Batman vs Goku

Requested by Batmandude18
Dedicated to FlawedMuslimah

Batman has defeated Superman before. So one question remains is how well can Batman go against Goku?

Author's note: For those who do not know, Batman has underwent 20 years of prep time prior to the match. Meaning he has access to all the kinds of mecha suits, machines, fear toxins, weapons and poison he could use against Goku


Peak Human Conditioning (Bench Press: 1,000 lbs.; Leg Press: 2,500 lbs.; Master Acrobat & Athlete)

Genius Intellect & Strategist

Master Escape Artist


Expert Detective

Mastered every known and hidden martial art on Earth, and has even learned some Kryptonian, Amazonian and other fighting styles

Master swordsman, despite only using swords on rare occasions

Resistant to mind control and manipulation

Can disguise his voice perfectly to mimic people like Commissioner Gordon

Bat Suit

A repurposed Nomex survival suit, it was designed to evoke fear.

Weight: 200 lbs.

Fire and Shock Resistant Memory Cloth Cape

Steel Toed Boots

Nose Piece Gas Filter

200,000 volt electrode network

Resistant to light gunfire, strongest at the center of the torso (right under his chest symbol)

Cowl's para-aramid fibers lessen impacts to the head


Doubles as a glider

Can stun foes

Can block light explosives and light gunfire

Gauntlets armed with blades

These blades can slice through metal, block swords or be fired like bullets.

Conceals both heatbeat and heat signature

Night Vision/Infra-red Lens

Triangulation Imaging System

Can be equipped with shock gloves

Evidence Scanner and Detective Vision can locate near invisible chemical traces and physical and mental states of others, has X-ray vision, can zoom from miles away and easily see in the dark

Bat-symbol designed to attract gunfire to the most heavily-armored part of suit

Utility Belt protected with taser

B.A.T. System dampens and absorbs kinetic energy and can release it on command.

Utility Belt

Grapple Gun

Gas Mask

Tear Gas

Smoke Pellets

Some pellets create plumes wide and thick enough to form entire rainclouds for the Batwing to hide in



Sonic emitter that stuns all nearby enemies


Sonic Batarangs

Disracts enemies

Explosive Batarangs

Can harm some non-humans/superpowered enemies

Can be detonated remotely or on contact

Tiny Tracking Batarangs

Electric shock Batarangs

Powers inactive equipment on hit

Shocks enemies

Remote-Controlled or Homing Batarangs

Can be controlled mid-flight

Flight pattern and targets can be pre-programmed

Transponder that summons bats (sometimes a belt gadget or a Batarang)

Kryptonite Ring

Batman also owns more Kryptonite or Red Sunlight weapons that he'll use if he prepares to fight Kryptonians; Injustice 2 depicts him with Kryptonite Gauntlets.

Gold Kryptonite Knife: Injustice Batman used this weapon in an attempt to remove Injustice Superman's powers.


Explosive Gel

Batmobile Remote


Shock Gloves

Strong enough to harm and ko superhumans

Can act as an improvised defibrillator

Freeze Blast Grenades

Line Launcher

Sonic/Sound Grenades or Belt

Remote Electrical Charge Weapon

Cryptographic Sequencer

Forensic Analysis Kit

First Aid Kit

Heat flares that melt through thick ice in seconds

Bat-(har)poon (hehehe...)

Red sun generators?!?

One-way one-shot black hole teleporter?!?!?!?

Shark Repellent...?

Bat Credit Card

Collapsible sword/lightsaber (Batman never uses this on regular humans however and he rarely has this gadget at all; but still!)

The list goes on...

Has nothing you can find at the mall

Vehicles and gear

Insider Suit

Batman's semi-famous Insider Suit allowed him to tap into The Speed Force in order to increase his movement and reaction speed to Superhuman levels. While the results were unimpressive, he had only a week to develop all the suits systems. It also had a connection to the Justice League's teleports that should also prove useful.

Justice Buster

As Batman himself puts it, a warsuit designed to take on the most powerful superhumans on the planet. Used to combat members of the Justice League 1-on-1 in turn. Survived limited combat with Superman and Wonder Woman, as well as dealing damage to both.

Spectrum Suit

This suit allows Batman to cloak himself from the entire electromagnetic spectrum, as well as hiding his smell and the sounds he makes

Bind of Viels

The Anti-thesis to Wonder Woman's Lasso, allowed Batman to hypnotize and incapacitate Wonder Woman  

The Black Rock

Allowed the villain Blackrock to have enough strength to fight Superman 1 on 1, as well as increased strength, durability, and magical energy blast

Hell Bat

While not designed to counter the Leagues abilities exactly like the Justice Buster, the Hellbat is faster, stronger and tougher. Made as a collaboration by the members of The Justice League, The Hellbat was able to storm Apokolips, and survive a brief encounter with Darksied


A huge giant mecha suit used to combat large and powerful opponents like Bane and Superman


A flyer with tough durable armour and high callibre gun power and missiles


Tough metal armour and capable of travelling at incredible speed several times faster than a normal car. Contains turrets and missile launchers


One of the smartest humans in DC history

Outsmarted Brainiac, Lex Luthor, Superman, Joker, and many criminal masterminds on multiple occasions.

Solved every riddle presented to him by The Riddler.

Gave a question Clue Master was unable to answer.

Solved Numerous Unsolvable Crimes: granting him the title of being the greatest detective in all of DC comics.

Discovered Superman's identity relatively quickly across multiple canons.

