martial Arts Skills
Great Intelligence
Ki Manipulation
Potara Earrings
Time Ring
Merged Zamasu
Martial Arts Skill
Divine Justice
Non-corporeal projection after death
Infinite Zamasu
Able to rip through space and time
Erasure blasts
As Goku Black, he fought on par with Super Saiyan 2 Goku in BASE FORM
As Goku Black, he took hits from him in base and laugh it off then when he transformed into Super Saiyan Rose he beat down Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta and Goku without much issues even after Goku got angry and beat him down Black grew stronger and beat him down again
Though defeated as Fusion Zamasu, he became a non-corporeal being that merged with the universe of the future timeline. As a result, killing nearly everyone on Earth, Zamasu became an omnipresent god and was about to spread across the time-space continuum also capable of affecting the present timeline as he was breaching it until he was wiped from existence by the erased future's version of Zeno.
Extremely cocky
As only Future Zamasu became immortal while Goku Black is not, this made half of Fusion Zamasu's unable to tank a majority of attacks. This ended up deforming his body, not making him fully immortal again.
The holy weapon spirit sword killed him in his broken down phase.
Can be erased by creator level beings like Zeno
Sailor Uranus
Superhuman Characteristics
Reinarnation with Sailor Crystals
Past Life Awareness
Spell Negation
Stealth Mastery
Enhanced Senses
Past Life Awareness, Racing
Spell Negation
Wind Manipulation
Energy Blast
Can survive in outer space
Spell Creation
Enhanced Swordsmanship
Enhanced Stats
Flight, Power Masking
Summoning (Along with Sailor Neptune and Sailor Pluto)
Spatial Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation
Can remove star seeds (Manipulation of the Totality of one's Being; Energy, Matter, Mind, Soul and Spirit) via the Galactica Bracelets
Resistance to Existence Erasure
Uranus Planet Power, Make Up: The first command used by Haruka Tenou to transform into the standard Sailor form of Sailor Uranus in the manga, and is the only one shown to be used in the first anime series. To transform she only held her hand in the air and say the transformation phrase.
Uranus Crystal Power, Make Up: A transformation phrase used by Haruka Tenou in order to transform into Sailor Uranus. This phrase was only used in the manga. Haruka is able to raise her hand in the air and use the crystal to transform into Super Sailor Uranus.
Uranus Crystal
Space Sword (Her Talisman)
Lip Rod (anime only)
Galactica Bracelets (under Sailor Galaxia)
Dexterity: Highly skilled. Haruka is an adept athlete, and as an Outer Senshi, is generally more skilled than her Inner Senshi counterparts. She performed her attacks without difficulty.
Henshin: Haruka can use the Power of her Sailor Crystal to Transform into Sailor Uranus and then her stronger forms. The Henshin Power can also be used to teleport through dimensions or reverse enemy-magic.
World Shaking: Haruka gathers energy from the wind and sends a blast from her hands, the attack was powerful to KO all the Guardian Senshi at once. The Attack has an Anti-Magic component, de-transforming magical opponents, and destroying enemy spells.
Space Sword Blaster: Haruka can use the power of her sword to launch a sword-shaped wave blast from her sword. This provides a drastic boost to Haruka's offense, allowing her to harm opponents more powerful then her.
Super Sailor Uranus: A more powerful form of Sailor Senshi that comes from the holy powers of the Holy Grail, the Super Sailor Power-Up increases the Sailor Senshi's Power by 10,000 times.
Eternal Sailor Uranus: The Highest Conventional State of Sailor Senshi, in this state Sailor Uranus' powers are comparable with the strongest Sailor Crystals in the Universe. This state increases her stats and her attack power by a drastic degree.
Space Turbulence: Eternal Sailor Uranus seemingly warps the space around her hands releasing a series of powerful waves of electromagnetic energy. This attack was powerful enough to damage two Eternal Senshi at once.
Galactica Space Turbulence: A version of Space Turbulence used by Sailor Uranus while she was being controlled by Sailor Galaxia's bracelets.
