Evil Rulers Battle Royale
Requested by JohnathenYoungs
Which of these four evil rulers will win this battle royale?
Summoning Spell: Summons minions, meteors, lightning storms, thorny vines.
Green Fire manipulation
Manages to hold off hundreds of Heartless with Pete's help.
Not able to fully grasp post-middle-ages concepts like cyberspace.
Can still die by normale means of harm
Martial Arts Skills
Expert Swordsmanship
Near Invulnerability
Enhanced Hearing
Cyclonic Wind Breath
Energy Eye Beams
Able to survive in space
Vilgax's primary tool is his sword, whose blade is made of a material sharp enough to cut through an entire space ship with a single stroke. The sword can als project energy beams or coat itself in flames, or crystals able to refract energy blasts.
Beaten Ben many times
Vilgax conquered ten planets, destroyed five others and created a black hole.
Has outfought many strong warriors in the universe
Saved his own people from Ghostfreak's invasion
Weaknesses exclusive to his species like an inability to revert to his usual form and his high durability can be overwhelmed with enough force.
Vulernable to the common cold.
With the exception of his toadie Psyphon, Vilgax all an all drone army since almost no organic life form is willing to work for him save hired mercenaries he offered money to.
Martial Arts Skills
Super Speed
High Durability
Near Invulnerability
Super Strength
Being a prodigy, Frieza was ultimately recognized one of the most powerful warriors in the universe despite having never trained himself. It was when he actually did that Frieza reached higher levels of power.
Presumably orchestrated numerous other genocides and killed many prior victims.
Destroyed Planet Vegeta and numerous other worlds, with Earth the last know planet he wiped out. Frieza destroying Planet Vegeta is calculated at around 1.7 Tenatons.
Effortlessly killed King Vegeta with one punch.
Put a much stronger Gohan in a coma-like state with one hit.
Killed Piccolo with one shot.
Second Form
Able to easily beat Vegeta, Gohan and Krillin.
Able to match Piccolo after fusing with Nail, with clothes.
Gains horns to use for impaling and much more physical strength.
Third Form
Outclasses Piccolo
Final Form
Effortlessly defeated and killed both Vegeta and Krillin.
Survived getting cut in half, a blast from Goku as a Super Saiyan, and the destruction of Planet Namek, though his body was heavily damaged by both it and his fight against Goku.
Destroyed all of planet Earth in a few seconds.
Survived the Spirit Bomb.
Disposed of universe 10's team leader in the tournament of power as if he was nothing.
At 100% power easily shot 100% power Frost off the stage with just a ki blast.
Tanked a Galick Gun form Super Saiyan 2 Cabba.
Can survive even in pieces.
Golden Frieza
Is stronger than even Super Saiyan Blue Goku. A weaker form of Goku was able to shake the universe when he clashed with Beerus in Episode 12.
Easily disposed of an entire group of assassins.
Survived in hell while still keeping a straight mind allowing him not to lose stamina while in golden form.
Survived the Fraction of the Power of the destruction god, Sidra.
Shot Super Saiyan 2 Cabba to bits and exclaims that he wasted energy in doing so.
Survive a point blank destruction energy from the newly crowned destruction god Toppo.
Prideful Arrogance
Tends to underestimate his opponents
Refuses to accept defeat
Has lost against Goku many times
Not immune to erasure attacks
Lost against Goku, Trunks, Vegeta, Dyspo, Toppo and Jiren
Super Strength
Near-limitless Stamina
Healing Factor
Great Intelligience
Cosmic Awareness
Astral Projection
Omega Beams
Able to Transverse through time and space
Matter and Energy Manipulation
The Anti-Life Equation
A power to manipulate the wills of others, Darkseid spend eternity to find the equation to make everyone in the universe like those on Apokolips. Darkseid would eventually obtain the equation while traversing the multiverse: "loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding × guilt × shame × failure × judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=dark side." This allows him to turn anyone into a mindless slave devoid of free will and personal identity, save those who could resist it like Static.
Agony Matrix
An energy-field-based weapon that causes direct neural stimulation of every pain receptor in a person, causing unfathomable torture. Darkseid claims its 'the worst possible pain you can imagine, times 1000'. While it would kill an average person within minutes, a super-powered being like Superman would only lay on the ground while writhing.