Deduced that the Green Lantern ring works on concentration despite just encountering Hal Jordan.

Was chosen to (temporarily) be the God of Knowledge.

Invites Near-Death Experiences

Despite being human, Batman has defeated Superhumans on a regular basis

Single-handedly defeated Superman (normally with kryptonite) & the Justice League on multiple occasions (with prep time)

Have devised a series of back-up plans in case of certain events ranging from a rogue Justice League member to Wayne Manor's "Knightfall" self-destruct sequence should his identity become public knowledge and he needs to fake his death.

Frequently defeats the immortal Solomon Grundy.

Defeated Hulk and Punisher.

Fatally shot Darkseid with a gun (Batman was OK with this)

Famously KOs Guy Gardner with a single punch

Has escaped Arkham Asylum on multiple occasions, including when it is overrun with supervillains.

Batman also takes down the majority of the inmates singlehandedly; including his entire rogues gallery.

Despite his lack of powers; Batman is a master of terror and fear. He has made every member of his Rouges Gallery be afraid of him at least once; even those who specialize in (Scarecrow) or are resistant to fear (Joker, Bane).

Scarecrow himself says that Batman is the only one who makes him feel fear, something not even a Black Lantern can accomplish, and only pursues Batman so he can feel fear again

Despite having a reputation of breaking the Bat, Bane was forced to make his own cowl of Batman to put fear into criminals during Batman's absence

Made a Talon, a superhuman undead assassin, feel fear

Only Non-Powered Founder of the Justice League

Acknowledged by Mr. Mircle, the Greatest Escape Artist in the Universe, to be the Greatest Human Escape Artist

Avoided unavoidable Omega Beams; which Flash and Superman struggle to avoid

When Jason Todd attempted to headshot Batman from behind, Bats dodged the bullet at point-blank range, then immediately disarmed Jason.

Made Darkseid surrender Supergirl by threatening to blow up Apokolips with Hellspores

Survived outer space for 24 seconds

Can throw a Batarang 100 mph

Swapped a poisoned drink faster than the literal blink of an eye

Broke into Area 51... and Area 52

Mastered 157 martial arts known to man.

Retook his Batman role from successors...twice

With a sniper rifle, he accomplished a shot that Deathstroke himself said was impossible

Has a natural accuracy with guns despite his reluctance to use them

Smashed a six-foot hole in reinforced glass with a single swing of a pipe wrench

Developed a working biological serum in literally four minutes

Somehow returned to a Bane-controlled Gotham after climbing out of a prison on the other side of the planet without his gear, money, or any logical explanation

Holds record for largest rogues gallery for a DC superhero and always comes out on top

Is quiet enough to sneak away from Superman, despite Superman's absurd super-senses.

It is very good faking heart failures. Even Superman was fooled, again despite his senses.

Such a great singer, it drove Circe and Zatanna to tears

To been the super heroes with more assistants in the history of comics, among those are; Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne, Carrie Kelly, and even had animals as assistants, among those are; Ace the Bat-hound and Batcow (Yes, this last is real)

Forbes Magazine declared Batman to have a net-worth of $9.2 Billion: making him the second richest non-political comic book character (behind Ironman)

Gained superpowers on multiple occasions: all temporarily.

This includes multiple lantern rings

As The Batman who laughs, was able to kill almost all the Justice League


Has no superpowers and is still 100% human

Armor is lightweight and so has clear limitations.

Armor cannot stop high caliber gunfire or large knives

Majority of his weapons are specifically designed to be non-lethal.

Has to be rescued more than any other Justice League member

He himself admits that his endless crusade to protect the innocent can be used against him, such as taking hostages especially those close to him

Possible Psychopath?

Barely keeps his mental stability in check due to witnessing his parents die

Potential pedophile? (looking at you Robin and Batgirl)

Overly obsessive with 'Bat Themes'.

Becomes aggressive and bloodthirsty when he gains super powers

Is inconsistent with his 'no killing' rule and recently with his 'no guns' rule.

Golden-Age Batman was incredibly violent; in his first appearance, he punched a man into a tank of acid with no regrets.

Even passed this on to Robin; in the Boy Wonder's first appearance, he used Batman's training to throw a man off a building

Almost killed the Riddler had the Joker not intervened

Batman admits that allowing his villains to live probably is doing more harm than good.

Batman admits that his mental instability is so severe that he fears turning into a Punisher-esque serial killer if he breaks his 'no killing rule'.

Some guilt over Jason Todd's apparent death and return as the Red Hood.

Won't kill somebody if their mom is named Martha, even if he's been training to kill them and making special weapons for a long time.

Shark Repellent doesn't work or apply in 99.99% of the situations that he's in.

Highly paranoid and distrustful of others even if they are allies

Least trusted and trusting member of the Justice League; sometimes leaving the group entirely.

Creates contingency plans to take out members of the Justice League, his own team mates

Too stubborn to allow allies to help him...which almost never ends well

For a time he was addicted to a drug that gave him super strength

Normally requires weakness exploitation or traps to defeat superhumans.

Was caught DWI

His will was broken by Deacon Blackfire

Has frequently been cornered and sometimes defeated by Gotham villains; the majority of whom have little to no actual powers.

Handily defeated by Deathstroke

Nightwing beats the crap out of Batman to prove he's not his boy

Most other heroes that he has defeated were able to defeat Batman in other match ups.

Contrary to popular belief; Superman has defeated Batman the majority of the time.

Superman destroyed the Justice Buster: despite the machine exploiting Superman's weakness to red sunlight radiation.

