Android 21 vs Metal Sonic

Requested by MLPFan001

Androids, some of the most deadliest creations in the future. And these two power hungry androids will literally do anything to kill their enemies.

Android 21

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Speed

Superhuman Durability

Candy Beam 

Ki Manipulation

Expert Martial Artist

Healing Factor



Great Intelligience

Majin Form

Possesses the DNA of Frieza, Cell, Majin Buu and The Z Fighters.

Possesses the Ki abilities of the aforementioned characters as well as those she has absorbed.

Absorbed Nappa, the Ginyu Force and final form Frieza

Connoisseur Cut (Copying Powers)

21 can copy the Ki moves of any opponent she touches

Can survive in space


21 can separate parts of herself off as separate people, as shown when she releases her evil hunger persona as a separate entity. However it should be noted that evil 21 took most of 21's raw power during the Fission.


Easily destroyed Android 16

Beaten and eaten Nappa, Cell, the Ginyu Force and Frieza

Defeated Cell with only half her power level

Held off Goku's Spirit Bomb with her bare hands

Her intelligience rivals that of Dr. Gero


Can still be killed if completely disintergrated

Defeated by the combined attacks of Frieza, Cell and Goku

Lost against Frieza, Cell and her good version

Both good and evil fissions of herself were destroyed by the Spirit Bomb

Metal Sonic

Chest laser

V. Maximum Overdrive

Black Shield

Ring Spark Field

Spin Attack


Knuckle Slam

Bat Guard


Chaos Control


Neo Metal Sonic

Unlocked by copying Chaos' power.

Can shapeshift and turn into a puddle.

Not much is known about this form as it never fought in battle.

Metal Madness

Unlocked by copying the powers of Team Sonic, Dark, Rose and Chaotix while as Neo Metal Sonic.

Held it's ground against Team Dark, Rose and Chaotix at the same time.

Can make himself immune to certain attacks; then alter his immunities even in-battle. He cannot combine all his immunities together however.

Can fire multiple missiles at once.

Can fire missiles that imprison foes in a forcefield.

Flamethrower arm.

Laser beams and blasts from mouth.

Metal Overlord

Metal Madness' flying/true form.

Has all the abilities of Metal Madness

Immune to all damage except for Team Super Sonic's Team Blast.

Can throw battleships with ease.

Chaos Control can freeze time for several seconds.


Top Speed: 26,844 mph | 43,201 km/hr

Created a 200 kiloton explosion

Overlord form matches Super Sonic

Conquered the Eggman Empire

Survived atmospheric re-entry

Blocked Chaos Spear & ESP

Competed in the Olympics

Shrugged of hits from the powerhouse Knuckles [2]

Fought evenly with Sonic and Shadow at the same time

Defeated Metal Sonic 3.0: which is supposed to be an improved version of Metal Sonic.


Reckless with his energy attacks. Prone to overloading himself or running out of energy 

Has frequently been defeated by Sonic despite Metal's superior abilities.

Even his giant or monstrous forms have been defeated by the Freedom Fighters.

Sonic's psychic link allows him to predict Metal's attacks and vise versa. 


Metro City

In the city of Metro City, it's a nice Friday afternoon.

FrostWing and his Waifu Android 21 strolls along the streets, having their date.

FrostWing: Man, it's a nice afternoon isn't it?

Android 21: Indeed. I'm feeling a little hungry though.

FrostWing notices an ice cream truck and he said to her.

FrostWing: I know, I'm gonna get some ice cream.

Upon hearing the word "ice cream", Android 21 smiles and she said.

Android 21: Good idea.

FrostWing: Alright, you wait here, I will be back.

FrostWing then rushes off to get the ice cream, leaving Android 21 sitting alone by herself on a bench.

As Android 21 is alone, little does she know that two figures are watching her from behind.

Behind a tree

Dr. Myuu and Dr. Gero peers from behind a tree and Dr. Myuu questions.

Dr. Myuu: Is she the one?

Dr. Gero: Yes. My dear sweet wife.

Dr. Myuu looks behind Dr. Gero and upon noticing the object behind him, he questions.

Dr. Myuu: What's that?

Dr. Gero turns and he answers.

Dr. Gero: Oh. An android I bought from a man named Eggman.

Dr. Myuu: For how much?

Dr. Gero narrows his eyes as memories of him handing over his entire bank account worth of money to Dr. Eggman flashes in his mind.

Dr. Gero: Doesn't matter, I'm going out there to tear off a piece of her tail and when I give the signal, activate the android.

Dr. Myuu: Got it.

With everything set, Dr. Gero rushes out to execute the plan.

Park bench

As Android 21 smiles sweetly at a hummingbird, just then, she heard a familiar voice from behind.

Dr. Gero: Hey dear.

Android 21 spun around and she gasps in shock.

Just then, FrostWing enters holding two ice cream cones.

FrostWing: Hey 21, I just bought us some ice.....

FrostWing froze as he saw Android 21 staring at Dr. Gero.

FrostWing: 21?