Apokolips' Power Feed
Whenever he needs to replenish his lost strength, Darkseid seals himself in the heart of Apokolips and syphon the planet's life energy. But it can be a dangerous risk since Darkseid must remain until the replenishment is complete and effect the drain has on Apokolips' unstable mass.
Boom Tubes
Portals that allow Darkseid to travel across dimensions. Depending on the story; these are either summoned by technology (normally a remote control) or by Darkseid's magic.
Occasionally uses Kryptonite weapons
Destroyed a planet while fighting Highfather.
Has overpowered Superman on numerous occasions, able to subdue him with the utmost of ease.
Strong enough to hold open a hole in reality.
Transforms Cyborg Superman into a metal ball.
Capable of hurting The Spectre and surviving hits from him.
Can alter his size at will.
Defeats Orion and Mr. Miracle with a simple wave of his hand, he also illustrates he has control over the firestorm matrix.
Telekinetically froze the entire Legion of Superheroes.
Breaks a Green Lantern Ring.
His true form made space-time across the entire multiverse collapse.
One-shots Silver Surfer.( Non-Canon)
Destroys missiles that Superman can't stop.
Conquers 3 billion daxamite minds.
Solos a team of Darkstars (Darkstars have comparable power to Green Lanterns).
Takes hits from Pre-Crisis Superman and Supergirl.
Easily survives a combined attack from the Legion of Super-Heroes.
Incinerates Cyborg Superman.
Reacts in a microsecond.
Omega Beams are fast enough to tag Superman and The Flash
Darkseid is vulnerable to Radion (a lethal substance to New Gods, conceptually similar to Kryptonite for Kryptonians).
Omega Beams can be stopped if it hits a different target during its initial pursuit. For example Batman and Flash using Parademons as human shields.
Omega Beams have been proven ineffective against the likes of Wonder Woman's bracelets.
Omega Beams were unable to harm Galactus, Doomsday and Mxyzptlk.
Can be pushed into his own Boom Tubes; temporarily banishing him
He is often overconfident and does not use his powers to their fullest extent.
Was once a McDonalds employee.
Failed to defeat High Father; agreeing to a peace treaty instead of finishing the war
Has lost in battles against Superman multiple times (especially since Superman is willing to go all out against Darkseid).
His Omnipresent true form was killed by Superman's shriek.
Was easily defeated by Doomsday.
Was shot by Batman (Batman was okay with this). The bullet was made out of Radion and so was fatal to Darkseid.
Was once mugged by ordinary humans.
In the fiery depths of the planet Apokolips, creatures growls as they scramble across the planet.
Standing among them, the infamous New God, Darkseid stood towering over the physically inferior creatures that worships him.
As Darkseid is quietly brooding, just then, an explosion rings across the planet.
Darkseid's eyes snaps open and it glows crimson.
There's an intruder on the planet.
Darkseid turns back and he looks up.
A massive Warship flies above the planet, launching a barrage of lasers downwards, destroying several of the planet's infrastructure.
Darkseid's eyes glows before he launches an Omega Beam towards the ship.
The Omega Beam flies across the planet, flying in a zig zag manner before striking right into the ship.
The entire ship glows crimson before it's entire structure incinerates into nothingness.
Darkseid spun around, thinking that the threat has been dealt with.
However, just then, a figure swoops down from the sky, flying at lightning quick speed before crashing down onto the ground.
Darkseid's head turns, looking back.
As the smoke clears, a tall muscular sentient with a cephalopod head pushes himself up.
Darkseid questions the newcomer.
Darkseid: Who are you? Do you have any idea who you are dealing with?
The intruder introduces himself as he clenches his fist.
???: I am Vilgax, ruler of the Universe!
???: Ohohohoho! I do not think so.
Both Darkseid and Vilgax turns and a long white tail slams onto the roof of a building.
Darkseid studies the newcomer.
The second newcomer is a short but slender humanoid with white skin and purple bumps over his body.
He seems to possess a long reptilian tail.
Darkseid stares at the newcomer before questioning him.
Darkseid: And who are you supposed to be?
The figure introduces himself.
???: Greetings, I am Lord Frieza and I have come to claim this very planet.
???: How wrong you are.
Frieza's eyes widens as he turns.
Both Darkseid and Vilgax's heads turns towards the direction of the voice.
The inhabitants of Apokolips screams out in terror as a huge massive creature swoops above them.