Galactica Planet Attack: The Inner Senshi (excluding Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon) and the Outer Senshi performed this attack while they were under the influence of Sailor Galaxia's bracelets. It is an alternate version of Sailor Planet Attack.
Star Seed Rip/Removal: The Galactica Bracelets also allow for the ability to steal the star seeds, taking away the very essence of a being and leaving the body to evaporate into dust.
Lambda Haruka: At the end of the series, Haruka absorbed the Lambda Power and could exist in "Perfectly Heavenly Form" within the Galaxy Cauldron which normally erases existence.
Can survive in outer space
Can exist without any effort in the cauldron of the galaxy, which erases everything from existence with a simple touch
Knocked out the entire Guardian Senshi Team at once
Attended a school reserved for geniuses in the Infinity arc in order to spy on her enemies
Also sense energy and suffering
Can also teleport with others and through dimensions
As long as her Sailor Crystal is not destroyed or Modified, she will always come back to life
Far faster than Full Power Base Sailor Moon Having spread an attack in the universe 1.45 Quintillon FTL
Basically Tanked an attack from Cyprine, the strongest of the Witches V, in civilian form)
Flew to Uranus in Sailor Stars without looking tired
She is less likely to use her Talisman due to it having a very large obvious energy signature and if the three Talismans are gathered they will summon Sailor Saturn, whose destiny is to destroy the world.
Hard to stay determined
Sailor Neptune
Superhuman Physical Characteristics
Reincarnation/Revitalization (With Sailor Crystal)
Extrasensory Perception
Stealth Mastery
Past Life Awareness
Spell Negation (Can also reverse spells with the henshin)
All previous abilities enhanced
Forcefield Creation
Water Manipulation
Illusion Creation
Paralysis Inducement via Musical Attacks
Power Masking
Summoning (Along with Sailor Uranus and Sailor Pluto)
Can survive in outer space
Energy Manipulation
Essence Manipulation (Can remove star seeds)
Manipulation of the Totality of one's Being; Energy, Matter, Mind, Soul and Spirit) via the Galactica Bracelets
Resistance to Existence Erasure
Neptune Planet Power, Make Up: The first command used by Michiru Kaiou to transform into her standard, regular Sailor form as Sailor Neptune in the manga, and the only one shown to be used in the first anime series. Michiru shouts this phrase while raising her hand in the air and she became Sailor Neptune in a instant.
Neptune Crystal Power, Make Up: A transformation phrase used by Michiru Kaiou in the manga. She used it in order to transform into Super Sailor Neptune, using her Neptune Crystal. while holding her hand in the air she becomes Sailor Neptune in a instant.
Neptune Crystal
Deep Aqua Mirror (Her Talisman, which allows her to see through space and time and teleport to specific people)
Lip Rod (anime only)
Marine Cathédrale
Galactica Bracelets (under Sailor Galaxia)
Magic: Michiru is a talented sorceress, who can create images and illusions at will and can channel her magic through her violin music, able to paralyze opponents.
Henshin: Michiru can use the Power of her Sailor Crystal to Transform into Sailor Neptune and then her stronger forms. The Henshin Power can also be used to teleport through dimensions or reverse enemy-magic.
Deep Submerge: Neptune summons the energy of the watery abyss. This attack is similar to the Moon Spiral Heart Attack.
Submarine Reflection: Utilizing the Deep Aqua Mirror, Sailor Neptune can create a beam of blue light. This light reveals her target's weakness, or destroy enemy spells and illusions, as well as destroy opponents who contain magic within them (like those resurrected by a curse).
Super Sailor Neptune: A more powerful form of Sailor Senshi that comes from the holy powers of the Holy Grail, the Super Sailor Power-Up increases the Sailor Senshi's Power by 10,000 times.
Eternal Sailor Neptune: The Highest Conventional State of Sailor Senshi, in this state Sailor Neptune's powers are comparable with the strongest Sailor Crystals in the Universe. This state increases her stats and her attack power by a drastic degree.
Submarine Violin Tide: She uses her violin to create a tide of energy that washes her opponent away. This attack was likely comparable to Eternal Sailor Uranus' Space Turbulence.
