Delibird vs Santa Claus
Requested by MLPFan001
Today is Christmas. And to celebrate this special day, we are pitting 2 gift-giving, jolly characters who live in the frosty, frigid areas who give presents to people fly into battle to determine which of them is the superior!
Moves it learns via level up
Present: Delibird's signature move which has a chance to heal it's opponent or damage them.
TM/HM moves
Hail: In Hail, all Pokemon but ice types take damage and makes sure Blizzard never misses.
Blizzard: A Powerful ice type attack that can freeze its opponents.
Fly: Delibird takes to the skies and then slams down on it's opponent.
Frost Breath: This move is always a critical hit.
Ice Beam: A Powerful ice type move that can freeze opponents.
Present: Delibird throws a present at the opponent. It either heals them, or explode in their face.
Vital Spirit: Delibird cannot be put to sleep.
Hustle: Delibird's physical attacks increase by 50%, but it's accuracy lowers by 20%.
Flight: Delibird is capable of flight
Healing: Delibird is able to heal all sorts of wounds
Able to dodge attacks at the speed of sound
Weak against electricity, fire, steel and rock based attacks
North(Santa Claus)
North, better known by the world as Santa Claus, is the fabled and legendary bringer of toys and gifts on Christmas Eve, and is the Guardian of Wonder.
Master Swordsmanship Specialist
North is a strong and powerful man. He is a master swordsman and he consider himself the best in the world.
Power of Wonder
North has an ability to find the wonder in everything around him which helps him in his creation of toys and inventions. It also boosts his faith in others and resolve, and helps him be jolly and a little childish but gives him a unique insight.
Master Craftsman, Magician, Toymaker, and Inventor
North was trained and tutored in magic by Ombric. His skills in magic has been so great that Ombric, himself, have said that North may have surpassed him already. He is able to combine magic with his inventions which ends with amazing results like the Djinni Robot. As the Overseer of Christmas, he also has his Naughty and Nice Lists imprinted on his arms, which he can handle at anytime, check to see what child goes on which list, and even remove a name from either (as was implied when Jack was brought to his workshop to become a Guardian).
North is also a master craftsman and toymaker, and can create amazing toys, some of them imbued with magical abilities, as well as invent magical tools and objects, like the Globe of Belief in his workshop, his famous reindeer-pulled sleigh, or his Snowglobes that become portals to anywhere in the world.
It was said that he once defeated an entire regiment of calvary with a bent steak knife-while he was eating.
His skill in swordsmanship are so advanced that the Man in the Moon and Ombric trusted him with one of the legendary relics, Tsar Lunar XI's Sword.
Able to take down several Nightmare Sands all by himself
Knows almost all bug languages from hamsters to leeches
Capable of delivering presents to children across the world in one night
Very childish but jolly
Hates TV, retail and politics, thinking they are too pushy in his opinion
Has his personality nullified in the American version since the original version actually punishes naughty kids when they misbehave
Christmas Eve
Santa Nicholas, also known as North slips on his hat as he approaches his reindeers.
It's time to deliver presents to the people across the world.
As North began taking off into the air, little does he know that his job is about to become quite eventful.
Delibird readies himself for his job.
With Christmas just around the corner, it's time for him to start delivering presents.
Delibird took off into the air and he began delivering his present, not knowing that he is about to have a little competition.
As both North and Delibird delivers their presents, there were some mix reaction from the people.
Raiden: I got a hat!
Iroha: I got a new fan!
D.VA: Gasp! I got the latest Call of Duty game!!!
Flash: I got a new red sweater, with a lightning streak!
Goku: I got a ham, yummy!
Sailor Moon: I got a new pretty dress!
Superman: I got a coal.
Superman looks back and forth before he smiles and clenches his fist, crushing the coal with his bare hands.
As he opens up his palm, a beautiful diamond lay in his palm and he asks.
Superman: Now where can I find a ring to put for Lois?
Pinkie Pie hops around and she cheers.
Pinkie Pie: Yippie! I got a cake!
Deadpool took out what was in his stocking and he grumbles
Deapool: I got a rock. Thanks Iroha :(
Author's note: Since when could he do that?
Santa Claus parks his sleigh in a flat snowland and he surveys his list to see where he should deliver his presents next.