Wonder Woman defeated him fair and square, and Batman even admits she's the better fighter

Defeated by Swamp Thing numerous times even when he had prep time

Hal Jordan one shots Batman with a punch

Aquaman chokeholds Batman

He was tortured and murdered an endless number of times by The Joker as this was the Emperor Joker


Fighting Techniques

After-Image [Zanzouken]



Rock, Scissors, 'N' Paper [Janken]

Fist Shockwave

Fist of Eight Hands [Hasshu-ken]

Ki Attacks

Ki Blast

Destructo Disk [Kienzan]

Solar Flare [Taiyo-ken]

Ki Barrier

Kiai Cannon

Spirit Bomb [Genki Dama]

Physical Abilities

Can move Faster than Light (Kept up with Beerus, whose speed is at least 3/4s that of Whis', being that he flew to a planet at 3/4s the speed of Whis, and that calc revealed he was way faster)

Superhuman Physique

Martial Arts Master

Able to create After Images (As Kid Goku, he was able to do it)

Zenkai (Gets back stronger after recovering from nearly fatal injuries, courtesy of being a Saiyan.)

Mental abilities

These are possibly the least known capabilities of Goku.

To be a master in the martial arts, it is necessary to find peace of mind by various trainings such as meditation and concentration


Power Pole


Extends & contracts on command

Limitless reach

Flying Nimbus

Flies at Mach 1.5 (According to Daizenshuu)

Exclusive to people with a pure heart

Senzu Beans

Instantly heals wounds & broken bones

Restores Ki

Stored in a belt pouch

Sometimes carried by Krillin.

Powers and Abilities

Instant Transmission: Goku concentrates, then teleports. However, this can be used rapidly to confuse the opponent, or in a pinch. It should be well noted Instant Transmission is an actual teleportation technique.

Ki Manipulation

Can resist to time skip (depending on how much limit increase to surpass)


Notable abilities of Goku

Ki Blast: The most basic energy wave.

Invisible Eye Blast: Shoots an invisible blast of Ki out of his eyes.

Kaio-Ken: Power Boost technique that allows Goku to increase his stats up to 20x.

Destructo Disc: The user concentrates Ki into the form of a razor sharp disc, and is hurled at the target to slice them.

Kamehameha: In spite of being invented by Master Roshi, this is Goku's most famous move. He fires a massive beam of Ki, and Goku has invented several more forms of Kamehameha:

Standard Kamehameha

Jet Kamehameha: Kamehameha directed at the ground, which propells the user through the air.

Bending Kamehameha: A Kamehameha that allows the user to change the course of the attack, allowing them to surprise the opponent.

Feet Kamehameha: The Standard Kamehameha, albeit fired from the feet.

Super Kamehameha: A more powerful version of the normal Kamehameha. It also includes multiple sub variants, such as the True Kamehameha, a far more powerful version.

Kaio-ken Kamehameha: A Kamehameha enchanced by Kaio Ken (power is multiplied depending on Kaio Ken, so if its Kaio Ken x20, then the Kamehameha becomes 20x more powerful, and etc.), which (at that time) was able to negate Vegeta's (Who at the time was planet level) Galick Gun in the Saiyan Saga, which was going to blow up Earth

Double Kamehameha: One kamehameha wave bursts forth from each hand.

Twin Dragon Shot: A Kamehameha in two energy spheres, allowing guidance by user's arm movements. Goku uses this attack against Frieza.

Angry Kamehameha: Super Saiyan 1 Goku's ultimate attack, used to finish off Frieza during the Frieza Saga.

Flying Kamehameha: A Kamehameha performed while flying through the air.

Instant Kamehameha: Using Instant Transmission, Goku closes the distance between him and his opponent, then unleashes a point blank Kamehameha blast at them.

Multiple Kamehameha: A Combination Attack that occurs when two or more fighters combine their Kamehameha waves into one.

Continous Kamehameha: Rapid fire version of Kamehameha

God Form Kamehamehas:

Kamehameha Rebirth: An extremely powerful Kamehameha used by Super Saiyan God Goku.

God Kamehameha: The most powerful version of the Kamehameha. Used by Super Saiyan God Super Saian Goku, Alternatively named Burst Kamehameha.

Dash Kamehameha: A variation of the God Kamehameha used by SSGSS Goku to kill Frieza.

Kaio-ken x10 God Kamehameha: An even more powerful variation of the God Kamehameha used by Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Kaio-ken Goku during the battle with Hit in Episode 39 of DB Super.

Techniques Cont.

Solar Flare: The User discharges a blinding flash of light.

Homing Energy Wave: A Ki Blast that homes in on the target.

Spirit Bomb: A formidable attack that relies on the energy of surrounding living organisms which forms a ball of varying size and power depending on the energy given.

After Image Technique

Fusion Technique: Using a special pose, he is able to fuse with another being in order to fuse. However, it must be executed in a specific way, or else it will not work. However, this technique, in a Death Battle, is really only applicable to a Team fight.

Godly Ki: An extremely powerful form of Ki that vastly surpasses conventional Ki. It can also only be sensed by deities and a select few other beings.

The Super Saiyan

Originally thought to be of mere myth and legend, with the advent of the Frieza Saga, Goku has attained such a form, after he witnessed his best friend Krillin die at the hands of the Galactic Tyrant, Frieza.

Super Saiyan 1

Increases power 50x his base form.

Proportioned to his physical abilities, which gives him an even greater boost in strength, ki power, speed, stamina and durability.