Galactica Violin Tide: An attack used by Sailor Neptune in the manga. It is an alternate "evil" version of her attack Submarine Violin Tide.
Galactica Planet Attack: The Inner Senshi (excluding Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon) and the Outer Senshi performed this attack while they were under the influence of Sailor Galaxia's bracelets. It is an alternate version of Sailor Planet Attack.
Star Seed Rip/Removal: The Galactica Bracelets also allow for the ability to steal the star seeds, taking away the very essence of a being and leaving the body to evaporate into dust.
Lambda Michiru: At the end of the series, Michiru absorbed the Lambda Power and could exist in "Perfectly Heavenly Form" within the Galaxy Cauldron which normally erases existence.
Can also teleport with others and through dimensions
Flew to Neptune without difficulty in the Stars arc and destroyed various enemies without looking tired.
A skilled swimmer
As long as her Sailor Crystal is not destroyed or modified, she will always come back to life
Can exist without any effort in the cauldron of the galaxy, which erases everything from existence with a simple touch
Excelled in academics and the arts without much effort.
She's also been shown to have sharp intuition and some form of precognition,
She attended a school reserved for geniuses simply to spy on her enemies in the Infinity arc of the series
She is less likely to use her Talisman due to it having a very large obvious energy signature and if the three Talismans are gathered they will summon Sailor Saturn, whose destiny is to destroy the world.
Needs to maintain concentration to use her magic.
Under the control of Sailor Galaxia, she loses her life if her Bracelets are destroyed
It is a nice peaceful morning.
Birds were chirping, flying into the air as the usual days of school goes on.
In the building, students sat quietly in the classroom, taking down notes as the teacher explains her lesson on board.
At that moment.....
A sudden explosion booms across the building, causing students and teachers alike to scream out in horror.
As the screams of terror rips through the air, two figures lowers themselves downwards, smirking at the people fleeing the building.
One of them is a tall green humanoid with white hair cutted in a mohawk.
The other is a tall humanoid with spiky hair cladded in black clothes.
They are no other than Zamasu and Goku Black.
Goku Black stares at the building and he said to his ally.
Goku Black: Well, what do you think? Think our Zero Mortal Plan is coming into fruitation?
Zamasu: Indeed.
Both Goku Black and Zamasu stares down at the building abd Goku Black suggests.
Goku Black: Shall we grant those lowly mortals the very death they deserve?
Zamasu: Very well. Let's do this.
Both Goku Black and Zamasu points their palms out, charging up a powerful surge of ki energy.
As the sphere of energy continues to increase in size, both villians shifts their arms down, aimming them at the school.
However, right at that moment...
???: Stop!
Upon hearing the voice, both Goku Black and Zamasu halts in their tracks.
Zamasu looks down and what he saw causes him to raise an eyebrow in confusion.
Below them, two young women stood on the ground, glaring at them.
Goku Black studies the women.
One of them is a tall young woman with short light blonde hair cutted in a bob haircut.
The second is a tall pretty woman with long flowing green hair.
Goku Black: Who are you? Who are you to stop us at what we do?
Without answering his question, both women began chanting out.
???: Uranus Crystal Power Make Up!
???: Neptune Crystal Power Make Up!
Right at that moment, both women began transforming.
Their clothes slowly disappears, transforming into a white one piece leotard.
A skirt then forms on the lower half of their outfit and a pair of boots forms at their legs.
A tiara forms on their forehead and the two struck a pose.
Both women have transformed into Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune!
Goku Black laughs out in delight.
Goku Black: Heh heh! That transformation is insignificant.
The evil Goku clone turns to face Zamasu and he offers.
Goku Black: I'll take the short hair one, the green hair woman is yours.
Zamasu: Right.
Both Goku Black and Zamasu swoops downwards, preparing to strike.
Sailor Uranus summons her Space Sword and she quickly raises it up, barely blocking a punch from Goku Black.
At the same time, Sailor Neptune ducks down just as Zamasu threw a punch.
Zamasu: Begone!