Android 21 didn't answer, she stares at him dumbfounded and she said.

Android 21: Dear.....

Dr. Gero: Why yes. It's me honey.

FrostWing: Hang on, what's going on?

Android 21 didn't answer.

Instead, she questions the doctor.

Android 21: What are you doing here?

Dr. Gero: Well, I just.....kinda miss ya.

Android 21 suddenly wraps her arms around Dr. Gero, crying out.

Android 21: Oh dear! I miss you!

Dr. Gero: I miss you too....

Without warning, Dr. Gero wrapped his fingers around Android 21's tail, startling her.

Android 21 looks and she questions.

Android 21: Gero?

Without warning, Dr. Gero swung his arms outwards and a loud shredding sound tore across the air.


Android 21: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Android 21 screams out in agony as she backs away.

Dr. Gero held up her still wriggling tail and he thanked her.

Dr. Gero: Thank you for the tail my dear sweet wife.

Angered, FrostWing launches himself right towards him.

FrostWing: You monster!

Dr. Gero smirks and he jumps up, dodging FrostWing's punch.

FrostWing: What?!


FrostWing and Android 21 looks just as Dr. Gero lands on the ground, smirking at them.

Dr. Gero: Metal Sonic.

Without warning, something flew across both FrostWing and Android 21, striking them from the back.


FrostWing and 21: ARGHHHHHH!!!!

Both FrostWing and Android 21 screams out as the two falls forward onto the ground.


As the two lands on the ground, Dr. Gero flies away from the two, leaving the scene.

FrostWing: Ngnnn....

FrostWing grunts in pain as he pushes himself up before turning to Android 21, questioning her.

FrostWing: Are you alright 21?

Android 21 didn't answer.

Instead, she began screaming out loud.



FrostWing grits his teeth as Android 21 unleashes a powerful dark aura, blasting him back.

To his horror, FrostWing watches in shock as a loud shredding sound tore across the air.


FrostWing widens his eyes as Android 21 falls onto the ground, unconscious.

But as FrostWing looks at the figure standing over her, questions overflows through his head.

FrostWing: Hold on a sec, that's 21? But how can that be? Isn't she right here?

The other Android 21 turns to Metal Sonic and she laughs out maniacally.

Android 21: Ah ha ha ha ha ha! You look delicious! 

Metal Sonic turns just as Android 21 jumps out, grinning menacingly at him.

Android 21: Time to make some candy!


Android 21 swoops forward and she launches a Candy Beam right at Metal Sonic.


However, Metal Sonic jumps over the attack and he throws a kick right into her face.


Android 21: ARGHHH!!!!

Android 21 grunts as Metal Sonic curls into a ball before slamming right into her.


Android 21: AHHHHH!!!!

Android 21 screams out as she was sent tumbling back from the attack.


Android 21 scratches across the floor and she looks up just as Metal Sonic lunges at her.


Android 21 spun around, swinging her tail across the android.

As Metal Sonic is sent flying up, Android 21 jumps up and she began throwing out a combination of punches and kicks at him.

WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!!

Android 21 points her palm at him and she launches a ki blast right at him.


Metal Sonic: Ngn!

Metal Sonic screams out as he crashes onto the ground.



Android 21 lands on the ground and she spat at him.

Android 21: Humphh!! Pathetic.

Metal Sonic jumps up and he said to her.

Metal Sonic: You shall perish.


Metal Sonic activates his chest laser and he fires right at her.


Android 21 flies up, dodging the attack.

However, Metal Sonic pulls out the Chaos Emeralds, causing them to fly around him.


The Emeralds rotates around him before glowing brightly, activating Chaos Control.

Android 21: Hm. Interesting.

Android 21 remarks as she watches Metal Sonic jumps out.

This time, Metal Sonic looks diffferent than before.

His spines are longer along with a black cape like aspandages around him.

Metal Sonic has transformed into Neo Metal Sonic.

Neo Metal Sonic turns to her and he said.

Neo Metal Sonic: You now face Neo Metal Sonic.

Android 21: Tch. Transformation or not, I will still eat you!


Android 21 charges up her candy beam and she launches it at Metal Sonic Neo.

However, Neo Metal Sonic did something unexpected.


Neo Metal Sonic's body began liquifying itself, pooling onto the floor while narrowingly dodging the attack.


Neo Metal Sonic slides across the ground before jumping upwards, throwing a hook across Android 21's cheek.


Android 21: ARGHHHHH!!!!

Android 21 screams out as she was sent flying back from the attack.

Metal Sonic activates his rocket and he launches it at her.


Android 21 looks up and she gasps in shock just as the rocket struck her, creating a massive explosion.



Android 21 swoops out of the smoke and she throws a punch, striking right Neo Metal Sonic right in the face.


Android 21 then throws out her palms, grabbing Neo Metal Sonic by the leg before throwing him right into the ground.


A massive crater forms on the ground just as Metal Sonic slams backfirst onto the ground.

Android 21: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

BAM!!! BAM!!! BAM!!!