He is able to stack Super Saiyan power multipliers with each form. So with being Super Saiyan 3, he is 400x stronger than his base form.

In this form, Goku was able to far and above outclass Frieza, who was giving him huge trouble before. He still wasn't able to defeat Goku even when he used his full power.

Super Saiyan 2

Twice as strong as a regular Super Saiyan and greatly boosts his stats.

100x stronger than his base form.

When Gohan achieved this form, he was able to make even Cell look like child's play. Everyone before struggled or died fighting him, or his Cell Jrs. Including Goku.

Super Saiyan 3

Four times stronger than a Super Saiyan 2, and also once again greatly boosts his stats.

400x stronger than his base form.

Is able to fight more evenly with Kid Buu than the previous forms.

Super Saiyan God

Multiples is unknown

Enormously surpasses even the likes of Super Saiyan 3, allowing Goku to keep up with a Beerus who was holding back, and clash with him, strong enough to create shockwaves that harms the universe (getting deadlier the longer it travels throughout, and the Earth was unharmed)

Takes some time to fully master. However, Beerus hinted at the time limit being able to be mitigated.

Unlike the other Super Saiyan forms, Super Saiyan God has a time limit, making it not a permanent tranformation.

Allows the user to regenerate from wounds.

While he can lose the form, he can retain it's power, allowing Beerus to continue to battle Beerus on equal grounds using just his base and SS1 Form.

Enables the user to possess and sense Godly Ki

Whis stated to be more superior to even Super Saiyan Blue

Super Saiyan Blue

Multiples is unknown

Achieved by going Super Saiyan while already being in Super Saiyan God mode

With Kaio Ken x10, he is able to gain an even higher increase in strength (10x) and surpass/negates Time skip

Stronger then Super Saiyan God and all previous Super Saiyan forms.

Requires Ki Control and Focus

Enables the user to possess and sense Godly Ki

It can also be used along side the Kaio-Ken due to the forms great Ki control and Focused mind

Defeated Bruce Lee

Ultra Instinct

An enlightened transformation taught to Goku by Whis.

Self-Movement Technique: Goku can automatically react to attacks without effort or thought: focusing entirely on nearly instant muscle reaction rather than brain input. This makes feints and illusions ineffective. Whis confirmed that Goku mastered this technique. He just needs to boost his power since his body does all the other work for him.

This changes Goku's skill and fighting style completely.

Piccolo claims that Goku is "constantly evolving" during this transformation; with Goku's attacks becoming faster, more powerful and more precise the longer he fights.

Is stated to make the user achieve their maximum efficiency in offense, defense, and strategy.

Goku has yet to master this new form, after about 3 minutes, it wore off.

Currently, Goku needed the energy of the Spirit Bomb to achieve this form.

Match Jiren, whose mere power was shaking the whole World of Void, an infinite realm beyond time and space. It's possible that Goku may have been able to defeat Jiren if the transformation didn't expire.

Is considered powerful by the standards of the gods of the DBZ multiverse.

Some of the lesser gods have been unable to achieve this form despite their attempts.

Goku must ignore thinking on how to attack and instead rely on instinct; otherwise, he will not control this form's power properly.

This form is exhausting and puts a great amount of strain on Goku after it expires.

Mastered Ultra Instinct

Goku's current ultimate and most powerful form.

Complete control over the Ultra Instinct ability.

Has surpassed Beerus' incomplete Ultra Instinct, however likely still cannot defeat him.

On par with Jiren.

Only activates when Goku needs it.

Despite it's amazing reflexive ability and incredible power, doesn't even last a full minute before his body is put under immense strain, eliminating any chance he has of defending himself, and costing him any fight without outside help.


Pre DBZ/DBS Goku:

Has enough skill to dodge laser blasts [3] Evades another Laser

FTE Combat Speeds

DBZ Feats:

Crossed Snakeway (1,000,000 km) in nearly 2 days or 28 Hours (Saiyan Saga)

Base form can only lift 10-40 Tons (Manga canon)

Along with Vegeta, fights Kid Buu, and finished him off at the end with a Spirit Bomb. (Note: The Video is extremely long.)

Fights Frieza. This is considered one of the LONGEST fights in Anime History.

Master the Super Saiyan form


Resists Hit's Timeskip in his fight against him with SSB Kaio Ken x10

Breaks through Hit's timeskip without the Kaio ken

SSJ1 Goku can lift less than 1000 tons, SSJ1 Vegeta (comparable to Goku) couldn't lift Magetta who weights "over 1000 tons",000+tons.png

Abused Instant Transmission against Beerus, an opponent way stronger than him, who was holding back at the time, then blasts him with a Kamehameha

Is able to keep up with a Beerus who isn't using their full power in a fight (70%), more so due to his God forms. He and Beeru's clashes created shockwaves that can harm the universe and gets deadlier the further the travels through out (depends on limited range). Stated by Whis, that even he can't do anything about it. Beerus is a guy who can also extremely casually and without using his full strength, merely tap his fingertip with using ki (not physically), and blew up half a planet. Beerus also made SS3 Goku, Gohan, Gotenks, Majin Buu, and a going all out SS2 Vegeta all look like child's play.

With the Super Saiyan God Form, he created shockwaves that can destroy the Universe when he clashed with Beerus.