Zamasu's palm began emitting out an aura of energy and he swung his arm downwards.
Sailor Neptune: ARGHHHH!!!
The Sailor Senshi screams out in agony as she was sent flying back from the attack.
At the same time, both Sailor Uranus and Goku Black circles around each other, exchanging blows.
WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!
Just as Goku Black throws a punch, Sailor Uranus throws out a kick, striking him square in the stomach.
Goku Black: HUARGHHHH!!!
Sailor Uranus shifts her hands around before throwing both her palms out, unleashing a powerful blast of wind right into him.
Goku Black: WHOOAAA!!!
Goku Black screams out as he was sent flying back.
At the same time, Sailor Neptune quickly raises her hands out, conjuring out a magic barrier.
Zamasu flies up into the air and he looks down, launching a barrage of ki blasts at her.
PIU!!! PIU!!! PIU!!!
Zamasu smirks as he watches the ki blast explode around her.
However, as the smoke clears, Sailor Neptune pulls back her hands, lowering the barrier.
Sailor Neptune shifts her hands back, summoning her violin.
Upon noticing what she had summoned, Zamasu laughs out mockingly.
Zamasu: Ha! You plan on defying me with that instrument?
Sailor Neptune: It's never about the type of weapon I use, it's on how I use it.
Zamasu swoops forward, preparing to strike.
However, Sailor Neptune began strumming her pole against the string, playing out a melody out of her violin.
Before Zamasu could even react, a large stream of water splashes right into him, sending him tumbling back.
Zamasu: ARGHHHHH!!!!
Zamasu screams out in agony as he falls backfirst onto the ground.
Meanwhile, Sailor Uranus swung her sword across, sending a magic projectile flying towards Goku Black.
Goku Black smirks and he swung his arm across, deflecting the blast with a single swing.
Sailor Uranus points her sword at Goku Black and she declares out.
Sailor Uranus: Come at me with all you got! I promise you we will send you to oblivion first!
Goku Black chuckles out.
Goku Black: Heh heh heh! This fight has only just begun.
Goku Black clenches his fist and he lets out a loud scream.
Sailor Uranus: Ngn!
Sailor Uranus shields herself with her arm, watching as Goku Black began emitting out a powerful burst of pink aura.
Goku Black's hair flows up, switching from raven black to a lighter shade of pink.
Goku Black has transformed into a Super Saiyan Rose!
Sailor Uranus: Wait what?!
Sailor Uranus exclaims out in shock, surprised at Goku Black's transformation.
Goku Black smirks and he questions.
Goku Black: Well, what do you think of this colour? Is it not beautiful?
The evil Goku clone swung his arm outwards, brandishing an energy blade out of his palm.
Sailor Uranus narrows her eyes and she brought up her sword.
Goku Black lunges forward and he swung his energy blade downwards.
Sailor Uranus grits her teeth as she flies back, shielding herself from Goku Black's blows.
Right at that moment, Goku Black threw out a kick, striking right into Sailor Uranus.
Sailor Uranus: AAHHHHHH!!!!
Just as Sailor Uranus staggers back, Goku Black swung his energy blade across, launching several energy javelins right at her.
Sailor Uranus: AAHHHHH!!!!
Right as Goku Black launches his last javelin, he twirls around, lifts up his leg and points his arms out, striking a pose just as Sailor Uranus went off in a massive explosion.
Sailor Neptune: Haruka!
Horrified, Sailor Neptune races towards her girlfriend, concerned for her safety.
Right at that moment, Zamasu swoops down and he lands right in front of her.
Sailor Neptune: What?!
Goku Black: There's no point struggling girl.
Sailor Neptune spun around, watching just as Goku Black hovers down.
Zamasu: The Zero Mortal Plan shall be completed and a beautiful utopia awaits.
Sailor Neptune spat.
Sailor Neptune: You're a monster!
Zamasu: We're no monsters. You pathetic humans have done nothing but bring this world to a ruin. You are the monsters.
Zamasu retorts.
Both Goku Black and Zamasu points their palms out, launching a powerful ki blast right into her.
Sailor Neptune: ARGHHHH!!!