The creature is a huge black dragon.
The dragon lowers itself down onto the ground before it's entire body begun shrinking, morphing.
The dragon's shape slowly morphs into that of a tall human female.
Darkseid questions the woman.
Darkseid: And who are you?
The woman introduces herself.
???: I am Maleficient and all of you shall bow to me!
Frieza smirks and he proudly boasts to the three.
Frieza: Just for you to know, my power level is well over a million
Darkseid scoffs and his eyes glows crimson.
Darkseid: Very well, prepare to face the wrath of a God!
Frieza lunges forward and he throws a punch.
Darkseid's huge hand wraps around's Frieza's arm, causing him to widen his eyes in shock.
Frieza: What?!
In a blink of an eye, Darkseid swung him arm backward, tugging Frieza backwards before slamming him hard onto the ground.
Frieza: Guarhhhg!!!!
Frieza coughs out in agony as his entire body shook from the sheer impact.
Darkseid grabs Frieza, lifting him up.
Darkseid said to Frieza in contempt.
Darkseid: Weak.
Darkseid tosses Frieza up into the air before throwing a punch.
Frieza: Argh!!!
Frieza grunts as he was sent tumbling back.
At the same time, Vilgax turns as Maleficient launches several emerald green magic blasts at him.
Vilgax draws out his Sword before swinging it, deflecting the attacks.
Maleficient swung her arms up and her hands glows green.
Vilgax's eyes widens as he notices several portals opening around him.
Six large muscular brutes charges out of the portal, growling menacingly,
Vilgax: Interesting.
Vilgax remarks as the creatures lunges forward.
Brutes: ROAR!!!
As one of the brutes swung at him, Vilgax swerves back before swinging his sword across.
The brute roars as it collapses onto the ground.
As another brute charges forward, Vilgax turns and he fires an Energy Beam from his eyes.
Brute: AHHHH!!!
The brute roars out in agony as the Energy Beam struck it.
As the brute collapses, two of the brutes charges forward with their fists bear.
Vilgax swung his sword across, cutting down one of them before throwing a right hook at the other.
The brute growls as it was sent flying back, slamming backfirst into a wall.
Vilgax scoffs as the final two brutes charges forward.
Vilgax: Huh! Useless.
Vilgax launches himself forward before swinging his sword across.
The two creatures collapses onto the ground, dead.
Vilgax turns back to face Maleficient and he questions her mockingly.
Vilgax: Is that the best you can do?
Maleficient stares at Vilgax in disbelief.
Maleficient: Impossible! How are you able to destroy my minions?
Vilgax: They were weak, just like you.
Maleficient growls and she swung her arms up.
Vilgax watches as several Thorny Branches shoots out from the ground.
Vilgax's mouth twisted into a smile as he swung his blade across.
As the branches fell onto the ground, Maleficient widens her eyes in shock as Vilgax launches himself forward.
Maleficient: AHHHH!!!
Maleficient coughs out blood as she felt something large and metallic stabs right through her chest.
Vilgax pulls his sword outwards, watching as Maleficient's body collapses onto the ground.
Vilgax's mouth twisted into a smile and he spat.
Vilgax: You are weak.
Meanwhile, Frieza grits his teeth as he jumps back, narrowingly dodging a punch from Darkseid.
Frieza growls and he shouts at him.
Frieza: You dare mock the great Lord Frieza?! You will pay for your insolence!
Frieza points his finger at Frieza before launching a thin and slender Death Beam towards Darkseid.
However, Darkseid simply swung his arm across, swatting the projectile aside.
Frieza widens his eyes in shock before breaking into a malicious laughter.
Frieza: Hm hm hm! Mwa Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!
Darkseid questions Frieza's sudden outburst.
Darkseid: What's so funny?
Frieza sneers and he answers.
Frieza: Not bad. But it's about time I show what real power is!
Frieza clenches his fists and he lets out a loud mighty scream as his entire body began transforming.
Frieza: YAHHHHHH!!!!
Frieza's entire body flashes from white to golden as his size and structure increases in size.
Darkseid's eyes widens in intrigue as he studies Frieza's new transformation.
Frieza has transformed into Golden Frieza!
Golden Frieza chuckles and he questions.
Frieza: You may want to beg for your life. It would be a shame to waste you here.
Darkseid scoffs and he questions.