As he was about to take a bite out of his Gingerbread man, all of a sudden, something struck his cookie, causing it to freeze.
North turns and he saw a small bird resembling him cawing at him.
North: Who are you do you want a present?
North laughs as he hands a present to Delibird.
Delibird looks at it before handing North a present.
Realizing what's going on, North raises an eye brow and he questions.
North: Oh, a little competition eh? Very well...
North draws out his sword and he declares.
North: Whoevers wins shall be declared the real Father Christmas!
North launches himself forward and he swung his sword.
But Delibird flies up and he launches an ice breath at North.
North throws a snowglobe at the ice breath, causing it to freeze.
But Delibird swoops up and he slams into North, knocking him down.
North swung his sword at Delibird, slashing at him before delivering a kick, knocking him back.
Delibird recovers and he throws an explosive present, causing North to explode.
As North was blasted back, Delibird swoops forward and he slams into North.
North falls back and he pushes himself up.
North then said.
North: Oh. A wise guy eh?
North began using his magic to send a fleet of toy planes towards Delibird.
Delibird exhales a blizzard from his mouth, freezing the toys, causing them to fall frozen into the ice.
North charges forward and both he and Delibird began yrading blows.
But Delibird throws a present into his face, causing North to explode before blasting North with his signature Frost Breath.
North screams as his entire body began freezing.
Delibird picks up an explosive present and he hurls it at North, causing him to explode.
At the same time, one of North's planes suddenly swoops down out of nowhere and it struck Delibird, causing him to explode.
North falls back and he pushes himself up.
Delibird pushes himself up and he shookhis head.
Both North and Delibird stares at each other before the two bursts into laughter.
North laughs merrily.
North: Ha ha! How can I stay mad at you?
Delibird smiles and he caws back.
Both the Guardian and the Pokemon approaches each other and they hand each other a present.
North smiles and he said to Delibird.
North: Merry Christmas my dear friend.
Delibird held up a Jack-in-a-box and he ejects it, causing a springy toy version of himself to jump out of the box, holding a message that says.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Both North and Delibird laughs before North invites Delibird onto his sleigh.
North: Come my friend, let's go deliver some presents.
Delibird coos eagerly as the two began taking off.
Adam smiles as Carol planted a kiss on his cheek before saying.
Carol: Merry Christmas dear.
Maurice smiles as Clover embraces him.
Tundra smirks as he hands his presents to both Kale and Caulifla.
Caulifla then kisses him and she said.
Caulifla: Merry Christmas.
Dark Magician laughs happily as he and Sunset Shimmer eats their log cakes.
Nakano approaches FrostWing and she spoke.
Nakano: This is such a nice party.
FrostWing smiles and he said.
FrostWing: No problem. Oh here comes my waifu.
Raynare approaches them and she said to FrostWing.
Raynare: Hello FrostWing. Great to see you.
FrostWing: Nice to see you Raynare. You're looking even more beautiful.
Behind him, Silver and Cynder are watching him.
Silver leans in and he said.
Silver: Damn.
???: Nice huh?
The two of them jumps back, only to see the ghost of Shizuka
Author's note: Shizuka is from Queen's Blade. And she's currently dead.
Cynder shouts at her.
Cynder: Don't scare us like that!
Shizuka giggles and she watches as FrostWing prepares for a kiss.
Just then, Tundra exclaims.
Tundra: Hey everyone! FrostWing's standing under the mistletoe!
Adam: So are we!
Maurice notices the mistletoes everywhere and he exclaims.
Maurice: Hey there's mistletoes everywhere!
Nakano remarked.
Nakano: Wow. Isn't that amazing?
Raynare agrees.
Raynare: Indeed, do you know what else is amazing?
Without warning, Raynare planted a kiss into FrostWing's lips and the two shares a kiss.
Within minutes, everyone began kissing.
As Nakano watches from behind, Deadpool turns to Pinkie Pie and he questions.
Deadpool: Well come on! JohnathenYoungs would want to see that.
Pinkie Pie: Okay.
And the two shares a kiss under the mistletoe.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have...
A tie
Advantages and disadvantages
Has superpowers
Lacks strength
Lacks combat experience
Santa Claus
Better martial arts skills
More durable
No useful superpowers
Not very fast
🎄🎄Merry Christmas everyone!🎁🎁
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X-Ray and Vav vs Power Edd
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