Android 21 laughs out as she throws punch after punch right into Metal Sonic, striking him repeatly.

As Android 21 throws another punch, Metal Sonic looks up and he activates his shield, shielding himself from the punch.


Android 21 : What?!

Metal Sonic deactivates his shield and he points his arms at her, emitting a huge stream of fire.


Android 21: ARGHHHH!!!!

Metal Sonic curls up into a ball before launching himself forward, slamming into her.


Android 21: GAHHHHH!!!!

Android 21 screams out as she was sent tumbling back from the attack.

Metal Sonic began chuckling evily at her.

Metal Sonic: Heh heh heh! Now you shall face my wrath.


Metal Sonic began glowing brightly, a blinding bright light flashing across the area.

Elsewhere, the good Android 21's eyes opens and she looks up, questioning.

Android 21: What's going on?

FrostWing looks at her and he said in relief.

FrostWing: 21! Oh, so glad you're alright.

Android 21: What happened? And is

FrostWing stares at the battle across and he said to her.

FrostWing: It's.....complicated.

Both Android 21 and FrostWing watches as Metal Sonic began transforming again.

Metal Sonic's size began growing as his body evolves, growing into a huge massive dragonic cyborg.

Android 21 narrows her eyes as Metal Sonic glares down at her.

Metal Sonic is now Metal Overlord!

Metal Overlord: You shall feel my power!


Metal Overlord began charging up a huge plasma from his mouth before launching it right at her.


Android 21 widens her eyes in sheer horror as the blast struck her, causing her to scream out.

Android 21: HAUGHHHHHH!!!!

The Bio Android flies back as she felt her entire body disintergrating before letting out a massive explosion.


FrostWing grabs Android 21 and he launches himself backwards, carrying her to safety.

As the smoke clears, revealing a huge massive crater on the ground, Metal Overlord began chuckling out evily.

Metal Overlord: Heh heh heh heh heh!

However, without warning, something struck Metal Overlord by the back, causing it to explode.


Metal Overlord: ARGHHHH!!!!

Metal Overlord turns and he widens his eyes in horror.

Metal Overlord: What?!

To his horror, Android 21 flies up over him, licking her lips.

Android 21: This has gone on long enough. I shall eat you right here!

However, Metal Sonic launches a missile right at Android 21.

Android 21 simply smirks as the missile explodes around her, causing a massive explosion.


As the smoke clears, Android 21 cackles evily and she questions.

Android 21: Is that all you can do?

Android 21 points her finger at Metal Overlord and she fires a ki blast.


However, without warning, the blast struck onto an invisible field, causing the ki blast to explode right in front of Android 21.


Android 21: ARGHHHHHH!!!!!

Android 21 looks up and she growls angrily.

Android 21:'re gonna pay for that!


Android 21 suddenly disappears from sight before reappearing right in front of Metal Overlord.


Metal Overlord opens up his jaws and he charges up a powerful laser blast right at Android 21.


At the same time, Android 21 points her finger at the giant robot and she launches a candy beam at him.


Both blasts flies right at each other, striking right into their intended target.


The candy beam struck onto the Metal Overlord, instantly causing him to disappear.


In an instant, a cupcake floats right in Metal Overlord's place before falling from the sky.

At the same time, Android 21 widens her eyes in horror just as the blast struck her, causing her to scream out in pain.

Android 21: ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Android 21 flies back from the sheer impact of the attack, her body convulves and swells before going out in a massive explosion.


Android 21's body began disintergrating into as the heat completely incinerates her into nothingness.

The blast then flies across the sky, flying straight out of the city.


As FrostWing and Android 21 watches from below, FrostWing remarked.

FrostWing: Damn. That was intense.

Android 21 sighs to herself and she said.

Android 21: I'm so glad that evil copy of me has been repelled.

FrostWing: Yeah.

FrostWing solemnly agrees.

Just then, the Saiyan God of Destruction hybrid notices something falling from the sky.

As he opens up his hand, just then, a cupcake lands perfectly right in his palms.


FrostWing studies the cupcake.

The cupcake is has a pink and white cupcake holder with a brown crust and pink frosting over the surface, topped with coloured sprinkles and a cherry.

FrostWing turns to Android 21 and he said.

FrostWing: Hey 21.

Android 21 turns and her eyes widens in surprise.

FrostWing: I got you a cupcake.

Overwhelmed with happiness, Android 21 jumps up, hugging FrostWing tightly.

Android 21: Oh thank you! Thank you!


Android 21 then plants a kiss right at FrostWing's cheek and she said to him.

Android 21: You're the best.

FrostWing chuckles in delight as he watches Android 21 taking a bite out of the cupcake.


The winner is

Android 21

Advantages and disadvantages

Android 21



More durable

Regeneration enables her to heal from injuried


Physically weaker

Can still be destroyed

Metal Sonic



Transformations gave him the edge

Shields and speed protects him from Android 21's candy beam


Not as smart

Victory quote:

Android 21: I'll eat you too!

Up Next

Gandalf vs Dumblebore 

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