Darkseid: You are really in such a hurry to throw your life away?
Angered at the remark, Frieza launches himself forward, ready to attack.
Frieza throws a kick at Darkseid.
However, Darkseid simply raises up an arm, shielding himself from the attack before throwing a punch.
Frieza grits his teeth as the punch struck him hard in the face, sending him flying back.
Frieza halts in midair before launching a barrage of ki blasts at Darkseid.
Frieza: Yah yah yah yah yah!!!
The ground and the walls explodes as each ki blasts struck them.
Darkseid swoops across the air, swerving around, dodging the projectiles.
Before Frieza could even react, all of a sudden, he felt a sharp forceful impact striking him hard in the gut.
Frieza: Huagh!!!
Frieza coughs out as the sheer impact shook within his entire body.
Darkseid throws a hook right across Frieza's cheek.
Frieza: AHHHH!!!
Frieza screams out in agony as he was sent flying towards a building, smashing right through.
As Darkseid turns his back, just then, he heard a thud right in front of him.
Darkseid looks up and he saw Vilgax glaring intendly at him.
Darkseid questions Vilgax as he jumps down to face him.
Darkseid: Do you really wish to die that badly?
Vilgax points his sword at Darkseid and he said to him defiantly.
Vilgax: You shall suffer under the might of Vilgax!
Darkseid got into a fighting stance, preparing to face against Vilgax.
Just then, the two heard an explosion from above, causing them to look.
An enraged Frieza flies up in the air, his hands raised upwards.
Above him, an enormous Supernova forms above his palms.
Frieza smirks and he questions.
Frieza: How about this? The power to destroy an entire planet!
Frieza swung his arms downwards, sending the Supernova flying downwards.
As the Supernova flies down, scared inhabitants began screaming out in terror as they scrambled across the streets, trying to find a place to hide.
However, Darkseid simply swung his arm backwards, smacking Vilgax backwards.
Vilgax grunts as he crashes back first into a wall.
Just as the Supernova closes in, Darkseid spun his head around before firing an Omega Beam from his eyes at it.
Just as the Omega Beam struck the Supernova, the entire sphere of destruction suddenly disintegrates into nothingness.
Horrified, Frieza's jaws drops and he questions in disbelief.
Frieza: What?!
Without warning, Darkseid launches himself upwards, flying towards Frieza.
Darkseid: You're finished.
Darkseid then throws a punch right into Frieza's face, sending him flying back.
Darkseid's eyes glows red before he screams out.
Darkseid: Yahhhh!!!
Blood red Omega Beams flies across the air before striking right into Frieza.
Frieza: YAHHHHHH!!!!
Frieza lets out a loud scream of agony as he felt his entire disintegrates into nothingness before going off into a massive explosion.
The explosion rings across the city, briefly turning the night into day.
Darkseid spun around and he turns to face Vilgax.
Darkseid: You dare face a God?
Vilgax: Your end is near.
Vilgax lunges forward, swinging his sword across.
However, Darkseid swung his arm sideways, striking the sword.
Vilgax widens his eyes in sheer horror as his sword shatters from the sheer impact of the blow.
Darkseid pulls his arm back before throwing a punch.
Vilgax: Ngn!!!
The sheer impact of the punch sends Vilgax tumbling back, crashing into a wall.
Darkseid clenches his fist as he unleashes a powerful Omega Beam towards Vilgax.
Just as Vilgax pushes himself up, his eyes widens in sheer horror as the Omega Beam flies right towards him.
Vilgax: No! It can't be!
The Omega Beam struck Vilgax, causing the Alien Conqurer to scream out in agony
Vilgax: AAHHHHHH!!!!
Vilgax's entire body began disintegrating, incinerating into nothingness before going off in a massive explosion
Darkseid watches silently as the explosion dies down.
Darkseid stares scornfully at the smoky remains and he said scornfully.
Darkseid: Now you know the true might of a God!
The winner is
Advantages and disadvantages
Not very powerful
More experieinced
Has never fought Gods
Has lost against Godly beings
More powerful
More Experienced
Victory quote:
Darkseid: Are you sure you can win against me? You know what I am. You know the doubt in your heart. You so-called heroes are false gods, all of you. And when people stop believing in you, you'll shatter like glass.
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Velocidrome and two Velociprey vs Blue, Delta, Charlie and Echo
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