Fights Beerus twice

Fought and defeated Golden Frieza (though he did had help from Vegeta)

Befriended the Omni-King

Over powered Zamasu and Goku Black (enraged) for a short time after hearing they killed Chi-Chi and Goten

Defeated Hit without Super Saiyan God Kaio-Ken

Punched beerus so hard he almost destroyed the universe

Nullifying energy capable of destroying universes with his punch

Brought himself back to life after being killed by Hit using a ki blast to restart his heart

Managed to easily control his body without even thinking allowing him to move and fight extremely fast.

Made Jiren, who was serious and insanely strong, gasp in pain after being kneed

Beaten Jiren and with Frieza and Android 17's help, won the tournament and in the process, saved the entire Universe 


As absurd as his power is: Goku's strength, speed, ki power and durability still has limitations and Goku has been overpowered multiple times. Even in his newest forms and powerlevels; Goku still faces characters capable of overpowering him.

Killed multiple times;

Killed by Piccolo (to finish off Raditz)

Can be killed by planet-busting attacks. (Up to late DBZ)

Killed by Cell's self-destruction (in order to save the Earth from being destroyed)

Killed by Hit (but revived himself using his ki blast).

Vulnerable to stabbing or piercing attacks

Sobret's Bad Ring Laser almost killed Goku (he was heavily suppressed and in base form).

Goku's strength, while impressive, is not as absurd as his ki attacks

Limited amount of Ki.

At the end of his duel against Kid Buu, Goku needed the Dragonballs in order to restore his energy. Without the wish, he couldn't even go to SSJ1.

The Super Forms and signature Ki Attacks drain his Ki.

Certain transformations and ki abilities can damage his body if used for too long.

Sometimes uses these techniques very recklessly and they end up damaging him (mainly the SSB Kaioken x10 vs Hit)

Will avoid unfair advantages, preferring and enjoying a fair fight. May be a bit too forgiving.

Allowed Frieza to go at his full power

Gave Cell a Senzu Bean

Can't breathe in space (limited oxygen)

Lacks a formal education and is academically weak. Despite his knowledge of martial arts and tactics; overall Goku is an idiot.

Goku accidentally killed King Kai by teleporting Cell (who was self-destructing) to Kai's Planet. Goku needed to move Cell away to save the Earth and couldn't think of anywhere else to go to.

Can be tricked or outsmarted by clever opponents

Despite his power; has a fear of needles

Can still suffer from diseases.

In the Future Trunks timeline, Goku dies from a Heart Virus. In the normal canon, this same Virus almost led Goku to lose against the physically inferior Android 19.

Goku cannot sense enemies who are hiding their ki, do not produce ki or use artificial ki (like robots).

Many of his techniques are not originally his own

Contrary to popular belief, the destructo-disc cannot cut through everything.

Transformations puts a huge strain on his body

Cannot last through an entire minute in Mastered Ultra Instinct as the form puts a huge strain on his body

Eliminated himself in order to beat Jiren

Before the fight, let's all wish Batmandude18 a happy birthday


Night, Abandoned Mansion.

In the dark stormy night, thunder cracks across the sky as rain pours endlessly.

The shining bright light of the Bat Signal shines across the sky, signalling a declaration of war.

Batman stood facing the sky, his entire body donning a huge mass of armour.


As lightning cracks across the sky, a tall man cladded in a blue and orange gi stares down at him.

He is Goku and he has accepted the challenge.

Batman stares defiantly at Goku and he said.

Batman: You wanted me....


As Goku lands on the ground, Batman spreads his armsout confidently and he concludes his sentence.

Batman: ....Well here I am.

Goku steps towards Batman, saying.

Goku: I'm not sure I want to fight you though. Are you sure you are.....


Goku heard a tapping noise and all of a sudden, he heard a whirling noise in front of him.



Several turrets began aiming at Goku before opening fire at him.

BANG!!!! BANG!!!! BANG!!!! BANG!!!!

Goku: ARGHHH!!!!

Goku screams out in agony as he felt the bullets piercing into his skin.

Batman draws out an explosive batarang and he throws it at Goku.

However, right before the batarang could even reach Goku, Goku pushes his hands off and he lets out a bloodcurling scream.


The batarang explodes into nothingness as Goku lets out a loud scream, unleashing a powerful golden aura.

Goku: AHHHHJH!!!!


Batman stares at Goku in shock.

Batman: What?!

Goku has grown slightly muscular and his hair and iris colour has changed, turning from black to green and gold.

Goku has turned into a Super Saiyan.


Before Batman could even react, Goku flee forward at Super Speed, startling Batman.

Goku throws one hard punch right into Batman's face, sending the Caped Crusader tumbling back.


Batman: Ahhh...

As Batman groans in agony, Goku looks down and he said to Batman.

Goku: I can tell just by looking, you can't beat me.

However, Batman suddenly tosses a bola right at Goku, wrapping it around his legs.


Goku: WHOAAA!!!!

Goku screams out as he flies up into the air, almost tripping from the attack.

As Goku is up in the air, Batman pushes himself up and he sprints forward before jumping up.

Goku turns just as Batman swung a hook across his face, striking him in the left cheek.


Goku: Argh!!!

Batman spun around and he throws an uppercut.


As Goku falls back, he lands right onto his right palm before spinning himself upwards.

Just as Batman closes in, Goku threw his legs right into Batman, striking him right in the chest.


Batman: ARGHH!!!!

Batman flies across the air before crashing into a generator.



Goku swung his legs outwards, snapping himself free from the bolas before flying towards Batman's position.

Realizing that Goku is closing in, Batman lifts his arms up and he taps a button on his wrist.