Sailor Neptune screams out in agony just as the ki blasts explodes around her.
As the smoke billows out of the source of the explosion, both Goku Black and Zamasu smirks and the two declares out in unison.
Goku Black and Zamasu: One God is all the Cosmos need.
Just as the smoke clears, Sailor Neptune pushes herself up and she grunts out.
Sailor Neptune: Ngn! It's....not over!
At the same time, Sailor Uranus pushes herself up and she questions.
Sailor Uranus: Ready?
Sailor Neptune: Yes.
Sailor Uranus: Uranus Crystal Power, Make Up!
Sailor Neptune: Neptune Crystal Power, Make Up!
A bright light flashes across just as the two Sailor Senshis underwent another transformation.
Zamasu: What?!
Both Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune has transformed into Super Sailor Uranus and Super Sailor Neptune!
Goku Black narrows his eyes and he growls.
Goku Black: You would struggle still?!
Goku Black lunges forward and he throws out his palms, launching several ki blasts right at them.
However, Sailor Neptune brought out her mirror and in an instant, both women vanishes from sight.
Goku Black: Hm?
Before both Goku Black and Zamasu could even react, all of a sudden, a strong gust of wind struck them hard in the back.
Zamasu: Gahhhh!!!
Goku Black: WHOOAAAA!!!
At the same time, a powerful blast of magic struck them right in the back, causing a massive explosion.
Both Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune looks down, watching just as Goku Black and Zamasu pushes themselves up.
Pat! Pat!
Goku Black pats the dust off his clothes and he complimented the two.
Goku Black: Not bad. Now you shall see the true meaning of terror.
Almost automatically, Zamasu removes the clip off his left ear, leaving the right Potara earring on his right ear.
At the same time, Goku Black unclips the right earring off his right ear, leaving the left Potara earring on his left ear.
Right at that moment....
Both Goku Black and Zamasu were pulled towards each other, twirling around in the air just as a bright light shines across the sky.
Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune: What?!
Both Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune exclaims out in horror as the two figures disappears in a blinding flash of light.
As the lights dims, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune could only see one single figure beneath the light.
Sailor Neptune: What's going on?
One single figure slowly hovers down, emitting a single white halo as he spreads out his arms.
His entire clothing resembles that of Zamasu's except they are in a dark shade of black.
While his appearance resembles that of Zamasu's, the figure's hair resembles that of Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black's hair.
Both Goku Black and Zamasu has fused into Merged Zamasu!
Merged Zamasu stares down at the two Sailor Senshis and he declares out in a Godly tone.
Merged Zamasu: Mortals be expulsed!
Both Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune flies up, preparing to attack.
Just as they closes in, Merged Zamasu swerves his head back, dodging a blow before swinging his arm out, striking the two back.
Sailor Uranus: AAAHHHHH!!!!
Sailor Neptune: ARGHHHH!!!
Just as the two crashes into the ground, Merged Zamasu spreads out his arms, unleashing a hail of lightning down at them.
The lightning strikes onto the two, creating a massive explosion.
Merged Zamasu: The world shall cling right under Zamasu's hands!
Merged Zamasu throws down his palm, unleashing a powerful supernova downwards.
Right at that moment, the ground beneath him, exploded from the sheer impact, creating a massive crater on the floor.
Both Sailor Uranus and Sailor Saturn's crystals shatters into smithereens, exploding into nothingness just as the blast consumes them.
As Merged Zamasu stares down at the empty crater, he smirks as he declares out.
Merged Zamasu: Foolish mortals. Now bow beneath the true power of the Gods!
The winners are
Goku Black and Zamasu
Advantages and disadvantages
Goku Black and Zamasu
More powerful
More experienced
Better martial arts skills
Merged Zamasu is more powerful
Weaker durability
Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune
More strategic
Better teamwork
Not as skilled
Victory quote:
Goku Black: Hm hm hm hm hm! Neh heh heh heh heh heh! At last! There is no one left in this world who can resist me!
Zamasu: One God is all the Cosmos need.
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Supergirl and Batgirl vs Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn
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