Almost immediately, Goku heard a loud zooming sound from the sky, causing him to look up.

The batcopter flies through the air before flying downwards, facing Goku.

Computer: Target locked.

As the targetting system is ready, the Batcopter began firing a barrage of heat seeking missiles right towards Goku.


Goku narrows his eyes and he flies up, dodging an exploding missile.


As the other missiles flies towards him, Goku then unleashes another burst of aura, transforming once again.


Goku has turned into a Super Saiyan 2!

Goku points his hands forward and he began firing several ki blasts at the missiles.

Goku: Hah!

PIU!!! PIU!!! PIU!!!

BOOM!!! BOOM!!! BOOM!!!!

Missiles went off in an explosion upon making contact with the ki blasts.

As Goku destroys the last missile, all of a sudden, he felt a powerful and burning blast strike him from the back.



Goku: AHHHH!!!!

Goku screams out in pain as he shuts his eyes, his back singing from the attack.

Goku spun around and he saw the Batcopter opening fire at him.


Goku swerves across the air, dodging the bullets before summoning an energy disc from his palm.

Goku: Destructo Disc!

Goku launches the Destructo Disc right at the Batcopter.


The Destructo Disc flew across the wing, successfully disabling the Batcopter as it begins to fall.


The Batcopter went off in a massive explosion, briefly turning the night into day.

As Goku watches the explosion dies down, all of a sudden, he felt something explode from behind his back, causing him to scream.


Goku: WHOAAA!!!!

Goku falls down from the sky and he crashes onto the ground.


Goku: Ngn!

As Goku pushes himself up, without warning, he felt something metallic strike him against his cheek.


Goku: Argh!!!!

Goku looks up and his eyes widens as he lay eyes on a hulking black mecha.

Batman has brought out the Batbot!


Batman narrows his eyes and he said to Goku.

Batman: You're going down.


The Batbot swung back it's arm before throwing a punch.

Goku clenches his fist and he throws a punch at the Batbot.


As their fists collides, the sheer impact of the collision created a massive shockwave, causing the glass of the Bat Signal to shatter.


Goku swung up his leg, throwing a kick right into the Batbot.


Goku swung around before launching a ki blast from his palm, causing it to explode right into the mecha's faceplate.


However, the Batbot simply launches itsekf forward and it throws a punch, striking right across Goku's cheek.


Goku face contorts as he falls back from the attack.

The Batbot lifts up it's foot before slamming it down, stomping right into Goku's face.


However, Goku lets out a loud scream as he unleashes another powerful burst of aura.



Goku's hair began growing longer as his muscle mass expands.

The Batbot backs away just as Goku unleashes a powerful explosive aura.

Goku: HAHHHHH!!!!


Goku has transformed again but this time, he looks different.

Unlike the Super Saiyan 2, this transformation has longer hair flowing past his waist level.

His muscle mass has grown and his eye brows has disappeared.

Goku has transformed into a Super Saiyan 3!

Goku narrows his eyes and he questions Batman with a smirk.

Goku: So what do you think? This is called a Super Saiyan 3.

Batman narrows his eyes and he spoke from within the Batbot.

Batman: Your hair length may have grown but you will still lose.

The Batbot throws a punch at Goku.


However, Goku disappears instantly, teleporting himself away from the attack.

As the Batbot looks back and forth, suddenly something struck it from the back.


As the Batbot stumbles forward, Goku charges up his signature attack.

Goku: KA....ME...HA....ME....

Just as the Batbot regains it's footing, Goku launches a powerful Kame Hame Ha at the mecha.

Goku: HAAAAAAA!!!!


The Kame Hame Ha flies right towards the Batbot, striking it right from the back.


The Batbot's armour tore itself away as the blast incinerates it's systems.

Within minutes, the Batbot went off in a massive explosion.


Goku watches the explosion dies down before he breathes a sigh of relief.

Goku: Whew!

Goku instantly reverts back into his base form, his muscle mass shrinking and his hair returning to his standard short and black hair.

Goku stares at the explosion and he chuckles.

Goku: Whoops! Looks like I over did it there!

How wrong he was.

Without warning, something exploded from behind Goku's back, causing him to scream out in pain.

Goku: AHHHHH!!!!

Goku stumbles forward and he turns around.

An armoured vehicle stood behind Goku, it's array of weapons pointing at him.

Goku then began to compliment Batman.

Goku: I'm impressed. Even Krillin hasn't lasted that long.

Author's note: Krillin is not weaker than Batman. Goku only said that because Batman was surprisingly able to last longer in a fight without super powers while Krillin has been beaten down by Goku instantly

Goky's eyes widens as he heard Batman's voice saying.

Batman: You underestimate your opponents too much


Without warning, Goku heard a spraying sound from behind.

Green gas began flying into Goku's nostrils, causing his head to swim.

Goku grunts and he questions.

Goku: How? I didn't even sense you.

Batman steps out and he stares down at Goku, cladded in his Spectrum Suit.

Batman: My Spectrum Suit. Hides my presence.

As Goku's head began to swim, Batman pulls Goku up before throwing a punch, striking Goku from across the face.


Batman then throws another punch.


As Batman prepares to throw a third punch, all of a sudden, Goku brought his hand up, catching Batman's fist in mid punch.

Batman: What?!

Goku looks up at Batman and he lets out a loud scream.

Goku: HAHHHHHH!!!!

Goku's body began flowing with red aura as Goku unleashes a powerful fiery burst of energy.


Before Batman could comprehend what was happening, he felt a fist strike him in the face.


Batman: ARGHHHH!!!!

Batman screams out as he was sent flying backwards, crashing back first into the Batmobile.


As Batman collapses onto the ground, Goku stares at him, his eyes and hair now crimson in colour.

Goku is now a Super Saiyan God!

Batman grabs his Spectrum Suit and he tore it off, stripping away the armour until he is left with nothing but a black armoured suit.

Batman is now in his Insider Suit.

Goku said to him.

Goku: Your suits will not match a Super Saiyan God.


Goku launches himself forward, a red fiery aura engulfing his entire body.

Thanks to the Speed Force within the Insider Suit, Batman spun around, narrowingly dodging Goku's attack.

Goku's eyes widens as Batman swung his elbow back, striking Goku from the back of his head.


Goku stumbles forward just as Batman grabs him, pulling him closer.

Batman throws a punch right across Goku's cheek.


However, Goku swung his head forward, slamming it right into Batman's head.


Goku then grabs Batman and he flies up into the air, taking the Caped Crusader with him.

Up in the air

As Goku flies up, Batman swung his head downwards, slamming his forehead right into Goku's.


Goku: Argh!!!!

Goku screams out and he throws Batman into the air.

As Batman flies up, Goku suddenly disappears from sight.


Before Batman knew it, Goku suddenlt appeared from above and he fires a ki blast, sending Batman flying downwards.


Batman falls from the sky before crashing onto the ground.


Batman: ARGH!!!!

Batman screams out as he lies back flat on the ground.

As he pushes himself up, Batman throws a batarang at Goku before limping towards the mansion.

As the batarangs closes in, Goku swung his arm across, deflecting the batarangs aside.


Goku narrows his eyes and he flies down, persuing Batman.


Goku lands on the ground and he walks towards the mansion.

Goku: You can't run!

Goku calls out.

As Goku reaches the door of the mansion, just then, something hard and metallic strikea him right in the face


Goku: AHHHHH!!!!

Goku screams out as he stumbles back from the attack.

As Goku stumbles back, the giant mecha sprints forward, slamming right into Goku.


Goku falls onto the ground, gritting his teeth.

Goku pushes himself up and his eyes widens in disbelief.

Goku: How?

Goku found himself facing a rather large bulking mecha.

Unlike the Batbot, the mecha is much larger and has stronger armour.

Batman is now in the Justice Buster!

Goku launches a ki blast at the Justice Buster, causing it to explode.


But to his horror, the Justice Buster walks right through the attack, barely fazed by it.

Goku: way!

As Goku watches in disbelief, the Justice Buster throws an uppercut, striking Goku right in the gut.


Goku: ARGHHHH!!!

Goku coughs out as he felt the sheer impact ring across his body.

The Justice Buster clenches it's fist and it throws another punch, striking right across Goku's face.


As Goku was sent flying back, the Justice Buster throws a downward punch, slamming Goky onto the floor.


The Justice Buster then reaches down, grabbing Goku by the head before lifting him up.

As it releases it's grip, the Justice Buster throws a punch, striking Goku right in the gut.


Goku: AHHHHHH!!!!

Goku screams out as he was sent flying back fron the attack.

Just as Goku halts in midair, he glares at the Justice Buster and he questions himself.

Goku: What kind of machine is that?

As the Justice Buster readies itself, Goku said to himself.

Goku: Looks like I can't hold back now. AHHHHHHHH!!!!

Goku screams out as he unleashes a powerful blue aura, his hair flying up and switching from red to blue.

Goku has turned into a Super Saiyan Blue!

Goku launches himself forward and he slams into the Justice Buster.


The Justice Buster caught Goku by his fists and it pushes forward, wrestling against him.

Goku grits his teeth and he swung himself up before throwing a kick.


The Justice Buster staggers back as Goku backflips in the air.

PIU!!!! PIU!!! PIU!!!!

Goku launches a barrage of ki blasts at the Justice Buster, causing it to explode.



The Justice Buster swung ut's arm across, swatting away the smoke forming from the explosion.

Goku launches himself forward and he throws a kick.


The Justice Buster blocks the attack before throwing a punch at Goku.


Goku swung up his leg, shielding himself from the attack.


Goku then delivers an upward kick, kicking the arm upwards before charging up his signature attack.

Goku: Kame Hame Ha!

Goku launches a Kame Hame Ha at the Justice Buster, causing a massive explosion.


Goku pants in exhaustion and he jumps back just as the Justice Buster swung it's arms out, swatting away the smoke.

Goku: No way! How is that thing even that strong?

Batman said to Goku within the Justice Buster.

Batman: The Justice Buster is designed to tank attacks such as yours. You're gonna need more than muscles to destroy it.

Just then, Goku's mouth twisted into a smile and he agrees.

Goku: You're right.

Batman froze as Goku explains.

Goku: Since I can't go against that in my current power, I must push myself further.

Goku clenches his fist and he screams out.



A red aura envelops around Goku as his strength and power increases drastically.


The Justice Buster grabs a huge boulder on the ground and it throws it at Goku.

However, Goku straight up throws a punch at the rock.


The rock cracks before it explodes into smaller chunks of rocks.

Goku launches himsekf forward and he throws a punch right across the Justice Buster.


Goku then delivers a kick.


Then Goku throws a barrage of punches at the mecha, pushing it back.


The Justice Buster shields itself as each punch sends it scratching back.

Goku then throws one powerful punch.


The sheer impact of the punch sends the Justice Buster tumbling back.


As the Justice Buster rises up, Goku began charging up his signature attack.


Goku launches a powerful Kame Hame Ha wave at the Justice Buster.

As the Justice Buster swerves to the side, the blast struck it by the side, causing it to go off in a massive explosion.


The Justice Buster falls towards it's left before collapsing onto the ground.


Goku stares at the fallen mecha, panting in exhaustion.

The Kaio Ken technique is draining Goku's stamina.

Goku then flies up towards the Justice Buster and he said to it.

Goku: You fought hard but it looks like I won this round.

However, without warning, the Justice Buster suddenly throws it's arm out, wrapping it's fingers around Goku's leg.

Goku: Huh?!

The Justice Buster then swung him downwards, slamming Goku right into the ground.


Goku: ARGH!!!!

The Justice Buster then throws up a kick.


As Goku was sent flying up into the air, Batman then activates his Batmobile.

Beep! Beep!


The Batmobile launches itself off the roof of the building and it slams into Goku, causing a huge massive explosion.


The explosion blazes across the land, brightening the dark plains.

Batman watches from within the Justice Buster.

In the midst of the blazing inferno, Goku stood on his place, paralyzed in pain before falling forward.


Batman sighs to himself and he said.

Batman: I won.

However, the fight is still far from over.


A white energy began enveloping around Goku as the Saiyan pushes himself up.

Goku then looks up, his clothes singed from the explosion and scars are all over his body.

Goku's iris shines white as he faces Batman.

Goku is now in the state of Ultra Instinct!

The Justice Buster sprints forward and it throws a punch.


However, Goku spun around, dodging the attack at incredible speed before throwing a kick.


The kick struck the Justice Buster, sending it flying forward.


Goku's hair shines white as he rose up in his transformation state, ready to finish the fight once and for all.

Goku is now in the state of Mastered Ultra Instinct!

Ksh! Ksh! Ksh!

Goku moves across the plains gracefully, diving back and forth before launching a powerful ki blast at the Justice Buster.

Goku: HAAAAA!!!!!


The blast flies towards the Justice Buster, causing the entire machine to go off in a massive explosion.


Goku then dives towards the flames, flying through the fiery inferno before swinging his hand downwards, picking up Batman.



Goku then drops Batman onto the ground and he stares down at him.

Batman: Ngn.

Batman grunts as he struggles to push himself up.

Goku however, places his foot over his chest, holding Batman down.

Goku: It's over.

Goku then opens up his palm and he charges up a ki blast before aiming it at Batman.

Just as he was about to launch the attack, all of a sudden, Batman tosses the Bind of Viel over Goku's neck, startling him.

Goku: What?!

As Batman pulls down the rope, tightening it, Goku suddenly stood frozen in place, not moving a muscles.

The Binds of Viel has hyponotized Goku!

With Goku frozen in place, Batman pushes himself up and he quickly sprints towards the mansion.

Inside Goku's mind

Goku's eyes opens up and he found himself floating in a dark void.

Confused, Goku questions himself.

Goku: Where am I?

As Goku looks around, all of a sudden, a ki blast flies out of nowhere, flying right towards Goku.


Goku swats the ki blast aside and he turns back.

What he saw causes his eyes to widen in horror.

Goku found himself staring at what looks like......himself.

Goku: Who are you? Why do you look like me?

Goku questions the doppleganger.

The clone did not answer, instead it launches itself forward and it throws a punch.

Goku swerves his head back, dodging the blow before throwing a kick.

As the clone ducks underneath, both Goku and the clone flies across the void, exchanging blows with each other.



As Goku stood frozen for a second, all of a sudden, he lets out a loud agonizing scream.

Goku: Haugh!!!!

Goku fell forward and he lands right onto his knees.



Almost immediately, Goku's Ultra Instinct aura vanishes and Goku grunts in agony.

Goku: Ngn! Wuh....what's

Batman: You're weakening.

Goku looks up and he saw Batman approaching him.

This time, Batman is cladded in a demonic looking armour.

Batman is now in his Hellbat suit!

Goku questions Batman.

Goku: How? How are you able to.....outsmart me?

Batman: Because as strong as you are, you let your guard down too much.


Batman swung his leg upwards, kicking Goku back.

Batman then picks Goku up and he throws a left hook.


Batman then throws a punch right into Goku's stomach.


Batmn then performs a backflip, sending Goku flying backwards.



As Goku fell onto the ground, Batman then grabs Goku by the neck and he declares.

Batman: It's over.


A loud snap rings across the battlefield and Goku collapses onto the ground.


As Batman stares at Goku's corpse, he said to him.

Batman: This is for putting your entire universe and it's people at risk. Your endless lust for battle shall never put others in jeopardy again.

Batman then spun around and he walks away.


The winner is


Advantages and disadvantages



More strategic

Justice Buster is able to tank nearly everything Goku throws at him

Binds of Viel able to hyponotise Goku into getting into a virtual battle with himself, leading him to almost dying of exhaustion

Hellbat, Batbot and Justice Buster are strong enough to hurt Goku

Physically weaker

Cannot fly

Over rely on his technology




More powers

Able to fly

Has beaten opponemts stronger than Batman

Not very smart

Tends to hold back alot

Tends to let his own guard down, resulting in his downfall

As absurb as his ki is, Goku is not invulnerable to bullets and piercing weapons

Victory quote:

Batman: I'm Batman

Up Next

ALO Kirito vs SAO Kirito vs GGO Kirito

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